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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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- said prosecutor yachenin, your stern justice to the slaughterers is that the entire belarusian people, the people, like hundreds of thousands of their sons and dachas, shot, tortured, burned german katami, huts will suffer severe punishment! the situation in russian orenburg continues to deteriorate; a record rise in water in the ural river has already been recorded. in the city limits it reached more than 10 meters, which is not what hydraulic structures can hold. by now, water is entering the city center and threatening high-rise buildings. just the day before the suburbs of orenburg were flooded. about 8:00 people had to be evacuated. a total of 12,000 residential buildings were in the flood zone. in orsk, which
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has suffered the most from the natural disaster over the past week, the water has finally begun to recede. heavy floods affected 39 russian regions. today the arrival of large waters is expected in kurgan, where the population was warned about the risk of the tabol river overflowing its banks. instability in moldova threatens the country with collapse into a political crisis and even collapse. a sign of this is the conflict between gogauz autonomy by official chisinau. the president. sandu declared real war on the leader of the gogouzs. evgenia guzzul had flown in from moscow the day before, where she managed to negotiate the supply of cheap gas and the functioning of a money transfer system that would allow moldovans to transfer their earnings to their homeland. guzzul was detained at the airport, and then taken under escort for interrogation to chisinau. the leader of gagauzia is accused of being involved in financing the opposition party. for this she faces ten years prisons. there is a new veto of conflicts.
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southern region with the center. a few days ago, the same gutsul said that in the event of the unification of moldova with romania, gagauzia will separate from chisinau and declare itself independent. sensational details of the french president's plan to send troops to ukraine, details are published by the lemont newspaper. an article symbolically titled the transformation of macron, the dove becomes a hawk. according to the publication, the 126th regiment will go to ukraine. he is famous for having taken part in almost all colonial wars. france. he will be stationed somewhere near odessa. precisely with the possible participation of the french in the ukrainian conflict. lemon associates the recruitment of 400,000 people into the national army. this is exactly how many recruits the country’s authorities are going to put under arms. meanwhile, part of the competitions at the olympics in paris, under threat of failure, may cancel swimming in the triathlon, writes the british guardian. the fact is that the organizers failed. achieve
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efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants in paris, because of this there is still blue in the water too much feces dissolved. it is known that president macron personally promised to achieve crystal clearness of the river; he even said that he would swim before the olympics. the triathlon competitions themselves are expected at the end of july, beginning of august. benefit not only for industry, but also for private homes, wood pellets are increasingly involved in the domestic energy sector of belarus. production. such fuel pellets have been established in twenty- one forestry enterprises of the country; they can produce up to 350 thousand tons of pellets per year. so borisovsky liskhod supplies an alternative fuel for boiler houses of industrial enterprises and housing and communal services, they are also looking for new export directions. the advantage of using pillet boilers in cottage-type houses should also be supported by the regulatory act that is being prepared by the energy efficiency department of the state committee for standardization. we sent ours to the game.
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in the form of firewood, naturally, this firewood can be used not in the form of firewood, but in the form of pellets, here a fairly high level of labor is released, the productivity of boiler equipment increases, here we can say that we already have boiler equipment is produced that is automated and can produce thermal energy without the participation of personnel; in fact, this equipment is quite expensive, if compared with the cost of gas equipment, it is many times more expensive, so the state, seeing this problem, will offer a subsidy to the population. this year, in the minsk
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region alone, it is planned to build more than sixty boiler houses with a total capacity of more than 10 of them in the housing and communal services system of the central region. the two millionth electronic digital key has been issued in belarus signatures, it allows you to perform legally significant actions remotely, because it is an analogue of a handwritten signature in the digital world. and belarusians actively use such tools, given the increase in the number of electronic services, there are already more than 560 of them on a single portal of electronic services. if you look at the dynamics there, for example , the year before last we had about 76 million of all different types. electronic services, last year 126 million, that is, we see dynamics, this year the beginning of the year shows that we will significantly exceed this an indicator of 126 million electronic services, most of them require an electronic digital
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signature. the next stage is the introduction of a cloud-based electronic digital signature, which will not require any additional devices, it is planned to be launched before the end of 2025, thus... the main cryptographic documents of belarusians will be stored in a secure cloud on a state information resource. it will be possible to gain access using special protected software, an application installed on mobile phone or desktop computer. and now to the hockey battles. with a full house, the final series for the president's cup and the opponents at the decisive stage started, hardly anyone could have predicted. sixth and seventh teams. smooth season, metallurg and brest show fans really hot hockey. how did the first match turn out, who took the lead in the series. details in the story of ales chichura. the final series for the president's cup started in zhlobin with emotion, loudness and a scoring frenzy. and not
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secret, the current champion, the metallurgist is determined to draw up a golden trick. moreover, the team has all the cards in its hands. starting the decisive stage in front of the home stands... dinner there is simply no turning back, it has long been clear that the wolves have such support that it is almost impossible for anyone other than the hosts to win in zhlubina. however, the sensation of this season , the brest hockey players, do not agree with this and are ready to win in any case in the first match of the final. series, none of the teams was going to play defensively, even from the start the squads put maximum pressure on the goalkeeper against the opponent, 6 minutes after the starting throw-in they opened the scoring, thanks to the efforts of alexander podkorytov, the metallurgist took the lead, not even 50 seconds pass before
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konstantin totarenko compares the numbers on the scoreboard, but this is a gain. the goal was the only one for brest. in the second period , the home team confidently took the lead. 4:1. konstantin lukin, mikhail stefanovich and egor starkov noted. everything turned out absolutely as the coach told us. here the defense played, on the counterattack, caught, goal they scored everything. and in the final twenty minutes, sergei kuznetsov and vitaly pinchuk brought the score to a devastating 6:1 in favor of metallurg. it was a good match, they were both finished.
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we'll fix it. thus, dmitry kravchenko's boys took the lead in the series 1:0. the next match will also take place in zhlobin on friday, kick-off at 20:00. olesya chichura, telenews agency. well, sometimes the outcome of events is extremely difficult to predict, which makes our work more interesting. more news at noon. stay on the first button.
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+ 40% over 3 years belarusian industry shows growth. but not every enterprise can boast of results; let’s paint an objective picture of the industry. investment projects
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in industry, agriculture and the construction of social facilities, on the development of regions, using the example of luninets in an interview with the head of the district. in belarus , a two-million electronic digital signature certificate was issued, how digital helps in solving important issues in the second part of the program. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you, hello! hello, industrial production in belarus is increasing, but not in all positions, so, according to statistics, over 3 years we have seen a stable increase in volumes of plus 40%, we are adding in electronics, cars and trucks and combine harvesters. last year, the industry produced a record export of $6.5 billion over the last decade, although we are poorly diversifying supplies to far-flung countries. the main sales market is russia. in the twenty-third year, warehouse inventories increased by almost a quarter. to put it more clearly, 350 million rubles were lost in hangars. profit, most
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there is a difficult situation with regard to tractors, belaz, as well as refrigerators and freezers; for example, planar, integral, and belomo already have export orders not only for this year, but also partially for the next one. i’ll give you a few numbers: if in 22 we made 25 thousand cars, we lived, then last year it was almost 70, everything was sold. this year we reach a benchmark of almost 90 and with good competition it will reach 100. every year , starting from the twentieth, twenty- first, twenty-second and twenty-third, we production increased by 500 combines every year. the dynamics for maz are very good, with your support, after that meeting when you agreed to restructure the debt, we have excellent indicators for maz in the first quarter. as part of the work on import substitution , an action plan is developed annually. in
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the twenty-first year, the volume of production of import-substituting products was produced for 643 commodity items and amounted to 3.8 billion dollars, in the 22nd year for 647 items it was 5.3 billion, almost twice as high. in twenty-third year by almost 6 billion dollars. the release is predicted for the twenty-fourth year. in the amount of more than 6.1 billion dollars, industry organizations are implementing a development strategy for the short term until the twenty-fifth and long-term until the thirtieth year. the largest projects will be the modernization of production in belarus for half a billion rubles, the development of automobile production at maz, the comprehensive modernization of existing production at gomselmashi, the renewal of production capacity at the minsk bearing plant, integral and many others. by 2030
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, it is planned to develop more than 200 new models and modifications of equipment. industry institutes under the national academy of sciences should not be divorced from the needs of domestic production, the head of government is convinced of this. i once put forward this proposal. not everyone agrees with them, but scientists do not agree, and the chairman of the presidium of the academy of sciences does not agree, but it is necessary to change the structure of interaction between science and industry. we have sectoral institutes, that is, in the structure, well, there are sciences fundamental institutes, there are sectoral practical centers, as they are called, scientific and practical centers, there is agricultural mechanization, there is a united institute of mechanical engineering, why do they work in isolation from production, because in soviet times there was sectoral science that developed new solutions, technological,
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design solutions, and then transferred them to production, which would implement them, so i suggested, let us at least be in order... they say the design bureau that will work in the interests of the ministry of industry and carry out the tasks that are needed by domestic industry. belarus and russia are especially interested in the development of microelectronics and machine tool manufacturing. the prospects for cooperation were discussed at the site of the international exhibition metalworking 2024, which is taking place these days in minsk. the large-scale scientific and industrial forum brought together about 200
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participants from belarus, russia, china, israel, korea, sweden, turkey, italy and other countries. this is another possibility. enter into new cooperation projects. special the emphasis of the implementation of the investment program in industry is on the development of projects in small towns, for example, in luninets, to build a workshop for the production of dry mixtures at a local dairy plant. and the special reinforced concrete plant will very soon begin producing paving slabs. the implementation of the plans will create new jobs, but of course, this will also be an additional contribution to the district budget. in addition to industry, development is also of key importance for the region. agriculture, anton malyuta talked about everything in detail with head of the district. alexander ivanovich, you come from agriculture, how much does this help you today? in principle, what are you betting on in the development of the region and agriculture in the region? well, as far as
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agriculture helps - this is, in principle, an area in which the lunetsk region is very strong. has advanced recently, that’s what we’ll bet on, the specifics of the luninets region, the fact that in parallel the agricultural organization, state-owned, is developing, just like farming, for the last per year in the structure of gross production , farming accounts for about 40%. here is the main direction in agricultural organizations - this is, of course , livestock farming, as for farms, this is vegetable growing, which means, according to the latest data for the twenty-third year, if we take the entire territory of the country, vegetables that are grown in the lunetsk region occupy 22.5% of the structure. well, carrots are our main product, which the farm grows; about 90% of vegetables in the region are carrots grown in the lunetsk region, it would seem that everything is there to develop only agriculture, but you also don’t forget about industry, of course we don’t forget, our
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region is primarily industrial, because we have such a serious granite enterprise, there is also... the special reinforced concrete enterprise, you visited the victoria enterprise, there is an enterprise palis elektromashsky dairy plant, so our region is primarily industrial, and then agriculture. well, development plans there are some projects too, industrial ones? eat. this means that we have plans to develop the lunetsk dairy plant. today we are already seriously dealing with the issue of building a workshop for dry mixes, and a project for the production of paving slabs using special reinforced concrete is already at the final stage of implementation. yeah, well, for luninets to be called a place to live, we also need social services, how are you working on this? well, in the lunetsk region we have a place to live, so to speak, there is everything for the guys, there is an ice palace, there is a swimming pool, there are many areas for recreation our citizens, our children, teenagers, therefore, in principle, in the social sphere, in principle, we have everything, and we also
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plan to develop, we plan to develop, of course, literally within this month, at the request of our citizens, we will introduce. a skate park was put into operation in mikashevichi last year, a similar site was already launched, you yourself, as far as i know, were also born in luninets? yes, we ourselves are from luninets. why did you decide not to go to brest, to minsk, why did you stay here and develop the city? where he was born, that’s where he came in handy, first turn, probably so. well, does this attitude help? well, of course it helps. how do you see luninets there, say, in 10-15 years? how do i see luninets? well, promising. the city as a whole is a promising area, because today our youth are not so active in leaving the country, young people are working on the land today, there are enterprises where you can earn a decent salary. they start families, stay with us in the lunetsk region, this is the main, most important goal, yes, this is the main goal.


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