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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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tet, well, you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break, continue the stimulation for 2 hours, let’s go now, sergei, if we don’t have time now, dear verochka and sergei, you have lived together for 10 years, it probably seems to you that you you know each other well, well, what do you want from me, what do you want to know, but it was and was, consider it a past life, why didn’t you tell me, davern, i want to beat it out for you. whom i have always admired since my student days, seryozha, it hurts me so much, watch the series an attempt of faith on the tv channel belarus 24,
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may you love, like a flower in the field, like a young bird, who flocks above a crayfish, like a patched bird, who is alive in the wild, may you love, may you love for the song, what i hear, for the deep laughter, what frequent sign, clear principles, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear daughter, may i love you .
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russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite provocations and an attempt by the west to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polling stations, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed the unity of russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate or understand this, but this is just different. the regions that
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ukraine continues to terrorize, namely the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, broke all the stereotypes of ill-wishers, with an average turnout of more than 90%. what are your hopes for today's elections, the end of the war, the end of the war, everyone has standards everywhere identical, i simply cannot find anything here that does not correspond to generally accepted laws. in total, for the citizens of their countries, instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western props , we have another word, justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. i have a latvian name, surname and patronymic. with all its might, the western world wants to dismember us and destroy us one by one. please tell me, you have already deprived me of my citizenship. and
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it will be just a bomb in the world of art, i want to raise this iron curtain around our countries, the life of a ballet artist is very short, 20 years, when... experience comes, the jump goes away for outstanding people, when the sky opens and you are given some information , i think that you should be proud of your president, understand that he is your protection, the protection of your children, from this foam, ugliness, a modern mother is in every sense the administrator of her child. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, and today with
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your hosts are victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today we are again in moscow on the territory of the hospitable, cultural, business complex of the embassy of belarus and today our guest - we know that for our spectators the embodiment of femininity is beauty, we have been in minsk for a long time, but still i remember these tours of yours with the full house took place unchanged, and it was all the more surprising with the onset of well-known events to see such a strong
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character in a fragile lady, as you explain why such things always happen to ballet dancers at all times political attention, we can recall from nureyev to paryshnikov. all these stories, and well , you know, since we started the conversation like this, i , in turn, can’t help but say right at the beginning of our conversation with what great respect i and everyone around me treat alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, and an amazing leader, an amazing person who understands that the future of belarus is together with russia, who holds on to moral principles so tightly, i once upon a time, even before a special military operation divided us all into two camps, i i remember very well our youth, when we lived
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in soviet times, when there was what is called the iron curtain, when we looked at europe and america with delight, but then both europe and america were completely different. i remember this feeling when our father came from abroad and we opened our suitcases, this is the smell of western life, when our first tours, my first tours were to america, to europe, my god, how it all seemed somehow like you somewhere you find yourself in some kind of fairy tale, other people, others, i don’t know, these are shops, it all seemed so, so tempting and so desirable, i couldn’t have imagined it. that someday i will take the position that i want to raise this iron curtain around our countries, i want our children not to look in that direction, but because after all, life, not only the experience of my life, but the experience of the world, experience
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gives us an understanding of what all this is worth, yes, what this somehow false bait is worth. and what that desired western world has become today, there not so long ago, being in the same brussels, that's when it was my first trip to europe brussels, and i was just so horrified by what the streets of the once beautiful city were like, it was sunday, dirty papers were flying through the streets, homeless people those sleeping lived...
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lived in a soviet country, but we must not forget about this, we cannot answer this question today without understanding what country they lived in, and making a choice for themselves at that moment, it was they who probably made the right choice, although , for example, alexander godunov, of all whom, whom we are talking about now, i knew him, really, i knew him, because he lived on the same street as us in moscow, we, when we were still children... met him in the bolshoi theater recreation center in the silver bar and how -that ’s how they communicated, he was a very vulnerable, very
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talented, very special person, i think with an absolutely russian soul, and he couldn’t live there, he died very quickly, and i think that this life was simply not possible for him , and not so long ago we all, of course, witnessed watching uh. there was a conversation that we have all the time some kind of task, we have these russian meanings, a mission, maybe, yes, we have such a culture, human-oriented and... dostoevsky, who is very famous in the west as a genius of russian culture, russian
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literature, a lot about this i spoke about the russian soul, after all, western society is more pragmatic, the russian person, the russian person, he thinks more about the eternal, he thinks more about values, moral, ethical, i don’t know, maybe you won’t agree with me, but still western culture. the central novel of russian history in any case, literature, then just the first chapter, which describes the hero’s beautiful and incredible life full of pleasures, here it is, probably, this is the answer to what the russian soul is, any american would be happy, living like this ... onegin lived, yes, receptions, yes, balls, clothes, yes, beauties, pleasure, just
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pure pleasures, and the russian man, yes, he is ready to get into a noose from this well-fed life, because there is no meaning in it , probably the author, alexander sergeevich pushkin loves his hero precisely because he has this full life, here it is, it does not make him happy.
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there to the bolshoi theater, the bolshoi theater became the moscow choreographic school, from that moment on, all his aspirations were for him not even just his home, he became his last years studying in moscow, interning for him with his heart, his life, his soul, and for him, i am absolutely sure, well, it became so, for him losing the big theater in that country, in soviet reality, became tantamount. how to die, what and it happened, yes, he passed away when he was only 52 years old, but to leave the big
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theater in order to realize himself, as it were , as godunov, as a business dealer, and i think that he would not have imagined, would not have wanted this never happened, then life decreed that he had a family, there were children, and he couldn’t imagine... you dry up and you die, so my father never considered this, but the fate of my brother, who like once at the time of perestroika, when everything was still like this, life was still balancing like this, you and he signed contract in the western company in vtti, and
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for the first time this did not become a political event, and in america he was called the child of perestroika, but... dance the choreography of jiri kylian, dance the famous performances there of romeo juliet in the choreography of kenneth mcmillan, dance the choreography of robbins, balanchine, and he rushed there, and you know, it’s also absolutely amazing, he had it in his pocket, well, it’s interesting, when he tells it himself, invite him, he’ll tell it, great, he had several dozen in his pocket
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dollars, he had one chance, his friends organized a meeting for him with baryshnikov. and he came to him and said that i want to dance in your corpse, and baryshnikov was andris’s idol, as was nureyev, and this is also somehow a father, even for some reason even our mother, although a dramatic actress, but she of course , she was already a professional in ballet, for example , she told us that when our father went to watch an international competition where baryshnikov danced, he came home and cried, because he said: this is impossible, such it just doesn’t happen, this is perfection, well , this one, that means this, and how do you know how it affects consciousness, of course, andres also had all this on hold, he always considered it before he met, even before he became a brilliant dancer himself, he looked at the albums, he collected records and
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baryshnikov inuriev, he had different ones, he liked this in one, this in the other, and andr said: i want to dance in your corpse, and he said that baryshnikov had just come after a rehearsal, he had there was a large cup of tea, he sat leisurely, looked at him, i thought, uh, he told him, and you know, i don’t have a free position as a soloist now, andris says, i don’t need money, i’m ready to work for cardoballet’s rate or, and until you have a free position, i ... i promise you that for the first year i will do everything you say, just completely unquestioningly, any repertoire that you offer, but he liked it, and he said, well, okay, and he worked in in abt, baryshnikov staged swan lake on him, baryshnikov rehearsed with him
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a ballet dancer himself, he danced everything he wanted, worked with maris bejart, and then... what is it like to dance a performance once, in general, just for a good dancer, it’s just terrible, well, this curtain, which ours are already raising before us again european partners, as they are called , vladimir vladimirovich, you are sincerely happy about this curtain, we have a huge country with an amazing culture, now, when there are
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such means as the internet, one could regret there, but what a pity that our children are not there now not... the entire world culture, which we need, and what we don’t need, but now there is, unfortunately, more of what we don’t need, you know, on the one hand it shocked me, on the other hand i’m a little afraid to even popularize it, because it’s scary how this will respond to a person, i literally... the day before yesterday on the internet i looked at an absolutely stunning statement from the son of v artman, who is so, so poetic.
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friend, what your president amazingly understands and declares, and just bows to him, great respect, love, and i just, i don’t know, i think that you should
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be proud of your president, understand that he is your protection, the protection of your children from this foam, the ugliness that, unfortunately, has captured all of europe and america, you see, here i’m expressing...
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the country, this is strange, now we ’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch,
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the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is people's artist of russia, ballerina ilza liepa. and how are you do you think if your father were alive now, how would he react to the svo? i’m sure that he would be on our side, you know, i remember one of the last interviews with urmus ott, where he turned to my father and said: maris, you and i are baltic, can i address you without a patronymic, he said, you know, i lived most of my life in moscow, please call me by name.
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why has no one become close to this artist for you, yes, you know, but this is not only for me. no one has surpassed or stood on the same level as my father, sometimes a role is done so with such power - so
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brightly that it is simply impossible to rise to these heights, it was very interesting for me, i recently found myself next to such a serious professor, the lady is already so mature, the lady who teaches the history of the ancient world in magemo, not just anywhere, in magemo, the most serious universities. she, taking advantage of this, she said that i, you know, i’m just taking this opportunity, i want to tell you that the image that your father created in spartacus, the image of the beauty of the roman commander, i, she says, i want to tell you that neither in drama, nor in cinema, nor in ballet, there is nothing equal to this, because he created an accurate image of ancient, ancient rome, that is, this is... not
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just a character there or an acting job there or there is some kind of male character, a man, this is an image of the roman empire, that’s everything in him, you know, this was very valuable for me, because this is some kind of very vivid illustration of what my father managed to do, well, the power of just some amazing gift, and you know how in creativity, in any creativity it happens... there is craft, but there is something above it, the craft belongs to us, our task is to do it every day, something that is sometimes very difficult in ballet, very difficult, sometimes very, we get tired of it, but we do it, we do it this also applies to daily ballet classes, this applies when you work on a part, you still have a craft in it.
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you try to understand, you try to find some moves, choreographic, acting, but there are some moments, they, of course, only happen to outstanding people, when the sky opens and you are given some information, of course, the father in this role, of course, this is some kind of amazing discovery that was given to him, and he was able to broadcast this information. how is this possible, how is this possible, what is it, just something incredible, when i look, i look every time, no matter how much i look, i look, admire and don’t understand
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how it’s possible to do this, but it will be... i don’t help at all and don’t do as much as i might like or not as much as the people i watch do around, and well, i, well, i’m in this, that’s for sure, i’m in this, and maybe, even in small, even a little, let what’s in some power, what you know how it happens, here, and you always hear some kind of voice when you understand that it is you who are being addressed, you know, here is the lord
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, how should he talk to us, well, how? how we should hear it, sometimes you hear something, you meet with some person, you hear it, and you want, but can i take part in this, because i absolutely hear a call in this, well, i can’t stay on the sidelines when you see this, can i take part in this or in this, can i take part in this, when i hear such calls, i try to be distracted, distracted, sanctions, the abolition of russian culture in the west have brought our countries closer together, we are already about we even talked about this, recently the bolshoi theater, russian, was on tour in minsk, our ballet company performed in moscow at the bolshoi theater, you generally follow the situation in the belarusian ballet, maybe there are some people in your school... some of the students are from belarus, there are many connections with belarus, with minsk, well, first of all, we performed on the stage of your opera house many times, my brother andris staged productions there, we brought
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our performances there. we have our own audience, andris won one of his first competitions, this competition in jackson received the grand prix together. russia with all that are called former republics, because i myself belonged to those people who rejoiced and rejoiced when the soviet union collapsed, but we did not understand everything, all the meanings of what was happening, what was happening, yes, of course, by all
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the western world wants to use its forces to dismember us and destroy us one by one, but if we stick together, yes, well, i don’t take the soviet period, because to say that russia was an invader or tortured everyone there, because russia suffered just like everyone else, is just that too , probably, there was our common retribution for, probably, a retreat from god, yes, from those meanings that we had all lost, that we had to live through these cleansing, yes, in some ways terrible years of soviet power, yes, so that everything then, to come to something correct. understanding, but understandable that, for example, small states like the baltic countries, which we are talking about, but they cannot be independent, this is absurd, yes, they always have to stand under something, yes, well, how amazing it is, how one may not understand that russia will become that
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wing, in fact, and before the october revolution, russia was always a country that never crushed those who asked to be under its wing, the same ukraine, which did not exist, yes...
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of course, but you are after an injury after an operation, this is the case, well, it’s simply impossible, the stage never returned, i returned, it was andris who had such a... situation that he could no longer return to what is called big sport, big ballet, but i , on the contrary, maybe i don’t have the same there were soft ligaments, like andres, he had something like that, the ligaments didn’t not, anyway, somehow it didn’t
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work out, as he himself said, i can’t dance the way i want, but since i can , i don’t want to, it’s just my leg, my leg didn’t let me down, it was so funny that after a certain number of years nikolai teskaridze received the same injury in paris, and i had an operation in paris, and he also had an operation in paris, with the same doctor as me, the premiere of our common successful ballet the queen of spades had already taken place, our choreographer, the frenchman roland pitti dreamed, so that this performance would be brought to paris, and we waited for nikolai’s return to recovery, we were very worried, then, when it finally happened, nikolai came into form. mine and this performance came to paris on the stage of the grand, and we invited our doctor to the performance, and my a friend who was sitting next to him, she said, he cried and said, two of my patients are together on the stage of the grand pero.
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you call latvians temperamental people, can you note in yourself, you have half, yes latvian blood, some outbursts, yes, well, not anger, but temperament for sure, for some reason we are a common myth, misconception that latvians, well something slow, because they are very different, latvians, lithuanians, estonians, latvians are definitely very...
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they note your dramatic talent in film roles in theater roles at one of the minsk film festivals leaf fall we saw you in rustam khamdanov’s film vocal parallels, how do you remember him, he’s really a genius, can you call him that? well, my mother is a dramatic actress, so somewhere inside me i always knew that i would someday try myself in drama, cinema was included.
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and i realized that i would like to learn this profession someday, and it so fortunately happened that in my life i had a meeting with such a brilliant person as vakhtangovets, director and professor of the vakhtangov school vladimir vladimirovich ivanov, and he became the director of my first performance, your sister is a prisoner, where i played mary stuart, and svetlana kryuchkova, outstanding...
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it was very funny when many years later, well, a few years later, i danced queen elizabeth in the performance of the roman opera of maria stuart, where maria stuart was the outstanding ballerina carla fracha, she’s just such a mega, megastar and such a national treasure of italy, and when i arrived in london, i wanted to go to westminster abbott, because there mary stuart and the queen are also buried. council and i wanted to put flowers, but there is a special
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order, there is a line like that, and you can’t stop anywhere, and you can’t do anything, you can’t put any flowers, suddenly i came up like that, i think, well, how can it be, i went up to one from the guards and said, please, could you let me put flowers, the fact is that i am an actress and i played queen mary in the drama theater and danced queen elizabeth in the ballet theater, and he stopped the whole line. and i came up bowed and put flowers on both of them. now we will take a short break, after a short pause, we will return to the conversation again, for now , subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on youtube. on the air again, say don’t be silent , people’s artist of russia ballerina ilza liepa is our guest.
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if kryuchkova comes back, how was she as a partner? she was a very difficult partner. that we had very difficult difficult moments during the preparation period, but also from an amazing person and i want to tell you, we came out of this performance with great respect, i would even say love for each other, here i am, i can just imagine, she’s like that, well, in general , the queen brought the princesses to her, you’re absolutely right, yes, and excuse me, answering your question regarding. and rustam khamdamov, he is an amazing person, an amazing artist in a big sense, but also as an artist-artist, amazing, and i always dreamed of having his works at home, well, you probably know his watercolors, they are so in
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fashion, very part or rather, let's say, soviet auteur cinema came out of khamdamova,
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i’ll ask rustam to come up with costumes for us, rustam, i think, he thinks he ’ll do something absolutely brilliant, since we’re on the same street, yes, i tell him, rustam, well , come to me, he comes to me, i take out a bottle of wine, we sit, we always talk to him, it’s just incredibly interesting, somehow he’s bursting with ideas that you can just grab right away and implement, and it will be just a bomb in the world of art, but with him it’s like that just how... how improvisation is born, i say: rustam, i want you they came up with a costume for my heroine, i don’t know, one evening, he says: i came up with an idea, you will be all gray, you will have a gray face and two long braids, also gray, i say, great, we’ll meet tomorrow, but there,
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the next day he comes, again a bottle of wine, we talk, he says, i came up with an idea, everything will be different, you will be like this in half, one half is beautiful. soot from velvet, in such large, large swarovski stones, on top there was a black, black chapen skirt, such a wide skirt, inside there was such a dress and made of knitwear, that’s all it was tied with chains like this, even the chain went through my head like this, and my hair was also decorated with chains, i took off this
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outer dress, as if i was freeing my soul, these chains gave such an image to my heroine, because this hurts was on... but it’s a pity that the people’s artist of russia plays almost nothing on stage and very rarely acts in films, it’s a pity not so much for her person, the master of his life, but for us, the inhabitants, what is your answer?
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where i play the life of my father, and the texts were collected from his books, from some memories, but also written by me and my literary co-authors, and i want to tell you, we managed to create such a dramatic basis, such a play, that these seams are invisible, there are moments that were simply invented, yes, they were simply born by us, but the viewer will never understand this, because somehow everything was born that way, and therefore... it happened that i have my own theater, well, in quotes, yes, and
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my own projects, at the end of last season the premiere of the project took place rachmaninov forever, this is also a performance where the main thing is the character is an orchestra and an actress, i am very happy that... happened, thanks to, i don’t know, it’s just god’s providence that we discovered that one actor is enough to introduce the viewer into a person’s life, in some kind of story that you can play everything alone, like this in the rachmaninov forever project , such a play has also developed again, where i play the era of rachmaninov, his wife, all together, but our task is to do it in such a way that the viewer...
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" we are russian people, we are people of a single system of orthodox coordinates, yes, and even if our
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our peoples, who will, i hope, i think that the baltic states will be with us, i don’t know how much time will pass, i think that i am sure that ukraine will be with us, yes, years will pass, maybe decades, but this terrible civil war will be forgotten, there is nothing truly worse than when your people are killed." to my brother, because as a child, in infancy, he was baptized in riga in the lutheran
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faith, but already as a conscious adult. just in his period in st. petersburg during his period he somehow took very closely orthodoxy, he converted to orthodoxy, very closely and somehow deeply immediately perceived it, unlike me, who on the one hand, while still there as a girl or a teenager, and for some time in my life i was looking for some meanings , in one of these conversations, he gave me very simple books about communion, about confession, when i read them, i immediately began to understand everything.
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this is always the main vector of our attention, uh, whoever we are and no matter how much time our profession or our business, or whatever, anyway, i often now, sometimes with humor, and sometimes, of course, with tension, tell my daughter, well, it’s already clear that i’m your administrator, but someday, maybe, you need something do it yourself, because of course, a modern mother is in every sense the administrator of her child, yes, here is my life plan, i see that one plan i have is more complete, it is even more complex than my plan, she can afford it, she has an administrator, you know, i'm very good, but thank you very much for this meeting, i think that in the end you will say some nice words to our viewers, yes, spring, a time
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of renewal, you probably have e...
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“if we don’t have stability in our lives, we won’t be able to do anything , we will not be able to enjoy motherhood, we will not be able to raise our children, we will not be able to think about their future, we will not be able to just live, so appreciate what you have, appreciate your president, who is turned in the right direction, who is so worthy man, be united, do not allow this to happen so that discord enters your life, the life of your country. while we are united, we are strong, and may we always be together, in love, in freedom, in respect, in the pursuit of correct, vital, moral, united goals, always with you with love for belarus, your ilza liepa.
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it’s easy to explore belarus, just take a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807, and was located here during the battle with napoleon.
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get your own color, green and azure-white, white common mash and mas, drivers and passengers modern eco-cars have been replaced from buses. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries, one of which we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. i have such a hobby, this. treat wounds. he dreamed of becoming a prosecutor, but achieved professional success in science and medicine. in general, i am a pediatric surgeon by specialty. and i do pediatric surgery. but
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i have such a hobby. i am also a kambustiologist-surgeon. in the program belarus. associate professor at grodno state medical university, author of patents , winner of numerous international competitions, as well as person of the year. grodno region alexander glutkin. once upon a time, one associate professor said, you know, you need skills with your skin. this is not a structure that needs to be poked. combustiology is the science of burns. watch it on friday, only on our tv channel.
12:00 pm
noon news on belarus-1, studio vladislav bundry, hello, first, briefly about the main thing.


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