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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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those agreements that were reached during your historic visit to uzbekistan. among the main areas of cooperation are timber processing, mechanical engineering, agro-industrial complex, and special interest in the defense industry in meat and dairy products. the population of uzbekistan has been growing in recent years, approaching 37 million people, and the demand for food is increasing. among the important import items from this central asian country is cotton yarn and clothing. cynicism and bloodthirstiness in action. tania, as one of the main actors in the ukrainian conflict, unexpectedly called on its citizens to refrain from any trips to belarus. the uk government website contains a recommendation from the mead about the undesirability of traveling to the republic. british officials believe that there is a risk of direct conflict related to the war in ukraine spreading to the territory of belarus. the external political department of foggy albion informs its citizens that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, their ability to provide consular assistance. aid will be severely
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limited. meanwhile, europe is getting rid of from migrants. the european parliament voted in support of the eu pact on migration and asylum, which includes tightening all eu migration rules. it introduces, in particular, the principles of creating filtration camps at the border for displaced persons who do not have obvious rights to asylum. this is how they try to simplify their subsequent deportation outside the eu. the pact also simplifies the order. so the expulsion of all other persons who are denied asylum or residence. in addition, the mandatory principle of quota settlement is being introduced. migrants across the eu countries, but rich countries can reduce their number by contributing a certain amount to the eu budget for each rejected migrant. now this package of documents must be finally approved by a qualified majority vote in the eu council. european politicians have once again disgraced themselves and shown their worth. face vavan and lexus
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played a cruel prank on the head of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission. alexey stalerov, aka lexus, made up as an african, suggested that the political conspirators follow the tradition turn to the african gods vavan and lexus so that the friendship games in russia certainly do not take place. controlled by their western political supervisor, thomas bach of hinas, with his hand on his heart, took turns saying a prayer.
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every fourth crime in the country is committed online or via telephone, and the number of crimes using digital assets is constantly growing. chairman of the investigative committee of belarus dmitry gorakh told reporters about this before the start of a scientific and practical conference in minsk. foreign experts gathered, these were representatives of the investigative committee and the ministry of internal affairs of russia, the financial monitoring agency of kazakhstan and russia, as well as the prosecutor general. prosecutor general's office
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of uzbekistan. as for belarus, according to statistics , about 20,000 digital crimes were committed last year, including the financing of terrorism. here we are talking about the use by attackers of various digital assets, including cryptocurrency and electronic money. a very relevant topic, it is connected with development, with enormous development, the increase in crimes, cybercrimes, which, according to various estimates, range from twenty. up to 25% in the overall structure of crime today, it is necessary to improve methods of countering this crime, well, for example, over the past 2 years, only in criminal cases being processed by the investigative committee, together with other law enforcement agencies , the activities of the four largest crypto exchangers have been assigned, one at a time by the way, the equivalent of more than 80 million belarusian rubles was withdrawn from the cases,
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which are turned into state revenue. corrupt officials also take bribes with crypto, according to the materials of one of the criminal cases that are currently being processed by investigators, an official. accepted rewards in digital currency worth rub 600,000 60 times. shared the head of the investigative committee of belarus. the investigation into the case continues. the murder of a customs officer twenty-two years ago has been solved. the reason for the reprisal was the inspector’s refusal to cooperate with the criminal world. back in april 2002 , near an overpass in gomel, it was discovered the body of a thirty-five-year-old local resident with signs of violent death. it was not possible to immediately solve the crime, but work in this direction did not stop . the other day, criminal investigation officers followed the suspect. it has been established that the murder of a man who worked at customs is connected with his refusal to cooperate with representatives of the criminal world. on this day, on his way home,
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criminals were waiting for him to kill him. one of them struck the victim more than 10 times with a hammer. investigators found out that the main person involved is now a sixty-year-old man who is currently serving a sentence for committing a number of particularly serious crimes. currently, law enforcement officers are carrying out a set of operational investigative measures to establish all the circumstances of the crime. and for a crime that has no statute of limitations, today is the international day for the liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps. a tragic date in memory of the international uprising of prisoners of the buchenval death factory. this happened on april 11 in the victorious forty-fifth. only after 2 days of freedom did the allied troops come to the rescue. during world war ii , the ss oversaw about 14,000 concentration camps. 18 million people lost their lives in terrible agony. several million came from occupied belarus. on our territory
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there were more than 150 places of mass extermination of people. the largest concentration camp trostenets near minsk. he is on a par with sventsem maidano kama. blinka, in trostyanets the nazis destroyed at least 206,500 civilians. the only death camp was the azarich complex, where the sick were taken typhus and other infections, was in the swamp. from there, the red army troops saved 33.00 people, out of more than fifty thousand. and the minsk ghetto. 120 thousand jews passed through it in 800 days. no more than 15,000 escaped from there. 4 days without food. the child was still there, she cried and was strangled in front of her mother, it’s terrible to convey this moment, every minute anyone could be killed,
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looking at today’s event, it could happen again, i’ll tell you, i’m afraid to even say such things. but these are my thoughts, here we were afraid of the lithuanians and bendera, more the germans, and if they come, not a single one will remain, well, i’m already many years old, but i feel sorry for the children and grandchildren. the prosecutor general's office reports more than 90 previously unknown concentration camps on the territory of belarus. they are being investigated as part of the case of the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. belarusians remember and preserve historical memory. the young playwright ksenia shtolinkova appealed to the council of the republic. the girl wrote a letter to the chairman of the upper house of parliament with a request to show
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a performance of her play about the events in the theater holocaust. the production features the love story of a minsk artist, inscribed in the score of the events of the 20th century, in which reality and fiction are closely intertwined. in this space and develops over several decades, starting from the tragic events that occurred there, even slightly anticipating them, then breaking through to our days. from the council of the republic, of course, the answer came amazingly quickly, probably within a week, i didn’t expect
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it to be so quickly, i’m very happy that such an opportunity arose, that the performance was given a chance and that now so many viewers will see it, the questions that belarusians address to the council of the republic to... from the supply of equipment to the work of joint ventures for the production of elevators. today , the days of the mogilev region will solemnly open in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. this is already the fourth region of belarus that demonstrates its capabilities to russians. this time they relied on industrial potential. the mogilev region specializes in petrochemicals, woodworking, construction technologies, mechanical engineering. here they assemble mini-tractors for cleaning the streets of public gardens, and also produce unique tires for belaru. who work in the kusbass coal mines. at the exhibition you can, if not take a ride, then feel
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the comfort and convenience of belarusian elevators. the quality of the mogilevlift brand is not only known, but in demand in russia. a joint venture has been created that produces allied elevators, various modifications, from cargo and passenger to hospital office elevators. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh is a business a platform for managers of public and private companies, where they can become more familiar with the products of the belarusian regions. this is a good opportunity for business communication and concluding contracts. last year 1.1 million people visited our pavilion, this year we expect 15 million people. russian regions have also begun to more actively use this platform for business meetings, meetings at the level of chambers of commerce and industry. they naturally produce results specifically for the segment of medium and small enterprises, which do not always have information about those possibilities.
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emperor nicholas ii and his family, part of the court, high-ranking officers and embassies of european countries arrived. also, part of the exhibition is dedicated to the defense of mogilev during the great patriotic war, in particular to the tank battle on the buinichesky field. in addition, visitors to the pavilion can see a model of the restored bulgakov palace. this is an architectural monument of the 17th-11th centuries. get acquainted with the ancient technique of weaving wickerwork. next we have a sports review. we will update the information at 1 pm, stay tuned first button. arizona, for which
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belarusian defender vladislav kolyachonok plays , beat one of the leaders of the western conference, vancouver, in overtime in a match of the nhl regular season, our hockey player scored his first points. first, kolyachonok assisted josh brown in the second period, who opened the scoring. soon vancouver, however , regained its balance, but... became only second in the current regular season, as for arizona itself, the team has long lost its chances of reaching
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the playoffs, at the moment the coyotes they are in thirteenth place in the western conference. the next match of the three remaining matches, arizona will play against edmonton on the night from saturday to sunday.
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state security committee of belarus jointly.
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criminal cases related to the state secret of belarus, the first film in the series without a statute of limitations, azarechi, criminal cases stored in the central archive of the state committee. security number 26571 and 26 578 43 and 35 volumes, respectively, refer to state secrets of the republic of belarus, they were seen only by those who conducted and those who kept them, the cases were opened in the seventies of the last century, the accused were former police officers of the third company, the eleventh security
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police battalion of the ss troops. one of the first archival criminal cases was opened. as a rule, the accused were sentenced to 25 years, but many served only part of the term, 10 years, some five, some only 3 years. according to the law on crimes against humanity, no one exempted them from responsibility for crimes committed during the war, in particular for the execution and torture of people.
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after the war, former police officers were in no hurry to reliably talk about their service in the units of nazi germany.
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in the smolensk region, then redeployed to belarus. it consisted of three companies, each with about 100 policemen. the third company was not elite; it was formed last, as a rule.
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hosbach, who commanded the fifty-sixth tank corps, decide to withdraw troops to new positions, about ten kilometers away, but this requires permission from berlin, hosbach, who before the start world war ii, was hitler's personal adjutant, sends a petition to the fuhrer, he gives the go-ahead, it was decided to drive the civilian population into the swamp as a human shield from the soldier rakosovsky. at the beginning of march 1940, a group of german microbiologists led by professor bluluminthal was in the field... the region. their task is to determine the location of the possible use of bacteriological weapons. after inspecting the wehrmacht defense line
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, blumenthal points to a swamp near the village of azarić. his assistant gaiman suggests expanding the epidemiological vice create two more camps in the villages of dert posinnik. and when today we talk about the azarichi death camp, we mean three camps at once. their territory occupied about 5 hectares. posinnik were experimental, it was planned to create something similar throughout the territory of belarus in places where, in the opinion of the nazi leadership, it would be extremely difficult to restrain the advance of soviet troops, and people were infected with boletus. will help stop the soldiers of the red army, even vliemental, when he reported to hitler about the creation of these concentration camps, he said that if this
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the natural environment itself, the swamp and the conditions that they will create for the prisoners, that is, without medical care, without clean water, without food, typhus will very quickly begin to develop here if this epidemic does not develop as quickly as necessary, we will already bring here people infected with typhus, 700 people have been brought here. in germany at this time , a special manual brochure is being published, which describes in detail the algorithm of actions, how to deport civilians, how to infect defenseless people with typhus and how to use children to create a barrier at the forefront of defense. the eyes of any front command there are front-line reconnaissance, so they understood that the scouts would still find out that there was a camp there.
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international, what not to use, well, well, they used it, driving people not only from nearby areas into the swamp. in the german lists of almost 150 settlements in the polesie, gomel, mogilev, orel, smolensk and bryansk regions, so-called transit camps are being created, the original place gathering of civilians. we got to the first sorting point at the zhlopin station, then us. we were driven towards the front line, this is towards kalinkovich and so on, we are still in two or three storage and sorting camps.
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people went crazy, women, they simply went crazy on the second day from these conditions, heartbreaking screams, madness, all these conditions led to the fact that the human psyche could not stand it, all three camps were built according to a standard design, it created on the fly, the nazis did not have enough time, rectangular the territory in six rows is fenced with barbed wire, along the perimeter there are towers with
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machine gunners, approaches to...
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because it was prohibited there, this is the front line, firstly, in front of the german trenches and there was no way to discover these camps, so that these camps would not be discovered, the germans generally forbade even it’s noisy to say, there were many infected with typhus, they even brought the dead and unloaded them with the living, the disease developed rapidly, was accompanied by high fever, people were in agony, some women...


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