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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 1:05pm-2:01pm MSK

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the presidents of the two countries will also fail, only part of the program of alexander lukashenko’s working visit to russia. today in moscow there will be a one-on-one meeting with vladimir putin. the heads of state will discuss the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, issues that require consideration at the highest level. the focus of the negotiations will also be the regional and international situation, coordination of actions to respond to existing threat challenges. april 12 at alexander lukashenko and... minsk and tashkent
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have set ambitious goals and do not intend to deviate from them. alexander lukashenko announced this at a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan bakhtiyor saidov. the head of the foreign policy department is in minsk for the first time. it is important that the meeting takes place after the historic visit. sky leader to tashkent. the countries reached a new level of partnership, a large package of documents and a roadmap for our cooperation were signed. the parties set themselves the task of implementing projects worth more than $1 billion in 2024 and 25. last year trade turnover exceeded 560 million. this is a plus of 12% by 2022. in general, over the past 5 years the growth has tripled, and we sell more to uzbekistan than we buy. mutual trade is up this
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year. an unhealed wound for belarus: today is the international day of liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps. on our territory there were more than 150 places of mass destruction. one of the largest is trostenets. today , former prisoners, youth, deputies and public representatives laid flowers at the memorial complex organizations. according to initial data, more than 200,000 people were killed in this territory.
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people died in death camps, they were killed in gas chambers, shot in cities, burned in villages and villages. there will be war until the last ukrainian. the verkhovna rada adopted in the second reading a scandalous bill on tightening mobilization. it allows you to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people. 283 people's deputies voted for, and one voted against. the new law introduces various provisions, including the obligation of persons with disabilities. undergo a repeat medical
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examination to determine fitness for service, imposes restrictions on driving and consular services for those who evade military service, as well as the need to carry military registration documents. the rada also excluded from the mobilization bill the provision on demobilization after 36 months of service. and back to the topic of space. for the first time, a heavy launch vehicle was launched from the vostochny cosmodrome. mount a5, after about 12 minutes the upper stage with the test payload separated from the third stage of the angara and continued it insertion into target orbit. the launch marked the beginning of flight development tests of the amur space rocket complex, as well as flight tests of the arion upper stage. the angara heavy rocket is again the first developed in russia after the collapse of the ussr. it should be replaced in the near future.
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as more environmentally friendly and not using toxic fuel components. this was the news now my colleagues will continue at 3:00 in the afternoon. me. i say goodbye to you, stay on the first button. this is a socio-political talk show on essentially, today, according to the tradition of belarusian television, we will talk about the sowing season, well, where would we be without it, in fact, this is a really
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very important part of our life, well , we will discuss for an hour, if you want to join our program, a qr code appears below, point to the screen of your smartphone and , in fact, join the discussion, the second qr code is a subscription to the telegram channel of our program, here you can see, including what we are discussing with alena behind the scenes, in fact, i and alena syrova, kirill kazakov, let's start this program, good evening, in general, the sowing season is in full swing, let's start with the numbers, last night information appeared that the minister of agriculture announced our plans for the harvest.
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we didn’t get a harvest somewhere, well, we’re used to records, now this is already the case from the very beginning, it seems like a lowered bar, is it generally correct to say that it’s lowered or rather more realistic, are we realists or do we just kind of understand, you probably have a little information were compared not quite correctly last year, what can we say about the final figure grain production, then of course it was not 9.5 million tons, but...
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very often they say that belarus boasts of its agricultural sector, yes, somehow we see records, we don’t see them, every year we have speculation on these figures, so in what, in what calculus, what our loaf generally consists of, because year after year it happens, we add rabbees, then corn, or something else, what is correct, what shall we take it as a standard? in working order, when the actual cleaning is in progress, and by the head of state. in general, grain is rapeseed, this is both cereal grain and also corn grain, here in a specific case the figure of 9 million grains was announced without taking into account rapeseed, that is, you and i must also understand that we
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will add another million tons of rapeseed to this figure, in total we have in general, the grain will be about 10 million tons, it must be produced this year, we will remember this figure, be sure to when it goes... in general, a loaf or, well, i’m talking about a general loaf, and a little about the economy, agriculture is the same commercial activity, which is still primarily the turn is to make a profit, i will say based on my enterprise, if it was possible to sow more than 20-25%, well, this is not possible according to technology, we would have planted more, the fact
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is that on rapeseed, according to the results of even last year, our cost price was 570 rubles, and the selling price is 1,200, that is, it’s a little more for 200% profitability, while for grains it’s also not... it’s a protein for animals, including what we use for ourselves, and we sell a plant for converting crops, and so you know that part of the protein comes from abroad and rapeseed meal as if it allows you to save at least on logistics, if you don’t talk about look, again, i’m still a tv guy, not an agrarian, but well, you read, for example, experts who are now trying to characterize, for example, the state of russian agriculture , they are trying...
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and i will also add yes, than, for example, they tell me, but here you still have grain, here are potatoes, here are sunflowers, or is this really the soviet past gone, well , here it is more of a recommendatory nature now, somewhere they advise, they ask somewhere, in some places they advise to increase, in others to decrease, but still more farms choose themselves, which is more profitable, here this is not entirely applicable to craps, as i said, you can’t sow so much of it, because there are special features, it needs to be in a short time term. firstly, to sow, and secondly, it is no more than 25%, if experts correct me, you can sow in
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the structure of this turnover, well, here we looked more at the recommendations, last year we also started barley like everyone else literally from 50 hectares, this year we already tried 250 hectares, after the winter it came out well, so therefore, i would not say that they are forced, they are more recommended, but these recommendations, how they are formed, we remember that everything depends on...
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nikolai vladimirovich outlined this year’s target of 9.1 million tons, yes, it is is feasible, and we at our national meeting, yes, it was indicated that this is the food security of the republic of belarus, 9.1 tons is a lot or a little, that ’s what our average person thought, you know, in the state order, which the ministry of agriculture, the state order is security food wheat and food... our population we need only 800,000 tons of wheat and 100,000 grains of wheat grain
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about 5500 grains completely grain 1000 tons of rapeseed in total and we received a million yes and then this goes to us, you know this is already used for livestock farming we we ensure public animal husbandry, that is, so that we receive both meat and milk, and of which only we... 20, about 40%, about 50% we consume ourselves, all of these are export-constituent food products. but tell me, how many of them are what we collect will be spent on seeds, because for 2 years we have been talking a lot about the fact that somewhere we need imported seeds. under the conditions of sanctions, we understand perfectly well that imported seeds are sometimes, well, a kind of complicated story, so we are now provided with these same seeds, or do we still need to work on it? i want to say with all responsibility that for such important crops as ours, all crops
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are important, yes, but to ensure food security is grain, this is corn, this potatoes, this is feed production, feed production, we are guaranteed to provide ourselves with seeds, not only ordinary seeds, but world-class seeds, and with the provision we even already have...
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that is, we work, i emphasize once again, with purchases and directly valuable crimes that are being committed today in the agro-industrial complex, this is not only procurement, you know that the facts of concealing mortality, the sale of some products at inflated prices, sales, somewhere dark schemes for the sale of meat from cats, which also the procurator's authorities are working, well, now passive registration is underway, in principle, this is in your competence, this is also us...
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the only thing is that the ripeness of the soil was delayed a little, well, relative to the southern regions, well, we have, as they say, well, in the very center - we are in the center, but even in the minsk region, considering that in the center we have the city of minsk, then we have a northern economy, there are sharshuny agra, for example, and isroki, where nikolai leonidovich represents the southern economy, that is, it even happens there , differ by a week, by two entry times the field, that is, you, in short. using the example of one region, well, here’s a stupid question, again, as a specialist, the weather that is developing this year is conducive to sowing, that is, we can say that,
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for example, we will finish there earlier, we have it will pass sooner, because there is less precipitation, less frost, of course, it will contribute to greater, better growth and vegetation of agricultural crops, because they began to grow earlier, we will sow earlier, so the shoots will be earlier, we will harvest the crop. i hope too sooner, like you the situation with stones in the fields, we are working, and two weeks ago the president flew through the ashmyany district and looked, now everything is being cleared, we are working on this problem every day, we have probably the most densely populated area, the density of all roads, that is we are open 24x7, as they say, the management sees you completely through the bitsky district,
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he first of all believes that he needs to grow, secondly, that he needs to sell and earn as much money as possible for it, so i fully support my colleague, who performed in grades. today , belarusian selection is at a decent level, we have not yet improved a little on sugar beets, the only problem that exists is sugar beets, according to
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the legislation, i want to tell you that the belarusian legislation is sufficient, it does not generally limit the activities of business executives, farmers, everything in principle , it’s normal, of course i would like to defend more interests with... my voters, friends of the village, i represent three regions, this is the grodno district, beristovitsky svislovsky, the entire border region, the district is called border, i think that my experience of 12.5 years as chairman of the district executive committee still allows, it will allow, so i wanted to give you an example then, since you still saw what was going on there across the border, yes, there is some, let’s say, positive experience that the poles could use, the president said we have no enemies,
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roughly speaking with our neighbors, it is logical that we should compete with ourselves, yes, in order to become faster , higher, stronger, but from what i hear now, talking with
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you, we don’t have a single problem at all, in the countryside, well, yes, there are always problems, because this is life, but the problems are solvable, there are no problems that would be impossible decide, well, look, we are starting a new sowing campaign, that is, here.
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when appointing regional managers, he said: “everything is there, there is not enough discipline, the prosecutor’s office is responsible for discipline, that is, we seem to have control, the prosecutor’s office is a last resort, well, as a last resort, but it is responsible, i’m already saying so, everything arises or the question is, why are we talking about the fact that we have a problem in agriculture every year, if even now i basically said for two minutes that there is nothing, well, if you focus on some big problem,
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you are more responsible for crop production, but globally, i hear, maybe this question is just for everyone, but we are discussing here, we hear the most, it’s crazy, this question is raised from year to year at different levels, then our colleagues there in general , they go around filming, recording some facts really egregious stories, and it would seem trivial, there is a scheme, how to deal with it there? but the problem is not being solved, again, yesterday, in my opinion, it was said that one of the reasons for supporting livestock is the lack of quality feed, well, this year we are probably planning to solve this problem somehow , well, this is not the first time every year it is worth providing a year and a half supply of naturally high-quality feed - at certain stages, that is, in the spring this is in terms of organizing the determination of passive areas. feed
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crops, compliance with technology, their cultivation, in order to ultimately obtain the required volume of green mass, and of course, in a timely, high-quality manner, prepare triple feed, put it in the appropriate storage facility, which meets the requirements of veterinary services, and of course, this all implies, to provide our livestock farming with decent feed, but how... there are also moments when low-quality feed is procured, and there are , of course, moments during use when the feed becomes unusable, unfortunately, in rural areas they work, probably, well, the very best, so as not to offend our average person, low-educated
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people who have graduated. emaciated, i don’t know how one can even look at this, i personally can’t fit it into my head, not to mention, if we take this and raise it to the state level, what kind of financial losses are we talking about, that is, it turns out that you can buy and prepare as much super expensive, super high-quality feed as you want, give away your last money there, i don’t know from the treasury, and ultimately get the same unsolved problem, well
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and... again, i allow myself to disagree with you a little, even the person who looks after small calves, or the older livestock of our livestock, he must have an understanding of how to handle them, truly be aware of the primary signs of deterioration health, that is, the question is in personnel, more discipline, everything is scheduled, you know, everything is scheduled.
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you also have livestock, you started out of business, well , i’ll add a little of my own, i can apply it to my farm, i no longer see the problem in feed, that’s right they said, the human factor, the main thing is that it’s mostly not cows, but just young animals up to a month old, but young animals up to a month old, what’s most important is the very first shield, weed it out in the first hour and a half, we didn’t even suspect, we installed it now all farms have had cameras for over a year now, have we looked at video cameras yet? feed it on time, you need to see the signs in advance, defrost this colostrum in advance, feed it on time, then the same watchdogs, here the district conducts seminars all the time, in principle, the leaders, specialists know all this, but it
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’s up to the lower dvina to organize this, they said correctly, i agree, that’s why we monitor, punish in some places, ask in others , and not always even some even want to do better, you won’t even lose a little bit of it, but conditionally about cows there is. not a fully mixed diet, but conditionally, as if on old farms, where compound feed is simply poured, he thinks that he pours more, which means more milk, and he will have a higher salary, and thus acidosis can cause other problems, therefore here they can even sometimes overdo it, not always they do, but you see, you as a leader, you are in the know, you are in the know, maybe somewhere it’s worth it and of course it’s not for me to give you advice, but maybe somewhere it’s worth going through some... then things, you are interested , every year we try to do something new, build dispensaries, here, on the advice of the minsk region, there is now a pasteurizer.
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viktor yakevich, well, i understand that there is no need to praise, well, you just already said, you are open to all winds, you can drive along the roundabout, here is gostellovskaya, here is zhdanovich, everyone sees it all and understands it all, yes, but i understand that there is just more responsibility, why am i saying this, because whatever one may say, due to the fact that you are open to everyone, there is a platform for introducing the most such the latest experiments, because we really stopped by, looked, if anyone from the management and you immediately reported, that is, you are using this platform, yes indeed.
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we try, we see what takes root with us, what doesn’t take root, of course, well, as they say, there are no problems, but difficulties are determined for us in the capital region, we feel the proximity of a magnet, the capital is a city with a population of 2 million, it lures people away, of course, personnel, we also experience difficulties, because it is no secret that this is often work without days off, that is , people, the fish are deeper, and people, where they search better, so people are still looking for how to work less and get more. talk shows today are essentially passive in our lens, well, we just finished talking about
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the fact that, in principle, one of the problems is the very death of a cat, like this, well, yes, but we’ve simply already come to this, just again, if we talk about the fact that we grow so much grain, we grow it so that our... animals give more milk, we get more meat, after that we made delicious sausage, we sold it abroad, money came here, we lived on this money, this is kind of the story, how does the prosecutor’s office communicate? laying of feed, that is, when supervisory measures are carried out, we see that somewhere
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the technology of laying feed was violated, somewhere the temperature regime was not observed, balance, the green mass was not compacted in a timely manner, therefore the food does not have the same nutritional value when the animal receives food with low nutritional value, but we understand that what will be the productivity of the milking herd and what kind of offspring will be produced, that is, it is not viable.
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these are living beings, you never know, there is some kind of
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disease, it’s not always possible to foresee everything, there are even just mechanical ones, maybe a calf jumps up there, rolls over, overflows, intestines, something else, a cow, roughly speaking , stretches out, well, there are reasons not always, not are always to blame, but in principle, yes, these are big losses, one cow costs about 5,000, so that they understand, well, well, in general, you understand that what you can buy will depend on how much you earn , including technology. this is again one of the aspects without which agriculture is impossible, we started talking about the fact that belarus has everything, and what we want is what we produce, yes, well, the symbol of belarusian agriculture is , of course, the belarus tractor, yulya petrovna, you produce everything at mtz, well, not everything yet, but we we are striving for this, of course, now our main task and our main challenge is a 500- horsepower tractor, so by the end of the year, we hope that we will already present the model that is so requested, especially here in the minsk region, here.. well, in fact
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, we began to talk about the fact that we have always been worried about imported seeds, yes, that is, we talked about this last year and the year before, because this is also, well, our national security, as far as technology is concerned, and we, i know that during the sanctions, for example, the russians, in some of their industries they were simply exposed due to the fact that... they simply did not have supplies of imported equipment, in belarus the situation was much better and simpler, but still i think that some components are needed was, well, relatively speaking, closed so that we would not depend on... suppliers, we resolve these issues, if we resolve them, then where, what do we have enough, and what did we lack, well , in general, our minsk tractor plant is full cycle production, that is, this must be understood, yes, that is, we actually we provide ourselves technologically, especially with regard to the middle segment, and the power segment, for example, our legend belarus 8082, it consists
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of almost 100% belarusian and russian components, yes, it’s more difficult here, of course, for us now... rich in technology , that is, this is what our agriculture needs, what they constantly talk about, yes, here we, of course, have certain questions, because the minsk motor plant does not produce the engine, now we, of course, we cooperate closely with kamaz and closely we cooperate with weichai, just when we are talking about 350 horsepower and 500 horsepower tractors, then of course we have questions here with these particular ones. what is missing, what is missing, i understand that in addition to mtz we also have gomselsh, we also have smaller divisions, such as
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the smargon aggregate plant, bobruisk enterprises, maybe we are missing something, and most importantly, i i understand that if we go. it also depends on the technical means that are used, the food being prepared, and so on, because look, the quality it is necessary to prepare in time, lay a trench, compress with a certain density, we have everything for this, our equipment is produced in the republic, only i say, the human factor, this all needs to be debugged, discipline,
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the president is not useful, here the animal eats bad food, naturally gets sick , who will eat bad food, that’s why it gets sick , that’s why it’s necessary here, and the animal needs to be fed every day, milked and cared for, for this you also need to monitor, look, the human factor, the person also got sick, maybe some kind of replacement is needed, we have developed an animal identification system, a smart sensor that allows you to track the physiological state of the animal, how it moves, if it is inactive, it means it is sick, something needs to be done, the program is already on the computer, also our domestic one, signal she walks... how she chews a piece of food, as she told you in the first part that in agriculture, well , at least for me, nikola vladimova, in general, people who are perhaps not so progressive and advanced , we can as much you want to be proud of some of our developments, our technologies, but in fact, the simpler the more understandable, the better, there is
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such a word as utilitarian, as far as utilitarian is concerned, simpler is better, but look, again, we have consolidation of farms, large-scale dairy complexes where the cycle is completely closed, all this is impossible to track, so we are introducing smart systems, developing them, implementing them, like on tractors, the tractor must also be a smart system, a system of machines, here is the unit and the tool itself, you see, so we have developed a system of machines approved by the government of our republic, together with the ministry of agriculture, the ministry... of industry and next to the plant all the manufacturing plants are promising until the thirtieth year, within the framework of this we are now , again with the mtz holding, very actively working to create new equipment, which is in great demand in our republic, without it it’s simply impossible to work, but can i
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say, yes, yes, i’ll tell you what’s missing, yes, farmers lack a good beet harvester combine, everything else. but what about gomselmash , work has begun on creating an ultra-modern one , today we work entirely on foreign technology and this is the most painful place for the farmers of our country, that is, if we close this problem, we can say that we are in agriculture, i think there is no need to be afraid words self-sufficient, but no, because we understand perfectly well that if we produce our own, then we will, as it were, close and will not depend on anyone, my question is this... yul, again, we are great we understand that we make good equipment, but the equipment is made on machines, our machines are belarusian, so we just start saying, you know, we have good milk, but we have lines.
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in some way, we use the site of the minsk tractor plant in order to improve our own competencies, as our general director constantly says, help, help machine tool enterprises become better, where should they develop, if not here at the minsk tractor plant in order to further these competencies disseminate further, which is why, of course, we here are very interested in the development of machine tool enterprises. i also want to make a remark.
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this does not mean that there is no need to develop, the world does not stand still, so it would be strange for us to constantly say that we have eighty, and this is more than enough, yes, well, maybe, maybe this already exists, and i don’t know, or maybe in the future, your specialists, let’s say, when some kind of super-smart equipment is supplied, they would go to the site and train, constantly, this is not only about super-smart technology, for example, it’s corny, well, it’s corny, now i hear the example of zimbabwe, but our specialists constantly. they work, moreover, we invite you here, we have a training center, specialists from zimbabwe came here, that is, we definitely provide
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support, this is training, because there really are a lot of cases, it is clear that this is not total, yes, but there are cases when equipment breaks down because it is not used correctly, well, we told nikolayvich, you also talked about about the fact that, well , many people who worked in agriculture are indeed incompetent. our school for training specialists in agriculture, those universities, those colleges, and in general in practice, it suits you, for example, as people who order, well, some questions, well, in this direction, naturally, every year some proposals, and we are going to improve the training process, these can be examples of the same agricultural classes that are organized in the countryside, this is also...
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in the mid-nineties we were told that agriculture could survive in a free market without subsidies, now , having looked, for example, at poland, which
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protects its market from ukrainian grain, we understand perfectly well that the poles, in principle , subsidize agriculture, the french subsidize, in fact, this is what they have to do with these subsidies, so that people take care of their own security , national food, with us, in principle , how is it with this, i understand perfectly well, we are far from the idea that... that’s how important these subsidies are and how much you need to actually earn money. well, about subsidies, i remember from university that the largest ones in america are about 200 dollars per hectare.
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i don’t understand, there is some kind of unique equipment that is not economically feasible, most often i , well, there are speck harvesters, which are also available, but the equipment that is produced, which can be leased, is not, well, illogical, this is my personal opinion, not economically. accordingly, and as for subsidies, yes, they are both direct and imported equipment, a direct question regarding subsidies, somewhere they help us with all the fuel, they give it to us by order of the president with a deadline of a year, then we pay it off again, we take it again, somewhere there are allowances for agricultural products, they are mostly all targeted, because they know the most pain points, thank you for helping, well, we have enough, in principle, even without subsidies there would be
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profitability, but we would develop more slowly, we would be slower, but we want to kind of...
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grow, process, well, many are building, some of them full cycle production, when for example, processing plants, this is also a great story in principle, again consolidation is underway, again we give jobs to many people, we leave added value, how much does this affect development, that is, we understand that a subsidy makes it possible to develop, that’s how it says, right? history, when we produce, we make our enterprise, well, an agricultural one, but a full-cycle plant for the production of a product, in general this is only positive, but this again requires a lot of money to build our own processing plant processing, when it will pay off, the question is, today it is debugged, it’s good when there are already built ones on the farm, but today it is building from scratch, well, providing raw materials
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is a big question, because some. let there be 20 tons, 30 tons of milk there, when the plant processes it per day, my plant processes 250 and 500 tons, it is clear that it has a more complete processing cycle, it’s like a meat processing plant, like a dairy, but the question is how they treat to the subsidies or steps that the state is taking, i’m still talking to our prosecutor’s office dear, i will also address you some time ago , there was a direct shot in the frame where the equipment was in poor condition and... every year we hear this, even this story is recent, i apologize, i know that it has already set many people on edge, but with these stones in the grodno region, yes, there the head of state explained very clearly, the point is not that it is ugly there or somehow someone wanted to argue, but that it will simply ruin the equipment, when this equipment will already rise, no one will prove who was to blame there, i don’t know, there they will call...


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