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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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well, to provide the goal is a big question, because some kind of production there, well, annas, there are 20 tons, 30 tons of milk, when the plant processes 250 and 500 per day, it is clear that it has a more complete processing cycle, this is a meat processing plant, a dairy, well, the question is how they feel about those subsidies or steps that the state is taking, so i’ll still contact our dear prosecutor’s office some time ago, right... there was a frame in the frame where the equipment was in poor condition, every year we hear this, even this story is recent, i i apologize, i know that she has already set many people on edge, but he is with these stones in the grodno region, and there the head of state explained very clearly, the point is not that it is ugly there or somehow someone wanted to quarrel , is that this will simply ruin the equipment, then, when this equipment is already up and running, no one will prove who was to blame, i don’t know, they will call about...
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we look at the supply of first aid kits, we look, they have passed the state technical inspection, state technical supervision inspectors visit with us, which indicate the technical condition, whether all units, components are ready for the sowing campaign, and isolated facts, when equipment goes into the field with malfunctions, there are such facts.
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here is a conventional person who acted wrongly in relation to his equipment, it broke down, i don’t know, something happened, if it’s something very loud, what are our opponents doing? they record this and inflate it,
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which is conditional, yulia, i’m sorry that i’m using mtz as an example, but you are our representative, a conventional mtz tractor, they burn, they break, and don’t take them him, please, he’s jondy, they’re good, i’ll compare the same, there will be a reputational moment here, yes, here’s how to deal with it, we’ve entered the year of quality, now this is the main goal, in general, the belarusian synonym for quality, but what do i - this internally tells us that we have somehow begun to rest heavily on our laurels, that is, we need to constantly improve in this matter, well, we definitely don’t rest on our laurels, yes, because we understand that there is a lot of work going on, even an hour simple is already a lot, but we understand very well how difficult the work of an agricultural worker , we really really want to make our equipment even more comfortable and technologically advanced, yes, as for quality, we still got it this year. yourself
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- frankly, let's say, a huge commitment, yes, 5 years of guarantees for energy-rich equipment, this is on our famous thirty-five, yes, but this is not an empty phrase, it means that the minsk tractor plant is confident in its equipment, a year ago we had one but only a three-year warranty for all other equipment, yes, that is, it is a rare manufacturer that gives such guarantee, but this does not mean that the equipment. doesn’t break, that is, i won’t directly say now that everything is fine here and, as you say alena, rest on our laurels, yes, but i would really like a more careful attitude towards technology, listen, can i go to the future i’ll turn to you, you’re already on site, you know, in fact, i ’m listening to a whole program about discipline and about the human factor, at the same time we , as journalists, often write about artificial intelligence, well, listen, maybe in the end there will be a mtz tractor equipped artificial intellectually, i understand that this is already the near future. maybe he will solve our problems,
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listen, it’s funny to say now, but in reality this is what’s going to happen when artificial intelligence feeds the cows, when artificial intelligence watches them through video cameras. now we are very actively developing this area, together with scientists from kazan university we have made our small tractor also unmanned, it can drive either with or without a pilot, but here we constantly talk about the fact that we must develop in parallel, technology and people and, rather , infrastructure, that is, we cannot do it without...
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nikolai allenovich, i have such an immodest question for you, what are you highlighting there, what are the conclusions? well, i’ll note the conclusions, maybe for the future, so i’d like to note, but i’ll add in terms of technology, well, it’s partially used, we’re also using taxiing now with steering, we’re using it , but this year’s coverage is there in connection, so you asked how the sanitation is influence, some satellites are a little behind, i had to switch to others, to something chinese, but this is used, but you said correctly, balance is needed everywhere, so what should i add here? is it difficult to compete, they say a lot, well, it’s probably more relevant for russia, you supply equipment there, in general, 95% of belarus’ tractor equipment goes abroad, is it difficult there to compete with russian manufacturers, with chinese ones, the chinese are almost not the main competitors, well, let’s just say
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that we compete with russian manufacturers to a lesser extent, because they have this average range of equipment, it is by and large, they are not doing this, that is , when it comes to kirovets, it is already energy-saturated. that means, as for chinese manufacturers, yes, it turned out that before the restrictive measures we were mainly competing with manufacturers of a higher cost range, yes, so it was quite simple for us, our tractor is cheaper, and objectively buys, well, especially from russia the market, it is approximately the same as ours, well, that is, price-quality, yes, it has now appeared. and chinese manufacturers, chinese manufacturers are not one and not two or three, and naturally, it offers a price range the same as ours, the same is true for turkish manufacturers, and india, in approximately the same price segment, so of course we win on the russian market in terms of , that
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belarusian is equal to quality, recognition and quality, yes recognition and quality, of course, this brand, let me start this speech right now, and you finish, you know why, i was listening to about artificial intelligence and i remember ... even though we have missiles, despite the fact that we have drones, we need tanks, machine guns and good soldiers, let’s do agriculture, we need tractors, people who know how to sow and harvest, in fact, this is what agriculture rests on, in general yes, if we are talking about the fact that artificial
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intelligence will sooner or later replace humans, then we probably need to ask ourselves whether we want to be replaced, so think about it at your leisure and love your land. respect her and each other, see you soon a week later.
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it’s not necessary, but we won’t give up ours, any provocation on the border must be stopped militarily, they provoke us so that we at least somehow respond to them, belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions and our goods, especially in price in the east, in omsk more than 300 belarusian elevators are already running in the region, we are working on developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered, what floor he needs to eat on, shklov and zhodina have become cities of electricity. two cities and two electric bus, everyone ordered their own color, green and azure white, belkamonche and mas.
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drivers and passengers switched from buses to modern eco-cars. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries, one of which we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. oh, komvol is the soul of art. this is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. and wool is a natural product, ecologically pure. during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this ribbon comes into
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contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, and you get fabric from the fabric of the product, this product contains the soul of each of our workers, my name is svetlana yakovenko, our work is art, create high-quality fabrics containing wool.
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ooukomvol is the largest manufacturer of buckle fabrics with a full production cycle, it is an enterprise with a long history, the beginning of which is counted in 1955, in next year in the twenty-fifth we will celebrate our seventieth anniversary. enterprise, but the enterprise does not stand still, it is constantly modernizing, developing, times were very difficult before, in what difficult conditions we worked, dressed and tel greeks, because it was cold in the workshops, there were dark workshops, but...
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to study something, understand technology, because it does not stand still, the industry is developing, we use everything in our production, so the products. oo comvoll are in no way inferior in quality to european ones and cannot be confused with another product, good morning, again before everyone else, how are you, everything is fine, have a nice day, happy, our working day officially starts at 8:30, but i don’t
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remember. such a day that i would even arrive there at 8:25, for example, good morning, girls, how are you feeling at work, any questions, someone has something, there is a question about the evaluation for peeling, i’ll come back later , we’ll look at everything together, someone else has questions, the laboratory’s working team is partially. already at the workplace, discuss issues of some problematic nature, or the results obtained are positive, some negotiations to obtain new information, some new types of chemicals, dyes, this is the time that you spend in your office, everything else often takes place in
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production or in the workers’ premises. places in the laboratory. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season of the world cup in pimples on batuti. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. won the stage of the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, i worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work. i think the game wasn't bad, it just lacked completion. you also need to take into account that the transition of the field, the coverage is different. bright moments, real emotions. it's
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the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is. therefore more. right here in the yard, how far away is she, well so right in meters, so that, yes, it is opposite the house, today we will walk through a real swamp, so through a swamp, yes, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, an uninitiated person, seeing this building, will say that this is not i know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, leading from the capital, you have to
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experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly has flown here, look, i don’t know who this is, what kind of bird this is, but it turned out, well, okay, this brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? usually, ordinary mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. the project i am from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the raw materials received by okomvol for the production of fabrics
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come to us both in the form of fiber and finished tops. i use wool. in this case, this batch will go into dyeing right away; we have the option of either dyeing in spools, as here, or we will put together the same
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tape, but already wound on reels. why the insert is now made on the fiber, numerous experiences have shown that to obtain better coloring, even coloring, rich coloring. all this can be obtained by dyeing the fiber, and not the fabric itself. half-wool fabric and polyester fiber used in the composition - this is a close collaboration with our mogilevkhim fiber at this stage, we are observing the processing of polyester tow. at the end of the twenty- third year they received it. the processing batch encountered a problem with its passage through this cutting machine. our colleagues heard our problem, came
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in full force, saw this, we built a work plan, they sent us an experimental batch, where they worked on a slightly adjusted this type of lubricant, we took it to work yesterday, after working for a day, today is the second one, we are observing. significant improvement effect. polyamide fiber is also produced in the republic of belarus. polyacrylic-nitrile , as we call it nitron, is produced by our belarusian novopolotsk plant. 50% of our fabric is made in belarus. this is a combing machine, numerous combs, like... combs, if you and i see them, they remove short fibers, comb, align along the length, because the tape that comes in here
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is often bought with a mixed composition into the product, we see on the tag, the composition may be wool, polyester, polyamide, these the fibers are located in this tape, and in order for them to mix evenly and not be some kind of bunches, then this mixing... the best happens at this stage and at the output we already get soft, elastic, even, paralyzed fibers , already a tape, which will later go to other tape transitions so that we can see this thin thread, the technological cycle is very long for us, to obtain the roving from which we get... the yarn often goes through three or four stages of the tape cars, the roving and the pulling device
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pulls the thread out of the roving, but if we, probably, even the camera practically doesn’t see it, only by substituting the handle, you see such a thin thread that is produced at the textile mill. here we see with you the half-shell yarn that has already been received, the removal of the machine occurs automatically, the manual pipes of our fragile women are not used, and this was not always the case, it only happened after the global modernization of our textile enterprise, and these bobbins are also being installed , which then happens on the motorbike. the fleet of technological equipment has probably been updated by 99%, this is the most high-tech equipment in the world,
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the highest speed, the yarn has already been steamed on the cob, now it is steamed, it no longer spins and then it is rewinded into... one of my favorite machines - this is not just rewinding, this machine is equipped with optics and when rewinding the yarn from the cob to the bobbin , optical control occurs and if there is a cutout on this type of equipment this inappropriate area is soldered by a human thread. is present, sometimes you want to automatically correct something somewhere with your hand, something that may not be possible, but also each piece of equipment is as safe as possible.
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for safety purposes, to protect the safety of workers, our equipment is equipped with photo sensors. now i’m simulating a violation for you, which of course cannot be done, but you never know if someone came up and wanted to touch, feel, made such a movement, since we see that an automatic stop occurred the car must be removed to start it. emergency empty, which only a worker can do, both single threads and threads twisted into two are used in the fabric, then it goes to the weaving production, where the magic happens, from the thread we get fabric, satin stitch, either it is a checkered pattern, or it is a melage . we received raw fabric from the katsky
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workshop, sorted and prepared for finishing; in the process, various preparations are applied in the form of antistatic agents, lubricants or abrasive agents, of course, for for further finishing, we must first wash off these chemicals. the fabric becomes clean within five minutes. without various lubricants, naturally, it is wet , we not only dry it, but also fix it, if there are chemical, synthetic threads available, they are fixed at a certain temperature, then in the future the product that we are already wearing is forty size six turned into size forty there, no shrinkage occurred.
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stabilized, again not everything is done, then a control check of the fabric takes place, and after this control check, our craftswomen, looking through the fabric, carefully remove on the surface, without disturbing the structure of the fabric, any debris that remains insignificant. probably, from the technological transitions, which cannot replace our sweet, beautiful women, party differs from party, that somewhere there is more quarrel, somewhere there is practically none at all, and information is transmitted to the worker, those places of direction are shown, what she should execute.
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fabric production before modernization was 90 calendar days, now, if necessary, we we can do 30, but in operating mode from raw materials to the receipt of the finished fabric, this is about 60 days, quality control of the finished product is carried out after... forging the fabric in the technical control department, fabric samples are cut off for testing and sent to the chemical laboratory for testing as a physical mechanical and chemical indicators. well, even from the graph it’s clear that the fabric will be appropriate and the tensile strength will be good. the program produces
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the final result from the physical and mechanical determination of the weight of the fabric, moisture content of the fabric, tearing characteristics, tearing characteristics, air permeability, from chemicals - this is the composition of the fabric, determining the color fastness of the fabric, its linear dimensions after washing or locking. in this case, a test to determine peeling formation, what people talk about, peeling pellets are formed, it simulates friction between tissue and tissue with a certain load, the assessment takes place in a certain number of cycles , resulting in cycles. there is such a problem,
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the fibers are pulled out in the process. friction fibers, we put the product on top, a jacket, a jacket, when pulled out, the fibers become electrified, stick and form a ball on the legs. this effect, which we strive to prevent together with our chemical fiber manufacturers, now we will evaluate the tested samples for peeling, for this we use standards in the form of templates, we can evaluate them in a horizontal position and often even in... lighting chambers, because we are, in principle, a product that we wear, we are in different conditions, and we are the same consumers of our tissue, as an ordinary consumer, we observe an insignificant small varsity
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, a very small value of pili, the compliance of our fabric is up to three points, which means 3-4 our fabric corresponds, get... thanks to government support
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, several government programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our systems, well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions, everything that... one could wish for the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept protection of the homeland. over the past 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100,000 human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. why do the cia and mi-6, which finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev, not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did it all. first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add to it security, it makes them suicide bombers, this is
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lukashenko’s personal courage, his position - saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24. head game, a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, even if they are beaten the hardest, in the fa cup match of the 22-23 season between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors, what exactly is its specificity, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you answer first, but the topic will have to be changed: saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. absolutely true, but
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activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. absolutely right, in a difficult, extremely difficult struggle, today he wins, watch the intellectual and sports project “head game” on our tv channel. in april 23, a new production site for the production of cloth fabrics, the production of blankets, fabrics for sewing
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coats, lightweight and with a higher density. asphalt fabric, it is unusual, here is a herringbone pattern, large, but the fabric is not simple, it can be double-sided, yes, let’s turn it over and here is the wrong side, it is as beautiful as the front side, it can be combined or used on its own, the new one is the same direction - these are blankets, both in the composition of synthetic materials and half-woolen, this is more...
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it will be built on our computer in the program different colors depending on the customer, a new color scheme that is provided to us every year, for autumn-winter, as well as for spring-summer, but that’s not all, since 1918 we opened a design center. in the decision to create a design center
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there was a certain correct chosen strategy; using our example, we show how to work with our textiles, what range it is suitable for, and what technological conditions must be observed in order for the products to be high-quality and effective. we have two designers, men's assortment and women's assortment. engineering. a technologist who monitors the most modern technological methods for processing products, and i, as the head of the design center, simultaneously combine this mission as a playing coach. what inspires designers? our desinizers offer us very interesting developments; we try to choose fabrics with the maximum wool content for our brand, because perhaps no one else produces a product exactly like this. segment right here, the color
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matches the color, this is how we ordered these colors and so it directly corresponds in general , well done, the style of our collections is the clarity of the silhouette line, such minimalism, precise minimalism, where everything is focused on the purity of the silhouette and the quality of the final product. of course, a large percentage of our collection is made up of the smart business clothing line. we all survived the epidemic of home clothes, yes, when , in general, everyone was wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts, but thank god, the situation has changed ; today this is a general global trend for the return of office clothes. in our collection there are both men's and women's coats, practically. and 100% wool, there are business suits for men, we also produce
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more casual jackets for women, which allow you to feel comfortable in the office, but at the same time not buttoned all the way down. these calmer colors can be used for the men’s assortment, so that there are no complaints against us, for some reason you love women there. yes, mass production, of course, it is more piecemeal, this is not a garment factory, and these products come from our company stores, the republic of belarus has already been opened in the russian federation, here is a lightweight cloth fabric
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with a peach effect, it’s pleasant to the touch, i think our buyer will be very pleased. i came to the plant after being assigned in august 1987. when i got into production, the first impression, inspiration, scale, and of course, it was difficult for a young specialist, and you learned, but still you seemed to
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know nothing, but i was received with warmth , but still with responsibility, every day i kept, you know, this one... preparing for the arrival to work, the first impression of coming to okomvol is still with me, when young specialists come to us, now i always share this feeling, i am a frequent guest, firstly, in general, at your college, but more, of course, this is with chemists, i work, i often even take laboratory practice exams there, but... weavers and spinners are always welcome, so please contact us with any questions, we will help, we will answer, i love it, honestly, i love my job, i really love it , if my
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eyes weren’t burning, i probably would have left, suggestions there were, but without hesitation, of course, no, only... so i dream that there will be more like-minded people.
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basenkov, pyotr kharitonovich, participant in the great patriotic war, hero of the soviet union, senior sergeant, was born in the village of vylevo, now dobruzhsky district, gomel region, into a peasant family. during the great period... on september 18, 1944, the crew of the tank
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, which included pyotr kharitonovich posenkov, repelled eight counterattacks of enemy tanks, destroying them. tank and one self-propelled gun, left alone after the death of the remaining members tank crew, pyotr bosenkov did not stop fighting until reinforcements arrived. one of the streets in the working-class village of kostyukovka, now within the city limits of gomel, is named after pyotr kharitonovich. there is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived.
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an unusual international organization, the shanghai cooperation organization, it is truly an unusual shanghai organization, the nineteenth meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization has just ended, belarus took part in this event as a country observer at the invitation of the kazakh side, for which we are grateful to our kazakh comrade, well, i hope that this is really our last meeting when belarus takes part. as an observer country at the summit of heads of state in july, i hope that an end will be put to the procedure for admitting our country to the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization. the process of agreeing on all procedural issues regarding the admission of our country to the organization has been completed, just some
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time ago i spoke with the general secretary of the shanghai organization, mr. man, so he assured me that all states have signed all the relevant protocol documents, it remains to put an end to officially at the summit of heads of state to accept our country as a member of the shanghai organization, it is symbolic that this will take place firstly... in including, and really supports all these initiatives that are put forward by the shanghai cooperation organization. today we discussed, firstly, as usual,
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how the situation in practice is practiced in area of ​​responsibility of the shanghai organization, an in-depth analysis was given of the modern challenges and threats in the field of international security that threaten humanity today, but this is, first of all, the most important, probably the threat that worries everyone today, this is international terrorism, extremism and separatism, then with than today...
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eurasia and 25% of the globe in general, and the population that make up the shanghai organization. 4 billion people, that’s almost half the world’s population, so really, well, authority today the shanghai organization is steadily growing upward, unfortunately, against the backdrop of a decline in the authority of such international organizations as the united nations and the osce, so the shanghai organization is truly unique, it is efficient today, it is productive today, it is open to interaction with all international platforms and structures . indeed, the organization began with security issues, well, in fact, it continues to adhere to this agenda, but this still has great potential in the economic sphere, in the
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investments, in the field of logistics, of course, undoubtedly, the shanghai organization is very attractive as an economic model, because economic issues were considered here, it was probably created primarily at the beginning of its journey to address issues of economic security, and what is economics, as our president says, the economy will work in any country, which means... that's right, the shanghai organization is, i would say, a center, an attractive center for the truly development of a multipolar world, look, nine countries are
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part of the shanghai organization, three countries are still observers, i am sure that in the near future there will be two countries left, because belarus will join the shanghai organization, but there are also many partner countries that are also ready to work with the shanghai organization organization, striving to enter the shanghai organization, so i think that in the near future - the potential of this organization, firstly, it is great, but the scale of this organization will increase, those who want to enter because they see the effectiveness mechanisms of work within the shanghai organization, today we also discussed issues related to the development of the shanghai organization, strengthening interaction, primarily in matters of strengthening economic security, strengthening other issues of international security, this is very important, issues of a new world order are being considered differently today. there they said a multipolar world absolutely correctly, today there is a unipolar world, i think that it has collapsed after all, this is already a statement of facts, and
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the united states today, unfortunately, they are still trying to fight for unipolarity. for peace, but the train has moved forward, today there really are different centers, forces that are aimed primarily at the peaceful resolution of issues, dialogue, partnership and dialogue on issues, various issues on the international agenda, and it also turns out to be such an interesting moment, in the bloc this one, this organization includes three major powers: russia, china, india, there is a huge population and these are very strong economies, small belarus, joining here...
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interaction, cooperation above all, today, what they are doing, they are doing to the detriment of their interests, their economic interests, first of all, by introducing sanctions , it seems, on the one hand, like belarus is striking a blow to its economy, look at what is being done today, what farmers will do in europe , but this is not because of a good life, it really is an economic crisis today, i would say, which is already spilling out, i still would like the political leadership of western countries... to come to their senses and not aggravate these relations, belarus from won't lose this but they can benefit from this, so i think that belarus, as a european country that is at the transition between east and west, will contribute to rapprochement and expansion, including the shanghai organization towards the west. what are the current priority areas for the shanghai
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cooperation organization? well, in any case, the shanghai organization. was created as an organization to provide guarantees of security and normal functioning of states in the conditions of, let’s say, the current international situation, difficult situation, so that economic issues can be resolved at a broader level for the benefit of states, but here are cultural ties, here is also the development of issues through the intelligence services, security, so the sranhai organization, i say again, security issues . a guarantee of security, they are at the forefront, and for a normal economy to function, it is necessary to ensure security on the territory of countries, this is also done by the corresponding structure of the shanghai organization cooperation, first of all, the most important thing is an attractive economic, modern model and a center for the formation of a multilateral world. thank you for this interview, thank you.
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseen, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also train pharmacists. this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we propose to carry it out.
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the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and a difficult time, three times yes: the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally,
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the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and well-being, by well-being we mean peace and security from the absence of war in our country to tranquility in our streets in peacetime , thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system. clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i happy with what we done, built? i'm happy, i'm sure you're happy too. we built it as best we could, as best we could. we were sincere about this construction. our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power moves carefully, without breaking anything. will it work? everything for the new generation, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a disaster, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still a little more than a statistical error.
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propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24. on air news in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon, and briefly about the main topics of the issue.


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