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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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motivation, strong support from fans, the team from baranavichy lost to the hockey players from grodno in a bitter struggle. 3:4, the execution let us down, as if at the beginning of the first two periods, yes, the opponent had more small corners, somehow more chances, but in my opinion, and since we see our coaching staff, that the next two periods, the third and fourth, they were completely ours, but we just didn’t score. the live broadcast of the tournament match at this moment is being carried out by the belarus 5 tv channel. that’s all for me, i give the floor to elizaveta lashkevich, hello lisa, what news in the central region? julia, greetings, belas is presenting new technology today, with an emphasis on the electrification of mountain transport. and who will go on a patriotic journey on the memory train was chosen in minsk, these are 45 boys and girls, and the rest of the details are on our broadcast. thank you elizaveta, look. your region, see you at 17:00,
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you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, in postmodernity everything in the world is text, text is not important, ours the mistake is what we are looking for the meanings are there. they are not there, it seems to me that there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow to explain why they put a man, a grandfather, who does not remember his name, at the post of such a huge state, this is absurd, if you just if you don’t set yourself up for a life of prayer like this, you ’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s a front line, god speaks with every heart alone in grief,
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who is advocating for the patriarchal paraduzha for the cyagnika? memory was chosen in minsk. yes trips there are 45 schoolchildren from different regions of the country. the tour starts on 22 cherven from brest. the knitting is collected from the spring festival of the ab'yadnaya amatara of folk traditional gookans on our airwaves. belarus is celebrating an important historical date: international day. kata, they were captured by the troops of the red army, and a violent campaign was opening up calling people from the terrible death camps in europe. adzin from the first concentration camps in the territorial occupied parts of the ussr, the nazis relaxed in the steel microdistrict of masyukoushchyna. shtalakh 352. kalia died here 80 thousand chalaveks. sonnya na traditions.
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we are united, we remember, we believe, therefore our strength allows our people not only to remember those killed during the great patriotic war, but also to build their policy towards an independent strong state. it’s very difficult to be here in this place, i can’t even imagine what the prisoners of war felt during the war, being here, our academy did not stand aside, we came here to honor the memory of the innocent dead people, it’s a terrible place, in my
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opinion, it’s very important to do today no accent only preserving the memory, but on the fact that we survived, we withstood, because the patriarchal alliance on the cyagnic memory was chosen in minsk. the final stage of recruitment of candidates on the basis of the national center for arts and crafts and youth. 16 thousand high school students from all over the country showed greedy attention to the treasured tickets, and only 70 days before the final. these young
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people are involved in studies, valancer zeynasticism, and in republican and international creative competitions. zhury accepted a business card, partfolio and more on the topic.
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from belarus, russia and other countries of the snd. the powerful and powerful premiere at the belarusian automatic plant and jodzena presented several innovative quarry dump trucks. so , the 120-ton electric machine became a hitmaker. geta is a crazy
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project of the union of dzyarzhavas of belarus and race. batteries with a maximum capacity of 1500 kilowatts are created by rasatama specialists. this electrate can be used for one day and 8 days. akramya so... gas, geta more than 160 chalaveks from the countries of the snd and the asian forefathers you brought 130 tons of gas. asable tsikavastsya yayulya i hybridny na vadarodze. the look and feel of the machines, which are collected from jodzen, have passed the standard of the ancient mining industry of the race. our fleet consists entirely of 100% mining dump trucks in belas and belas proves itself year after year. the use of alternative sources means costs and costs, which we undoubtedly evaluate and take into account when we decide what equipment to purchase, so
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now our priority is undoubtedly the use of equipment from alternative energy sources. the main advantage of these dump trucks is the possibility. standard cars do not have this capability; there are storage devices that can return the energy that is generated when decelerating or. braking of the car, this is a key, key feature, that is, here we can get savings on fuel consumption, if we are talking about a diesel hybrid, or we can get savings on electricity if we have clean battery dump trucks, taxi drivers showed this news from belaz, as samazval diesel trolley carrier, machines of this kind are extremely clean, they are the first produced in the quarries of russia and are rippling and raw creativity. fresh asphalt pavement in two areas covering more than 70 thousand square
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meters. workers of the minsk zhyleva-kamunalnaya gaspadarka perform a limited amount of work in the housing stock. 12 thousand square meters of new pedestrian connections are more than 160 square meters at the entrance. specialists regularly monitor the law and carry out planned restorations. syarod іх repair of the façade, residential ladies, yes and foresters, replacement or replacement. another main area for us is the replacement and repair of children's play sports equipment. to date , more than 400 units of children's play and sports equipment, including small architectural forms, have been painted and repaired. 24/7 specialists of the zhyleva-kamunalnaya gaspadarka deal with requests from gramadzians, attend to
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the liquidation of damage in parking spaces and driveways, carry out repairs to sacred buildings, tests on the drains works can be packaged on partal 115. long-distance prices from avocada stones and natural colors from native varieties, thematic practices of adzin from favorite activities in the garden, so specialists can teach this weekend you can catch fire in the desert , exhibitions of cacti and
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succulents open the doors for the naval batanic, more than a thousand exhibits of some of the rarest and oldest species, extreme rocky mountains. and for young warriors, practice is the rule learn how to replant cacti and how to grow them correctly. knitting is collected in the month of september, the yasnova festival becomes a month of tying for the amatara of folk traditions. cutaneous spring of kupala... and with this we are already done with the holy day, so that we have saved everything.
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these are the holy ones of spring, they are all like this, trample the earth, they are like this, they are all the same, so i am afraid that such a number of people have trampled, just like this, and at once such a sacred spring is a bastard tsa. i'm welcome to vogule jump on this svyatse, i love you, the people of our country, our traditional belarusian culture, and i also know some of the elements of the entire national culture with ourselves, of course...
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a year of quality for our company is , first of all, responsibility for the results of our work. i came to construction at a mature age. at age, as they say, a conscious choice, i liked the fact that you see the results of your work, when step by step the house is raised, built, i have been working in construction since 1988, the fact that we worked in last century now, this is a very big difference, now the modern level
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of materials, technologies, this allows us to do our work efficiently, when you see the results of your work, in the form of high-rise apartment buildings, hospitals, kindergartens, you feel joy from this, you drive around the city and look, that your house is there, that your house is there, today open joint stock company number two, this is the construction of a facility of any complexity and in the optimal time frame, i have been living in pinsk for more than 40 years already, i came here from the primorsky territory when i was eighty third year, a lot has changed. what houses have grown, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, kindergartens, cannot be compared with the period when i came here, here in every, one might say, in every house there is a piece of my work, it’s all very pleasing, it’s, as they say, everything was built for our children, our grandchildren, so that they live in a beautiful, comfortable city.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions for the heroes. natalya, why do you think the children chose to talk exactly you? well, maybe because they haven't talked to me yet. are you ready for children to sometimes ask tough questions?
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no, of course, i only have four of them, not 100, so it will be more difficult here. i’ll try, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the chairman of the belarusian cycling federation, eight-time world champion, olympic bronze medalist, natalya valeryevna tselinskaya, welcome! natalya, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you do not you can. if you don’t want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself. time has passed. well, what can i tell you about me, i’m an ordinary person, i have two arms, two legs, one head for all of them,
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there’s nothing unusual about me, i just know how to set goals correctly and achieve them, then i’m probably lucky, in my life i came across very good people who wanted i feel good, and i probably knew how to draw conclusions, so i was able to achieve something, i want to start right away by giving the children advice: never, never be discouraged, in life there are always a lot of opportunities and chances, never despair and know that there is always only the best ahead, you didn’t do it in a minute, but you gave the children excellent advice, and what can we say, your life is worthy of a great dialogue, let’s get down to it, we have 100 participants in our studio, each has their own question , let's see how fast you can answer, ready? yes. then let's begin. raise your hand if you're ready to ask a question. hello
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natalya, my name is angelina. how do you often remember how you started your career? well, i remember quite often, because my career is not over, it just moved to another stage, i’m no longer an athlete, but i still remain in sports, in cycling, in particular, well, this is part of my life. that’s why i think about this quite often, but how did you realize that you wanted to connect your life with this? maybe someone helped you understand this? i i don't i understood right away, but i was very lucky with my first coach, he made me fall in love with this sport, and i stayed in it, and this is the love of my life, and in general i dreamed of becoming a surgeon, and then something went wrong, well , i don’t know what kind of surgeon i would be, but i seem to have turned out to be a good athlete, it also seems to me that i became a good mother, well, of course, you need to ask my children about this, well, i also dreamed of being a mother of a large family, i grew up alone, i only had
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a cousin, but no relatives, and i always wanted there are a lot of children, i have four now, so it probably came together, this is the most important thing, it seems to me that we are moving into the purple sector, to your right, hello, my name is daria, at what moments do you especially think about your mother, are you something do you remember about her? and you know, well , i don’t remember much, because we spent a lot of time together, at what moments i remember, and in almost everything, like any normal person, the first thing that always comes to mind is mom, that’s bad for you , good, sad , joyfully, you don't care the first person you think about is your mom, so i'm... normal, sort of. natalya, what happened to mom? she died? how old were you? i was 13. who raised you?
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grandmother and grandfather. well, well, well, before my mother died, then my grandmother died, a year earlier. grandfather, when i was 16, then we started living with my dad. there is an expression: time heals, this is really true, of course, but you can come to terms with pain, with loss, forgive something, but you never forget, and this is the most important thing, our loved ones with us as long as we remember them. natalya, hello, my name is daria, and how hopeless do you think people are who do poorly at school, huh? and you know , i believe that in general there are no hopeless people, i know many examples when children who did poorly at school achieved very
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good results in life, i have a classmate, a big businessman, he studied at school, well, so-so, because that studying is not a criterion of our intelligence, it is... the level of education, but how did you study at school, what grades did you get? i did not have threes, and i studied at 4.5, i liked to study, i loved going to school, but 4.5 we had a five-point system, then natalya, to your right, stretches the yellow microphone up, hello, my name is sofia and my question to you: when did you stop playing with dolls? i never stopped, i didn’t even start, i had one doll, and somehow, well, it was, i was more interested in cars,
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bicycles, some kind of war games. the pressure that we are doing some outrageous things, but we are essentially children, in terms of what our task is, i trained, i ate, i rested, and well, it’s cyclical, yes, it all goes in a circle, and you went to competitions, won them, well, an athlete has no other goal, just everything else the people who are next to you do it for you, you don’t know how to buy tickets for yourself,
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how to open yourself... well, unfortunately, yes, but i’m working on it, because i promised the head of state an olympic gold medal and cycling for sure will help you your daily life status, the main thing is not interfered, this is the most important thing, you need to remain a person with all your titles, how do athletes make a living? do they pay
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a salary for competition? athletes make a living from sports, when you show a high result, there is a national team of the republic of belarus in every sport, and you get into it, you are paid a salary, if the result is on the podium at the highest sports forums, world ones, then you are also paid a presidential scholarship, but for each competition there are different prizes depending on the status competitions. and well, we have very good prize money, whoever is ready to ask a question, raise your hand, you have a huge number of medals, and where do you store them, do you know how much they weigh, well, it’s not that huge, 51 - that’s already for an adult career, and where do i keep them, they hang on the wall, the wall stands, which
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medal is the most valuable for you, why? well , it would probably be correct to say that the olympic one, but i can’t belittle all my other medals, because behind each medal there is a lot of work, great losses and hardships in terms of being, well, an athlete he closes his eyes a lot and refuses a lot, so i wouldn’t say that there is anything special. i value them all and am proud, thank you, children, we have a little surprise for you, we asked natalya to bring all her medals to the studio, take them out, please, well, here i took a few, natalya, maybe one of the children should try weigh them, raise your hand, whoever is ready to come out, come out. young
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man, how much do you think these medals weigh? probably 1 kg 300 g. it seems to me that a kilogram is 100 g. who else is ready guess who is ready to guess? but it seems to me that there are about 2 kg here, well, somewhere around 800 kilograms. let’s still resolve this dispute, i’ll ask you to bring the scales into the studio now, let’s weigh all the medals natalya tselinsky, find out how much this victory weighs, 665, 665 is not a weight, it is a sample.
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you became world champion eight times and were included eight times for you. national anthem, how did you feel at that moment? and the anthem sounded much more often, to my pride, because at every victory, when you you win any competition, the anthem of your country plays, and what is this for me, well, this is the anthem of my homeland, this is pride, this feeling, you know, of the rise of double strength. the fact that we are a very small but proud country, the whole world is around you, and it, well, is defeated by you, and well , it’s difficult to describe these feelings, they are
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always overwhelming, but this is undoubtedly pride and happiness. the next question is in the yellow sector, to your right, sporting achievements are more gray. merits of a coach or an athlete and why do you think they say that these merits also belong to the state? and firstly, this is not the merit of either the athlete or the coach individually , or even the two of them, it is the merit of the whole team, because well, in particular in my sport, it is also the mechanic who services your bike, this is the massage therapist who leads. restores your muscles, this is a doctor who monitors yours, well, we must monitor our health, but nevertheless the doctor is involved in this, because well , we are living people, we can get sick, and this is for athlete is categorically unacceptable, but
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why is the state involved in this? well , first of all, let's start with the fact that in the republic of belarus all sports are free, all children's sections are free, and you come there, they provide you with uniforms and... then, when you show some results, they start taking you to training camps and competitions at the expense of the state, and then you also receive good prize money from the state for this. now many athletes are deprived of the right to compete under the belarusian flag and due to sanctions, do you think it is possible to connect sports with politics? ah, unfortunately. sport and politics were connected a very long time ago, this well-known phrase that sport is outside of politics, it hasn’t worked for a long time, but you know what i tell my athletes, that we don’t race there now, well, that’s not for us unlucky, it’s unlucky for them, the fact that they
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cannot compete with us, well, let it wait, we’ll come back and show it.
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what is the maximum speed you developed on your bike, maybe you have your own personal record, well, somehow i never had the task of setting a record speed is a problem, well, my view is 500k there is time, well, maybe if. you break a record, then it’s a record, but the main thing is to actually win
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the competition, in the sprint everything is clear there, you don’t care about the speed and time you show over the distance, because the sprint is always two people, whoever is first at the finish line is the one and won, went further, and well, the maximum speed record was a training one, but because we did the kind of work that later allowed us to go fast in competitions, we drove hard. such a special motorcycle that rides on the track and the athletes accelerate behind it, well , we rode there around 90, but we went downhill for about a hundred, i heard that the most expensive bicycles are decorated with gold and precious stones, so that’s why the bicycles of professional racers look not also, well, so as not to distract us, probably in time. competitions, this is a joke, of course, but we have
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different criteria, parameters in bicycles, the bicycle must be rigid, streamlined, and there must be complete symbiosis between the athlete and a bicycle, that is, all the efforts that you put into spinning the pedals, they must be clearly directed and redirected to the forward movement of the bicycle, but gold rhinestones are everything. also acceptable, probably, but in a slightly different sport, some kind of riding, well, it has a place to be, then, the yellow sector, natalya, to your right, why do you think the bicycle remains one of the most popular means of transportation, well, strange question, you ride a bike, but it’s fun, well, just, well it’s great, so you’re driving and the picture
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changes all the time, the wind blows on you when it’s hot, yes, when it’s cold, you drive and warm up a little faster, but the picture still changes, well, that’s a question for me, but i’ve never talked about it , well, i didn’t think about why, but it’s just, well, here you are riding, well, since childhood, everyone has been riding a bike, but now you have... of course, everyone has bicycles, but we used to have three bicycles for the whole yard, and so you stand there and think, holy shit, when will it be my turn to drive it, because, well, it’s cool, you ’ll fall, skin your knee, well, that’s also cool, because you got up and rode on, well, because there’s probably an indescribable feeling on a bike, and you can put a lot of stress on yourself on a bike, that’s what...
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i won’t have time for everything that i need to do, plus there are no four racks on the bike, and if i need to go with the children, then i simply have nowhere to shove them. are there any signs in cycling? in our country it is considered a bad omen when you wear a new uniform to a competition, so that it becomes new, the overalls just need to be thrown on the floor and trampled on, and it’s no longer new. like this, this is the only thing i
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followed from the signs, because i didn’t want to fall. hello, natalya, capercaillie, ram, postman, what other funny cycling terms are there and what do they mean? postman, what is this? postmen are cyclists who avoid active struggle and prefer, well, race passively. oh, this, this, if you didn't know. i didn’t know this, well, this is the first time i’ve heard of it, but what is it, what is a ram, a ram is a steering wheel, here is a ram that goes, but this is a road steering wheel in theory, as it were, the most common one. in racing bicycles. natalya, what is a capercaillie? a wood grouse is a road bike with brakes, but without shifters, that is, it has a direct transmission, like on a track. we don’t have brakes and we slow down with a gear, because it’s like on a children’s bike, remember, you turn forward,
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you go forward, you turn back, you go back, this is a track bike and there are no brakes, on the highway it’s a special bicycle on which we do certain work. but, but he has brakes. i heard another very beautiful, in my opinion, term “dancer”. this is when you stand still on a bicycle, and your feet are on the bicycle, on the pedals, but this is a technique that is called, in the correct language they call it, used by a sprinter, because very often there is a struggle for position when both people are in. ..
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we also fall, then these are our abrasions, these, they are very difficult to treat when the legs are covered with natural vegetation, so yes, all cyclists do you shave your legs ? corona influences here. which i was talking about, if she gets stuck in the doorway, then she already influences, but her career doesn’t not influence, on the contrary, it can only help, because communication becomes wider, yes, my best friend, we ’ve been together for 41 years , we are from first grade together, we came
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to practice cycling together, we are godmothers to my daughter, in general, well, there are a lot of friends from... well , maybe they are not so close, but we always meet with pleasure and communicate, whether the athletes are friends with each other or just compete between themselves? well, it’s like ordinary people, it’s impossible to be friends with all of our competitors, but we have very smooth, warm relationships outside the track, and there are actually people with whom we are friends and correspond , we still meet at competitions and communicate with pleasure. let's move on to yellow sector, every girl dreamed of a prince, what kind of prince did you imagine in childhood , did your dreams coincide with reality, i didn’t play with dolls, what kind of prince, well, i don’t know, some kind of one, but somehow i didn’t
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dream, because what about the guy, well, i told you what i played as a child, and what they are like... it’s normal, it seems to me, what do you think, are you an amorous person? yes, well, even lucky in love or not? undoubtedly, definitely, i have four wonderful children, so i am 100% lucky in love, what about you in general? a difficult person for his family or is it easy with you? i’m probably not an easy person, because yes, i generally don’t understand this concept, what is an easy person or a difficult person, difficult, but in communication, well, every person, every person has his own character, and
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someone can like him and someone... i don’t like it, but then i’ll give you a song, let’s not bend. less than i would like, because, well , i always want to give, to do more, but the work takes a lot of time and... and well , somewhere, somewhere, i get tired, imagine, just don’t tell anyone about it, here, well so i would like to devote more time,
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but i’m working on it, you give the impression of such a strong, strong-willed woman, is this really so, you saw through me, yes, by the end of the program, but unfortunately yes, why unfortunately, because.. .. i’m a girl, and a girl should be light, airy, and well, in my opinion, i would like to be like, like, like, like, a girl, do girl things, yes, men are there, let them arrange duels there because of us, there they fight with swords, you see, we fit into our trousers, we aspire to a man's career and... therefore, well, now this is the world, so, so the world dictates the rules, but still, it
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seems to me that we are created differently, for some reason, and i would like to live in a time when men shook hands with you, they moved or pulled a chair for you, they didn’t swear in front of you, i would like to live in this time, and you, well, you will be a woman, you will look after you, you will love and wait. at what points in your life do you allow yourself to be weak and how does this manifest itself? probably not you, because somehow the world is like this now, unfortunately. natalya, you have many children, do you often want to be alone? well, not as much for me, so, no, there are some
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pauses there, well, my little ones see for themselves, when i got there i’m already like this, they know that there’s a 15-minute pause, i’m closed there, they don’t touch me, well, then that’s it they want to eat anyway, so they often tell me, you know, oh my, she doesn’t eat anything there or... she went in for sports, whether she had a big career or not, it’s hard to say, because she graduated early,
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the younger ones are not seriously involved in sports yet, so we’ll wait and see, but do you yell at your children, if so, for what reason? i scream, i don’t like it, yes, but yes. for what reason? yes, for no reason, but since i have four of them, when they don’t obey all together, then of course there’s already, well , i’m not absolutely proud of it, but if i’m wrong, this also happens, of course, then i apologize, but how do you think parents should apologize to their children if they are wrong, of course, hello, my name is anya, i have the following question for you: what the best consolation when you are generally sad, bad? i very rarely feel sad and bad, because i
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perceive everything in life as an incomplete line, light black, even if it seems like a dead end, and therefore, well, i really have depression, yesterday i had 3 hours of depression, i i’m so tired that i’m just like that, i understand, my battery is dead, that’s it, but 3 hours more. i can afford it, but what is the best medicine, well , my kids, of course, because even though they are noisy and don’t listen, i yell at them, but, but anyway, this is the best exercise, have you always dreamed of having many children? oh, yes, i always dreamed of it, because i was the only child. well, if there was an opportunity, i would also like to, yes, perhaps, well , in an unnatural way, perhaps, well, there will be
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some child that i can help. and he will also be part of my family, what do you believe in, maybe in fate, in god, in horoscopes? well, i’m an inferior, so to speak, christian, who goes to church and services, but i try to observe in my life after all, these are the church canons. i know that there is undoubtedly a higher power, and i undoubtedly believe in myself, well, in humans, because well, we are unique creatures, people, so i believe in myself, in my children, in my loved ones, in my friends, in my country, in you i wish the same, you need to believe in yourself and move towards your
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goal. i have my own guardian angel, this is exactly what yours looks like, well, it’s probably all pink, so white, fluffy, the absolute antithesis of me, to balance my life in general, because i’m there, who i am, you he said, heavy, yes, complex, well, he’s absolutely light, an absolute counterweight to me.
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what did you dream about as a child, about a dog, and i’m a sneaker, i didn’t have sneakers, i had sneakers, and i, well, i was still very young, i dreamed about sneakers, then, by the way, when i came to cycling, with a girl was working with us, she was older, she, ah,... received a uniform, athletes receive equipment, we receive tracksuits, sneakers, she received them, these were not the first sneakers, she gave them to me, and i then she said that i would also give my first sneakers to someone, and i didn’t receive the first sneakers, but i won and i came to minsk from moscow and also gave them to the girl at the base, well , well, now i have sneakers and dogs i have one too, that’s why my childhood
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dreams came true. i saw that you didn’t come to the studio alone, introduce us to your friend, your girlfriend, rather, well, i ’d love to, the main thing is that she wants it, that’s a little secret, natalya came here with her beloved dog, and we all want her see what her name is, oh, now let's open the scary one, in general her name is cinnamon, that's all, but i call her babaka. hello, oh god, how oh, everything, everything, babaka tselovaka yes, yes, exactly, the make-up artist is unhappy, i think. oh, that one, that’s right,
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the border dog, because this is the noisiest dog in our house, by the way, why babaka, by the way, because for a long time they couldn’t come up with a name, and i, well, you have to call her somehow a person, so i started calling her babak, then they came up with cinnamon for her, and i say, well, cinnamon is good, but babak is better, that's why everyone has cinnamon, but i have babak. the next question in the yellow sector is: how much time do you spend on the internet? fortunately , a little, i just understand how sucked it is, and i practically don’t get along on
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social networks, anywhere, because well, i don’t. it doesn’t give anything, the people i want to communicate with, i have them, i don’t even like to write sms, it’s better for me to hear a voice, at least, but even better is a live meeting, and what kind? was the last query you entered into the search bar? and this morning, minor furniture repairs, the sofa was torn, i realized something that i can’t fix it on my own, so i was looking for it today, okay, thank you, if you compare the time when you were involved in cycling, has much changed now, is it now easier for athletes to achieve their goals...
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and how we worked before, well, excuse me for such a word, and they do the same now, well, this is such a separate sports life, the biggest problem in sports is that sports life ends very early, but it’s already quite late, and you have to live like this in adulthood, radically change your life, that is, the profession of an athlete, is not forever, you don’t...
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and when i was my big sport, i didn’t have four children yet, i had an eldest daughter masha, she, well, not not all the time we spent together, because she was already in school, but quite a lot of what was possible, because i trained in moscow, there was no track in minsk, so she often came to me, not even during school hours. vacation, but to quit for the sake of, it’s wrong, to do something, stop doing one thing for the sake of something else, you
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you’ll regret it later, so you need to find opportunities and try to combine it and, well, don’t do it to the detriment of something. tell me, please, what other peak do you want to conquer? well, everest, i probably don’t know, you know what peak i want to conquer, today my peak is to be a good mother, because i have to raise my children with dignity, and you essentially conquer some peak every day. natalya, this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired, now you have to choose the best questions of this program, this is a question about
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dog, there is one more question about mom, who asked about cycling terms, so, well, in my opinion, these are three questions today. won, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, hello, somehow only girls turned out like this, but what beauties, really, thank you specially for your questions, well, i think you will find there something for yourself.
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what is the difference for you between communicating on a social network and communicating live with a person, well. you're on a social network you just don’t see a person live, but it’s much more interesting to communicate with a person when you see him in real life, you can go for a walk with him on the street, in the park, you can even just ride a bike and talk, i remember in the camp it was about my mother, when you’re not in the camp you don’t remember much at all, but when you’re in the camp ... through the phone it doesn’t
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give you anything at all, even though you hear her, even through a video call, but you just want to hug her, talk to her with her, that’s what it seems to me the best thing is why i asked this, because it’s a sore subject for me today, my children are often older, when they come home from school, well, it doesn’t always happen, but very often they hand over their mobile phones because well... at home they have something to do at home, but here are the basic things, let’s take the school curriculum, lately parents think that there is too much physical education, i even once at a parent meeting said: let’s cancel physical education lessons altogether for a month, i’m just wondering , the children will last a week without physical education, no, it’s exciting, because this physical relaxation, it really gives the opportunity...
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a great rest for the brain, we have english, mathematics, physics, where we wonderfully go and hire a tutor, and in physical education you don’t need to hire a tutor, you just need to take away the gadget , because today two muscles are developed in a person, in a young person, these are the chewing muscles on the thumbs, this whole social sphere, it will not share the emotion with you, these are not the joys in life that you have there.
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igor, natalya valerievna tselinskaya, today at guests of the program 100 questions for adults. natalya, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. here i ask you to stay. natalia, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? there were questions that were difficult to answer.


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