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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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igor, natalya valerievna tselinskaya, today is a guest on the program 100 questions for adults. natalya, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. here i ask you to stay. natalia, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? there were questions that were difficult to answer. answer, because these are children after all, was there a moment when you just wanted to run away from the studio? i’m basically not afraid of anything, so i ran away, somehow. today you managed to answer 68 questions, will you come to us again to beat your score? to answer the other 32, right? but if you call me, then of course you’ll come up with it. i am addressing our audience, do you think that our hero was as open as possible today? who
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thinks so, raise your hands. natalya was as honest as possible today, uh, it was visible from her, and there was nowhere such a place where she could collect. it seems to me that what natalya said was sincere; she answered everything as it is, even if she may not have liked this question for some reason. natalya was, well, honest because she was. while she after, well, they asked a question, she seemed to think about it, and then just answered, that is, she did not say the answer right away, as if she knew what to say about him, well, who thinks that natalya was a little disingenuous today and what- did you hide it?
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a wonderful team, wonderful people, there is room for development here, i am confident here, i am confident in everyone who is here, the tree is always warm, there is something human in it, this is how the famous literary critic wrote about this natural object. with exactly this material, warm, gentle, fragrant, one of the largest enterprises in the woodworking industry in belarus operates, we are in a furniture workshop, the furniture workshop also produces furniture of a very different style, at the moment we are mastering it, already in development, we are already producing very highly artistic furniture, single piece furniture, it is special for some. ..
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in general, the pride of the country, today it is known no less, and perhaps even more, than the famous local attractions, the bobruisk fortress, the beaver monument or the house kubchikha katsnelson. this enterprise is one of the oldest in the city, this enterprise is one of the most successful in the country. on september 13, 1926 , the first laying of the first bricks, the first stones into the foundation of the future giant tree of belarusian woodworking took place. at this time, of course, the main task was to attract professional workers; they had to be found, because they were mostly from the village.
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such glory is written: i was a little son, and i flocked to babruisk as a young son, i danced with the courage of the youth, formulas bison on the road, the serbians have become a kambinatsk vegetarian soup, we are happy with ourselves, the strict 30th reptiles, the rulers of the siberians are home to red-haired ores. by the decrees of the presidium of the vyarkhonag savet of the ussr, on january 7, 1971, he was awarded the order of the october revolution, then almost 600 employees of the plant were awarded orders and medals. we were the best in the ussr throughout the ninth five-year plan. it was a prospect, we were young, komsomol members, we got into good brigades, somehow
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the old men took us, here are the pensioners, we got in, they trained us, it turns out like this, that we were even the winners of socialist competitions. the flag was passed down, in general i am from the great dynasty of beetles, it started from my great-great-grandfather anton, then the beetle ilya antonovich, as they say, his family was formed, the whole family, wives, children, the whole generation, a large generation of beetles worked here, optimism, cheerfulness and energy , a positive look at... tomorrow, these qualities are inherent in the entire team, they are perhaps one of the distinctive features of a large and friendly team. people believed in their plant even when the situation here was difficult, and the prospects seemed vague. few
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businesses have such a statute of limitations. the second is a very diverse enterprise in terms of production. it also produces sheet materials, furniture panels, lumber, everything. what is needed is not even directly for the production of furniture, what we sell, and so it produces the deepest processing, this is what we are talking about, this is furniture, there is nowhere deeper, this is, well, let’s say, the highest peak, starting from harvesting logs, timber, ending with what we have at home when i arrived, modernization is only it started, the workshop is old, it’s more than twenty- nine years old, the workshop is being modernized. happened in 1 year, imagine, our team is very good, we have a technical school nearby, it prepares personnel for us, and accordingly our old people who work, they really encourage young people, i always, no matter who comes, i say, the most important thing - this is a team,
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we will restore equipment, we will buy equipment, but we have retained our team today, we are confident that we will definitely withstand any difficulties with our team when...
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it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built. and don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions: two rings, two rings, and a posyaredzine flower,
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scissors, so brilliant, understandable, which means that we can, aleo, that’s what i can do, that’s it, watch the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel, tv channel belarus 24 presents, food has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well. a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine. there's peace now yes, it will change, she will share before and after. the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, well, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it is a hunter’s recipe. duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of rich, thick. soup, because there is a lot of fat here, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and
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traditions of a particular area. the stove looked like a medieval stove, a ceramic box lined with bricks, in which a fire was made, but a large metal sheet was installed on top. in the 17th century , baron, gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area. on a gilded carriage we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the project food anywhere. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch every sunday on our tv channel.
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the average age of employees is 41 years, 25-30% of full-time employees are young people under 30 years old. at the initial stage of labor activity. young professionals are always helped by mentors from a team of professionals, that is these are engineers, heads of structural divisions, foremen, shop managers, they necessarily help during the adaptation period, employees who want to work strive to achieve quality, i even force young people... stroke the board, they can’t produce a good board, i
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i say, come to the machine, say, love me, stroke the board, say: everything will work out for you, everything is working out, i’m grateful that they extended the contract, let me work more, but my brother and sister worked here, but there are a lot of our generation, sister went to trade, my brother became a truck driver, but i’m always here for everyone. i say to my grandchildren: ilarieva, vanka, come to my place, now i’m very glad that young specialists are coming here, working, you look from the outside, i was just a little boy, i was a little boy, somewhere, something worked out poorly, then it grows from him, and you are proud that in fact there is a replacement for us, to work with joy, this is about them, and despite the fact that... the production is not easy, the work performed requires both physical strength and maximum concentration,
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accuracy, and clarity, and ultimate neatness, people value their workplace, and workers, newcomers , find employment at the enterprise as a great gift of fate, this is my home, i sometimes say that i’m going home, i mean it sincerely, that i love my enterprise, when you’re already walking in come to our enterprise, you already feel warmth and kindness, and... plus we have a very good team, the manager will always be in your position, sincerely, even help you with your work, in some unclear issues, you are very admired... unity, i was surprised when everyone knows each other, knows who is sick with what, somewhere someone needs help, someone has children of this age, somewhere, well, there are some little things that are good neighborly, respectable, they have a place to be, this is
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humanity well, it warms, boards, unlaminated shelving furniture made from furniture panels, door blocks, kitchen and cabinet furniture of various models and shapes, they can definitely do everything and even more. our wood is pine, our wood is birch, alha, our wood is oak, this is a real solid wood, and our finishing materials are also based on water-based varnishes, that is, water-soluble, are also environmentally friendly. a pure product is obtained : environmentally friendly wood, environmentally friendly finishing, environmentally friendly furniture, what else can a buyer appreciate when in his house he, firstly, psychologically feels that this is a tree made of solid wood furniture, here he is ,
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firstly, the sensations are very pleasant, yes he does, the second point. these are japanese veneer stitching machines, what did that give us? this gave us the fact that we splice all the piece veneer and the quality of the plywood improved by an order of magnitude, plus we increased labor productivity by about one and a half times. expanding the range and improving the quality of products are the main tasks that are successfully solved at the enterprise, and this is exactly what
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the consumer expects from the manufacturer, expects, receives and enjoys. we are constantly increasing volumes, so we will not stop there, we will continue to raise the bar, by the way, today they work in a three-shift mode, so to speak, there is still a reserve where we can increase volumes of furniture, in good times it is good to live everywhere, in difficult times the team shows up, but if the team did not leave in difficult times, then in good times.
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with a young team, the best team in the republic of belarus for sure, this is unambiguous, so we have the quality of everything else at the highest level. whatever the difficulties, everyone here is convinced that they are temporary, no matter what production tasks are set, they know here, together, they can be solved, no matter what ideas arise, everyone here is confident that they will come to life with a sign quality to the delight of everyone. for me, this is, of course, my youth. this is my start, this is my life, this is my beginning, my favorite enterprise, this is income, this is satiety in the family, truly, like a big, warm, kind family, i am glad that today i work here in this team, my home , which i love, which
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you always want to go with pleasure when you are expected here. they said that we know each other, oh, how young i am here, you are always irresistible, the secrets of a good mood, how many groups, so many wives, oh well, you have such
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a positive face, as if that’s why women fall in love with him, yes, accordion, handsome, so calm, it seems, and many more interesting educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in tokyo in the twenty-first year, a man from australia became the bronze medalist in triathlon. i say to the point: hooligan? she says: no, not a hooligan, a good girl. let's meet people worthy of admiration. before getting married, i asked my wife how long she
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wants kids? she says: "three." i say: "okay!" i say: “come on, i say, minimum, no less.” and, today the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children. it’s not for nothing that i used to love mutik, honey, daughter, four sons as a child, right? this is the case when this happened to me, they will talk about themselves and their hobbies, my parents gave me a very diverse interest in sports since childhood, i just love to run, i love skating, my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child and also share secrets of her success, a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she is always looking for happiness from the outside, our today’s woman, happiness is actually in her inside... so that somehow she can at least cope a little in a large family , first of all , you need, so to speak, a schedule or routine. watch the belarus project on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here, in your yard, how far away it is, well, just right. the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like the birds, it seems to me.
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zaslonov konstantin sergeevich, partisan pseudonym uncle kostya. one of the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus during the great patriotic war, commander of the partisan
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detachment of the brigade, commander of all partisan forces in the arshan zone. from the very first days, zaslonov’s detachment launched active combat activities. in a short time zaslonovtsy. destroyed about ten food warehouses, boldly attacked german garrisons located in villages near orsha, and organized the collapse of railway trains heading to the front line. on november 13, 1942, the fastas, having learned that the headquarters of the zaslonovy brigade was located in the village of kuva, surrounded it. more than 4 hours. the battle continued. zaslonov decided to wait until darkness and make a breakthrough. he was mowed down by a machine gun burst. november 14, 1942
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. his name was given to two partisan brigades operating in the occupied territory belarus. he was awarded two orders of lenin and a medal. on march 7, 1940, in the third year , he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the name of konstantin sergeevich zaslonov is forever included in the book of national glory.
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only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, that’s what this place was called according to the chronicles since the 15th century, and there are a lot of attractions here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, this is a high city and we begin to get acquainted and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in
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in the city there were... several units, water, power, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes in during church services , large wings appear on the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is; the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. here once upon a time there was a stone catholic shrine, which appeared on this place thanks to idwiga tadeusz aginski. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on air news now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. marina vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus. today our first cosmonauts and the team that helped make a historic flight.


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