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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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objectively, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. our region through the eyes of foreigners. in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, it’s clear that the country is clean, quiet, but for me it would be better to live in belarus, as they ended up in... i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i still live for 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my wife , just that's it, the tours are over, everything after the wife.
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i am a native resident of the city of khoenki, here i was born, went through school of life, started a family, now i work as a teacher in military-patriotic education, instilling in young people patriotism, respect for work in the older generation, pride in achieving a sovereign belarus. the city of thirteen thousand people
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is being transformed and becoming more comfortable for life, social and rental apartments are being built for young professionals and large families, and the state is supporting construction for those in demand in the labor economy. medical care is reaching a qualitatively new level. the district hospital is equipped with modern diagnostic treatment equipment. the hospital put into operation a medical gas supply station, there is a specialized children's and youth school of the olympic reserve, where five sports are cultivated, promising young athletes are included in the national teams. not so long ago... as part of
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the bonfest project, a football ground with artificial turf was opened for children, our boys and the girls got the opportunity to play the number one game. industrial locomotive of the city, polesie production site of the milk processing plant. the focus is on advanced technologies and time-tested recipes for the production of whey and various types of cheeses. not only are they the most delicious, but also...
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the historical value is amazing with the combination of various art forms of the past. now there is a krovensky museum, where unique exhibits are collected. we, local residents, preserve the history of our native land, raised youth on the principles of respect for elders, love of work for their homeland. khoiniki is our place to live.
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in october 1939, a special department of the nkvd of the bssr hastily analyzed documents whose importance left no doubt. during the red army's campaign to liberate western belarus, counterintelligence officers managed to seize the polish intelligence archive and find it there. for 186 agents carrying out special missions against the ussr on the territory of belarus. there was work to be done not only to neutralize them. events that unfolded
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rapidly, they set new tasks for the counterintelligence of the republic. according to the soviet-german agreement of august 26 , 39. bssr, the western regions seized in favor of poland in 1920 were returned. a new border was being established. now it was already a soviet-german one, and it ran along the line of the nariv, western buk, and yaroslav san rivers. lithuania moved into the sphere of soviet interests. in september-october 1939, the ussr signed mutual assistance agreements with estonia, latvia and lithuania, according to which it, the soviet union, was given the right to have there are military bases in these states.
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soviet garrisons were located in veleika, alytus, at inai, naval bases in lipaja and venspes in latvia on the saar islands , etc.
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thank you! the private hair salon in the small lithuanian town of alit was filled with excitement. we were waiting for a very important client. political instructor of the nineteenth anti-aircraft artillery division demchenko. the owner of the hairdressing salon, gron, fussed the most. he is bern, georgy veniamovich. the clock struck 12. in the reflection of the mirror, gron saw two red army soldiers enter the barbershop, but demchenko was not among them. the overwhelming fear made gron freeze for a moment. for some moments, he stood by the chair with
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a napkin in his hands. when he saw that one red army soldier was reaching out to kabura with a pistol , he rushed. the failure was obvious. instant actions by counterintelligence officers and gron was already sitting literally pressed into a chair, head down. the kind, very helpful hairdresser immediately attracted the attention of the counterintelligence officers. he was developing clients too professionally. at first he offered his services to home, and the military personnel were placed in private apartments, got to know them better, and gained trust. became what is called a family friend, demonstrating his loyalty to the councils, gron, as if casually, asked questions: how many fighters are subordinated to him, how much equipment does he have to maintain, who is the commander? counterintelligence officers, knowing about his connections with german intelligence,
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regularly supplied the hairdresser with misinformation through clients. the work of the headquarters of soviet military units aroused the greatest interest among the germans. officer training level composition, special interest, military equipment.
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a polish officer was being cross-examined. it turned out to be franz kuschel, deputy head of the belarusian military commission created in poland. two special officers took turns asking questions. question: what was this belarusian military commission like? question: was the commission supposed to take up the formation of the belarusian army? answer: yes, it is. question. for what purpose was the belarusian army created? answer. to participate in the fight against the red soviet troops.
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there was a pause. one of the asobists i leafed through my personal file. franz kuschel, an officer of the polish army, comes from a belarusian peasant family, from the volozhin district of the novogrudok voivodeship of the village of pershai. on september 22, 1939 he was captured near lvov. placed together with polish officers in the starobelsk camp, but oddly enough, kushel escaped their tragic fate. in may 1940, he was redirected by the nkvd of the bssr to moscow to study the possibility of using him to develop belarusian nationalists. i, signed below, kushel franz vincentovich, sincerely wishing to help soviet intelligence identify enemies of the people, i give this subscription to the authorities.
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to us stalin, dear leader, warm, affectionate
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friend, is a completely suitable candidate for exposing the enemies of the people among the belarusian intelligentsia. chitakusheli settled in bialystok, but very soon, on december 15 , 1941, the name of franz kusche was born. under the fifth number will appear in the order of the minsk city police, where he is listed as the head of the police school. but that will come later; the path to betrayal was thorny. in at the end of the thirty-ninth year, reports addressed to the leadership of the republic, the nkvd, and the ussr became increasingly alarming. german intelligence from polish territory worked more and more aggressively. from intelligence report number one of the nkvd, bssr, the activities of german intelligence against the ussr, signed by the commissioner of state security
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of the third rank, lavrentiy tsonava. in the city of warsaw, on koszykowa street, house number 45, apartment 3, gestapa worker konechny lives, conducting espionage work against the ussr, sending his agents into our territory on a special assignment. in the city of warsaw, according to marshalkovskaya street, there is a photograph, its owner is.
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the information that came through the channels of the security agencies of the internal affairs border service testified. fascist intelligence services are actively increasing their presence near the border of the ussr in the territory of occupied poland. in december 1940 , tsanava, in another note addressed to the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, panomarenko, already reported about thirty branches and reconnaissance points of the gestapa, abvara border police, which were located literally in the zone of responsibility of the belarusian border detachments 86, 87 and 89 are engaged in sending agents into the territory of the bssr, the situation became more alarming every day.
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today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists, of course, the flow of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are mechanical engineering, food and light industry enterprises, there are enterprises that... keep tourists very busy flows, for example, enterprises such as belas, which last year was visited by 51.00 tourists, the minsk tractor plant (21,000 tourists), the kommunarka confectionery factory, also about 10,000 tourists visited this factory, well, in total
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, about 40,000 people visited the sweet food industry, such as marshmallows, condensed milk. in general, we estimate the flow of tourists to the enterprise in the range of about 200 thousand people in 2023. there is an increase in flows across all enterprises, but in your opinion, what are the most unusual excursions today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises the most unusual are not so much excursions as before...
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for example, you can ride on belaz if you really want to, at the tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, also enterprises now conduct various interactive activities, these are some kind of board games, as part of a visit to the enterprise, there are quests, all kinds of tastings, master classes, each person will find something for themselves when visiting. enterprises, well, it’s probably enough for a belarusian to just get on such an excursion, but how can a foreigner get there, how to quickly book such an excursion from abroad, is it possible? yes, for belarusians industrial tourism is more of a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool
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for building trust in our products; not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest. for a foreigner, they are interested in those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world, agreements have already been concluded with these enterprises, travel agencies, their excursions are available on online booking sites, there are package offers, industrial tourism is also with us used in mayst tourism when receiving a delegation. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history; this is truly the oldest building, the most important shrine of our region, a temple. in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns still have a rich literary history. many poets, writers and
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publicists lived and worked in this area, and these circles never forgot about their famous native, yakubi. unique sights can be found literally at every step. if you just like me, plan your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. architects' idea.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult. i really don't i wanted my...
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channel belarus 24, we meet people worthy of admiration, before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wants, she says three, i say, okay, i say, come on, i say, at least , no less, uh, today the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children, it’s not for nothing that i used to love the cartoon as a child, honey, daughter, four sons, yes, that’s it... when it happened to me, they they will tell me about themselves and their hobbies; my parents instilled in me very varied interest in sports, i
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just love to run, i love skating, my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child, and they will also share the secrets of their success. a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she is always looking for happiness from the outside. in our today's woman, happiness is actually inside her, all difficulties are surmountable, so that... somehow, a little bit, at least cope, in a large family, first of all, you need, so to speak, a schedule or routine, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. everyday broadcast on tv channel belarus 1, airing in the capital. minsk region, elizaveta lashkevich is with you on the air. good evenings and good news. short. give danina pavagi from the dead land.


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