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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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our flight of marina vasilevskaya to the iss has been successfully completed. and a chance for a healthy life , belarusian surgeons were the first in the cis to perform a complex heart operation. the events program is on air. in the studio of alena lopo. hello. belarus will become the tenth full participant in a representative integration formation in the eurasian space and the middle east. joining the shanghai cooperation organization is expected on july 4 in astana. we will find out the details from ours. in kazakhstan at a meeting with state secretaries of the councils sco security, the situation in the organization's area of ​​responsibility was discussed. by the way, in 2020, it expanded to include six new dialogue partners, including arab countries: uae, egypt, bahrain and kuwait. last year iran became a full member of the sco. just some time ago i spoke with the secretary general of the shanghai organization. manom, so he
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assured me that all states have signed all the relevant protocol documents, all that remains is to put an end to it, it’s official summit of heads of state to accept our country as a member of the shanghai organization. it is symbolic that this will take place, firstly, on july 4, almost immediately after we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, this is very symbolic. will further strengthen security issues and expand the scope of international interaction and the scope of economic opportunities for improving the well-being of our country. the meeting participants named international terrorism as the main threat of our time. the path is mapped out countering drug trafficking, information pressure, cyber threats. the sco's potential here is also very great.
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cooperation with the far east of russia , negotiations between the ambassador of belarus and the governor of the primorsky territory took place in vladivostok. what are their main results? in vladivostok they plan to open a consulate general in belarus. the parties also agreed on package supplies of belarusian equipment and the creation of a joint woodworking production. the connection of our companies to large-scale shipbuilding projects in primorye. this task was set by the leaders of the two countries. there are many new product items, at least from belarus. and beef, and metal structures, fittings, varnishes, paints, several machines, special purposes, clothing, transformers, lighting equipment, this includes e and preparation, and your visa, this recognition, trade turnover is growing significantly, it has already reached 22 billion there rubles, we once started with you with less than, less than 1 billion, that is, there are indicators on... needs, which is especially
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important now during the period of sanctions pressure, we we see that the volume of supplies of belarusian products has increased significantly; the parties separately considered the issue of allocating land for the construction of a trading platform for our goods in primorye; in general, the diplomatic mission notes high competition among russian regions for the right to open the first belarusian national trading house. the development of interregional cooperation will become. for joint long-term belarusian-russian import substitution projects. 27 of them are in the mogilev region, which is known about it. behind in 2018, the trade turnover between the region and the russian region amounted to almost 10 billion belarusian rubles. the main export items are elevators, tires, meat poultry, wagons, synthetic fiber. import, agricultural products, fish, bohemia, nitrogen fertilizers, polymers. the prospects are more extensive and the creation of joint productions is being discussed. for us, astrakhan region. is important both as a region
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of the russian federation and as a region that borders very important subjects for us: the land border with kazakhstan, the global project north which in the near future time will indeed be one of the important strategic trade routes between asia and russia, we discussed and talked about the creation of a joint venture for milk production in the ostrakhan region, i think that this is a very promising and interesting direction, especially since we as a region are ready to offer transit to the magilev region your products on the market of the caspian states and further to the countries of asia and the middle east, i think that this is very promising, and of course, we are building a wide format of work. not humanitarian interaction, it is planned to involve a more active woodworking industry and open a number of furniture stores in the astrakhan region. the first cities of electric buses appeared in belarus, they were shklov and zhodina. what benefits does this bring to the economy and residents? ecology is perhaps the first advantage.
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each city ordered its own color, green and azure white. the manufacturers are also different, belkomun mash in shlov and mas in zhodino. drivers and passengers moved from modern buses. cars, power reserve electric buses have a range of up to 250 km, this is enough to work for a day in the city, in the region and to charge at night. localization in electric buses is up to 90%. the government is confident that there will be more cities with electric buses. and production volumes will increase, because orders from our russian partners are growing. particular attention to creating your own component base. these buses, both belkom vazh and minskavtom, are localized as much as possible today. this is a very important point. the fact that all the main components are practically produced in the republic of belarus, with the exception of the battery, and then we start the battery with so-called cells, then we assemble the battery itself, belamonmash has developed its own product for managing this battery, a cooling system for this battery,
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well, all the other components that we see are completely produced in the republic of belarus , so at the initial stage we transferred everything that we achieved on ordinary passenger transport. for the production of electric buses. 11 new chargers in shlov and nine in zhodi, but in total there are 1050 of them in the country according to this indicator belarus is a leader in the cis. therefore, it is not surprising that the number of electric cars in our country is growing, as is energy consumption. the belarusian nuclear power plant already last year provided 28.5% of the total consumption in the country to meet the needs for electrical energy. this year this percentage will increase, and we understand that taking into account... work at full capacity, the specific gravity of the nuclear power plant, it will increase, that is, one of the tasks taking into account the water of the belarusian nuclear power plant is satisfaction growing needs, creating conditions, that is, stimulating conditions for the use of electrical energy in various other related industries, especially
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electric transport , there are now 11 thousand electric vehicles on belarusian roads, these are all imports, but our manufacturers are actively working on belarusian cars, by the way, belaes is more than for... required energy consumption, the station will annually generate 18 billion kilowatt-hours to cover more than 40% of the country’s domestic needs. high-quality goods will soon be distinguishable not only by name brand on the packaging. in belarus, the procedure for assigning a state quality mark has been approved. how will it work? products will be evaluated based on five indicators: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics. the quality mark will be awarded to food annually.
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not have certain debts to the state, all quality management systems at this enterprise must work, from today we are ready to consider documents, regional executive committees are ready to accept applications drawn up in accordance with this according to the assignment procedure, as soon as the first documents reach the secretariat of state standards, we are ready to review them and submit them to the republican certification commission... the manufacturer can use the quality mark when marking documents in advertising for 2 years, he can also receive benefits and preferences. the graduation ceremony will take place on world quality day, this year on november 14th. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya.
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more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tw tv channel. the belgospischeprom concern has developed and approved a quality improvement program, what is included in the documents and how the belarusian food industry works in the year of quality, let's ask... igor, hello, hello, tell us what main positions are included in the quality program for the food industry? well, firstly, i would like to start with the fact that this program was not developed from scratch, that is, it is based on the current five-year program for 2021-2025, accordingly, we essentially took it for... it for basis and updated regarding the main points, this, in simple terms, is
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a priority for qualitative indicators over quantitative ones, that is, this implies increasing the efficiency of management systems at enterprises, introducing innovative technologies, changing production processes, careful attitude to raw materials, other resources, respectively, a focus on waste-free production, a number of other positions, special mention can be made of those points that we defend, so to speak, on the site eurasian economic commission, this is everything related to standardization, technical regulations, and other issues related to quality issues within not only our country, but all members of the union, also a separate important block is information support, in the good sense of the word, propaganda of the idea and quality.
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our enterprises, food industry enterprises, but new products are, let’s say, everyday work, accordingly, for us this is not even so much dedicated to the year of quality, well, of course, taking it into account, we thought, let’s say so, in addition to this topic, when we start talking about new products, probably our confectionery industry is always the flagship here, that is, the summer period is approaching, we traditionally produce certain...
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we believe that the consumer will be interested in it and it sounds a little unusual, but at the very least, you will want to try something like this, limited edition mayonnaises will also be released especially for men with the addition of pepper, for women, respectively , with the addition of lemon juice, so we try and will try to surprise with something our consumers, belarusian products are famous for their high quality. quality, how is it possible to maintain such a high standard ? how high are these criteria for
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product quality? well, i think it would be objective to say that the criteria that are laid down in our standards, in our requirements, are quite high, but how difficult, i think, well, taking into account the fact that most of our enterprises have been operating in our market for decades, a number of enterprises have long since passed their centennial anniversary and , accordingly, and to what extent do belarusian standards comply with international requirements?
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are there any problems with supplies abroad? we don’t have any problems with supplies abroad; in principle, all issues are resolved in a working manner, that is, if for certain markets, say the middle east, it is necessary to obtain kosher certificates accordingly , halal certificates, this never becomes an obstacle, that is, it is much more difficult here. find, let’s say, a consumer, a buyer of our products, and now if this is done, accordingly, obtaining these certificates is already a certain formality, i can even say more, when communicating somewhere with our technologists, representatives of our enterprises, they sometimes jokingly declare that, in fact, these international standards should be checked for compliance with our domestic belarusian ones, because so high criteria and indicators are included in our domestic standards. now the country is actively working to diversify
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sales markets and search for new partners. how is the concern working in this direction? for the last years indeed. a lot has been done in this direction, from the second half of last year we began to actively enter the same african market, in principle, the agreements that we had already in the fall, they continue to be implemented this year, this is primarily the supply of our brewed malt to equatorial guinea , this year we added the republic of guinea, supplies to the sugar industry are actively developing, that is, supplies to morocco, to hanna, that is... the african continent, are also continuing, in addition, for the first time this year we we supplied our sugar to afghanistan, to mongolia, respectively, that is, once these markets were considered quite distant for us, it was much easier to work in closer markets, nevertheless, we set ourselves such a task with success, as i believe, we are doing it, but
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we certainly won’t stop there; we made deliveries last year. already mexico, so the markets are all interesting, this year they also delivered to new zealand, respectively, as you can see, almost the entire winter globe, he is familiar with our products, therefore, we will continue, let’s say, to carry out such diversification, the only thing, i would still like to add, is that while engaging in diversification, it is still important not to lose our traditional markets, that is, we are developing new markets not by leaving old ones, that is, because sometimes in some cases even entering... a new market is to some extent easier than gaining a foothold in it, so it is important for us not just to enter some market, but to show work on it for 3-5 years, so that everything - after all, consumers on these markets had a complete impression of our products and they were waiting for our products, looking for them somewhere in the networks, and as for the asian
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vector, let’s say supplies to china are growing? according to the results of the first quarter of this year, they doubled. first of all, this is thanks to our confectionery industry, chocolate products from kommunarka and spartak are extremely popular among chinese consumers, so this is also probably the result of the work that we have carried out in recent years, actively participating in various kinds of exhibitions, fairs, other events in china, as for exhibitions, the concern’s enterprises actively participate in them, what are your plans for this year? we always try to use this tool as much as possible in terms of promoting our products, our next exhibition event will be in the city of baku, the republic of azerbaijan, accordingly we are preparing very seriously for it, again sometimes i come across the opinion that exhibition fair activity is more of that such investments, contributions to pr, advertising
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of their products, this is certainly true, this is an important component of participation in such... events, but at the same time i want to say that everything depends on preparation for exhibitions, that is, if you carry out some pre- contractual work in advance, or already come to an agreement with the current counterparty about some changes, well, of course, in the direction of increasing supplies, so participation in such exhibitions is a good opportunity to somehow formalize the relationship or prolong, let’s say, the current contractual relationship for the next period, so we are seriously preparing. well, this year we will certainly take part in numerous events in the russian federation, we plan to go to china two, perhaps even three times, that is, the next exhibition is in shanghai in may, so yes, we have a definite plan, let’s say, for how we set tasks for ourselves, where
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to participate, but at the same time, when an opportunity arises, some kind of invitation, some kind... we continue. our country has confirmed its status as a space power. first woman astronaut sovereign belarus returned to earth. our columnist elena puntus knows how the flight went. it was exciting and huge. the recovery process for marina vasilevskaya after two weeks in orbit was active. the flight became possible thanks to agreements at the highest level. in april
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2022, the presidents of belarus and russia visited the vostochny cosmodrome. then the task of organizing a space mission was set. we are not all talking about the same thing, that this is the plan of the heads of state, countries united by a union treaty. look how symbolic. lands citizen of russia and hero of russia and marina vasilevskaya, citizen of belarus. is there a more obvious example of closeness, fellowship, cooperation. for marina, this is a unique experience and her personal victory, a successful flight to the orbital station, a national achievement that brought the country to a completely different cosmic level. emotions, incredible expectations, of course, surpassed themselves, because?
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the cosmonauts were greeted as heroes; our president was one of the first to congratulate the crew. marina vasilevskaya's flight about friendship and union cooperation, eight joint programs in the field of space have been implemented, we are creating a unique russian-belarusian earth remote sensing device. the scientific experiments that vasilevskaya and navitsky conducted on the iss also made a huge contribution to the overall work. we will soon find out how effective the research will be; perhaps in the future, belarusian milk will appear in the diet of astronauts.
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because we can visualize this equipment in 3d in 3d visualization, there is virtual reality that can immerse any specialist and he can walk around the workshop with the existing equipment in 3d, can approach it, walk around somewhere, can even assemble it, assemble or repair this equipment, that is, this enhances how well the potential accelerates the development process equipment, its creation, this institute is known to everyone that it has... very strong positions precisely in connection with industry, that is, this equipment is for hardening, for cementing, for nitriding surfaces, without this the machine cannot work
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it will be, it will have one to one similarity, but it will not work, the material is not the same, today they have supplied this equipment to a number of enterprises, belaz, mtz, mas, and other foreign enterprises are actively working, searching, occupying markets, all equipment that specialists design is manufactured at... the new center was created to strengthen the scientific and practical base of nan-belarus. belarusian doctors once again confirmed their high professional level. our cardiac surgeons performed the most complex pulmonary valve implantation arteries. tell us about the operation. this method is unique not only for belarus ; it was used for the first time in the cis countries. valve made in korea. we have been waiting for this new product for a long time and it has finally been introduced. the operation was carried out together with specialists from south korea and lasted about 3 hours.
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as soon as it is straightened out, it begins to function, that’s when it opens, when blood flows from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, that’s when it closes. the development of the valve itself took more than 10 years; many doctors from various clinics were involved in primary research. more than 8 years have passed since the first implantation; now about 500 have been performed. i was amazed by the knowledge and experience of the doctors at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery. this allows us to apply new technology at a high level. i am pleased to see that they also have the support of the head of state. belarus is the fourteenth country where unique
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devices have begun to be successfully used in scientific and practical applications. belarus and areas, strengthen business cooperation russia is heading towards rapprochement in all circles, as well as open up new prospects for the development of tourism and cultural exchange, a new direct air route is intended, which cities does it connect? brest and moscow, and this is also a historical event, the regional airport has not accepted flights from the russian capital since the nineties, and there has been no charter program since 2021. now. the planes will fly twice a week on wednesdays and saturdays on the mrai-175 aircraft. travel time -45. in the future, the frequency of flights may be increased, because allied flights are in demand. in past year, their number doubled. flights from gomel already fly to moscow and st. petersburg. in april, another step was taken to restore air travel from regional airports. of course, he will not remain on the sidelines. viceps, there will be flights. these are
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regular flights, a little later. will be held from november 1 to 8; 2024 has become an anniversary year for leaf fall. the slogan of the cinema festival with a quality mark. it is also symbolic that belarusian cinema is exactly 100 years old this year. therefore, the emphasis is on the golden fund of domestic cinema. in addition, on the festival expanded the list of awards and developed a new design for prizes. this year we tried, firstly, to expand the festival program by, well, returning competitions. the competitions are aimed
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primarily at... young people. if last year, for example, programs were formed solely from those applications that were submitted to the competition, now directors will be able to offer for participation in their programs those films that they have watched, seen at other film festivals, the bright new films that appeared received highly appreciated by the world film community, belarusian films that were released commercially before the festival will be able to participate in the festival’s competition programs. last year , a recommendation was submitted for the film festival, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. a head game,
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a show where they fight not with the help of physical strength, let the strongest win. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it...
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will play its role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica, absolutely right, in a difficult, extremely difficult fight, is winning today. watch the intellectual and sports project “ head game” on our tv channel. the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue.


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