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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, on the eve of cosmonautics day, the first in the history of sovereign belarus returned to her homeland.
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a female astronaut, today awarded the title of hero. the entire team of the historic flight was honored at the palace of independence, and tomorrow the results of the mission to the iss of the crew of the union state will be summed up by the leaders of belarus and russia. britain is once again heating up tensions under supposed concern for its citizens, and foggy albion is masking the desired likelihood of provocation at the belarusian-russian borders. and a crime without a statute of limitations in belarus , the bloody pages of history are remembered, today is the international day of liberation from... a sovereign country, but also a hero of belarus. the head of state presented the award to marina vasilevskaya, anastasia lenkova, their parents and many involved in this cosmic event. in the panorama we will show all the solemn and emotional moments. negotiations
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between lukashenko and putin in moscow, all important issues on the union agenda from earth to space are there. venes comprehensive combat readiness check for military personnel called up from the reserve brigade tactical exercises with live firing, maneuvers took place at military training grounds in several regions of the country at once. words of memory, eternal flame, lit lamps, a minute of silence and... you are at the foot of the memorials, today belarus, together with everyone who has not forgotten the lessons of the second world war and the great patriotic world, remembers the prisoners of fascist concentration camps. memory report today in panorama. the president's cup final remains the focus of hockey fans' attention. zhlobin metallurgist takes the first game at home against brest, but the golden series has essentially just started the surroundings around the meeting. expectation.
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the denouement of the eleventh international tournament among women's teams, the commonwealth cup, is getting closer. from a wedding salon in her own apartment to a showroom on the champs-elysees, how belarusian designer natalya minina and belarusian len conquered paris. fashionable natural plot coming soon. a unique industrial cluster, and also a youth, creative sports city, a satellite of which the belarusian the capital, getting to know fannipolis better, the plot of the business card in the project is a place to live. a day filled with unforgettable emotions, euphoria and pride, a new frontier for our country as a space power. the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus. marina vasilevskaya
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returned to her homeland today, warm hugs, flowers, bread, salt, words of gratitude and admiration, the belarusians greeted their famous countrywoman so cordially from the very morning. i am very glad and happy to set foot on belarusian soil, these were the first words to marina vasilevskaya upon returning to her native land belarus. and straight from the airport marina went to the palace of independence. a very beautiful , touching ceremony in honor of our cosmonaut took place there today. and now also a hero.
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two weeks of exactly sleepless nights for everyone involved in the organization of this flight, and what feelings those closest to them experienced is generally difficult to imagine, belarusians literally lived in space... admiring applause greeted the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, as expected, marina dedicated her success to the country and the belarusian people , smiling, in in a great mood, she didn’t refuse attention or an interview to anyone, i can’t even believe that just a week ago she was in orbit, straight from
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the airport to the palace of independence, where many guests were already waiting for her, her closest relatives, colleagues, friends, understudy anastasia lenkova , her parents, the journalists who covered.
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how did he throw marina into space, we don’t need this, we need this, we are a space country, if there had been no space development in belarus no one would have talked to us, no one would have offered us to fly our girls into space, we know how to do a lot for space, in the coming years we will throw the most advanced satellite in the world, together with the russians, we are making it, into space with a destructive capacity of 25-30 cm. these are the highest high technologies. therefore, nuclear energy, space, biotechnology, our biotechnology company and many other areas,
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especially in the field of electric transport, we have made significant progress here, the main thing is not to stop, but to continue to fly.
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wondered how this girl manages to be so strong and at the same time calm, but today emotions took over. for the courage shown during the space flight, significant personal contribution to space exploration, confer the title hero of belarus with the presentation of the medal of the hero of belarus and the cosmonaut certificate to marina vitalievna vasilevskaya, the cosmonaut of the republic. belarus,
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now she is not only the first cosmonaut of a sovereign country, but also the hero of belarus. i am very pleased, i was a little moved, because everything i do. it’s from the heart, when, while in space, i saw our land, it amazing, she is powerful, big, beautiful, independent and...
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first, today you entered every belarusian family, all those families who watched you, experienced, together with you, with your parents, a moment of sudden fame - this is a new a burden of responsibility, a very heavy burden of responsibility that you will have to bear for the rest of your life. i’m sure you can handle it, we won’t let you become callous, frozen, ossified, you will have to work very... a lot , to dare to take such a step, to fly into space, realizing all the risks, for this you need
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to have super-bravery, a strong inner core, marina has had character since childhood, her parents will tell you today, despite the fact that their daughter is already at home, emotions and experiences still don’t let go, such pride, well, there’s still something else inside, of course it’s hard she endured everything, was worried, worried, she is a very responsible person, good, kind, hardworking, we are proud of her since childhood, she achieved everything, she was brave, there are some interesting memories on the schumacher car why she became a flight attendant in belo avia airlines, i liked the sky, and the sky on airplanes, and then they offered me, i decided, okay, why not try to fly above the clouds, marina certainly inspired many with her example, but more than 2.0 people applied to go into space, the casting was very serious, starting from personal qualities and professional...
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the tests, like the first cosmonaut, passed with honor, i know this for sure, of course, i know what you were worried about, i would also worry when you take steps away from your dreams and... it turns out a little differently, a little, but you behaved with dignity, the experience gained, i promise, will not be wasted, we will make every effort to make your experience your dream come true, the holder of the gratitude of the president of belarus, an astronaut certificate , is not going to leave medicine, but is ready to share the space experience gained, i can’t leave medicine, i...
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space flight alexander lukashenko thanked everyone who provided scientific and organizational support for the project, scientists, doctors, trainers and teachers, special words of gratitude, of course, to the parents of the astronauts, they received letters of gratitude. now our marina vasilevskaya continues her rehabilitation, constantly under the supervision of doctors, overall she feels very good, she still dreams about space. of course, i am extremely pleased to be here,
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it is a great honor and responsibility for me, and i understand it perfectly, i am happy to receive such a high award from the president of the republic of belarus, i just probably still can’t believe it, of course, i dedicate space flight his native belarus, his belarusians, loved ones, who supported me, such a cosmic story, one might even say that... through the ternaries to the stars, because a double launch, delayed, an emergency situation, two days of flight, too, which... are now very rare and it doesn’t happen to everyone, but for me it was happiness, because my expedition lasted another 2 days. these days our president will be visiting russia. symbolically, on cosmonautics day, april 12 , the presidents of belarus and russia will communicate with the cosmonauts and discuss further prospects. we are proud that now this holiday is part of our personal belarusian history. ilona
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krasutskaya, veronika bud, anastasia benedesyuk, ilya puchko, tv news agency. well, the exclusive tv news agency marina vasilevskaya, the hero of belarus, gave a great interview only to us, watch the broadcast tomorrow evening. why did she cry when she received a high award, what did the president tell her at that moment, what was life like during 12 days on the iss, what experiments did she conduct, the results of which she already knows, what she ate, how she slept, what she photographed and how the crew and i spent two days on the way to the iss. now - the technology has advanced so far, here is the ballistic calculation, and that cosmonauts fly into space in 3-4 hours, but we did it for two days, even almost 3 days, we only docked in the evening, and it was incredible, because the ship is in a spin , and this is like the effect of a bullet, when we
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must be in a certain orbit and were constantly in rotation, that is , we have the earth... now from above, now from below, now sunset, now dawn, now entering the shadow, now light, that is it was so beautiful, it was necessary just to see, of course, i liked the fact that we used everything - the controls, so to speak, in terms of the living compartment, and we slept, and we eat, tell us how it was, so we started, several hours passed, we reported , everything is fine, what next, next, when we were allowed to go out into the living compartment, and we unfastened, it was very pleasant to feel this weightlessness, when you just take off and fly up the living compartment, and we took off our spacesuits, they had to be put out to dry, did this work, then we re-opened the asu, this is a toilet, and what is important, we also used
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it, drank water, also there it was necessary to drain a certain amount of water into... that is, also certain operations, we ate, that is, for me this is all for the first time was. before our eyes, the launch of the soyuz-21 rocket with the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft is now taking place. how the story of one girl in the photo became the achievement of an independent country, belarus in space. i love you all very much, and i will not let you down, i will do everything possible and even impossible. exclusive footage from the iss belarus-1. marina vasilevskaya with a tour of the space mission: i’ve adapted, i feel great, i’m in a wonderful mood, a first-person story, and earthly stories, for those who were worried, i’ll cry a little, pillows at night, but i understood that it was very difficult,
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and i had no doubt, i say, it will be you, how do you know, grandpa? the belarusian leader's motorcade immediately headed to the kremlin for negotiations with vladimir putin. according to tradition , journalists were waiting on alexander lukashenko’s porch. despite the informality of the moment, the belarusian leader answered all questions from the press, about the topics of the upcoming negotiations with his russian colleague and about ukraine, but first of all, of course, about our space mission. all the emotions, events and this solemn
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day are in the first comments by the reporter. space is yours, we understand.
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now we need to fully understand, ukrainians are ukrainians, but behind the ukrainians, you correctly discovered, there are certain forces, you also know them, you need to talk to them, and the ukrainians brought cartridges here. after the elections , vladimir putin said that he could do you need a sanitary zone in order to ensure the safety of the russian border regions of the belgorod kursk region? so far i don’t see the need for such a zone. we are working there very seriously, and as for the sanitary zone between ukraine and russia, well, it still needs to be created, these are not simple questions, i think
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that a lot will depend not only on the warring countries, but a lot will depend on western states, there are serious problems there ukraine, they already admit this, did not want the west to continue this escalation to ukraine, and escalation means the supply of weapons, ammunition, well now...
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this evening, the presidents’ schedule includes negotiations in a 1 on 1 format, at the center of which is cooperation in various areas. the meeting
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will start later. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin regularly compare notes on the union agenda. let us recall that at the beginning of the year the supreme state council of the union state held a meeting that prioritized economics and security issues. everything that requires consideration at the highest level. and tomorrow, on cosmonautics day, the presidents are expected to sum up the results of the mission together. to the iss, where for the first time in history, the crew of the union state worked. a meeting with astronauts and a discussion of future prospects in space is planned. the president's agenda has been busy since the morning. alexander lukashenko managed to hold negotiations with the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan bakhtiyor saidov. the head of the foreign policy department is in minsk for the first time. it is important that the meeting takes place after the historic visit of the belarusian leader to tashkent at the beginning of the year. ambitious goals, retreat from them. the countries reached a new level of partnership, a large a package of documents, among them there are no memorandums, but only agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science and education. in
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the presence of the leaders, responsible vice-premiers sign a roadmap for cooperation between countries for the next 2 years. the parties set themselves the task of implementing projects worth more than $1 billion. last year, trade turnover exceeded 560 million, which is an increase of 12% compared to the twenty- second year. in general, over the past 5 years the growth has tripled, and we sell more to uzbekistan than we buy. mutual trade benefits this year. alexander lukashenko thanked the minister for the hospitality that was provided by the uzbek country during his visit. he also conveyed his best wishes and gratitude to the leader of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. we have set ourselves ambitious plans to achieve trade turnover. billion dollars, i think that we do not have time to retreat somewhere, and there is no need, we are ready to play our role, i hope that uzbekistan is also about...
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patriotism and attitude towards our state, so let's we will fulfill the agreements that we reached then in tashkent, once again the kindest greetings and wishes to the president of uzbekistan, today the relations between uzbekistan and belarus are of such an unprecedentedly high character, this is guaranteed by your political will, the political
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will of our leaders and... on our part, on our part - the ministry of foreign affairs will do its best to do the appropriate work in order to implement the agreements that were reached during your historic visit to uzbekistan. among the main areas cooperation, timber processing, mechanical engineering, agro-industrial complex, special interest of the military-industrial complex in meat and dairy products. the population of uzbekistan has been growing in recent years to almost 37 million. the demand for food is increasing. among the important and today , one assembly plant of belarusian equipment has been created in uzbekistan, issues of localization of our belaz trucks, tractors, elevators are being worked out, a number of joint projects are being implemented in the field of pharmaceuticals and in the field of production of special vehicles. belarus aims to maintain high dynamics of cooperation in all areas, this was confirmed by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus at a meeting with his counterpart from uzbekistan, already in
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an expanded format. they set me aside. special attention to the issues of increasing bilateral trade, the progress of implementation of industrial cooperation projects and strengthening food security. an extensive exchange of views took place on current international issues of the situation in the european and eurasian regions, including in the field of security. as a result of the negotiations, the ministers expressed mutual interest in expanding bilateral interaction signed the program of consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of belarus and uzbekistan on 24-25. the president made a number of personnel decisions today: leonid zayats, sergei khamenko and vladislav tatarinovich were appointed members of the council of the republic, the corresponding decrees were signed by the head of state. in this regard, leonid zayets and sergei khamenko were relieved of their positions as deputy prime minister and minister of justice, respectively. well now
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about how creation haunts our enemies, another outrageous hypocrisy of the west, personally pumping the kiev regime with weapons. british officials say there is a risk of direct conflict related to the war in ukraine spreading into belarus. why are the western curators of the kiev regime escalating the situation? details in the material. cynicism of the highest order, bloodthirstiness in action, foggy albion is sowing chaos. great britain...
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jesters from belarus are limited, especially by air. it is noteworthy that not so long ago the british issued a similar appeal to their citizens in russia. the usa and great britain knew about the impending terrorist attack in... on march 7, the american embassy called on its citizens not to visit the shopping center, then the british and someone else did the same. this means that their intelligence agencies intercepted certain communications, received information and knew that something would happen. with lightning speed, after the attack in the moscow region, world leaders began to express condolences, and the west, in the midst of the tragedy, allowed itself to draw conclusions about anyone’s innocence. statements that that they do not see a ukrainian trace in what happened caused not only bewilderment.
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military personnel, if we are to warn anyone, then warn british citizens that their state is embroiled in an armed conflict, therefore, this
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could have the most serious consequences for them. the west's notorious duplicity is obvious, as are their crooked red lines. today, the fsb and the russian ministry of defense stopped the landing of special forces sabotage groups planned by the british special services. armed forces of ukraine on the tendrovskaya spit, kherson region. senior a soldier of the 73rd naval center of special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces was captured. the militant admitted that they were tasked with seizing technical equipment for escorting russian uavs on the drilling rig. at certain stages, i understood that we were undergoing special training in sabotage and reconnaissance activities. this is edwin, this is andrew. here, in the background, stands kryich. this is british. instructors who trained us in the uk. at any cost, maintain combat support for the kiev regime and ukraine as a platform for military operations for london is a strategic task. all british military reports view russia as the greatest threat to the security of the united
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kingdom. british allies no longer pin their hopes on biden and shamelessly turn to the not yet re-elected trump with requests for help to kiev. the head of the british foreign ministry cameron admitted to washington. post that convinced the forty-fifth us president to maintain support for the kiev regime, and the realist glen grant, a retired british colonel, said that london was losing ground on the world stage because it is unable to produce sufficient quantities of military equipment. he admitted that if he refused to send soldiers to ukraine along with france, britain would fall as a state. and the entire nato bloc is already feeling the bitterness of the defeat of the kiev regime, but you can’t pull out a white flag from your wide trouser legs. ambition, the eyes of fear are even bigger, to fail on the territory of independence and admit one’s helplessness, therefore it is already an axiom to fight to the last ukrainian, an ever-increasing circle of participants needs to be involved. british meath warning
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like a box with a double bottom. under the supposed concern for their citizens, they mask the desired likelihood of provocation at the belarusian-russian borders. yana mendeleva, dmitry astertakh, telenews agency. there will be war until the last ukrainian. the verkhovna rada adopted in the second reading a scandalous bill on tightening mobilization. the new law introduces various provisions, including requiring persons with disabilities to undergo a second medical examination to determine fitness for service. introduces restrictions on driving and consular services for those who evade military service, as well as the need to carry military registration documents. among other things, the rada excluded from the bill the provision on demobilization through. 36 months of service, sensational details of the french president’s plan to send troops to ukraine have also become known, the details are published by the lemont newspaper. an article symbolically titled the transformation of macron, the dove becomes a hawk. according
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to the publication, the 126th regiment will go to ukraine. he is famous for taking part in almost all of france's colonial wars. he will be stationed somewhere near odessa. it is in such constantly changing conditions that the belarusian. it is important for an army to be able to repel enemy attacks. the final stage of a comprehensive combat readiness test for reserve military personnel was a brigade tactical exercise with live fire. for maneuvers on... the ability of the belarusian army to perform tasks in a rapidly changing environment, tactical brigade exercises are an exam. particular attention is paid to maintaining survivability units during strikes by conditional air attack weapons. for this purpose , the military personnel underwent training, combat
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coordination, learned and restored their skills in a military specialty, most of those who were at the training ground today were liable for military service, called up from the reserves, they were trained by instructors of the armed forces who were trained in russia, taking into account modern experience in combat operations, many tactics and introductions were developed in real combat conditions in recent years. as examiners specialists from the ministry of defense, and if the exercise is completed for military personnel, then for military experts a deep analysis of the maneuvers and tactics that the specialists implemented begins. based on the analysis carried out, based on the results of the exercises, we see those shortcomings, shortcomings, those features that need to be paid attention to in subsequent training, in the training methodology. personnel, uh, and all these results, they, of course,
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will be deeply analyzed, results will be summed up at various levels, and, after that, the appropriate methodological recommendations and experience will be gained in the future for the subsequent development of similar issues, both in military units and formations, formations of the northwestern operational command, and i think in all armed forces. after completing the maneuvers, the units will move to permanent deployment points to service equipment and weapons for registration, as well as a ceremonial farewell to military personnel called up from the reserves. vladimir korolev and dmitry chumak, tv news agency. and our teaching is also kind of a talisman against such a phenomenon as nazism, the terrible consequences of which are an unhealed, bleeding wound in our history. today is april 11, all this...
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a general prayer for those who died during the great patriotic war, the second world war, especially for those innocently killed. every third person is not only front-line soldiers and partisan defenders, they are peaceful people who remained on their prosperous land and survived the scorched earth tactics of the german occupiers. our great-grandfathers, and therefore us, should not have remained. this was the plan of hitler's germany. about the victims of fascists atrocities were prayed in churches today. we perpetuate the memory of the victims. in different ways, these are monuments, laying flowers, but in
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the spiritual sphere, to perpetuate the memory of the deceased, we pray for them, a prayer that is conveyed to the souls of the departed, brings them comfort, restores a living connection between generations, the unity of generations is indestructible, dozens have passed years from tradition. alive on victory day, on the date of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, on the day of the liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, at monuments, at places burials of victims and heroes, people with flowers and speaking silence, yet there are words today, they are the most important, about how it was from the lips of veterans, witnesses, prisoners, we passed, all our people passed, and forced... .confinement and concentration camps, we are juvenile prisoners, but we
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say juvenile prisoners, so what can we, of course, remember, hunger, cold, this fear, this policeman's whip, women, ran up to the wire, there were houses nearby, something if we need to throw at least something, then this policeman is in front of our eyes, we are generally children, 3 years old, four five at most children. it’s hard to imagine, just 80 years ago this land was in pain, they were poisoned by dogs, killed, burned. so, 3 years, 150,000 victims in just one reed. now this figure, after studying
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the prosecutor general’s office of archival documents, is almost three times higher, about 550 thousand lost in the largest place in our territories. half of the prisoners remained here and died. camp in the forest, in the swamps, without huts, without dugouts, without food, without water, adult children, they were rescued in the spring of 1944. 1.100 days lasted occupation of belarus, trostenets, azarichek, red beach, lupalovo, koldychevo, concentration camps, ghetto, burned villages, 580, so many death camps operated on
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the territory of fascist-occupied belarus, each place of pain has its own story of suffering, courage, salvation. the fact that the nazi death conveyor operated cruelly, non-stop, is also evidenced by this place, we are in the masyakovchina area, memorial shtalak 352, up to 80,000 people were killed here, up to 150 prisoners died per day. a history lesson in the place of truth. someone to the memorial stalad climbs the already familiar steps, someone discovers for the first time a place of national memory. the day of the release of prisoners is a non-controversial, absolutely national date, when grief for those who have passed away is side by side with joy and gratitude for life in the world. it’s very difficult to be here in this place, i can’t even imagine what
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the prisoners of war felt while being here during the war. it is important to remember and honor such days. for us, for the youth, today a lot of young people gathered to lay flowers, it’s very difficult here, but here we must come, we must come to honor the memory of our great-grandfathers, my great-grandfather fought, i will remain proud in my soul for my great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, for the fact that they fought for us, the folk trail to these places does not grow, and today on this day of remembrance, believe me, we have covered absolutely everything iconic places for... our city, with a low bow, our people come today with flowers, remember the war, this is not only about the past, it is about our future. having passed through the millstones of grief, people's memory passes on to new generations the covenant to preserve the most valuable thing, life. natalia bardelovskaya, yulia khmel, grigory
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kristafovich, roman filitich, television news agency. unfortunately, poorly learned lessons of the past tend to repeat themselves, modern western. the head of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission fell for the prank of avan and lexus, disguised as an african alexey stolerov, aka lexus, suggested that political conspirators supposedly observe the tradition of turning to the african gods in avan and lexus, so that the friendship games would certainly not take place in russia , controlled by their western political.


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