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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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based on my personal understanding of the development process of the chinese nation, i will answer this question this way: there is strength in unity. the chinese people are a people with a great spirit of unity; over their long history, the chinese people have united into one whole. created a multinational country, formed a great family of the chinese nation, which provides each other with help and support, jointly wrote a great history, created a magnificent culture, after the obium war of 1840... in wars of opposition to external
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aggression, the chinese people rallied to fight in the bloody battlefields, jointly wrote a great epic poem about the continuation of the homeland and resistance to foreign invaders, especially after the formation, the founding of the chinese communist party, the entry... of the great revival of the chinese nation , a strong leadership core appeared. the combartist party of china united and led the chinese people in a relentless struggle, radically changed the tragic fate of the chinese nation after 1840, formed the chinese... people's
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republic, created miracles of rapid economic development unique to the whole world and long-term stable social traces, comprehensively built an average prosperous society, entered a new path of comprehensive construction of a modern sociological state, history and reality. china's development has convincingly proven that there is strength in unity, and only unity can conquer everything. in my opinion, the questions of what is the strength, belarus and china, without agreeing, came to a similar point of view, a national day was established in belarus. unity on september 17, yes, yes, yes,
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yes, this unity is also considered in belarus, establishing the peaceful life of the nation and country, your president alexander lukashenko many times emphasized and emphasizes the importance of unity for the people and state of belarus, well, i want to quote his words here, i quote, our whole history. the sometimes difficult and dramatic path to achieving the preservation of its statehood has more than once confirmed the most profound wisdom and strength in unity. only through unity and cooperation can we face the challenges and create a better future together. certainly. quotes, humanity now
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lives in one global village, which is all it becomes more of a community, with a common destiny, where we are all deeply connected , you see me in you, and i see you, today, when there are global challenges. follows one after another, it is difficult for any country to care only about itself. the initiative of chairman sidinpin, and the building of a community of a common destiny for mankind has already been adopted from a conceptual application into the scientific system, from the chinese initiative to...
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the world to spread and cooperate, we will definitely be able to build a community of a common destiny of mankind, we will be able to solve complex problems global challenges, and tomorrow in the development of humanity will certainly be even more beautiful. perhaps no one will need nuclear weapons, i would like, yes, yes, yes, absolutely, when you were talking about unity, yes, these thoughts also came to my mind, that this is what we can learn from each other, and indeed, our president many times cited china as an example
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when returning, for example, from trips, that it is your unity that is the first thing that strikes, yes, and many say that when you get to china, from any country in the world. to cooperate with asian countries, china always respects and supports the development path chosen by the peoples of russia and belarus, and also supports the efforts of russia and belarus
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to strengthen peace and promote socio-economic development. asia is now... one of the regions with the most vital development potential in the world. its message in the international strategic landscape increases every year. therefore, many countries in other regions are now competing for cooperation with asian countries. we noticed that in conditions sanctions. led by the united states to the west, russia and belarus are intensifying their cooperation with asian countries and have achieved quite good results. this indicates that the transfer of external cooperation between russia and belarus to
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asia is not only possible, but completely realistic. china is not only a member. asian family, but also a good friend of russia and belarus. we will continue to cooperate with russia and belarus on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, and are also glad to see that russia and belarus are bringing more stability and positive energy to asia. we now we’ll take a short break, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our releases on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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about unique features.
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in the village so that any city dweller can envy, you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in the yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that yes it is opposite the house, today we will walk through real swamps, so through a swamp that near the house, which is again twenty meters away, not the initiate, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill leading... from the capital, you have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40
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minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, this is a brown tit tit, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes , the uninitiated may wonder how this actually works. a mill, and what it grinds, usually, usually grinding mechanisms. in winter they froze and didn’t work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, i’m a project from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, on the air again say don’t be silent, our guest is angry.
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basically lies in the fact that at the helm of the country are the chairmen of xidingping, and also the scientific leadership of xidingping's ideas on socialism with chinese characteristics. read more sidinping made an important conclusion that china’s development has five strategically favorable conditions, which is deep... which reveals the key secret of the chinese miracle. the first secret lies in
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the strong leadership of the chinese communist party. the leadership of the chinese communist party is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with chinese characteristics. it is thanks to unwavering adherence and leadership. party of china, concentration, efforts on major tasks, effective organization of various undertakings and carrying out various works, we can successfully withstand a number of significant risks and challenges, overcome countless difficulties and obstacles, move forward confidently. on the right track. the communist party of china provides strong
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leadership and organizational guarantee for china's economic development. this is the first secret. the second secret is that socialist systems with chinese characteristics have significant advantages. u - socialist system. there are many advantages, there are approximately more than ten of them, but due to time constraints, i will now focus on only two points: first, commitment to the dominant position of the public ownership system, the joint development of the economy with diversity of ownership, and the distribution system. in which distribution according to labor plays a dominant role, at the same time
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various methods of distribution are sought, and the organic fusion of the sociological system and the market economy not only helps to stimulate the life of all types of economic entities of liberation. and the development of the productive forces of society, but promotes organic unity, efficiency and achieving universal fluidity. the second point of commitment and improvement of democratic centralism not only fully reflects the will of the people, but also corroborates the leadership of the party by the people in
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effectively governing the country. ensures the implementation of the concept of the guiding principles and political course of people's democracy in all aspects of the political and social life of the country, it is through maintaining and improving the socialist system with chinese characteristics that powerful institutional...guarantee of china's economic development, this is the second secret, the third secret lies in the solid material foundation for china's sustainable and rapid development, starting from the eighteenth
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national congress of china, the communist parties, economic, technical, military strength of china's combined national power have increased significantly, china's economy has a large size and wide space for maneuver, as well as an extra-large ring, characterized by strong stability and... ability, long urgent positive dynamics remain, therefore, thanks to the accumulated huge material foundation, the large hidden potential provides strong material guarantees for
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china's economic development. the fourth secret is: long-term stable social footprint. a stable social footprint has laid a good foundation for china's development. the chinese people's sense of satisfaction, happiness and security is greatly enhanced. the level of social management is constantly increasing. the miracle continues. long-term, stable social environment, thanks to long-term stable social footprints, provides strong public support for china's economic development. another very important secret,
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the fifth secret, is spiritual strength, self-confidence and self-improvement. over the 5,000 years of its development, the chinese nation has created a magnificent culture, accumulated ups and downs of development experience , formed such national character traits as hard work and courage, fearlessness in the face of difficulties and dangers, self-confidence and self-improvement, especially... in the new era, enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the chinese people received an additional stimulus, which provides powerful spiritual support for china's economic development,
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currently the world economy is being restored in... "the imbalance in global, international development is worsening, in this situation, countries around the world, particularly concerned about the economic development prospects of china as the main engine of the world economy, but the facts have convincingly proven that..." the chinese economy is always full of vitality and sustainability, long-term positive. the dynamics remain, we have enough strength and will to continue to make an even
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greater contribution to the implementation of a common accessible and inclusive economic globalization. recently in minsk there was a presentation of the first volume of siding ping’s book on public administration in the belarusian language, which is interesting. this is certainly an important result of cooperation between the publishing and translation circles of our two countries, and
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is also a clear evidence of humanitarian cooperation in the mutual borrowing of civilization, like a master on literature, as you mentioned, ambassador... they have witnessed the rapid development and changes in china in a new era in many countries, i would like to recommend the entire belarusian people to read this book, all four volumes of the book are organically interconnected and reflect in a concentrated way.
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on public administration in the new era, understand modern chinese civilization and chinese modernization. the first house is an important basis and theoretical source of the ideas of shipping in socialism with chinese characteristics, and therefore has special significance for all readers. in addition, this book is written in simple language, characterized by an original, lively and insightful style of presentation, so i think that it is
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inspiring and useful not only for belarusian government officials and entrepreneurs, scientists and experts, all the work is in one way or another connected with china . but for all those who are interested in the culture, history and modernity of china, i sincerely hope and am deeply convinced that this work, very popular among the chinese, will become a favorite reference book among belarusians, and will serve for...
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we heard important words that there is strength in unity, thank you very much for these wise answers because you, too, personally have probably made a significant contribution to strengthening the friendship between our peoples. tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye. goodbye, mr. sesiauyun is speaking now. dear tv viewers, since this is the year announced in belarus. quality code, i would like to wish all belarusian friends respect for quality, life, health, happiness, peace.
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running friendship. this is, of course, a science for us, incomprehensible, separate, thank you for today’s meeting for, yes, for what you
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have learned so well. our language, because after your autograph, i think we still won’t master chinese, thank you, si, si, thank you, tyakoy.
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in ukraine, that’s what they call march 31, the country was supposed to hold presidential elections, which zelensky successfully canceled. i respect that you can vibori for at least an hour at a time. the arguments are stitched together with white thread, the goals are extremely clear. overdue president he did not care about the laws and usurped power, political scientists are indignant. we will show you the facts, conclusions, and let you draw them.
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first, let's look at the law. zelensky blamed the reluctance to hold elections on martial law; before its end , the parliamentary campaign was also canceled in the country. zelensky's supporters refer to article 108 of the constitution, which states that the president performs his duties until a new president is elected, since
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holding. during martial law it is supposedly impossible, the head of state has the right remain in office until the end of martial law and new elections. the election law also prohibits holding. any elections during the period of martial law sounds beautiful, but illogical, opponents say, because in the same constitution there is no direct ban on holding presidential elections during martial law, the cancellation or postponement of voting concerns only the parliamentary electoral campaign, that’s what it says article 83 of the basic law: since during the military or in the event of a state of emergency, elections to the verkhovna rada of ukraine cannot be held, then its term... that is, according to the constitution, during martial law , the powers of the rada can be extended, which is what is happening now, regarding the president, there is no reservation, the remnants
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of the opposition demand compliance with the norms, but their it is customary to ignore calling them agents of the kremlin. however, the verkhovna rada insists on suspending all electoral procedures until the end of the conflict. the position, in turn , requires strict adherence to constitutional norms, stating that otherwise, according to upon expiration of his term of office, the president will turn into a usurper. according to the country's constitution, the presidential elections were to be held on the last sunday of march, since the constitution does not say anything about the extension of powers during martial law, then from may 21 zelensky loses legitimacy both within the country and abroad, according to the law, zelensky must.. the right to perform the duties of the president. to transfer his powers to the speaker of the rada, whom article 112 of the constitution vests in the event of early termination of powers president of ukraine, in accordance with articles 108, 199, 110, 111 of this
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constitution, the performance of the duties of the president of ukraine for the period until the election of the new president of ukraine is assigned to the chairman of the verkhovna rada. ukraine. just last year, zelensky fully allowed for elections. in august he said that he did not hold on to power and would like to conduct a campaign. in the fall, he also said that he was ready, but the ukrainians were no longer ready. and a couple of weeks later he closed the topic, noting that elections supposedly cannot be held according to ukrainian laws. on throughout 2023, the presidential election was quite discussed. topic, although the presidential administration did not make clear promises in this regard. everything finally became clear in november last year, when it became clear that the counteroffensive had completely failed. the united states is in no hurry to allocate a new tranche, and other western countries have begun
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to delay arms deliveries. zelensky's rating began to fall rapidly. he said that in the current situation , holding elections would be untimely and would only lead to disunity in the country. and all these. conversations about possible elections are called nothing more than a game for three reasons: firstly, zelensky wanted to show that he would not usurp power, and secondly, he was pushed to this by statements of western representatives, which kiev perceives as a signal of the loss of some trust between him the west and the west’s desire to replace zelensky with another candidate. thirdly, zelensky and his team tested the actions of the ukrainian opposition to... how it prepares for elections, where it gets money from, what media, who it supports. for those who don't understand, zelensky will say again in early march, don’t wait for elections. around the same time , sociologists’ data on whom ukrainians want to see as a leader will become available to the public. spoiler
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not zelensky. a sociological survey was published by socis. its essence is quite simple: who would the ukrainians choose as president if the voting did take place? in first place by a wide margin. competitors in the banking sector were dealt with quickly, zaluzhny was removed from his post and expelled from the country, appointing him as the british ambassador. the commander-in-chief opposed his resignation, but zelensky assured.
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it turns out that the president cannot be changed during the conflict with the russian federation, it is unsafe and in general... no, if the vote happens right now, he
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will again be supported as president, but zelensky does not want to check this, which he also stated directly to the journalist, because now is not the time for elections, voting is impossible. according to zelensky , no one has canceled any elections; it is simply impossible to hold elections during a military conflict, zelensky is sure. also , the president of ukraine believes that at the moment he generally has biggest support. and to end the conflict, here is
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a simple formula for power: while we are fighting, we will not give up power, and we will not end the war. why didn’t zelensky make such changes, because he is not confident in himself and cannot act as, for example, this happened in russia, where elections were held even in regions where martial law was introduced, becoming a kind of referendum in support of the actions of the russian president. it turns out that zelensky, to put it mildly, did not hear his western partners, throughout last year, they urged that ukrainians be asked who they want to entrust with a high post. it is not our place to indicate how to do this, but of course ukraine must organize free and fair elections, because this is your obligation under the statute of the council of europe, and of course you will do it. i want this
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country to have free and fair elections, even while it is under attack. the american people need to know that ukraine has changed. in the past it was a very corrupt country. democracy is impossible without elections they repeated pathetically from the european stands, and as always, those same western standards sounded to their own. like, if the elections are not perfect, there will be no questions, but if the voting does not take place, then absolutely. yes, either after the failed sociology for zelensky, or after the decision of the western regional committee, but the rhetoric of high officials in europe and the united states suddenly sharply deflated. ursula fondelayen said that elections are an internal matter of ukraine, and it is not for her to comment on this. the state debt outlined a similar position; they suddenly realized that the elections in the current situation is difficult to navigate, and these issues must be resolved by the ukrainian people. they didn’t fool those same people, let’s put it simply, no one among the people. i didn’t ask and i don’t intend to, but the ukrainians
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understood everything correctly, it turns out that the longer the hostilities go on, the more profitable it is for the leadership, believes boris, a resident of ukraine, so they will never end. zelensky says that he does not want to fight for a new term, and ukrainian citizens themselves consider the elections dangerous and meaningless against the backdrop of hostilities. so that no one doubts what kind of place he is not clings, he told how difficult his work is, but for now... difficulties, i’m not going anywhere, just a hero, not a president. of course, here they make fun of zelensky and use russia as an example. there, elections were held just in march, purely without serious comments. and after the announcement of the results, zelensky himself still managed to criticize the kremlin. the main tyranny of the world calmly conducts presidential elections, and the current head of state receives record support from the population. the hope of all mankind and... the last the stronghold of democracy simply pretends that
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there should not have been any elections on march 31 on its territory, and the western world completely agrees with this state of affairs. another piquant moment: the main pretext, as you already understood, is martial law. zelensky is not holding elections because there is a war in the country, they say it’s not the right time. the paradox is that ukraine is not at war with russia. kiev did not officially declare war. not a single decision has been made in the ukrainian verkhovna rada on this matter. was. and the reason is quite simple: here, as always, is the cynical and cold calculation of the kiev authorities. the fact is that if ukraine. declares war, he may lose military and financial assistance from the united states and the eu, because in this case the western allies will officially become accomplices in the war and, in fact, will enter into it. ukraine is in a state of martial law. martial law is not about war, martial law is about the defeat of the rights
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of ukrainians, and what is happening is that they have banned leaving the country and so on. but on the contrary, in the criminal code, for example, has an article that provides. responsibility for the use of martial law for the purpose of usurping power, what is happening, once again, ukraine did not declare war and did not enter into a state of war, did not enter into a state of war for one simple reason, so that the credit rating would not be damaged and so that the west could continue it is not accepted to lend to ukraine solely for money; the state of war in ukraine is not accepted. the conclusion on the surface is quite simple for zelensky, military operations are only a reason to maintain power. politicians are openly talking about this... this man is determined to be a president of duty and in general has decided not to bother with any legal or political steps either in parliament or in the constitutional court of ukraine. at the same time, zelensky is carrying out a tough purge of personnel and throwing out even loyal friends of comrades from the team, those who
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went through fire, water and copper pipes with him. even first assistant sergei shifir was fired; zelensky had been close with him since the quarter. apparently, there is a lack of understanding not only in society, but also close surroundings. his former associates also actively use the topic of ending zelensky’s presidential powers in their rhetoric. ex-speaker dmitry rozumkov believes that the powers of the president expire on may 20, 2024, and then they should be transferred to the speaker of the verkhovna rada. and one of the former influential people’s deputies of the faction, the servant of the people, alexander dubinsky, is now under investigation. treason directly accuses zelensky of usurping power. is it clearly stated in the constitution what should happen? there is a chairman of the supreme we are glad that he serves as president until a new president is elected and takes office. everything is standard, everything is democratic. i understand that
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neither zelensky nor his office like this, but the law is the law. on the other hand, zelensky can really do what he wants, political crisis. it won’t happen within the country, because no one can object to the servant of the people. the main opponents are either in exile or almost in exile. dissent is harshly persecuted by the intelligence services, and an alternative opinion can easily land you in prison with a prefix kremlin narratives for treason. the very concept of opposition in ukraine has become conditional. media outlets that expressed alternative views have long been closed. leaders who allowed themselves to criticize senior management were either killed. or they are in prison, the most fortunate managed to leave ukraine, only pro-western politicians remain who will do whatever they are told from abroad. however, experts considered that ukraine is no stranger to violating the constitution. over the past 10 years, various leaders of the country have ignored 15 points of
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the basic law. it all started with coup d'etat for european values. and we need to start from the wrong place. who canceled the current elections, why, and who and how destroyed the legal mechanisms for changing power in the country. this happened 10 years ago, during the so -called maidan. neither the ukrainian constitution nor other state documents provided for such a form of expression of will. on february 22, 2014, the verkhovna rada adopted a resolution on the self-removal of yanukovych and appointed turchynov as acting. this was a direct violation of the constitution. a day later, parliament canceled law on the fundamentals of state policy. russian, previously one of the main languages, became regional. article 10 of the constitution of ukraine still guarantees the free development, use and protection of the russian
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language and other languages ​​of national minorities. this article has not been respected since 2014. it is precisely the ban on the use of russian. became one of the reasons for the proclamation of the dpr and lpr. the elections took place in the fourteenth year, in the nineteenth year, the biggest violations of the law on elections and elections and the constitution of ukraine, they were largely falsified, and there, where they could not be falsified, they were simply simply prohibited. if they consider crimea to be their territory, which is 2.5 million inhabitants, if they consider donbass to be their territory, yes, they thought so then, it is 8.5 million inhabitants, this is a significant part of the population of ukraine, but i also really it was absolutely uninteresting. so to speak, even to announce that it is possible to hold elections there, it is clear that no one would hold them, but they did not even announce
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this, that they are in favor of something there there and so on, moreover, they did everything so that the so-called displaced persons, those who, due to hostilities, were forced to leave the houses they occupied, settlements there, to the territory controlled by the kiev regime, they did everything, so that these people cannot vote. thus, ukraine has long become an illegal state, where the authorities are a big fan of telling us, belarusians, what we are doing wrong, especially in the twentieth year, then zelensky was much bolder in relation to belarus. kyiv quickly named lukashenko illegitimate, called on minsk to ensure rights and freedoms for the people, and zelensky even advised lukashenko to hold repeat elections. today, against the backdrop of ukraine, it sounds especially colorful, right. how can i calm everyone down? i would definitely say: within a month there will be a new vote, and i will participate in new elections. who else wants to participate
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ahead? here you need to understand that the source of power for zelensky, like poroshenko, is , of course, the american embassy in kiev. and therefore, in principle, such statements by zelensky, just when the belarusian people needed as much international support as possible, and this is actually the blow that is sleeping.
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just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost at the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 ? if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many bosses. what sport was old man khatabich a fan of from the film old man khatabych football let football of course be the correct answer, the smartest and bravest gather here. who was depicted on the banknote with a denomination of 100 rubles, introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s. zubar? yes, find belarusian. football club: left, right, right, right - this is the correct answer, football club naftan. look, in
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intellectual and entertaining shows. on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects, which will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. congratulations. your wife is almost pregnant, hopefully with twins. progesterone, magnesium, try the knife urgently. bully, call. hello, dveri
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grigorievna, urgently. we have everything. went perfectly, thank you very much, we were told that if you don’t get us pregnant, then we will no one will help, the bykovs are of course an authority, but you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break, continue the stimulation for 2 hours, let’s go now, seryozha, if we don’t have time now, dear verochka and sergey, you’ve lived together for 10 years, you , it probably seems that you know each other well, well, what do you want from me, what do you? you want to know, but it was and was, consider it a past life, why didn’t you tell me, sure, i want to beat you for you, whom i have always admired since my student days, seryozha, i feel so bad for you, watch the series attempt of faith on the belarus 24 tv channel, everything that modern
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belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. on the territory of countries. azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon.
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tune in. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. modernization and the creation of new production facilities have happened and will happen. the ministry of industry outlined in detail plans for the development of the real sector. about the belgospischeprom approved a quality improvement program, what is included in the documents, what new sweets will appear for belarusians and not only. and
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the national gold standard will help protect against low-quality goods. we'll tell you about eurasian standards. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. olga onishchenko is with you. hello. at the end of last year , almost twice as much was invested in the modernization and creation of new production facilities in belarus than in the previous year. about 1,200 million rubles. as the ministry of industry assures, the large program of investment in the creation of production facilities will continue. as a result, in the next five years , all enterprises plan to create more than 900 modern units of equipment. world-class, which will be affordable to our consumers and is competitive in foreign markets. by the way, amkador presented new models of its cars the day before. this is a modern solution for land reclamation, which was previously purchased only by import. by the way, every year the manufacturer adds 5-10 new models. the range of loaders, timber industry machines and other
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units for the agricultural sector is currently being updated. our correspondent, svetlana lukinyuk, went to the presentation from. asked for orders and sales markets this year, this car literally rolled off the market in march... the manufacturer assures that the conveyor alone will replace at least eight in terms of carrying capacity, can transport up to 30 tons, which is 2 times of bulk materials, and besides, the filling is 95% of its own, in belarus such a trailer was assembled for the first time, in general, with an attachment for the first time at the enterprise 5-10 models annually, those who will later work on the machines were also invited to this presentation, now the manufacturer is focusing on road construction...
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parts of components and assemblies in warehouses in full. the manufacturer assures that each unit is tested, but polished to ideally, a novelty can only be achieved at work. adjustments are made instantly, because agricultural organizations need all this. to date, 30 units have already been contracted for the reclamation system, 42 contracts are being worked out, they are now at the signing stage, well, in general, we are planning for this reclamation system, to deliver at least 118 units of products this year, this is only for reclamation, and the order book for only one enterprise, ours, which is the backbone for measuring equipment, more than 340 units of production this year, therefore for
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we will supply a third of the produced volume of our reclamation machines, but the range of offers is much wider, these include municipal machines and road-building ones, and more and more they are becoming completely belarusian, and even if the machine contains more than 90% of its own, then 10%. serial equipment for its production and the development of new equipment. yes, special attention is paid to import substitution. the second main task is export. there is demand for our equipment in foreign markets, and not
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only in russia. interest is growing in asian countries, latin america and africa regions. many belarusian machines are already in operation there, and there will be even more. now we are working on deliveries to nicaragua, where the deputy head is now located. presidential administration and we have worked out a contract for the supply of 260 units of road construction equipment to this country, but based on the results of the visit , a specific agreement on the implementation of this contract should already be reached, so nicaragua is waiting for us, and there is also an exhibition in zimbabwe at the end of april , also a country, let’s say, which is already rumored to be there a contract for the supply of more than 80 units of products is being worked out, and equatorial guinea is interested...


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