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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 11:55pm-12:16am MSK

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there is, and it’s not only russia, interest is growing in asian countries, in latin america and africa, many belarusian machines are already in operation there, and there will be even more. now we are working out the delivery to nicaragua, the deputy head of the administration, the president, is now there, we have worked out a contract for the supply of 260 units of road construction equipment to this country, and this is exactly what should be achieved based on the results of the visit. a specific agreement on the implementation of this contract, therefore, nicaragua is waiting for us, also at the end of april there is an exhibition in zimbabwe, also a country, let’s say, which is already rumored, a contract for the supply of more than 80 units of products is being worked out there, and equatorial guinea is interested in our machines for the timber processing complex, again it’s underway contracts are being worked out and we hope that this year the first deliveries of vehicles to the equatorial province of zimbabwe, nicaragua will take place, and of course the big russian one. market, the two countries
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act together in many areas, already goods go from conveyors to customers, but volumes are also important here, as well as timing; time, as we know, is money, and the work of a dozen enterprises sometimes depends on one more detail. we are already implementing 25 investment import substitution projects, the total investment costs on them exceed 144 billion russian rubles, work continues on seven more projects. stages of approval from russian colleagues, so these productions will be aimed at solving several problems, this is the creation of capacities, including with a high degree of automation, here comes quality, here comes the solution to the personnel issue in order to provide the required volume with fewer people, so in general we are planning the task in the coming years of replacing imported equipment on the market of the union state, including solving it using both existing... ... the capacities
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of our enterprises, through their modernization, and through the creation of completely new, fundamentally new production facilities. belarus and russia have begun the implementation of four machine tool projects. we are talking about creating multi-purpose machining centers, turning machines with control programs, as well as other equipment for the needs of industrial enterprises. svetlana lukinyuk, ilya puchko, area of ​​interest. exports to african countries grew fivefold over the year, and supplies to china have increased over the past 5 years. almost five times. this dynamics is demonstrated by the enterprise of the belgos-food industry concern. the most exported goods to the middle kingdom are trapseed oil, confectionery, cookies and sugar. as for africa, long-term contracts have been concluded to supply products to somalia, burkino fasso and ghana. positive dynamics recorded on sales to the turkish market. a number of agreements have been signed with vietnam. in general, the geography of our exports is 49 countries. not so long ago the concern approved.
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was not developed from scratch, that is, it is based on the current five-year program for 2021-2025, accordingly, we essentially took it as a basis and updated it, regarding the main points, in simple terms, this is a priority of qualitative indicative over quantitative, that is, this implies increasing the efficiency of management systems at enterprises, introduction of innovative technologies, changes in production processes, careful attitude to raw materials. other
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resources, respectively, a focus on waste-free production, and a number of other positions. the results of the implementation of this program will most likely be the emergence of new types of products. what are you planning to please consumers with? when we start talking about new products, our confectionery industry is probably always the flagship here, that is , the summer period is approaching, we traditionally produce certain some limited summer lines, of course, tropical flavors prevail there, for example, some fruit ones, ours are developing... a line of confectionery products with the addition of powdered milk, it is also quite popular based on the results of last year, it has proven itself well. probably, on the eve of the same summer period, current developments in our oil and fat industry, in particular, i think it will be interesting for the consumer to try rapeseed oil with the aroma of dill, rapeseed oil with the aroma of butter, sounds a little so unusual, but we think the consumer will be interested in it and at least want to... try something like this,
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limited edition mayonnaises will also be released especially for men with the addition of pepper, for women, respectively, with the addition of lemon juice, so we are trying and we will. entering the same african market, those done in this direction, we began actively in the second half of last year. in recent years, there have actually been many agreements that we had already in the fall, they continue to be sold this year, primarily the supply of our parboiled malt to equatorial guinea, this year the republic of guinea was added. supplies to the sugar industry are actively developing, that is, supplies to morocco and hanna also continue, that is, this is the african continent; in addition, for the first time this year we supplied our sugar to afghanistan, to mongolia, respectively, that is,
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these markets were once for we were considered quite distant, it was much easier to work in closer markets, however less we set ourselves such a task. i think we are fulfilling it successfully, but we certainly won’t stop there, last year we made deliveries to the same mexico, so all markets are interesting, this year we also delivered to new zealand, respectively, as you can see, almost the entire winter ball, he is familiar with our products, so we will continue, let’s say, carry out such diversification, the only thing i would like to add is that while diversifying, it is important not to lose our traditional markets, that is... we we develop new markets not at the expense of leaving old ones, that is, because sometimes in some cases even entering a new market is to some extent easier than gaining a foothold in it, so it is important for us not just to enter some market, but to show work on it
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for 3-5 years, so that consumers in these markets still have a complete impression of our products and they wait for our products and look for them somewhere in the networks. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, this is truly the oldest building, and the most important shrine of our region, a temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also have a rich literary history; many poets lived and worked in this area.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue to exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian and the euro and weakened against the dollar and the yuan.
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so, the current rates for the national bank: a dollar costs 3 rubles 27 kopecks. the euro has depreciated significantly, its rate is 3.51, for 10 yuaniya they give 4.51. the countries of the eurasian union are harmonizing approaches in the field of standardization, assuring this for the benefit of the entire union economy. about it they spoke the day before at the international scientific and technical conference mitorology 2024. it was timed to coincide with the centenary anniversary of the belarusian chamber of weights and measures. today we are building a policy in the field of standardization, communicating with our colleagues in the eurasian five: belarus is one of the most active. which decision initiators? anton malyuta will continue the topic. this conference is held only once every 2 years; you must agree, this is an atypical schedule. however, like the day that became the occasion for this event: the centenary of the belarusian chamber of mera
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libra, anniversary date - february 29. it is symbolic, contrary to the stereotype, that it is a leap year, a solid representation that goes far beyond the eac. this. uzbekistan, china, india, a total of 250 metrologists from 10 countries. we actively cooperate with everyone on an ongoing basis. for 5 years , we have completed more than a thousand works using data alone. management of metorology, mutually beneficial cooperation, and here work on joint treatment, and work on the creation of state primary standards, and work on such routine our work, verification, calibration, therefore, the whole range of meteorological works and services, at the moment we are also an institute and one of which has a separate topic in the development strategy - this is the expansion of the national nuclear base of uzbekistan, the experience in this direction of belarusian colleagues, in addition, very this is an interesting direction
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of cooperation, we have now built it, and at the moment, every year on an ongoing basis we work on all the tours to improve the qualifications of uzbek meteorologists in the laboratories of belgim. development of meteorology - this is the economic, scientific and technological sovereignty of the country, as well as the protection of citizens from low-quality goods and services, as well as the preservation and... financial resources. subject matter experts have been working on the development of a national reference base for almost 30 years. according to the results of the current five-year plan, the number of national standards will be 72. we are not completing the work on creating national standards, but we are carrying out it purposefully constantly. and we are currently planning that this year, next year we will work to create three more and modernize five standards, which in general will allow us to complete the development of the program at a high technical level. level, and more specifically, we can take credit for the fact that
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to ensure work in such a complex industry as the space development industry, our metrologists took part, who created on the eve of this great holiday for our country, such one of demanded standard standard for measuring the unit of vacuum pressure, which allows our industry, without removing equipment, without spending financial resources, to provide performance. these tasks on the territory of the republic of belarus, right here, right in our national meteorological institute, with the indicators that are in demand for the republic as a whole. our experience is valued outside the country. belarus is an active participant in the interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification of the cis countries; we are now coordinating policies in this area with our eu colleagues, although our partners do not always cooperate . a very big question posed by the heads of state is harmonization. unfortunately, consensus is very
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difficult to achieve, everyone refers to national legislation, this diversity does not give the effect that would be inherent for all market participants in terms of drawing up documents assessing the compliance of their issuance, their authorized issuance, and of course responsibility for ... the work and the level of responsibility that each of the participants performs, active work is now being carried out in this direction, but in any case the parties are in solidarity, all achievements of metrology must be implemented in the real sector of the economy, the global goal is reflected in the motto of the conference: mythology, quality and unity, this is the formula for the success of joint work in the near future. anton malyuta and ilya maksimov, area of ​​interest. and that’s all for today, look at your area of ​​interest, three times a week, tuesday, wednesday. and thursday, good luck in your business and see you.
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the most basic thing is the budget law, it will now begin to take shape, this is the most humane law, you know, in principle, taking into account the current trend that we have the budget always comes with a surplus, then of course this is one of the most humane, because if we set the budget competently and correctly, correctly dot the i’s, then we will perfectly understand which areas,
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which sectors we are focusing on in order to develop our country, and others. projects in the field of social protection, in the field of healthcare, military doctrine, including participation in the all-belarusian people's assembly of parliamentary deputies, including because we are delegates, yes, again as for the adoption of military doctrine, these are also very important things, so there will be a lot of work, well, as i understand it, the status of a social state in our country will not go anywhere, it will not go anywhere at all, but you are a professional doctor, and a resuscitator at that, anesthesiologist, with basic education, so to speak.
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a new hospital, you know, i think this is significant, and the first belarusian woman’s flight into space, this is a significant event, of course, this is a significant event, namely women, ambassador, that we are flying there for peaceful purposes in peace, yes, again, laying the capsule specifically during the construction of a healthcare facility, but this is probably the most important indicator of the direction in which it is going. in general, our country is developing in a social direction, as we said that we are a social guarantor, this is how we work, the president says that we must look at the demographic components of our society, and we must develop, including having more children, as
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we should not build a healthcare system facility, this is firstly, secondly, you know, for me this is such an indicator to our... neighbors on the other side that guys, you can do whatever you want there, even if you walk on your head, and here we are building hospitals so that our population is healthy, including mentally and physically, they are trying to accuse us of the fact that we are rattling our weapons and are almost going to seize half of europe, we are rattling our weapons, we are watching with our own eyes, and i say again, the bars of the belarusian-polish border are...
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digging the ground, only here digging to lay the foundation of the system health care, yes, but they are digging trenches, it’s true, i like it when people talk about what they really know, yes, because being the secretary general of the red cross, you were there in 1921 transition, and we saw everything directly with our own eyes, being a deputy allows you to continue to lead the red cross of belarus, yes, absolutely right, the fact is that - on a professional basis, i cannot work anywhere, because i have only one place of work - this in parliament, but taking into account the fact that this is an elective position, i mean belarusian. red cross, i was elected by the delegates, 120 delegates from the republic, this is an elective position, so until the end of the convocation, at least i remain in...


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