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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 12:15am-12:46am MSK

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the president very significantly said, let them see on the other side they are digging the earth, on this side they are digging the earth, only here they are digging in order to lay the foundation of the healthcare system, yes, but they are digging trenches, it’s true, i like it when people talk about that they really know, yes, because being the secretary general of the red cross, you were there at this crossing just in the twenty-first year, and you saw everything directly with your own eyes, here is a deputy for...
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in the position of general secretary of the belarusian red cross, but on a public basis, you understand perfectly well that it is not by chance that i brought up the theme of the red cross, but now i will promote it as the main one, probably today, because this is an interesting collision: we seem to have a red cross in belarus, it has been abolished in the international system, our belarusian red cross was cancelled, this is how it happened, why? well, we probably all already know this story, the fact is that believe me, not everyone knows it in more detail, then i’ll just tell you first-hand, again, when the accusations first came out address of the republic of belarus that belarus is stealing children from ukraine, yes, honestly for me it was perceived as, well, nonsense, okay, you know, then when accusations began to periodically surface in the media throughout the spring about what children...
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do this is because everything related to military conflicts and humanitarian assistance in this, according to the charter, this is prescribed as mandatory, this is the mandate of the red cross, including the belarusian one, that’s all, the entire red cross movement, that’s why we made the decision about being tough to put these talking madmen in their place, so we went to donbass in order to show that all the children who...
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that when i arrived, we were only going to these children who were vacationing with us, yes, that’s why i had a very limited number of gifts for these children, yes, when you come to a family and they see you in red cross clothes or something else, they say oh, red cross, yes, i then asked, what do you have no, no, this is the first time we ’ve seen, can you imagine, the conflict has been going on for 10 years, this is the first time they’ve seen a representative of the reds cross, when this question is with...
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they live there, and why did we decide that this is dangerous for the life of the red cross employee, and not those who live there, we are not talking about the fact that we have to go into the trenches, yes in order to look at the living conditions of the soldiers, to bring some other humanitarian aid, we go to civilians, they live here permanently, and you
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know, i always say, i was honestly ashamed when i arrived there in clothes, in a bulletproof vest , wearing a helmet, go before... well, they gave me different deadlines, the most extreme - it was december 1, yes, and they generally had the right to demand that you leave an elected position, no, of course, the fact is that in the red cross movement there are three unities, the international federation of the red cross, the international committee of the red cross,
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the national society , we are partners, therefore equal partners, absolutely equal partners, with an ordinary voice, with ordinary... can i do this, do i want to do it or not, but within the framework, of course, of the charter, when the international federation of the red cross, it after all, she was the first to write a letter that the secretary general should immediately resign from his post, or at least for the time of the investigation, and then only a few days later, perhaps, in my opinion, yes, the investigation began, i again asked the question, how could this be? it may be that you... first demand my resignation, and then just start the investigation, but you understand, these inconsistencies, inconsistencies, you know, like good proverbs, the further into the forest, the thicker the partisan, the more we moved, the more the masks were removed, the demands
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were created more harshly, yes, they did not listen to the arguments at all, because we told them that dear colleagues, all the recommendations of the committee that conducted the investigation were you...
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yes, we still insist that shevtsov resign from his post, and if he will not leave, then you, then yes, you will be ay-ay-ay, we will suspend membership, that is, once again, this is an inconsistency, the presence, the presence of the red cross in gaza now is the norm, this is the norm, and the absence of the red cross in donbass - this is also the norm, well, well, it seems to me that i can comment further here.
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almost 98% of the funding for the international federation of the red cross,
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i’m not afraid to say it, was allocated to help migrants from ukraine, this money did not even go to those migrants who are coming to us from the middle east, who are trying to get into the theory of targeting purely according to ukrainian refugees, for ukrainian refugees, and there are un organizations that are our partners, who specifically allocated.
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if there is a need to help, to help with employment, to help with paperwork, yes, that is, these
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here are all the things we, of course, are involved in together with our partners from the ministry of internal affairs, the healthcare system, and others, we address all these issues, as before, you see, i was a little interested in this topic, it’s like a small remark, i’m sure that this was also used as a reason, because also... an official statement made by the head of the international red cross, so they are forced to lay off 1,800 employees around the world and close 26 representative offices, well, at least this is more than half a billion dollars, yes okay, in fact, we are now talking about what i will tell you more, excuse me for interrupting you, i will tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this large structure, but
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the known information, because we do not communicate only officially, but also unofficially with our colleagues, acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, well, who are these large tycoons, large corporations, companies, as a rule, these are western europe and america, yes you...
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indicated that costs are going to increase for this shopping twice, and up to 10 billion. but what is this from your point of view, nonsense or a new reality in which we are forced to live, this is not nonsense, this is a new reality, these are new realities of bipolar split personality, but how do we let's take, for example , the situation when the american president
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is awarded the nobel peace prize, which unleashes. the war in iraq, i 'm talking about barack obama, it's like, what are you guys doing? well, you know, when you hear from a doctor about split personality, it already looks like a medical diagnosis. well, you know, to unfortunately, yes, more and more often we have to say these things, depending on the position and behavior of some people who call themselves politics. well, look, dmitry evgenevich, the documents when work was stopped. of our red cross were compiled in english, russian, belarusian ukrainian, yes, well, this is official information, yes, and despite the fact that the official languages, organizations, they are different, english, french, spanish and arabic, even russian is a technical language , then don’t
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the customer’s ears stick out too much, well, you you know, it was, yes, it was so obvious. understandable, but they apparently needed to report, report, so now, here is one document for the entire existence of the 165-year-long red cross movement that was not in ukrainian in the belarusian languages, from what, excuse me, fright are you printing, it is printed in official languages, then the russian red cross, god bless him, helps in translating these documents into... language and distribution to other national societies, this is not only belarus, but others national societies of the post-soviet space, as a rule, these are countries that also widely use the russian language, yes, but documents are published in four official languages, so the question is asked, what is it, guys, well, if you want, i’ll answer this question for you, aka obvious, they specifically
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wrote in ukrainian so that refugees, ukrainians in belarus would clearly... know from whom this decision comes, to deprive them of help, well, here’s a good answer, perhaps, well , look, in social networks in the comments, at least at least below the information about suspension of membership, and they write that on the sidelines of the organization there is regret about the closure of one of the most effective red cross organizations in the world , belarusian, but well, this may be true, indeed it is, well, again, this is not the official interpretation. yes, this is actually true, i heard it too, my colleagues heard it, yes, well, you know, there are more sensible people, yes, but by the way, these various minorities, well, i mean here , those who are trying express a lie, show a lie with the truth, and shut everyone’s mouths, they are
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naturally they wanted to show that the guys, well , it’s not the goal that i went... there in camouflage clothes, the goal isn’t that something else happened, the goal is that i went to a place where a priori you can’t go , we don’t recognize these republics, well, i mean europe, america, the movement, yes, it turns out, we don’t recognize them as an independent republic, there are no people there, well , of course, they haven’t seen war for 8 years, yes, there aren’t any people, it means, you know, some kind of red cross has come here, well, listen, to betray. what else to show the whole world: here removed from the post of the general secretary, put pressure on him, removed him from the post of the general secretary, you will squirm, the same thing will happen to you, this is not a problem, well, we'll deprive you of funding, again it's not a problem, so nothing, i haven't financed anything higher before , but we’ll come up with something else, well, the voting list and we’ll include
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something else there, we did it, well, that’s fine. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth final world cup stage of the season. jumping on a trampoline. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. a lot of work.
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we are propagandists, what we propagandize is the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state has emphasized many times that power is for him this is service to the people and welfare, by welfare we mean. peace and security, from our lack of war to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools,
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decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i’m pleased, i ’m sure you are too, we built as best we could, as best we could, we were sincere about this construction, our generation must do everything. you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, in postmodernity everything in the world is text, text is not important,
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our mistake is that we are looking for meanings there, where they are not, it seems to me that there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically somehow explain why a man, a grandfather, is put in the post of such a huge state , i may be exaggerating a little, yes, but
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i remember the information that the international committee of the red cross once recognized that after the war, he issued documents to a number of high-ranking nazi criminals that allowed them to escape justice in latin america and then even... come to europe, but at the same time, of course, it is difficult to deny the millions of good deeds of the organization, and you still have hope that justice will still triumph, but the situation will be restored, the status quo will return, let ’s say, in relation to the belarusian organization, you know, i’m a pragmatist, i don’t believe in these fairy tales, for that simple reason. the reason that we see that the republic of belarus has been under sanctions for 30 years, yeah, we see what kind of sanctions, the russian federation, other countries that
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think differently, they don’t even have time for sanctions anymore, they just start wars right away, countries are still trying to destroy everything they can, when we have now switched to humanitarian tracks, sanctioned humanitarian tracks, this not only the red cross, but connect it now.
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negotiations with our various large companies, enterprises, increasing membership, sponsorship contributions , among other things, many interesting projects, yes, all efforts should be directed here, and this will have its effect real normal fruits, because you said it correctly, it’s not just some coloir telling us that we are one of the strongest national societies, this is actually true, as shown by annual international audits, the projects that we do, yes, people they come, of course, they admire the level of work of the belarusian red cross, but such a decision has been made, this does not mean that we will become worse, we will continue to work and will be ready, if some kind of polarity of points of view changes, we will be ready to work, cooperate and communicate with our international partners, but only on parity.
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of course, firstly, we must defend the interests of our country in every possible way, and secondly, we should never give in to anyone who is trying to denigrate us, yes, because this is what, i say again, this is one of the most serious crimes, but no one has ever started an investigation into the abduction and disappearance, or rather, of the children of entire groups of children who traveled to europe, because there is documentation. italy and sweden, they are at the top of this list, it’s like they take their children away from their mothers, and they take them away officially, too. yes, already with, i
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agree, it is not just necessary to react to this in a formal way, it is necessary to publicly voice this problem, demand an investigation, demand clarification of the causes, consequences, where the children went, what is being done with them, on what basis are you confiscating them, even on the last occasion, when a group arrives, it simply disappears, well , listen, what’s next, don’t you think at all that children in europe have become bargaining chips for a long time now. a long time ago, a long time ago, for a long time, these are powerless creatures that can be manipulated like kittens, whatever you want, they can be put there on the scales on one side, on the other, or simply thrown away, unfortunately, this is so, because this is how long we have been observing children identity is erased, children of families are taken away,
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they are handed over... families of pedophiles, families of homosexuals are handed over, well, you can’t call a boy a girl anymore, yes, yes, that’s what i ’m saying, the gender is erased, what is this, this situation, yes, if you push it a little bit, with moldovan children who were not allowed in by lithuania and poland after the tour, yes, and democratic europe, as usual, remained silent, in your opinion, why the children’s choir became a threat to the national security of lithuania, they officially announced this, it’s strange, of course. "it’s strange, such a superpower as lithuania, yes, which almost declared war on china, yes, here is a choir of poor children of 19 people, you know, again, the one who goes to the territory from which those unfriendly to the european union will anathematized, publicly flogged, of course."


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