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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 12:45am-1:16am MSK

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strange, of course, such a choir, strange, such a superpower as lithuania, yes, which almost declared war on china, yes, here, and a choir of poor children, 19 people, you know, again , the one who will go to the territory , with which those unfriendly to the european union will be anathematized, publicly flogged, right?
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it’s happening, what a flourishing land, but they actually have a split personality, they can’t understand, there’s one thing here, there’s something else here, i came here and saw it with my own eyes, it’s not like they won’t dig in here along the border, but i i think when they come from the other side, they see quite a number of armored vehicles standing along the roads, in the forests, in the forest belts, in the crossings themselves, and hello, they’re digging here, they think they’re burying a tank, we come, damn it, there’s a capsule for construction of a hospital, but... great, yes, but look, the belarusian red cross, at the same time, helps absolutely all vulnerable segments of the population, even those who have recently been released from prison, migrants, refugees, even those who find themselves in a difficult life situation , i i remember very well your overnight stays on the border with poland, yes, then, when you were in the most difficult conditions, yes...
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and australia, and japan, and germany, and the united states, england, everyone, all the british, only then wrote , it’s not clear what, that’s another question, but in any case, please come and see, that’s when the polish border guards poisoned migrants with gas, threw noise grenades at them, yes, at sub-zero temperatures they poured water on them, and even with chemicals, but death, like you rightly noted, they still haven’t stopped, and fifty confirmed cases in 2 years, when...
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of course they brought in, naturally these teams worked, we worked closely with the ministry of emergency situations, with the state border committee, other departments, and i made sure that each team visited there several times, i worked, firstly, we give before their previous one, and secondly, i looked with my own eyes, i always, when we held a debriefing, but because, well, psycho-emotionally burnout could be very severe, yes, i always said, guys, look how fragile the world is. here a sufficient number of very wealthy people, very wealthy people, who are now dirty and dirty and are ready to thank everyone simply for a pack of hygiene, for simply
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providing them with water, food and blood over their heads, even if this is a logistics center, but in any case, here, yesterday they were still absolutely wealthy. people going to germany at the call of angela merkel, and what happened to them, so that everyone can see how ambivalent the policy of european states is towards those whom they even they are calling you, that’s all, and that’s how it happened, we now see this in the example of the belarusian red cross on other things, so this is a very important thing in terms of... psycho-emotional and in terms of ensuring that our youth see all this with my own eyes, because of course the pictures presented are very rosy, yes, very good, very happy, here you go, yes,
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you can’t fool the people who worked there with the red cross, well, the international red cross, it is based on seven fundamental principles and humanity. impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity, universality, and what principles remained with the belarusian red cross, and what was lost with the international one, you know, we still have all the principles that were there, they haven’t gone anywhere, and, well, it’s not me , and the international movement believes that humanity is
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saving the life of another person, or satisfying his basic needs, food, blood, protection, just, yes, what clothes will you do it in, or without at all clothes, or even on the head, it doesn’t matter if you save a human life, so everything else, they still fade into the background, although they all must be carried out, as for... it doesn’t matter at all under what flag you provide
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assistance, and this definitely shouldn’t become a stumbling block, the color of your flag, and your sovereignty, okay, look. last year, a study was conducted in russia that showed that russians now prefer to trust npos to non-profit organizations that were created by the state, and we also come to this. in your opinion, what public initiatives require support right now at the state level? well, of course, assistance in the development of national societies, but the fact is that it would be much easier to exist as a national society if they could also earn money, but according to the law on public associations, these are societies that cannot carry out any activities services on a reimbursable basis, this, in
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principle, would help many societies, but the most important thing for me is this, i see still in the development of volunteering. because not a single national society in our country can exist without volunteers, they showed the bars, and this situation when the belarusian red crosses are unlikely.
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something that has existed for 165 years, or even more, should undergo no changes, but the canons must remain unshakable, and we must, you know, i’ll tell you, probably open the same geneva convention of forty -nine, carefully re-read the articles, they very uninteresting ones that speak to how red should truly work. cross, and then rely on our
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fundamental principles, the seven principles, and not try to put them forward as a purist, when we need to hide some problem, or, well, or with this purity to remove someone who does not want to obey those principles and those rules that they suddenly decided to install it, beautifully, you know, i'm afraid. read them and be guided by them. thanks for this conversation. thank you very much for the invitation. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts. for you around the clock, don’t switch,
1:00 am
our daily task is to talk about belarus in a country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental,
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sporty and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with my own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
1:02 am
the year of quality for our company is a great opportunity to prove ourselves. when i started my career at this enterprise, for the first time i came to the technical control department, where a very large number of products were displayed, a large, huge assortment. the sound of crystal, the flickering of edges, all this is mesmerizing. and gives positive emotions. our company with a long history is here too has worked for more than one generation. in order to become a highly qualified specialist, you need to study a lot and a lot. each product is thought out from the smallest details, from ideas to the production
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of molds. the craftsman puts his own spin on each product. because it was still produced not by machine, but by hand. we have a great responsibility, because we are the only ones in the country that produce these products, having worked here for more than 30 years, we have something to be proud of, our enterprises are recognizable by our products, invested here a lot of strength. as long as i work here, i develop. the quality mark is very important for our company. if the year of quality is an exam, then the quality mark for us is the highest assessment, the results of the work of the entire enterprise. i believe that we deserve the quality mark.
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editors club. this is my first time in minsk. i’ve been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come and what do i understand, all the shops are open, please, if you want a clean city, excellent hotels, i’ll tell you more, such a conveyor as i saw here on i have never seen a conveyor belt so organized at the car plant, where so many young people worked so clearly, when a small state, pursuing its policy, developing its own belarusian economic model, this actually makes us a desirable goal. we need to be prepared for the fact that they will turn us around, try to split us, including with the help of terror, handsome lukashenko, gather journalists right in the field, he didn’t just gather journalists, this is from my point of view, this is a manifesto, this is a declaration our strategic course, we understand that they will not be friends with us, just live side by side peacefully, but keep in mind, we are with the russians
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together, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other, we will go to victory, if you attack, we will fight back. it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, by preserving the...
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elevators, we are working in terms of developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows, who came in, what floor he should go to. shklov and zhodina
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became cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure-white, belamonmash and mass. drivers and passengers switched from buses to modern eco-cars. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries. one of them we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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let's work more cheerfully, comrades, be more active, let's start a fight. let's be the intelligentsia, let's chat, take it shovel and work, intelligentsia, guys, just ready, ready, come on, take it,
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my brothers had this story: i was captured in the winter of 1941 under the forest and i had a friend there, he irritated me wildly, well, we’re like normal goons , horses were torn apart for meat, and this one picks up a book and carries it, look, three musketeers.
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the friedians gathered us, drove us to the river bank, put us on our knees and said: sleep, this book saved my life, but i served another term, but one thing does not give me peace... what was that book called, well, i don’t remember everything, crime punishment, or what? no, the three musketeers, that’s what it was called, oh, that’s right, thank you, comrade,
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otherwise? i suffered a lot in 1941, thank you, good luck, come to the soda bottle, soda bottle, give me a handsome man in some water, i have a sirok saddle, i have to go a long way to get it. “do your job, we shed blood for them, you know, they stung us syrup, sorry, as it is, gun!” hello, are you
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selling soda now? did you tell mitya about stefan? no, but i only told you. gul, why did you do this? i told the truth, that's it you lied to us all, you wanted to come clean. shut up, you are not my sister anymore. “oh, so, while you were there having affairs with your frenchman, i, by the way, saved him, and you know why he didn’t come to you, because he loves me, oh, girl,
1:15 am
hello, excuse me, and you?” it’s okay, trosha, you have guests, hello, trophy.


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