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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 1:35am-2:01am MSK

1:35 am
“sorry, can you tell me how i can find alexandra petrova, whom shury petrova works on the crane, and that’s right there, thank you, please.” “sorry, can you tell me how i can find shury petrova, well, i’m just asking for something.” , you should have seen her, a person is dying, it’s impossible to look at her.” well, this asshole of yours, where is
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this incredulous comrade now? in rybinsk for gas, well, he went to the hydroelectric station. shur, i ask you, he will believe you. well, where will i go? i have plans, and then no one will let me go without a good reason. and what is good reason? are you, petrova, out of your mind , or what, do you even understand that navigation is in full swing, and you’re getting ready to get married? yes, can’t you wait until autumn?
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the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr decided an amnesty in connection with the victory, all cases on deserters are stopped, what do you understand, you understand what is happening, all cases on desserts are stopped, they stop, they are no more, you understand, vitya, this is freedom, we are free , we broke through, what are you doing, fly! mityai, mitya, now you are mitya, andreev, gore. oh, it seems to us, here. solar energy,
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energy of the future, speaker pavel levchenko, comrades, i think you all know him, but i’ll still introduce him, this is our pride, man, one might say. bright, sunny future, and this man's name is pavel levchenko, he is very worried, he is a very modest guy, but today we will still force him to speak and tell us how to build a solar... power plant,
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please, comrades, give water to the man future. comrade, it’s him, anton polchekhov, who never i believed so beautiful, every day i squeezed the slave out of myself drop by drop, closer to the power sources, a man of the future, i’m not a man of the future, i can’t even call myself fully a man of the present.
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i lived under a false name for a long time. my real name is not pavel levchenko, but my name, my name is dmitry andreev.
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i didn’t have a claim on it before, look, there’s an amnesty for all former military deserters, you know, i can go and apply for rehabilitation, yeah, when are you leaving for moscow? tonight, i'll go with you,
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trosh, i'll run, take a day off, let's go with you let's meet at the locks, okay, just wait for me, that's it! comrade trepalin, why did you tear me off the caran in the midst of navigation, hello, hello, switchboard, whoever disconnected, connect immediately, comrade colonel, i say, it’s not my fault at all, yes, yes, your request has been lying around for a long time, but who is it? did you know? yes, everything fits, the outfit has been sent, comrade kichik, okay, comrade kichik, allow me to formalize it, i have to get to moscow, i’m returning to hopelessness, well, you amazed us, brother, i just have to say, you stunned us with your confession, how can we call you, if you are
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not pavel, levchenko, my name is dmitry andreev, i lost my name under forced circumstances, now i want to arrange time off to go to moscow to sort everything out, give me the paper, but the paper, there is paper, so hold it, you write, there’s a pen, write for now, just write without making mistakes!
1:44 am
if you didn’t smoke, comrade, it’s harmful to you, what’s wrong with you, my health is not yours, you’re a stupid woman, tell me, you’re a reasonable person of ours, why do you need all this tribalism, is it really out of the goodness of my heart, i believe in true , eternal friendship. very muska, such heroism they're flogging your brother, why didn't anyone do this for me, they would
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have broken someone's nose, and you say stupid things, but i always say it first, and then , cunningly, i think why i said it. and when i fall in love, is that the case? i'm becoming a fool, and i , too, will probably punish you with my fool, yes, but i'm really an idiot, eh, shur, it's hard to be noble, but why, here are the gateways, here we are, where is the man of the future, i went, my... then is sent earlier, thank you, thank you, but
1:46 am
you’re welcome, and don’t worry, idiocy is very appropriate face. in our show, cheat sheets will not help participants. is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground? yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis the fact that in the word demarcation there is, well, the root of the word marking, which can lead to the fact that this is really the process of marking the state border. and... what kind of delimitation process is this? here you can only rely on your own strength. 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be
1:47 am
1 0 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9. and that went far simply, in short it is possible. please tell me what you are getting at? a game that will not leave anyone indifferent. i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but i know the rifle that has a postscript at the beginning. tayamnіtsy before navukoўtsami. gets of the past never happened because lida learned from
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the masters of the krogir school in minsk and took possession of our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's find out more about the past of belarus. papytaytse sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka, and the botakhtamysha is in the yard, no one knows. alekhan takhtamysh was at lidze, he lives here. let's remember folk traditions.
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goodbye, zoy vasilievna, maybe we'll see you again, andrey vach, i take my words to your soul , thank you, carefully,
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1:51 am
sorry, that's it, don't cry, honey, don't cry, everything will work out.
1:52 am
musa, forgive me!
1:53 am
“i don’t work there anymore, why? what about moscow, registration? i’m tired of it, i’ll go to zoya.” she’s not there, have n’t you really understood anything, you’re my smart, you’re my heroic, you save other people’s children, but your own are you ruining your little man, your sister? who
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are they? what's this? this is my little sister. mom, is it true that you’re going out with your sister? sit, play, here you go, little elephant, big girl, big girl, big girl, forgive me, forgive
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me, forgive me for being a stupid, stupid little bag, crazy, come on, forgive me, forgive me, it’s me, forgive me, my good little girl, we you and i, we ’ll go to zaki’s, okay, i really miss you, when you get to zoya, send a telegram right away. where is your grandmother taking your berry, where are you taking her, with a cold, in unsanitary conditions, leave me, how did i leave, well, how, well, she’s mine, when i left, don’t cry, child, don’t cry in vain, you have me, what do you understand?
1:56 am
zoya, zoya, we have arrived, titochka, this is my aunt, my family.
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oh, little girl, run, let ’s go to dad’s breakfast. and then i burned the papers, what else was there, i remember only freedom
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is loyalty to the truth, the main thing is that dad said, only a person true to his convictions can be free.
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2:00 am
hello, good morning, excuse me, i have a letter for you, thank you, be healthy, be sure to forward, be healthy, musya. musya, letter from trafimi, mitya was arrested, how was he arrested?


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