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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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russian region, so we agreed with a number of regions that we will gather from 50 to 70 companies on the site of our pavilion and hold joint cooperation meetings so that they can collaborate and get to know each other. belarus and russia are implementing 25 import substitution projects, the total cost exceeds 144 billion russian rubles. the first products have been supplied to the russian market since last year, these are... technical products, transmission elements, axles, gearboxes and gear units, special attention to work in the field of machine tools. currently , the parties are additionally working on seven more import-substituting projects; their implementation will ensure the technological sovereignty of the union state. april 11 marks the international day of liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps. during the second world war, 1,400 concentration camps were created in which people died. 17 million people, on
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the territory of belarus there were more than 150 places of mass extermination of people, only in trostenets near minsk the fasts killed at least 2060 civilians. the prosecutor general's office reports more than 90 previously unknown concentration camps on the territory of belarus. they are being investigated as part of the case of the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. and this is a very important date for our history. there were many families.
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restored cross of the holy venerable orthodox shrine of belarus, euphrasinia of polotsk. believers in the regional center can venerate the shrine to maintain spiritual strength in the middle of lent. the cross for the church of st. savior in polotsk in 1161 was made by a master jeweler lazar bogsha commissioned by efrasinia of polotsk. during the great patriotic war, the shrine disappeared and has not been found to this day. in 1997 , brezsky. artist-jeweler nikolai kuzmich made a copy of it; in order to recreate the cross, the master had to master the unique technique of ancient byzantine and cloisonné enamel. it was completely lost and the artist comprehended it independently with the help of archives and photographs. metropolitan felaret consecrated a copy of the cross; it was solemnly transferred to the polotsk spasofrasenevsky monastery. a game. a show where the fight is not based on
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physical strength, may the best man win. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. first, but the topic will have to be changed: saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica, absolutely right. a difficult,
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extremely difficult fight, he wins today, watch the intellectual and sports project, head game on our tv channel. the tv news agency presents, in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people.
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buns and koravai will be baked so that we will not know the fear of hunger, and bread will become light and familiar to us. attempts were made on fish and poultry, and salt - 9th tone at zen. eight years ago, 10 years ago, three industrial enterprises of the pioneers of the past, their own design organization, the similarities of garodnina and sadaviny, branded
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stores and direct hand-held connections with foreign partners and foreign currency. all these firsts are the republic of agrarian and industrial plants. zadni bukh for any and your own land with a great victory. these mararyli nekali kamunara ab future. vyadoma. and the sunny day becomes a source of satisfaction for the most wicked of their thoughts. only kalgasny lad with high culture agriculture will give the villagers of the baranavi region such riches to grow . ganus experimental station dapamagae kalgasam remove michuryn methods ў rural gaspadarka.
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belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history; this is truly the oldest building, the most important shrine of our region, the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. columns still have a rich literary history; many poets, writers and publicists lived in this area, and even about its famous natives, okubi once these wheels were pricked, they never forgot. unique sights can be found literally at every step. if you, like
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me, are planning your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just like that, right in meters so that yes it is opposite the house.
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today we will walk through real swamps, so through the swamp that is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, an uninitiated person, seeing this building, will say that it is... look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, the question may arise, how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? usually, usually the milling mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built with taking into account the fact that the business must operate all year round. project i’m from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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good evening, the economic environment is on air on the belarus-1 satellite tv channel belarus 24. it is accepted in belarus. the investment program for the twenty-fourth year, the corresponding decree was signed by the head of state, a total of 120 objects are included in the document, the third of them is planned to be put into operation this year, among the sixteen new ones on which funds will be spent, roads, orphanages, hospitals, and facilities infrastructure, for financing over 2 billion rubles are provided. in the twenty-fourth year , financial resources and the development bank will focus on infrastructure facilities. based on the results of the twenty-third year , the volume of financing of the belarusian economy. on the part of the bank increased by a quarter to the level of twenty-two years. the main directions are investments, exports and support for small
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medium-sized businesses. retail chains in belarus will continue to provide social discounts. the corresponding agreement was extended for the second quarter of this year. according to march data, 13 retail chains will continue to provide support to vulnerable categories of the population by providing a discount of up to 10%. since january 22, the total amount of discounts under the agreement has exceeded 64 million.
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this strengthens the export potential of belarus, especially in the context of rising world sugar prices. the domestic market is secured. according to the concern's forecasts, production volumes this year will be at least 150% of the level of product consumption in the country. investments in fixed assets continue to grow in belarus. reports this. in the first 2 months of this year, their volume amounted to 4.7 billion. how the union state is developing, what results have been achieved, if difficult. and where the additional drivers for the development of integration processes lie, we will discuss with
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competent experts right now. today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in the economic issues of the development of the union. irina novikova, head of the department, belarusian state technological university. dear guests, good evening, good evening, good evening, yesterday, april 2, we all celebrated. the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia is already in twenty-fifth time, a quarter of a century, dear
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experts, what is this holiday for you, what does it mean? indeed, on april 2 , 1996, an agreement was first signed on the creation of a community of belarus in russia, then on april 2, 1997, an agreement on the creation of the union of belarus in russia, and already in december 1999 before... an agreement on the creation of a union state, and this year we we will celebrate 25 years from the date of signing of this agreement; during this time a lot has been done, both in industry and in agriculture. sector science, and education, whatever we take in any field very great achievements, but this cannot be done if there is no support of the people, if there is no support of the two peoples, then there will be no movement forward, therefore this is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia - this is the locomotive, this is the driving force, this is the resulting
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direction that leads us to building a union state in which we are successfully thriving today. yuri. what does this holiday mean to you? yes, dmitry avidoldovich, of course, based on the function of the trade mission, which consists primarily in the implementation national interests of the russian federation on the belarusian track, well, i would like to immediately emphasize that our trade and economic relations are a two-way street, my thoughts are first of all, of course, about the economy, this is the unification of our economies, we are moving very consistently in this direction. that is why, of course, the starting point, which refreshed the entire process there, the entire history of bilateral relations, including in the trade and economic sphere, was the signing there in november of the twenty-first year, this is precisely the integration package, including 28 programs, one of them is the union program on the formation of a unified industrial policy, i
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want to say to get such space, you can imagine, without a visa, you can go to vladivostok. from grodno to vladivostok from grodno to vladivostok, yes, yes, yes, everyone speaks the same language that you speak, and accordingly, i support the sales representative that goods can be moved from belarus to the far east, and considering that my relatives live in the far east, i can freely see them without any visas or barriers, this is wonderful for me personally, igor vasilyevich, but for you, what does this holiday mean, well... of course , we need to think about the future, our future is our families, as a social unit, when mom, dad, children and so on, well, in a broader context, this is the state, the belarusian family,
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the russian family, for me this holiday is this is the unity of these families, fraternization, this is
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official and for how many more centuries unofficially, but this is wonderful, time shows that our unity is real and productive. igor vasilyevich, i can’t help but ask you, i know that you have a granddaughter, but if she came to you and asked: grandfather, please tell me, from the height of experience of many years, the diplomatic service, how can you characterize the relationship between .
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about the level of relations between our countries in clear language, but it must be stated that the basis of the unity of belarus and russia should be, first of all, the economy, this thesis is ours the president... emphasized during a meeting with the governor of the novosibirsk region in minsk. it is on interaction with the regions of the neighboring country that we focus in industrial cooperation. we offer our
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capabilities in updating the fleet of passenger transport and other equipment. the two countries have everything necessary to develop cooperation, produce new products and create joint ventures. our country has now set a course for restructuring its capabilities in the large market of the russian federation. let's listen to our president. for us, the time, the opportunities, are gone, goodbye, i have always called on russia to do this, all my years, as long as i have been working, they have not always heard me, that we need ours, ours, ours, ours, i am very glad that in russia they finally appreciated the possibilities of belarus, because practically not a single large medium-sized enterprise in our country has collapsed or died, mainly the russians may not like this, and not the state.
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this is not only not physics there, not thermal mass exchange, this is the npo center, this is integral, this is peling, this is our unique production scientific teams, that’s why we are a space power, we are a space power and we’re proud of it, and we’re proud of it, a lot has been done, but a lot remains to be done, that’s right, by the way, i’ll draw your attention here, that’s what, when programs are developed, they’re all come from expediency, it must be necessary, what is needed today is import substitution. technological independence, therefore, naturally, the most important condition for new programs is that the output must be an innovative product, maybe this is intellectual property, maybe this is a specifically developed device and so on, but it should be in the interests of the union state, and this work is now being carried out more comprehensively, because it is based on the requests of the union state, what is needed today and what is beneficial today for belarus and russia, this maybe
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the automotive industry.
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another question is, perhaps, the construction of a third power unit on an existing site or the selection of a site for a new nuclear power plant, which will consist of two units, if i’m not mistaken, presumably it’s somewhere in the south of the republic of belarus, well , different options are being explored, but we are a nuclear power not only because we , together with our russian partners, have a belarusian nuclear power plant, which has been put into operation, but also because it is located on the territory of the republic of belarus.
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specialized organizations of the republic of belarus and rosatom, which are aimed at implementing, including non-energy, non- nuclear projects, this includes , among other things, nuclear medicine, and the construction of a mobile research reactor in the republic of belarus, that is, a whole palette. interaction in a very high-tech industry, well, the second point is that now our two countries are already implementing this creation of an aircraft manufacturing industry in belarus, this is also very important, a decision has already been made there that the republic of belarus will be provided with including the assembly of a twin-engine nineteen-seater aircraft, is done on line primarily at the 558 plant, which is located. here in
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baranovichi, well, at the ural plant civil aviation in this regard, if i’m not mistaken, is very actively involved and the 407 civil aviation plant, pyotr aleksandrovich parkhomchik, deputy prime minister, who oversees industry, among other things, if i’m not mistaken, has already at least indicated that by the twenty- sixth year there will be the first two prototypes have been built, and before the thirtieth year this level, the number of aircraft produced will be about 90 units. it seems to me that these are also quite interesting events that characterize integration processes in the format of a union, but in many very directions we take pride in the fact that we are engaged in science, in industry, here, and here , and here, this is how it should be, but we need to deepen it, we need to expand it, and not stop there. i remember with pleasure our previous meeting.


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