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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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we’ll give water to small medium-sized cities, feed them, show them the sights, we have a beautiful country, it’s clean, cozy, come, we’ll be glad, and we’ll give a similar setup to our citizens, if they want to go and see one of the regions of the russian federation, it’s a must do, amazing nature, good people, rich traditions, all conditions for the development of tourism. in our countries, dear experts, summarizing our conversation, how do you see the future of the union state, and what do we all need to do for this? i would probably put it briefly like this: that a union state is a successful integration association of like-minded people, changing the world for the better, therefore the unity of peoples is our driver of movement and...
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naturally, the efficiency of the movement will depend on our joint efforts, only together. and one more topic that we, well, probably latently had in mind, is that we still have two dates - this is the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus this year from the nazi invaders. next year is our victory day, this is the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the soviet people, the great patriotic war, therefore, of course, we should not give up our victory, we must defend on...
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life in the form of lengthening or increasing his life expectancy, in the form of the emergence of new opportunities, to prove himself not only there on some of his minimal requests , but also broader, because each of us has a creative element, this requires additional time, this requires additional resources, including financial ones.
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give results, and we will provide you with protection, so you need to appreciate this, everyone should bear your personal contribution to our common union cause. dear experts, thank you for your opinion, thank you for finding time in your busy schedule, coming to us at the studio of the bel tv and radio company on makaonka 9, thanking our guests and saying goodbye to you, build strong relationships, value reliable allies and may the economic environment be for you will be...
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pleasant, goodbye!
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we are belarusians, white people, fatherless
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lands, we are strong.
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i went with you, i chose with you, my own, i forgot my choice, the layers of earth, our light and the name, glorified to the peoples of the great union, is our people. my mostino live forever plorus our beloved mother live forever n belarus friendship
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to the people power of the people. for god's sake , a clear life and for god's joy, holy, evil earth, our bright name, mountaineer. the people of the great union, our beloved mother, brother, the whole machine of belarus, our beloved mother,
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honestly, incapable. live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello! on the eve of cosmonautics day, the first female cosmonaut in the history of sovereign belarus returned to her homeland, today awarded the title hero. the entire team of the historic flight was honored at the palace of independence, and tomorrow the results of the mission to the iss of the crew of the union state will be summed up by the leaders of belarus and russia. britain
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is again heating up the degree of tension under supposed concern for its citizens; foggy albion is masking the desired likelihood of provoking the belarusian-russian borders. and a crime without a statute of limitations in... a sovereign country, but also a hero of belarus. the head of state presented awards to marina vasilevskaya, anastasia lenkova, their parents and many involved in this cosmic event. in a panorama we will show all the solemn and emotional moments of this day. negotiations between lukashenko and putin in moscow, all important issues on the union agenda are there from land to kos. venes of a comprehensive test of combat readiness for military personnel called up from the reserve
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brigade tactical exercises with live firing, maneuvers took place at military training grounds in several regions of the country. words of memory, eternal flame, lit lamps, a minute of silence and flowers at the foot of the memorials. today belarus, together with everyone who has not forgotten the lessons of the second world war and great fatherland. the world remembers the prisoners of fascist concentration camps. memory report today in panorama. the president's cup final remains the focus of hockey fans' attention. zhlobin metalg takes the first game at home against brest, but the golden series has essentially just started . the surroundings around the meeting, the expectations of the participants and the alignment of the series will be discussed in the panorama material. vivid hockey emotions only on grass. these days reign in baranovichi, the denouement of the eleventh representative international tournament among women’s teams is getting closer,
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commonwealth cup. from a wedding salon in her own apartment to a showroom on the champs-elysees, how belarusian designer natalya minina and belarusian leon conquered paris. a fashionable natural plot will soon be in the panorama. a unique industrial cluster, and also a youth, creative sports city. a satellite that the belarusian capital is proud of. let's get to know fannipolis better. the plot of the business card in the project is a place to live. a day filled with unforgettable emotions, euphoria, pride, a new frontier for our country as a space power. first cosmonaut sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya returned to her homeland today. warm hugs, flowers, bread, salt, words of gratitude and admiration are so welcoming. from the very morning the belarusians greeted their famous countrywoman. i am very glad and happy to set foot on
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belarusian soil, these were the first words of marina vasilievskaya upon returning to her native belarus. and straight from the airport marina went to the palace of independence. a very beautiful , touching ceremony in honor of our cosmonaut took place there today. and now there are also heroes of belarus. the head of state presented the medal of the same name, certificate of cosmonaut number one, to marina vasilevskaya. as alexander lukashenko emphasized, it’s difficult to imagine a flight to... it’s generally difficult to imagine, belarusians literally lived with space news all this time,
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worries and worries as if for their own loved one, like our marina, she really became one of her own, good-natured, open, smiling, simple , look, well, a completely earthly person, all that remains is to simply admire the cosmic feat of such a fragile belarusian girl today. early in the morning marina vasilevskaya flew to her homeland, flowers, congratulations, glory and applause greeted the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, as expected. marina dedicated her success to the country and the belarusian people, smiling, in a great mood, and did not refuse attention or an interview to anyone. i can’t even believe that just a week ago she was in orbit. good morning. and straight from the airport to the palace of independence, where many guests were already waiting for her, her closest relatives, colleagues, and friends. understudy anastasia lenkova, her parents, journalists who covered literally every step of this space
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mission, scientists and senior officials are all here to share the joy of this historic event. the hardest part is over, everything is fine, we need to drop her off if she wants, then tomorrow we’ll go to negotiate. not many countries can boast of their own space programs, much less astronauts. this flight took place. thanks to the agreements between our president and the russian leader. for alexander lukashenko it was a very personal moment for belarus to finally become conqueror of space. this is a completely new stage. tomorrow we... as it should be, in the capital of our once great state, we will once again celebrate this holiday and conduct a dialogue about everyday affairs, about the future, about the development of our astronautics, and if someone blurts out there, especially abroad, and thinks, what , how come lukashenko threw marina into
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space, we don’t need this, we need this, we are a space country. if there had been no space development in belarus, no one would have talked to us, no one would have offered us let our girls fly into space, we know how to do a lot for space, in the coming years we will launch the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians, we are making it into space with a resolution of 25-30 cm, this is high technology. the highest, therefore nuclear energy, space, biotechnology, our biotechnology company and many other areas, especially in the field of electric transport, we have made significant progress here, the main thing is not to stop, but the flight of our oleg’s marina,
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marina among two empires, there is russian, the most advanced.
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now she is not only the first cosmonaut of a sovereign country, but also a hero of belarus, i am very pleased, i was a little touched, because everything i do is from the heart, when,
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while in space, i saw our land, it is amazing, it... powerful, big, beautiful, independent, and i would like to wish all people to be kinder, to treat each other, to their country, to all people with kindness, then all this will come mutually, we belarusians are peaceful people, and i am proud, then, that i was born in my native belarus, thank you, thank you, the president was i was immersed at literally every stage, from the preparation itself to the progress of the space flight, shared my experiences, was very worried during the launch, docking upon the team’s return to earth, but very proud of the result. you, marina, one might say, were luckier than others, but you yourself are great, you deserved this flight absolutely objectively, it was not easy,
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you have the hardest things behind you - training, worries, stress. but this is only the beginning of your mission, i know what it means to be the first, today you have entered every belarusian family, to all those families who watched you, experienced with you, with your parents, the moment of sudden glory is a new burden of responsibility, a very heavy burden of responsibility that you will have to bear for the rest of your life, i am sure you will cope, we will not help you let’s let it harden, harden, ossify, you will have to work a lot, get ready for such a step, fly into space, realizing all the risks, for this you need to have super strong courage. not a core character, marina had a character from childhood, her parents will tell you today, despite the fact that my daughter is already home, the emotions and experiences still won’t let go, there’s such pride, well
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, there’s still something else inside, of course it was all hard to bear, i was worried, worried, she’s a very responsible person, good, kind, hardworking, we we’re proud of her, since childhood she’s achieved everything, she’s been brave, there are some interesting memories on the schumaker car... why did i go as a flight attendant at the ibi company belo avia, i liked the sky and the sky on airplanes, but then they offered me, i decided, oh well, and why don't try to fly above the clouds. with her example, marina, of course, inspired many, but more than 2.0 people applied to go into space, the casting was very serious, starting from personal qualities, professional achievements, of course, the decisive factor was excellent health. as a result , marina vasilevskaya, her understudy, anastasia lenkova, is now the owner of the certificate. astronaut number one and number two. i also want nastyush, thank you, you’re great, you passed all the tests, like the first cosmonaut
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with honor, i know this for sure, of course, i know that you were worried, i would be worried too, when you take steps away from your dreams, it turns out a little differently, a little, but you behaved with dignity, the experience gained, i promise... will not be lost , we will make every effort to make your experience your dream come true. the holder of a letter of gratitude from the president of belarus and a cosmonaut certificate is not going to leave medicine, but she is ready to share the space experience she has gained. i will not be able to leave medicine, i devoted most of my life to this to become a doctor, and i will in any case, i will be in it one way or another. i want to share -
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i understand, i am happy to receive such a high award from the president of the republic of belarus, i just probably still can’t believe it, of course, i
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dedicate the space flight to my native belarus, my belarusians, my loved ones who supported me, such a space story , one might even say that through ternions to the stars, because a double start, a delayed one, an emergency situation, and a two-day flight, too, which is now very rare and not everyone has, but for me it’s i was lucky because my expedition lasted another 2 days. these days, our president will be on a visit to russia, symbolically, on cosmonautics day, on april 12 , the presidents of belarus and russia will communicate with the cosmonauts and discuss future prospects, we are proud that now this holiday is part of our personal belarusian history. ilona krasutskaya, veronica. well, the exclusive tv news agency marina vasilevskaya, the hero of belarus, gave a great interview only to us,
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watch it tomorrow evening. why did you cry when you received a high award? at that moment the president told her what life was like during 12 days on the iss, what experiments she conducted, the results of which she already knows, what she ate, how she slept, what she photographed, and how the two of them spent with the crew. days on the way to the iss, now the technology has advanced so much, here is a ballistic calculation, and that cosmonauts fly into space in 3-4 hours, but we did it for two days, even almost 3 days, we only docked in the evening, and it was incredible, because the ship is in a spin, and it’s like a bullet effect when we have to be in a certain orbit. constantly in rotation there were, that is, the earth was above us, now below, now sunset, now dawn, now entering the shadow, now light, that is, it
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was so beautiful, it was simply necessary. see, of course, i liked the fact that we used all the controls, so to speak, in terms of the living compartment, and we slept, and we eat, tell us how it was, so we started, a few hours passed, we reported, that’s all ok, what's next? further, when we were allowed to go out into the living compartment, and we unbuttoned, it was very pleasant to feel this weightlessness, when you just take off and fly up the household compartment. and we took off the spacesuits, they had to be put out to dry, we did this work, then we re-opened the asu, this is a toilet, which is important, we also used it, drank some water, we also had to drain a certain amount of water there, that is, we also ate certain operations , that is, for me this was all the first time.
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on cosmonautics day, right after the panorama, don’t miss it. after a busy and solemn morning at the palace of independence, belarusian aircraft number one headed for moscow. alexander lukashenko went on a working visit to russia on board the first and first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya. the belarusian leader's motorcade immediately headed to the kremlin for negotiations with vladimir putin. according to tradition, alexander lukashenko was expected on the porch. despite the informality of the moment, the belarusian leader answered all the press questions about the topics of the upcoming negotiations with his russian colleague and about ukraine, but first of all, of course, about our space mission, all the emotions of the event and of this solemn day in the first comments to reporters, space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours, yours is ours, thanks to you it became ours, belarusians flew in soviet
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crawl in front of someone and ask to talk about crocus, now we need to fully understand, ukrainians are ukrainians, but behind the ukrainians, you correctly discovered, there are certain forces, you know them too, so everyone needs to talk, and the ukrainians brought cartridges here. after the elections, vladimir putin said that a sanitary zone may be required in order to ensure security border russian regions of the belgorod-kursk region, such a zone is needed, while i don’t see the need for such a zone, we are working there very seriously, and as for the sanitary zone of ukraine with russia, but it still needs to be created, these are not simple questions, i think that a lot will depend not only on the warring countries, but a lot will depend on western states, ukraine has serious problems there, they already admit it, i didn’t want it to happen...


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