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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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russian regions of the belgorod kursk region, do you need one? so far i don’t see the need for such a zone, we are working there very seriously, and as for the sanitary zone between ukraine and russia, well, it still needs to be created, these are not simple questions, i think that a lot will depend not only on the warring countries, but it will a lot depends on western states, ukraine has serious problems there, they already admit it, i didn’t want...
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russia needs it, just like we need russia, so it ’s very, very, very important that we now equalize the people of our enterprises, this main question. this evening , the presidents are scheduled to hold one-on -one talks focusing on cooperation in various areas. the meeting will begin later; alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin regularly compare notes on the union agenda. we would like to remind you that at the beginning of the year the supreme state council of the union state held a meeting that prioritized economics and security issues. whatever it requires. consideration at the highest level, and
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tomorrow, on cosmonautics day, the presidents are expected to sum up the results of the mission to the iss, where the crew worked for the first time in history union state, a meeting with astronauts and a discussion of future prospects in space is planned. the president's agenda has been busy since the morning. alexander lukashenko managed to hold negotiations with the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan bakhtiyor saidov. the head of the foreign policy department in minsk is for the first time important that the meeting. takes place after the historic visit of the belarusian leader to tashkent at the beginning of the year, the goals are ambitious, and we do not intend to deviate from them. the countries reached a new level of partnership, a large package of documents was signed. among there are no memorandums, but only agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science and education. in the presence of the leaders, responsible vice-premiers sign a road map of cooperation between the countries for the next 2 years. the parties set themselves the task of implementing projects worth more than $1 billion. last year
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, trade turnover exceeded 560 million, which is an increase of 12% compared to the twenty-second year. in general, over the past 5 years the growth has tripled, and we sell more to uzbekistan than we buy. mutual trade plus this year. alexander lukashenko thanked the minister for the hospitality that was provided by the uzbek country during his visit. he also conveyed his best wishes and gratitude to the leader of uzbekistan shavkat merziyoyev.
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i know that internal state procedures in uzbekistan and beyond have been completed, and i hope that we will become, as expected, full members. your organization, she will be ours, full members, we will be, so i am very grateful to you, special attention, i ask you to pay attention to the creation joint ventures that we agreed on, we talked about belaz and so on then, let’s work substantively in this direction, we are interested in this, we have something to offer uzbekistan, we talked about this a lot, and i think that being here in belarus.
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i doubt that this will always be the case, i often say that we are very similar in our hard work, patriotism and attitude towards our state, so let’s fulfill the agreements that we reached then in tashkent, once again our kindest greetings and wishes to the president of uzbekistan, today the relations between uzbekistan and belarus are so unprecedented. high character, this is guaranteed by your political will, the political will of our leaders, on our part, on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs, the appropriate work will be done in every possible way in order to implement the agreements that were reached during your historic
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visit to uzbekistan. among the main areas of cooperation are timber processing, mechanical engineering, agro-industrial complex, special interest of the military-industrial complex in meat and dairy products of the population. in all spheres, this was confirmed by the head of the belarusian ministry of foreign affairs at a meeting with his counterpart from uzbekistan, already in an expanded format. the parties paid special attention to the issues of increasing bilateral trade, the progress of implementation of industrial cooperation projects and strengthening food security. an extensive exchange of views took place on current international issues,
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the situation in the european and eurasian regions, including in the field of security. as a result of the negotiations, the ministers expressed mutual interest in expanding bilateral cooperation signed . under the program of consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of belarus and uzbekistan for the years 24-25. the president made a number of personnel decisions today: leonid zayets, sergei khamenko and vladislav tatorovich were appointed members of the council of the republic, the corresponding decree was signed by the head of state. in this regard, leonid zayats and sergei khamenko were relieved of their positions as deputy prime minister and minister of justice, respectively. well, now about how creation haunts our enemies, another outrageous hypocrisy of the west, personally pumping the kiev regime with weapons, british officials say that
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there is a risk of the direct conflict associated with the war in ukraine spreading to the territory of belarus. why are the western curators of the kiev regime escalating the situation? details in the material. cynicism of the highest order, bloodthirstiness in action, foggy albion is sowing chaos. great britain, being one of the main actors in the ukrainian conflict, calls on its citizens refrain from any travel to belarus. on the website of the british embassy in belarus, under the tag alarm, there is material about advice for travelers to our country. with russian military operations taking place in belarus, there is some risk that direct conflict related to the war in ukraine could spread. to belarus. it is emphasized that the possibilities for providing consular assistance will be seriously limited, they say, routes from belarus are limited, especially by air. it is noteworthy that not so long ago the british issued a similar appeal to their citizens in russia. the usa and great britain knew about the impending terrorist attack in moscow.
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march 7. on march 7, the american embassy urged its citizens not to visit the shopping center. then the british and someone else did the same. this means that their intelligence services intercepted certain negotiations. received information and knew that something would happen. with lightning speed, after the attack in the moscow region, world leaders began to express condolences, and the west, in the midst of the tragedy, allowed itself to draw conclusions about someone’s... innocence, statements about that they do not see a ukrainian trace in what happened caused not only bewilderment, but general indignation; now, against the backdrop of the deplorable situation with the armed forces of ukraine, the shortage of manpower, the lack of equipment, the collapse of sky-high hopes for the victory of the kiev regime, western curators have to somehow to stir up tensions, the british decided to do this at the expense of their ukrainian neighbor, belarus. great britain's participation in...
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in the conflict, ukrainian military personnel were and are preparing on british territory, to be sure someone, then warn british citizens that their state is drawn into an armed conflict, therefore this could have the most serious consequences for them. the west's notorious duplicity is obvious, as are their crooked red lines. today, the fsb and the russian ministry of defense stopped the landing of sabotage
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groups of special forces of the armed forces of ukraine on the tendrovskaya kasa , kherson region, planned by the british special services. the senior soldier of the 73rd naval center for special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces was captured. the militant admitted that they were tasked with capturing technical means of tracking russian uavs on the drilling rig. at certain stages, i understand that we undergo special training in sabotage and reconnaissance activities. this. the kiev regime and ukraine as a platform for maintaining combat support for military operations at any cost for london is a strategic task. all british military reports view russia as the greatest threat to the security of the united kingdom. british allies no longer pin their hopes on biden and shamelessly are turning to... the not yet re-elected trump with requests for help to kiev. the head of the british foreign ministry cameron admitted to the washington
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post that he convinced the 45th president of the united states to maintain support for the kiev regime. and realist glen grant, a retired british colonel, said that london is losing its position on the world stage because it is unable to produce enough military equipment. he admitted that if he refused to send soldiers to ukraine along with france, britain would collapse as a state. and the whole... the nato bloc is already feeling the bitterness of defeat the kiev regime, but is in no hurry to take out the white flag from his wide trouser legs. the ambitions are great, the eyes of fear are even bigger, to fail on the territory of independence and admit your helplessness. therefore, it is already an axiom to fight until the last ukrainian; an ever- increasing circle of participants needs to be involved. the british foreign ministry's warning is like a box with a double bottom. under the supposed concern for their citizens, they disguise the desired likelihood of provocation among...
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there will be war until the last ukrainian, the verkhovna rada adopted in the second hearing a scandalous bill on tightening mobilization. the new law introduces various provisions, including requiring persons with disabilities to undergo a second medical examination to determine fitness for service. introduces restrictions on driving and consular services for those who evade military service, as well as the need to have. own military registration documents. among other things, the rada excluded from the bill the provision on demobilization after 36 months of service. sensational details of the french president's plan to send troops to ukraine. the details are published by the lemont newspaper. an article symbolically titled the transformation of macron, the dove becomes a hawk. according to the publication, the 126th regiment will go to ukraine. he is famous for having taken part in almost all of france's colonial wars. will be located somewhere near odessa. in such constantly changing conditions,
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it is important for the belarusian army to be able to repel enemy attacks. the final stage of a comprehensive combat readiness test for reserve military personnel was a brigade tactical live-fire exercise. behind vladimir korolev observed the maneuvers at the osipovichi training ground. the main goal is to test combat readiness and determine the ability of the belarusian army to carry out tasks in a rapidly changing environment. the test is tactical brigade exercises. the issue is focused on preserving the survivability of units during air strikes against a mock enemy. for this purpose, the military personnel underwent training, combat coordination, and acquired skills in their military specialty. most of those who were at the training ground today persons liable for military service called up from the reserves. they were trained by armed forces instructors who were trained in russia, taking into account
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modern experience in combat operations. many tactics are introductory and have been developed.
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this morning in the orthodox churches of belarus began with a panekhida, uniting everyone in a common prayer for those who died during the great patriotic war, the second world war, especially those killed innocently, every third is not only front-line soldiers and partisan defenders, these are peaceful people who remained in their flourishing land and survivors of the scorched earth tactics from german occupiers, our great-grandfathers, and therefore us, should not have remained, such was hitler’s plan.
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the unity of generations is indestructible, decades have passed , but the tradition is alive, on victory day, on the date of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, on the day of the liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, at the monuments of monuments, at the burial places of victims and heroes, people with flowers and speaking silence , yet there are words today, they are the most important, about how it was from the lips of veterans, witnesses, prisoners. "we've passed, that's all ours people went through forced detention, and concentration camps, we are juvenile prisoners, but we say juvenile prisoners, so what can we, of course, remember, hunger, cold, fear, this whip of the police, women
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ran up to the wire, there are houses nearby were, they were throwing something at us, at least something.” then this policeman is in front of our eyes , we are generally children of 3 years old and five at the most, the children were, well, these camps passed, today there is a requiem rally in trostenets, one of the most grandiose memorials in belarus , when it’s sunny, everything is in bloom, it’s hard for contemporaries to imagine, just 80 years ago this land was in pain, they were poisoned by dogs, they were killed. burned. so, 3 years. 150,000 victims in just one cane. now this figure. after studying the archival documents by the prosecutor general's office, almost threefold.
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a complex of camps that collected about 50 thousand prisoners, half stayed here, died, a camp in the forest, in swamps, without huts, without dugouts, without food, without water, adult children, they were rescued in the spring of forty-four, the occupation of belarus lasted 1,100 days, trostenets, zarichi, red beach, lupalovo, koldychevo, concentration camps, ghetto, burned villages, 580, so many death camps operated in the occupied territory. fascists of belarus and each place of pain has its own story of suffering, courage, salvation. the fact that the nazi death conveyor operated cruelly, non-stop, is also evidenced
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by this place, we are in the masyakovchina area, memorial, shtalak 352, up to 80 thousand people were killed here, up to 150 prisoners died per day. a history lesson in the place of truth, someone goes to the memorial, climbs the already familiar steps, someone for the first time discovers a place of national memory, the day of the liberation of prisoners is an absolutely national date that does not cause controversy, when grief for the departed is next to joy and gratitude for life in the world, it is very difficult to be here in this place, i can’t even imagine, what they felt.
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to these places, and today on this day of remembrance, believe me, we have covered absolutely all the iconic places for our city, our people come today with a low bow, with flowers, remember the war, this is not only about the past, this is about ours in the future, having passed through the millstones of sorrow, folk memory passes on to new generations the covenant to keep the most valuable thing - life. natalya bardelovskaya, yulia khmel, grigory kristafovich, roman filyutich, television news agency. unfortunately, poorly learned lessons of the past tend to repeat themselves. and the modern western world, with its decline in morals and inhumane morality, is a vivid example of this.
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european politicians have once again disgraced themselves and shown their true colors. the head of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission fell for vavan and lexus draw. aleksey stolerovek, disguised as a pud-african, suggested that the political conspirators supposedly observe the tradition of turning to africans.
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after a staged prayer, the african politician suddenly accused the officials of conspiracy, poured vodka into a glass and showed his friends, the skeleton yorick and the cheburashka. and now to hockey and the president's cup final. the day before , the gold series started in zhilobino for the first time in history. in russian hockey , the sixth and seventh teams of the regular season are vying for the champion title. true, steelworkers are current holders of the trophy, brest reached the final for the first time. of course, the game
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attracted a full house in... the stands in the city of metallurgov, the same excitement is expected in brest, but for now we will find out the results of the opening match, the fan zone in the city above god and the schedule for the final series from stanislav lipsky. the final is the most delicious thing in sports; in the golden series it is always easier for those who have already been there, which is why the metallurgist was named the favorite at the start. meetings. let us remind you that the zlobin team played in the final series twice before this season for the third year in a row. it was dmitry kravchenko’s team that won the president’s cup. the carpenters opened the account the day before. but the other side of the medal of this final is that brest has already jumped over its head, having stepped into the decisive stage of the tournament from the “play” round. this is historical.
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events for belarusian hockey , the result does not put pressure on the team, which means that the players, and especially the highly experienced sergei pushkov, get maximum pleasure from the final. as the first period proved, 1:1 were the numbers on the scoreboard, but under pressure from the visiting stands everything and the lack of experience, which is so important in the finals. the breshians conceded three times in the second period, which predetermined the outcome of the match. eventually. the match ended with a score of 6:1 in favor of the hosts, and there were moments in the battle on the island, but let's just say that it seemed like a good score, but for me it was just a confident victory, 1:0, which we will try to convey - for the guys to prepare for the next match, i always support my home team metalg, at home i won’t be able to stand it, for neutral fans, seven goals scored is definitely a joy, in the camp
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brest this game... they have already forgotten, the team is moving on, no one is going to give up, it is extremely difficult to predict the course of the series today, there were moments, but unfortunately the execution failed and the hosts scored, by the way we didn’t succeed, but that’s okay, we’ll fix it , everyone supports each other and there is no need to devote anyone, we are just one team, we move forward with a fist, tomorrow there will be a new game, especially with such support, just look at the open-air fan zone organized in brest by a local. executive committee, this is the coolest thing possible, then, that the level of hockey has grown so much, i have been a fan of brest for about 20 years, and 10 years ago i could not believe that brest would play in the final of the president's cup. of course, all tickets have been sold for the second game of the final series in zhelobin, the match will take place tomorrow, it will start at 19:55, a live broadcast of the meeting will be waiting for you at belarus 5, the champion, let us remind you, will be the team that is the first
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to win four in the series. no less exciting hockey action, although you can already watch it on the grass in baranovichi, the denouement is getting closer of the eleventh representative international tournament among women's teams, the commonwealth cup, five belarusian and three russian squads are fighting for the trophy. today , the defending champions of the tournament suffered their first defeat in group b; the dynamo team from elektrostal lost with a minimal score of 0:1 to minsk. in the next match in quartet a place. the textile worker met with the rhythm, the match turned out to be quite emotional, girls, 15 minutes, the game is ours, they sat down, you understand, the game is ours, but we need to score, how many chances do we need to score, how many small ones, let's go out and practice the last 15 minutes, come on, come on, come on, girls, let's be more active, more active , our game, we just need to score, well, here it is,
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the intensity of passions in field hockey, despite ... in the final match of the group stage , tektelshchik made it to the semi-finals of the competition, where tomorrow they will play with the current triumphant club dynamo elektrosal. the match starts at 15:00, at noon minsk and rhythm will begin the fight for a ticket to the decisive match. for live broadcasts, follow the belarus tv channel 5. the ministry of labor summed up the results of the presidential decree on the timely payment of wages. so, more than 5 million
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rubles were returned in a year. 3,500 belarusians. let me remind you that the document was signed in january last year; it expanded the powers of the state labor inspection department to protect the rights of workers to receive their salaries on time, that is, citizens do not need to apply on their own. to the court or notary, and then to the enforcement authorities , the department of the ministry of labor is vested with this right, and if the violation is eliminated within the specified period, the employer will be released from administrative liability. the effect of the decree has already worked in relation to 800 employees of the republic, in relation to 3.00 employees by the enforcement authorities , well, in favor of these workers, it would be more correct to say, enforcement proceedings have been initiated to recover over 6 million rubles. still in relation.
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basking around paris, while fashion houses with world-famous names on their signs are wondering how to hook the viewer, belarusian natalya minina has already found the key to the european heart, who is not afraid of dents, even if to conquer fashion week in paris, then without the unnecessary
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blackness of model bellies, only a natural belarusian product, if you take it, transfer it to female beauty, then for example, one hundred percent linen is a natural woman without any artificial injections, there are any interventions. in her appearance, in order to be better, a woman can be beautiful at any age, at any height, with any figure, i myself am short, i myself am 60 meters tall, i myself have always had a problem finding something normal, that is, it is always necessary it was necessary to customize, and naturally i understand that there are many such girls, not all are ideal, not all are tall, not all are slim and not all are young, she fought back against pretentiousness a long time ago, even when she opened her first wedding salon in her own apartment, then natalya minina made an exclusive offer: not for belarusian brides, which they, of course, could not refuse, she started with a rental, and then decided to use her artistic gift and sew to order according to individual measurements, the show itself, of course, caused goosebumps, it was my first one like this
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level show, we had our own producer, who initially thought through the fashion show, how we would organize the walk itself, there were rehearsals, of course, here is our exit with apples, it... or so to speak, expressed the simplicity of an ordinary slavic woman, we didn’t have strong enough makeup, we had the simplest hairstyle, which is what natalia says, she always asks us to arrive with the simplest possible styling, with the lightest makeup possible, to find not only our style, but also our linen , it's a long story here, but with a happy ending , the orsha flax mill supported the first few days, they gave... filigree to a beginner couter. what odes have not been composed to belarusian flax. really fashionable, practical and most importantly - natural. now the slogan “buy belarusian” will be heard more often even on the champs-elysees. the boutique will open at
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the end of april in paris. and it’s understandable why the french were interested. the dress is 98% complete, hand-sewn from tulle flowers and beaded patterns. these are the ones i want to consider breaking with the fashion blockade. lyon demands approach, including celebrities in the fashion industry, in paris minina met the founder of the fashion house naz mayer. ex-assistant to fashion designer zhanapoli gatier speaks fluent russian and definitely knows a lot about couture shows. the fact that the belarusian one turned out to be the most closed of all fashion weeks already says a lot. i understand that there is a continuation of this story, because some people think, well , well, i went to fashion week and what next? but one show is not enough. well, you need to work on yourself, on your brand, on yours in general, on everything, this is huge job. minina also inspires others to fulfill their dreams, her models are people of different ages, sizes, professions, while we wean ourselves from the word “body positive,” they get used to it and reveal their femininity.
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my work is a little masculine, that is, i order such men's things, there is steel, machines, everything else is necessary for production, but i am a girl, i am very feminine, and six months ago i... approaches, this is the philosophy of the minin brand. remember this name, such a sign will soon appear in paris. nina mazheika, ilya maksimov and anzor tuzhaev, agency tv news. and yet, the main wealth of belarusians is our land, the guarantor of food security and a source of strength. every corner of the country is beautiful in its own way. for example, the city of fannipolis. housing is being built here and social infrastructure is being modernized. fannipolis has a double anniversary this year. it has been in the status of a city-district for 25 years. and the 10th capital city of the satellite, and locals call
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it a real place to live. let's get to know fannipolis better too. fannepole is the city of my childhood, here i am i was born here, graduated from secondary school number two, now it is a gymnasium in the city of fannipolis, and returned here to work as a young specialist in kindergarten number 4 of the city. dofanepol, now it is a preschool child development center,
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where i have been working for 34 years, the last 12 years as the head of a preschool education institution. in january 2023 , construction began on a new third secondary school; it will be the largest school not only in the city of sputnik, but in the entire minsk region. at the new school several gyms and exercise rooms are planned. separate rooms for rhythm and choreography, i am fanya, i am polya, we are glad to welcome you to our wonderful city, fannipan, good, beautiful, belarus. but i don’t know a better place, i
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’m always proud to be with you, fannipol, you are my homeland, there is no dearer or dearer to you, here there are birch trees along the roads, and the gardens, especially in spring, attract with the aroma of apple trees! in october 2023, a significant event took place for our city. a long-awaited sports and fitness complex has opened in the very center of the city. today this complex has two swimming pools, a gym, a fitness room, and a sauna complex. approximately 50 people visit fannipol fork every day.
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and this year marks the 25th anniversary of our young city, and another 10 years since fannipolis became a satellite city. look what beautiful, cozy, new house plans are being built in our city, look what wonderful playgrounds have been built for... young people, there is a whole microdistrict for large families, in 2011 a free community was formed near fannipol economic zone minsk, it includes enterprises of mechanical engineering, oil refining, agro-industrial complex, i will not be mistaken if i say that fannipol is one of the key points of the free economic zone is peaceful. in
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recent years, fannipol has transformed and become more beautiful, it is a city in which it is comfortable to live, raise children, a lot is being done here to improve the quality of life of the townspeople, and most importantly, young people come here and stay here to live, because fannipol is a city to live in. i love my city. today's sports relay hosted by kristina kamysh. christina, hello, over to you. thank you, elena, we are happy for vladislav kolichenko. the guy recovered from the injury, got into shape, returned to the nhl and scored his first points of the season. about this and more. in the release. information picture
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of thursday. sports day. hello. let's start the issue with good news. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the heavyweight category eduard zezyulin did not please with his performance; in the snatch, our strongman was unable to record the starting weight - 200 kg was left without a qualifying indicator. however, none of the competitors managed to beat it.
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for the belarusian only the second in the current nhl regular championship. let us remind you that vladislav played the first meeting this season at the end of november, then the minsk resident was injured and was out for a long time, and after that the defender played for the arizona farm in achel. as for the coyotes themselves, the club long ago lost its chances of reaching the
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stanley cup playoffs three rounds before the end of a smooth championship, the team is thirteenth in the west. in the last match of the vtb united basketball league, minsk lost away to runa. the belarusian squad left the first half of the meeting 40-30. however, after the long break, the hosts dominated on the floor. the result is 78-74. the most productive player for the dragons was grigory matavilov. he has 16 points. fulfilling penalties during the game does not give us the opportunity to count on victory. we will work to fix this component. the final match of the second stage of the regular championship will be held by alexei sukhovetsky’s club in moscow. on sunday minsk will meet with mba. an evening of spanish football in the champions league. barcelona beat psg away 3:2 the day before in the first match
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of the quarter-finals. in a parallel battle on wednesday , athletic madrid beat borussia dortmund 2:1 at home. further details. that evening at the metropolitan , events developed rapidly; already in the fourth minute, atlético took the lead, with a goal scored by rodrigo de paul. diego simeon's team and after scoring, continued to dominate and create chances, but managed to increase the advantage closer to the break. then there is a change of possession, griezmann, clever griezmann, to lino 2:0. lina could have scored before that, but he finally scored in the thirty-second minute. in the second half, the visitors took the lead; in the eighty-first minute, dortmund succeeded. to get back one goal, after which the germans could not only even the numbers on the scoreboard, but also take the victory away from madrid altogether, but both times matrasnikov played for the goal frame 2:1 before the return match in germany on april 16. this already france, psgg hosted barcelona, ​​the latter managed to score in the first half and went to rest, leading by one goal, but
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immediately after the break, louise enrique's guys turned the game around and managed to score two quick goals, but even this course of events did not bother xavi. the commander-in-chief of the catalans released pedra and... christensen both did their job, the first assisted rafina, the latter scored himself, the result was 3:2 in favor of the spaniards, who are waiting for the french to visit on april 16. a great result for xavi's team, and the final whistle sounds. interesting fact: in the first matches, the eight participants in the 1/4 finals scored a total of 18 goals, and this is the second time in the modern history of the tournament. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk gornier has established a new world river. on the kanata climb, a thirty-four-year-old french woman climbed with her hands to the second floor of the eiffel tower, that is, to a height of 110 m. for this, the girl needed 18 minutes and go. grueling preparation. by the way, her whole family and friends came to paris to support anouk. the main goal of the record is to collect
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money to fight cancer. there were many ups and downs on the way to this record. the weather was not always my ally; we had to coordinate the actions of everyone involved in this monumental project. i never stopped believing in it. the satisfaction and joy i get from it today. and even more, this crazy dream came true. the previous world achievement belonged to south african thomas van tonder. 4 years ago he climbed 90 m on a rope between the sow eta towers in johannesburg. and even more sports in the nightly edition of the program. kristina kamysh worked in the studio. see you.
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currently, the map has been developed in principle, what it represents, it represents a general map of the russian federation, eight regions, within the regions there are subsections. and that the features of this map, directly, there is its color design, there are regions in
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which we have established cooperation and are developing very much, there are regions where we have just started, there are those that for some immediate reason we have not covered, further, when we open this map, we see programs, we see direct statistical data... for this region, what concerns the construction industry is the presence of design organizations, construction organizations, the presence of housing construction programs, the cost per square meter, the cost of average housing per in this market, that is, in principle, such a complex of problems and issues that are necessary in order to work for a very long time, today you can without any problems simply get this information with one click. and in terms of how construction and design work, are there plans to develop similar interactive maps for other countries in the future? in
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principle - when we formed the task, we assumed that direct cooperation in the field of construction services would extend to the eu countries, to the countries of our community, and, of course, to the closest partner of the russian federation. a project like this also helps to develop and expand. export of our construction services, in your opinion, why today our builders are so in demand for abroad, in which countries are they represented, first of all, how much of it is russia, yes, today our builders are in demand - everywhere, of course, the closest region is the russian federation, about 82% of services, the amount today is 790 million us dollars . these are services provided directly abroad; if earlier the dynamics were completely opposite, today we can say that exports
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are actually exported abroad . republics, what is our advantage, that we have preserved the old the soviet school, we are today developing in areas, our construction industry, this includes digitalization, this is in the field of designing norms and standards, this is in the field of building materials and competencies, this is in the field of construction services, we have preserved them, increased them, well, as for our country , what large objects are we building today? and what about the volume of housing being built? well, in principle, this year i see something very interesting, this is a children's technology park that will be in the starobensky district, this is the kobrenskaya development the brest fortress memorial, this is probably
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a landmark in grodno, this is the construction of the third hospital and... a health center. the global issue that interests everyone is always on the agenda - the amount of housing being built. in 2023 we built 4,193. m. of which 1.49. this is for people in need of improved housing conditions. and lately we have been developing well. this is rental housing in... directly in 2023, we built about 316 thousand of it, in 24 the plans are also quite intense, we plan to introduce 4 million 4000 km of housing, of which 1,400 are for those in need, 35,500 - this is for rental housing
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for persons who are directly identified. document, thursday's information picture will be complemented by sports day, hello, let's start the issue with good news: belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start of the world cup ended in...
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the ocean in the nhl regular season , belarusian defender vladislav kalichonok scored the first scoring points of the season and thereby helped arizona defeat one of the leaders of the western conference. coyotes in the guests defeated the vancouvernox 4:3 in overtime. at the beginning, the minsk resident assisted josh brown in the second period, and 30 seconds before the end of this period, our guy scored himself. in total, kolyachonok spent 11 minutes on the ice and finished the match with a usefulness rating of +1; this match was only the second for belarus in the current nhl regular championship. let us remind you that vladislav played the first meeting this season at the end.


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