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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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also, friends, of course, you remember that today is friday, yes, it’s friday, this is exactly how you need to talk about this day, today on belarus tv channels one of the belarus 24 satellites, we are happy to tell you this good news, like this . yes, friends, and today, by the way, continuing the theme of friday, this is not just friday, this is not just a spring day, but a special day, today is april 12, a day for all fans of astronautics, aviation is extremely important, well, because you agree, it is very symbolic that just the same the day before... after regaining strength, meeting with family and friends, marina will cheer up the viewers of the program good morning belarus with a space exclusive, which she watched for you.
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what the press wrote, many, many years ago, when garirin first flew into space, they wrote a headline, such was the leap into the universe, so we are also making such a consistent leap today, the mission is practically impossible, but it is doable, yes, friends, in the last working day of this week, and today your alarm clocks will be performing, of course, is the most, it seems to me, stimulating, awakening group of the program good ranitsa belarus, friends, we will lift your spirits with exciting news on the air and not only, we will arouse, in general , your interest, as...
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note our advice, here with this message greets the coming day with us with the good morning program, belarus, congratulations, your wife is almost pregnant, i hope double, registeron, magnesia, knife by death, urgently, forged, call, hello, doors grigory, urgently. “everything went perfect for us, thank you very much, they told us that if you don’t get us pregnant, then no one will help us, the bykovs are of course the authority, but you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break, the stimulation lasts for 2 hours, we’ll go now, seryozh, if we don’t have time now, dear verochka and sergey, you have lived together for 10 years, you probably think that you know each other well, what? that you want me, that you want
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to know, but it was and was, consider it a past life, why didn’t you tell me, daver, i want to marry you, whom i have always admired, since my student days, seryozha, i feel so bad for you, watch the tv series attempt of faith on the belarus 24 tv channel, how is the life of foreign guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university. i have been working here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations, since 2014 all day. this coffee confectionery is the first coffee confectionery, eastern in belarus. as always, we work here in lebanese, we always talk to people about how to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how to it should be that they give this one away.
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the directors themselves create their own mood and a pleasant , easy awakening. let me remind you once again that today those responsible for the most pleasant feeling early in the morning are ninamozheika and olga venskaya. and the entire team of the good morning belarus project. but what interesting things have we prepared for you for the next 3 hours of live broadcast. get ready to exercise and wake up soon with our wonderful tatyana matusevich, we diligently continue to prepare for the summer and in no case relax, but moreover, today is still the final weekday of the week, but for some, a favorite
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activity, a related hobby and everyday work bring only positivity, a good mood, we tell you about such heroes of our time, according to tradition, in our profession section. after the final working day of the week, it’s worth taking a good rest. the season for delicious kebabs is open, friends, here’s what to cook them with, that’s the question of how to choose a quality grill, for example, we’ll share tips in the section. a purchase, it would be good for barbecue, i would say. that's for sure. well, let's continue the topic cozy warm evenings, a selection of fresh film premieres. mariana morenkova has spotted new releases in domestic cinemas and is ready to discuss them in the cinema. well, we will also discuss the topic outside of gravity. today. april, on the day of cosmonautics, aviation, our cosmic in every sense of the word, our colleague cosmigal, as we call her, anna filloria, prepared an interesting story, we need to point out that this is very important, because the first cosmonaut appeared in belarus, you remember, her name is marina vasilevskaya, and this sounds
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she’s proud, and she’s already a hero, this is really serious, today we’ll talk about space topics with svetlana kashistka, in the third part of the broadcast we’ll discuss food for astronauts, this is a new trend, how healthy can it be considered? for everyone who succumbs to the laws of gravity, that’s the question, indeed, let’s continue the topic, but now the musical trends of fresh premieres together with nikita fominykh, today at the end of our live broadcast, of course there will be a lot of music, we’ll make some noise, but it’s still friday possible at a concert venue, her new song called “just remember me” will be performed. a good vibe, it seems to me, well, the richest hour of our broadcast today is the second one, in it we will contact the brest region, and also in our studio we will talk with the head of the security department. order and prevention of the department of internal affairs of the minsk regional executive committee, police colonel ruslan mankovsky. we will discuss a very important topic as part of the preventive campaign “a home without violence.” well, in general, you understand, yes, the morning will be extremely eventful and interesting, we will tell you we guarantee this, but first, friends,
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in order to fly into these almost weekend days, you need to eat properly, friends, most importantly, then after that without shitting in the doorway, well, for today we have quite a filling menu on anatoly moiseev’s menu breakfast, so be. pickled cucumbers, eggs, sour cream, pepper, salt and herbs. boil the potatoes in a bundir and eggs, peel the potatoes while still warm and chop them quite coarsely, put them in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle them with vinegar
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pickle from the cucumbers, chop the salad onions into small cubes, cut the pickled cucumbers not very thick. in circles. the volume of onions and cucumbers should be the same. we send it to the potatoes. cut the eggs into slices and add to the salad. cut the hunting sausage into small pieces and lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. transfer to a salad bowl. for dressing, add one teaspoon of mustard to the sour cream. and mix thoroughly. when serving , sprinkle the finished salad with ground pepper and garnish with fresh herbs. the result is a sausage variation german potato salad, since we included sausages in the composition, they are usually
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served separately. and although the salad does not look the most neat and festive, it is a simple everyday, independent hearty dish. it is good warm and cold. and also understandably delicious, have a successful, positive day and bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. a truly historic flight for the history of sovereign belarus. marina vasilevskaya radushna was met at the belarusian earth. during her stellar mission , the cosmonaut completed seven projects, five scientific and two educational. and if we talk about future plans for space exploration, director of geographic information systems.
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telescope, see details on the website free space for work and business communication, or coworking in the common sense, appeared in belarus more than 10 years ago. in the classic version, as anti-offices, mainly aimed at freelancers and small companies in the it field. they open. not only in the capital, but in regional centers, however, over the years, coworking spaces have undergone a transformation, going beyond the classics. in the gomel region, for example, they have developed in innovative technological niches. read more about the transformation of anti-offices in the regions for the benefit of business on the pages of the newspaper respublika. farmers will try to partially complete the spring harvest of early grain and legume crops in the coming days. then. it is worth sowing spring grass, and after corn. villagers have already started sowing flax
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from sugar beets. according to the deputy minister agriculture and food, in order to invest in optimal agrotechnical terms, farms have all the necessary resources. it is important to comply with the regulations and get a good return from the land, because this is what future sowing will depend on. for more information about the harvest, see the pages of the people's newspaper. all these videos have spread with a dancing raccoon to the song of the italian singer pedro pedro pedro. the composition was released in the eighties, but in february twenty -three it went viral because fans of the star of the last of us series started shoot to this edita song. perhaps it was these videos that attracted the attention of one of the german djs to this track. he ended up creating a techno remix of the song, which became the basis of a meme. read more.
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proper glass noodles are obtained from the starch of munch beans, so we carefully choose funchoza itself and its companions, giving preference to vegetables, lean meats or seafood. today we use chicken liver, mushrooms, sweet peppers, green beans and greens. first, prepare the marinade for the liver from. a little butter, salt,
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pepper, add a little soy sauce and lemon juice, add chopped ginger, garlic and parsley, mix and put in the refrigerator for a few minutes, meanwhile chop the bell peppers, champignons and chili peppers, pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan, put... liver lightly fry it in the marinade on all sides, then add chopped vegetables and champignons, sprinkle with sesame seeds. if you are cooking for children under 7 years old, we recommend excluding mushrooms from the recipe: simmer the liver until tender. vegetables should remain a little crispy. drive a chicken egg into the center of the frying pan, cover it with a lid and leave it on low heat for another couple of minutes, this time is enough to prepare the funchose. pour a little soy sauce into boiling... salted water and dip it into dry noodles, in one and a half to two minutes it will be absolutely
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ready. by the way, do not lose the boiled funchose in the pan; remove it from the heat and quickly finish serving the dish. layer glass noodles with a layer of fried vegetables, chicken liver and mushrooms. we put vegetables on top again, fried on them egg. add a few basil leaves and serve with steriyaki or soy sauce, bon appetit!
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good morning belarus. good, good morning belarus, good morning country. friends, this morning is doubly good, doubly pleasant, all because it has come. the long-awaited friday, april 12th. spring, however, makes us happy too. warm sunny days and in general with the coolest bright mood, and what are the weather plans for this friday? nina, burn the details. well, let's take a look at the temperature map together if literally a few days ago we had such abnormally hot weather for april, but now it seems to me that everything is quite normal, that is, it is normal, good, cool, i would even say the weather for april
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in minsk is up to +18 today , no precipitation, which is typical up to +20 in brest. +18 is exactly the maximum temperature mark in the northern capital in vitebsk, 2° higher, the air will warm up in gomel in grodno to +19, today at 18:20 with a plus sign in mogilev. well, i think this is a good schedule for the day. well yes, one could, of course, say that you can’t look at this weather without tears, although in fact, if you remember that it’s almost mid-april, friends, then this is also a fairly high indicator, i even specifically looked at the weather records, and i found that in in 1983 we had, you know, + 23.6° in belarus, that is, here they are , records, and records with a negative value were in the mountains in 1929 it was -14°, that’s the weather, that’s it i wouldn’t want to find myself today, but it was then in the hills, in 1929, well, to be honest, it seems to me that we are just being capricious, because the weather
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has spoiled us, but definitely, that’s for sure, friends, yes, 16-26°, although on the other hand , get used to it, get used to it. yes, let’s dispel all the myths, sometimes, even in a spacesuit, it can be a little hot, but everything is provided, the temperature can be adjusted, interestingly, on cosmonautics day, which is celebrated today, if you haven’t forgotten, i just want to share such unearthly facts that have become something quite ordinary for those who have been there in space for a long time hundreds, hundreds of kilometers from the earth, but nevertheless, we invite you, right now, together with
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our colleague anna quiloria, to dive into real space and look at it with completely different eyes. with a special feeling, i congratulate everyone on world cosmonautics day today. why with a special feeling? yes, because belarusians got their first cosmonaut, who flew to the iss under the belarusian flag. and now i greet you from the betpak dala steppe. it has enormous historical significance for the entire history of astronautics. why? because that all soyuz ships always landed here, in the kazakhstan steppe. this is what happened this time with the ms union. 24, when all of us, including belarusian journalists who were right at the scene of the events, were waiting for our marina vasilevskaya from the space expedition, we waited and waited, to all belarusian channels, to all people, to everyone who supports me, a huge greeting to everyone, happiness, peace, kindness, love, joy and the same wonderful mood as we have
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in space, it was a long journey, i don’t mean the descent of the spaceship, which took approximately 3 hours. and not even a two-day thirty-four orbit flight to the iss, but the entire journey, it began, as usual, with the idea that cosmonauts from belarus would fly into space, said the head of our state back in 2001, when he visited the energia rocket and space corporation. exactly 20 years later, the presidents of belarus and russia have finally agreed that a belarusian cosmonaut will be included in the crew of the expedition to the iss. and now, on the eve of cosmonautics day, history, as they say, has come full circle in the palace independence. at the beginning of 2023 , two candidates were identified: vasilevskaya to the main crew, linkova to the backup crew. since then, these fragile girls have passed hundreds of tests and studies, then there was the most serious
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training, and finally exams, all the marks were the highest. everything is going well, we have reached the stage of passing complex investment training, one of them took place today on the russian segment of the iss, it was successful, there are no comments for us. well, gentlemen, exams are over, grades are 5:00, see you at the bike race. and here. meeting at baikanur. first we saw the astronauts on press conferences behind glass. these are the rules for observation and limiting contacts on the eve of launch. they were just planning to begin observing one of the many cosmic traditions. we will watch the white sontsani tonight before the start, it is very symbolic. i held on for a long time and didn’t look, although i really wanted to. launch day, the crew, we escorted hundreds of tourists from the cosmonaut hotel to, again, the traditional ceremony. not rock from the cosmodrome. as it turns out, we will have to observe all these traditions once again, but already on the backup launch date. friends, we are all a little shocked here, because a huge number of cars went back to the starting
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site. it was announced in advance that the descent would be postponed to a reserve day. we'll figure out what's going on. we sorted it out and immediately calmed down, the automation worked correctly. she was the one who canceled the launch. here it is, the rocket, standing safe and sound, as the head of roscosmos told us, kosmos. then we carefully monitored the entry into orbit, all the tits around the earth,
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docking with the iss, opening of the hatches, and of course, the very transition to the international space station, marina later admits that she is glad that the launch was postponed, thanks to this she spent not 12, but 14 days in space, this is my number, my birthday is september 14, i think that’s all there is to do leave. marina was in orbit and was engaged in scientific experiments, as commander oleg navitsky noted, she even managed to put things in order in the space modules, we went to karaganda, this is the traditional gathering place for all space services participating in the search and rescue operation, sounds it’s scary, but that’s what the astronaut meeting is officially called. having covered another 550 km, deep into the kazakh steppe, we settled into a camp, where all the ground services participating in the operation arrived. and on the other side there is such a beautiful car, it’s called. it is a blue bird, it was designed specifically for the space industry, it is also called an amphibious machine, because it can drive on land and even swim on water. we
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were also ready to go, fly, swim, just to see the safe descent of the apparatus with our marina. but first there was a long wait until the ship separated, passed through dense layers of the atmosphere, plasma, and finally the parachute opened. i expect the water to be good. just hearing the commander’s voice after perhaps the most difficult stage of the descent is already a good sign. the crew is feeling good, said alek novidsky. so everything is definitely fine. a couple more minutes, they will chase the descending parachute across the steppe and here it is, the moment of landing. we were all out of breath because we were running to be the first to see what, probably, the whole of belarus was really waiting for. the astronauts are taken out of the descent vehicle until they have the strength to move independently after two weeks of weightlessness. and not only...
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norochan bread and even pickled cucumbers, and although in the first minutes after the descent they had no time for eating pikas, they told us we met our guys with flowers, lard, from reliable sources, the first thing that marina tried a little later it was our belarusian cucumbers, then the cosmonauts were taken to the medical tents, where they changed... the spacesuits were removed, some managed to almost try it on, the sign of the completion of our journalistic mission was this: friends, pay attention, oleg novitsky wrote: “thank you for your work, it’s such a cosmic tradition to leave an inscription with chalk on the lowered paratha, which really worked for 10 points, and they also say there’s a tradition here smear your nose with this soot, so we journalists touched a little on cosmic dust. then there was our helicopter flight to karganda. let’s omit the details of spending the night under the kazakhstani stars in cars, because the astronauts have a journey
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to earth was infinitely more difficult with our earthly difficulties, then they still had a road to the moscow stars, rehabilitation, here is the solemn day of marina’s return to her homeland immediately to the palace of independence, the first to the first. you marina, one might say, were luckier than others, but you yourself are great, you deserved this flight absolutely objectively, it was not easy, you have the hardest things behind you - training, worries, stress. but this is only the beginning of your mission, i know what it means to be the first. today you came in to every belarusian family, to all those families who watched you, worried with you, with your parents. a moment of sudden fame is a new burden of responsibility, a very heavy burden of responsibility that you will have to bear for the rest of your life. i'm sure you can handle it.
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not everyone hears such words from the head of state. and, of course, only a few receive the honor of receiving the highest state award. for the courage shown during space flight and significant personal contribution to space exploration, award the title hero of belarus with the presentation of the hero of belarus medal and cosmonaut certificate. vasilevskaya marina vitalievna, cosmonaut of the republic of belarus. we were glad to change our overalls, spacesuits to elegant dresses and suits in order to witness a new historical moment, our marina vasilevskaya, our hero, the first belarusian woman cosmonaut, received this title officially, happy cosmonautics day belarus, happy your day. by the way, regarding what the head of state said, that everything is just beginning, it is quite possible that marina vasilevskaya will have another flight, that
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’s why, because her... welcome to belarus, belarus was really waiting for you, marina, well, yes, all the media just won’t stop talking and are ready to continue talking about marina’s feat, as well as about scientific achievements, which the girl brought from space straight to earth, let me remind you once again, this was not some kind of tourist trip, but with scientific purposes, that’s for sure, here are the facts: marina contributed to the emergence of a new product , space kefir, during the flight the astronaut conducted a number of biotechnological experiments that were aimed at
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storing samples about... the development of technologies for the production of dairy products in space flight conditions, of course, a huge amount of time is paid attention to this, so the astronauts will be able to receive and consume during the flight to ensure the functioning of the intestines, i let me remind you that... kefir helps normalize intestinal microflora and even helps fight chronic fatigue. you do this, of course, as the host of the program great, great, i know what i'm talking about, friends, so, by the way, regarding kefir and the morning, doctors recommend starting the morning not only with a glass of water, but also with a glass of kefir, because kefir is very fond of the microbiota that lives in our intestines, responsible for our immunity. by the way, i have an answer to your question about whether kefir, that very cosmic kefir
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, will appear on our shelves, but for now about mass production. my name is svetlana yashkevich, i work with a woodworker who assembles household appliances at a factory for the production of spiral machines. my day starts at 4:20 with a cup of hot coffee and a morning walk with my beloved pet. then i get ready and go to work. my shift at work starts at 7:00 am, by which time i should already be at the factory. it is mine.
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workplace, i work in the area gluing roofs for washing machines, here we assemble a roof for a washing machine from several components, which is installed on top. i came to this profession, well, completely by accident, i changed the profession of baker to the profession svetsar, since i needed a five-day work schedule, i had small children, and here the working conditions completely suited me, i was trained at the factory in this profession, i had never encountered it before, but thanks to our management, she teaches not only...
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i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good. this is definitely true, the wonderful heroine of our profession section, and it seems to me that in general you need to not only enjoy what you love, but also reach the top. undoubtedly, thirty-four-year-old french extreme sportswoman
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anouk gornie. an example of this is our tv viewers paying attention to the screen. the athlete set a new world record for climbing the rope. to achieve this, she chose the main attraction of paris. the rope was fixed directly to the eiffel. tower at an altitude of 110 m, it took her 18 minutes to climb it to the second level of the tower, thus she beat the achievement of south african thomas van tonder, who was able to climb 90 m on a vertically suspended rope. among women, the record of only 26 m belonged to danish woman idda mathilde stansgard. thirty-three-year-old anu garnier is no stranger to overcoming such obstacles; she is a two-time world champion in steeplechase racing. well, i thought, looking at this wonderful video, listen, but the poor filya tower, what has it not suffered in its history , literally took it off my tongue and climbed on it, jumped with it, what just happened to this openwork beauty, but actually, this is not just
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a french landmark, it is a world value, i would say, a monument architecture, yes, because it is truly an outstanding achievement of constructivism, listen, it’s been like this for almost 100 years, probably. i think that bashenka is already at her passport age, so with this openwork beauty, with this french lady, you need to be somehow more careful, but at least, i don’t know, don’t climb on her like that, you know who i hit it when i hit it, well, for the sake of sporting heights, perhaps it’s worth it, but maybe just for the sake of records, indeed, it’s worth noting that such sports achievements, in general, on the one hand, this is a good motivator for devoting at least a few minutes to sports, friends, and especially since summer is coming, there are 50 days left like this: i’m just reminding you, and it will help to get the figure of your dreams without harm to your health right now our tatyana matuseevich. plasticity, grace, beauty. by the way, this is about
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today’s exercise. but appetites aside, let's get down to business. but there can be no talk of any grace without a beautiful neck. sit down, tilt your head to the right side, raise it in your right hand until it is parallel to the floor. our task is to stay in this position for 5-7 seconds, then we lower our hand and return our head to the starting position, then we tilt our head to the left, raise our left hand until it is parallel with the floor, hold this for... for 5-7 seconds , lower your hand, return your head to its original position, perform all movements smoothly, slowly without sudden jerks.
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victoria, you said that this exercise should be done at a slow pace. why can’t stretching be done quickly? it may lead to injury, so a slow or medium pace should be maintained. what else to pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes: there should be no jerks; the time in which... we linger, it should be 10 seconds or more, so that the muscle has time to relax during stretching. after performing this exercise, you want to straighten your shoulders, keep your neck straight and look only forward. yes, indeed, this exercise works well on the deep lateral muscles of the neck and stretches them.
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on that land, dze zhad sustrakay departure, on hidden day you are a spider dawn, abraushy molded. hell of the world for the whole hour, yana will come to light us, belarusian jumpers, veranika, alesya and shuni, weasel on your heels, would not be a kazka, belarusian jumpers, thin flax mill. she has a beauty, her palates of gold are mapped, she hugs,
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she has a lot of brilliant foreign enchantresses, she chooses her own pasture, the flowers are pale, the fish are on us. that one, which is not a krychyts, dear, dear, such, belarusian, prizhani, veranika, alesya, dashunya, chynyoy vaskai, not fast, belarusian prybyazhu, thin mill.
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show of our country, we remind you that today on the calendar april 12, this is friday, your favorite, we hope, program good ranti belarus is on the air, we are olga venska, nina mazhaika, helping you wake up. can i also remind you of a very important fact, we are the only project in the domestic media space that works for you live, friends, in general, appreciate
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that after a while they will decide to run away, decide to escape, just like that, they will plunge into their crazy world full of love and music. the director of the film was the creator of the first part, todd philips, who also had a hand in to the script, he was assisted by scott silver. according to the director's plan, the second part will not differ much from the first in mood, but a lot of music will be added, naturally, there should also be more music added. the trailer collected more than 10 million views in a day, the full title of the film is joker, madness for two, a beautiful title, really,
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you like it, yes, and the world premiere will take place on october 4, but judging by the trailer, you know, at some point it seemed to me , did they mix up the la land type tapes, because it’s such a beautiful choreographed dance was between hackin phoenix and lady gaga, in general it will be beautiful and romantic, this is what we girls love, that is, it will be an interesting film for everyone, both men and women, but who knows, maybe like lalaland, specifically this continuation too he won’t get an oscar in himself, but well... the weather has slowed down, i propose to shift the vector of attention to premieres in domestic cinemas, and today we’ll start with a french comedy, especially since it stars a favorite of millions, a comedian, and besides screenwriter and director christian clavier. unexpected connections, it was under this name that the family comedy , a real situation comedy, from director
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giljenne erfjo, was released in russian dubbing. by the way, unexpected connections are his second job in this capacity. rvo's directorial debut took place 6 years ago. comedy soft toy. and here we go again! so, in the center of the plot, which by the way is based on a script that is also fraudulent, is a couple of lovers alice and francois. they decided to celebrate their love with a wedding, but that was not the case, it was all due to a dna test. in general, the viewer will an exciting journey into the world of family secrets and unexpected discoveries. this, in short. the new french film is definitely suitable for those who like to laugh, think about such important topics as family, love and acceptance, and also take bold turns in the plot. you just. fans of french cinema, which certainly has its own style and character, don’t miss unexpected connections, well, without slowing down the film speed, we move on, the next stop is the so-called dark fantasy with action elements, a gloomy fairy tale under the unambiguous name of the maiden and the dragon. so, the creator of the horror film 28 weeks later, juan carlos
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frisnaldilio, was responsible for directing the action. the spaniard invited miles to play the main role, that is, the role of the princess who did not want to be alone with the dragon and fought as best she could. brown. by the way, she is an actress, model and producer, she also has spanish roots. there are already about twenty paintings in her creative arsenal. she became famous at the age of 13 thanks to the series stranger things. she received an amy award nomination for her role there. well, now the main thing role in the so-called fantasy. so, according to the plot, the princess fulfills her father’s will and marries a prince from a prosperous kingdom. and all this in the name of saving his people. however , the scenario is not based on a marriage of convenience. deceit, death and betrayal, conversion. to ancient traditions in the plot, modern technologies in the frame. why are princesses thrown off a cliff, what did the main character find in the cave, why is the dragon here a dragoness, what secret is the king hiding and why are people usually to blame for everything? find out for yourself on the cross cinema this, of course, is all
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wonderful straight out of a movie, but i still have the question of why the dragon is a dragoness. will it happen in this story? this hero is central, that is the question, that is the question, but for now he remains open, and this remains a mystery, but the other four-legged hero was clearly at the center of all events, and clearly craved bread and, of course, circuses. in the united states, they continue to discuss the miraculous story of the return of the missing dog. a three-year-old female mixed terrier named mishka disappeared in san diego last july. of the year. she was found at the end of march 300 km from her home in the suburbs of detroit, after local residents began to complain about a stray dog. when she was caught, they found a microchip with information about the owners. a couple of days later they flew for her. according to them , mishka immediately recognized them and was very happy. how she overcame such a distance is unclear, but they note that she was well looked after all this time. she is well-fed, clean, calm, has not lost her old habits and even acquired new ones. in particular, during his
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absence, the dog learned to obey the command to sit, this is generally a fundamental command, i believe. you know, it’s just some harmless habit she developed. new, it’s a different matter if he had a habit of, i don’t know, drinking champagne, eating caviar, what to do with such a dog later, the luxury of boutiques, that’s all, you know, what i just described, yes, yes, it’s such an expensive pleasure to keep such a dog dog, but nevertheless, the story of the bear is actually, to be serious, this is another proof that for animals, friends, you and i there is that very life, there is a meaning to this life, in fact, like this in the warm season, in fact, please pay more attention to walks with your pets, this is... good for their health, and for yours, that’s it, and it seems to me that you can even arrange a picnic together like this, yes, invite your pet to a barbecue, for example, then this is a good story, but if you are the owner of a dog, we assure you, she will be delighted, just remember, absolutely feed your four-four pet barbecue prohibited, better buy special delicacies,
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treat yourself to your loved ones with delicious meat from the grill, yes, well , if you are still wondering, well, where can you find a grill, that is, you have a pet, and ah... and where can you get a grill? yes, there is also firewood, it seems, but the barbecue is missing the most important thing, is it even worth purchasing it and what is the best way to choose among other options? in general, all these questions will find answers in our section: shopping. today we are choosing a grill. let's figure out what parameters to pay attention to before purchasing. according to the type of construction, barbecues are divided into mobile, foldable, an excellent option for outdoor trips. and stationary rather large devices. stationary barbecues are for the dacha so that it lasts for a long time. portable, we will have them made of ordinary steel, which can be done. rearrange to your liking and also stainless steel ones, which are foldable and can be taken with you into nature, while stationary ones are mainly
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made of cast iron, which lasts for more than 10 years. as for the stationary brazier, the main part of the grill where coals are poured or firewood is placed, it is better to choose durable product made of cast iron. a folding grill can be purchased from light stainless steel. correctly selected frying parameters affect not only the quantity. meat, but on the taste of the dish. for an optimal barbecue, the depth should be from 10 to 15 cm, and according to oshren it should be up to at least 40 cm. and it affects the fact that you can put more meat in depth, it will fry the meat well and it will be more juicy. the length of the barbecues ranges from 40 to 80 cm. the longer the device, the more skewers it has will fit. for example, for three. eight skewers are enough for four people, pay attention to the thickness of the walls, it must be at least 3 mm, otherwise the heat will be poorly
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retained and the coals will burn out quickly. magal can additionally have grates, this is for steaks, for burgers, the magal still has a worn lid, which, when covered, increases the heat and imparts a more smoky aroma to the meat. another good additional option is a double bottom, which creates an air layer under the coals, thanks to which they burn evenly and are slowly lost. heat, as for the purge holes, according to experts, their presence does not affect the quality of the dish; in windy weather, it even makes it difficult to control the temperature of quality purchases. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be
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a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, but this, this is very difficult. i really didn’t want my children... to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original and sometimes uncomfortable questions: do you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel: belarus 24, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. was in russia
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master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also train pharmacists; this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. take care of the health of animals every day, it’s not for nothing that they say that artists should be like children, naive, to remain in this childhood
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age, oddly enough, the role of mary poppins gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too old. good morning belarus, good morning country, greetings, olga venskaya, nina mozheika, we make your morning active and positive; april 12 is on our calendar. friday and we are confidently approaching the middle of the spring season along with temperature indicators, the weather has turned spring and partly even summer to the maximum this week,
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today the same plan, well, let's see, they say that in general a little... the temperature should go up , so in the morning these indicators in minsk are 5:7, i would say modest, weather forecasters would say in response, yes, it’s normal for this time of year for april , everything fits right into the framework, 7:9 with a sign plus early in the morning in brest, in vitebsk, 8:10, wow, even warmer than in vinsk, in gomel, but modest 4:6 above zero, in grodno, gorgeous by morning standards 8:10 with a plus sign in mogilev 5-7 above zero, while in all regional centers there was no precipitation early in the morning and a cloudy spell. weather, well , a spoiler from us, during the day, if you heard, the temperature in each of the regional centers will rise by 10 degrees, so it seems to me that it will be quite comfortable and pleasant friday, and thanks to such temperature according to the indicators, on grodna street, by the way, magnolia bloomed, this is a rather rare southern plant for our latitudes; it was planted in one of the plots of the village of fabrichny about 10 years ago. yes, magnolia, at the same time, let me remind you, is a very capricious plant; it bloomed in
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the fifth or sixth year after it was planted in grodno, however. there are so many flowers like she has never had this season, that is , magnolia is simply enjoying, one might say, the belarusian weather and the city of grodno as well, that’s for sure, well, beauty is not only grodno region, but in the capital. the ecopark in the minsk region also brought the day to life. our colleague svetlana borovskaya was convinced of this. all the details will be broadcast tomorrow at 9:15, there’s a small video spoiler right now. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the minsk region, they cut it so beautifully, it’s a shame to plant it in order to somehow feed the family, it’s just like from that time, it’s almost like, oh, wait, wait, like when you need to plant fruit trees, what surprises visitors to the ecopark in the pukhovichi district and why smilovichi is honored by the manyushka family, you will find out in the new episode of the program very soon,
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turn on dobry ranitsy belarus so...
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we will also talk in our studio with the head of the department of law enforcement and prevention of the department of internal affairs of the minsk regional executive committee, police colonel ruslan mankovsky, here are the men in shoulder straps are always beautiful, you must agree, this is accurate, and also meaningful, because we will discuss a very important topic as part of the preventive campaign, a house without violence, well, in the third part we also have a lot of plans, but what will happen, what will? well, first of all, svetlana koshitskaya will come with the column “i hear about a nutritionist,” and we will discuss food for astronauts, is it possible to eat such food here on earth or not? air at the concert venue, a new song by nikita fumennykh will be performed, he knows where to get a new song, we will listen to a beautiful composition performed by him, just remember me, and we olga venskaya, nina mozheika, we invite you not to be bored, we will return to you very soon after the news release , see you, like the hours of an eclipse, and like the hours of an eclipse, we are waiting for the light and
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dark, we see dreams. and we fly in orbits, unbeaten punches, stitched with meteorites, space, the brother of joy and
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courage, cosmic music floats into our business... conversation, in some kind of matte haze, the earth in the porthole is black and early dawn, the son longs for his mother, and the son is friends with his mother. the mother is waiting for her son, and the earth is waiting for their sons, we dream of the iroko of the cosmodrome, it’s not the icy blue that we dream about the grass, the grass near the house is green. green grass.
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songs, the country is not rock for us, the cosmodrome, it is not the ice siva, from below the frames we have grass, grass at at home, green, green.
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good morning to belarus. agency starts the information morning on friday, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, look at the issue.


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