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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 8:10am-8:16am MSK

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how the story of one girl in the photo became the achievement of an independent country, belarus in space. i love you all very much, and i will not let you down, i will do everything possible and even impossible. we will show footage from the iss, exclusive to belarus-1. marina vasilevskaya with a tour of the space mission. i have adapted and feel great.
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cosmonautics, right after the panorama, don’t miss it. iran may strike israel in the next two days, the wall street journal said. bloomberg called escalation inevitable. against this background, the us embassy in israel banned employees and their families to travel outside of tel aviv and jerusalem and beershiva. the largest german airline , lufthansa, has already suspended flights to tehran due to security threats. the iranian mission to the un previously said that it is possible that a response to tehran will be avoided if the security council of the international organization condemns the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the united states, of course, has ambitious plans to take american democracy throughout the world. but will the resources be enough? state economies is there a decline? the level of gross domestic product in the country has fallen significantly. people's expenses have increased, but not their standard of living. american political scientist steve shared this opinion. samarin. according to him, biden
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needs to switch to solving the country's internal problems, and not send billions to military operations thousands of miles from the united states. during the biden administration, during their tenure, the standard of living in the united states has dropped dramatically. although some macroeconomic indicators may be quite good, the real life of an ordinary american is becoming more difficult every day.
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in belarus, law enforcement officers have paid off the four largest crypto exchangers in 2 years, but the number of crimes using digital assets is constantly growing. chairman of the investigative committee dmitry gora spoke about this at a scientific and practical conference in minsk , where law enforcement officers from belarus, russia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan discussed issues of combating international cybercrime. assets are used for
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criminal purposes to legalize stolen money in the shadow economy, up to the financing of extremism and terrorism. crypto also involves corrupt officials taking bribes. for example, in one of the criminal cases that is currently being processed by belarusian investigators, an official accepted a reward in digital currency worth 6,000 rubles 160 times. we are constantly improving our work to combat cybercrime and the use of digital assets. activities, we have not long ago, just over a year, been working on a new digital chapter, the so -called one, in which there are investigative divisions and divisions carrying out, well, the so-called internet intelligence, which, by and large , have learned from the digital environment, in simple terms, to extract money in order to turn it into state income, federal services. for financial monitoring of the russian
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federation actively cooperates with the financial intelligence of belarus, we are introducing common approaches in order to counter this phenomenon. so, for example, active. a transparent blockchain software product developed by the russian federation is used, which allows you not only to track cryptocurrency transactions, but by performing a series of actions to identify the owners of cryptocurrency wallets and bring them to deserved responsibility. every fourth crime in belarus is committed on the internet or via telephone. in total, according to statistics, about 20,000 cybercrimes were committed last year. the conference paid special attention to effective methods of combating cyber threats within the legal framework. defend the leader's yellow jersey in general in the commonwealth cup standings - this is the main goal of the captain of our men's biathlon team anton smolsky. the final fourth stage of the competition starts today in
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murmonsk with two sprint races. the women will take to the track at 11:00, and the men's race will begin at 14:00. smolsky’s main competitor for first place in the standings is russian eduard. typov, he is 25 points behind. follow the progress of today's races live on tv channel belarus 5. next is economic news, we are on the air at 9:00. see you.


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