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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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today, belarus and russia are working on creating a group of small spacecraft within the framework of the union program complex sg. the group will solve problems related, among other things, to remote sensing of the earth. the participation of belarus in the lunar program is also at the negotiation stage. well , that night the agencies had exclusive footage at their disposal, something that no one had ever shown anywhere. the real life of the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya at the international.
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a huge laboratory module, each module has something different for scientific equipment, here i am i really like the service module, in principle , this is the main module where everyone is, where the commander’s quarters, the flight engineer’s cabin are, and there are the main laptops for work, and the astronauts, there is a treadmill there, we eat there, everything is in one place, there is a table, a treadmill track, exercise bike. some other experiments there are lapwings, for example, i conducted, standard luna, how the story of one girl in the photo became an achievement of an independent country, belarus in space, i love you all very much, and i won’t let you down, i will do everything possible and even the impossible, we’ll show you how...
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because you have no equal. our marina, you are our heroine for absolutely everyone. the difficult road to space. on cosmonautics day, immediately after the panorama. do not miss. space dialogues, quiz quests. a single lesson dedicated to the international day of human space flight was held today in all general secondary education institutions. the discussion centers on the first space explorers and the first sovereign cosmonaut. i believe that
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this is a very important holiday, and it is celebrated in order to remember what we have talented astronauts, and be proud of them. i know that it is celebrated on april 12, that is , the day when the first man, yuri gagarin , flew into space and returned safely from there.
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agendas and an effective platform for negotiations. at these moments , a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the cis is taking place in minsk. the agenda includes a wide range of topics with an emphasis on security cooperation. it is expected that the meeting participants will adopt a statement regarding ensuring safe working conditions journalists and preventing infringement of their rights. thirtieth anniversary of the cis being granted observer status at the un general assembly statement in connection with the terrorist attack committed on march 22 in crocus cityhole. european politicians take note of how to protect the interests of their farmers. china is refusing corn supplies from ukraine to support the locals. writes bloomberg. importers have already canceled several shipments scheduled for delivery in april-june. and this trend will continue in the future. according to the authorities, such measures should help avoid excess offers on the domestic market and support chinese agricultural producers before the
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planting season. the standard of living in europe is falling rapidly. 22% of the eu population is at risk of poverty. at the same time, in romania and bulgaria, as noted in the eurostat report, the indicator. is over 30%. it is noteworthy that in germany, the locomotive of the european economy, every fifth resident of the country, which is almost 18 million people, is at risk of poverty and social isolation. many of them can no longer pay rent, mortgage, and utilities. not the best situation in albion, as the daily star reports, one in seven britons dry out tea bags so they can be used more than once. also, a third of respondents now cut their own hair, so as not to spend money on hairdressers. they save on dinner and on cleaning supplies. freedom of speech in french: the country's intelligence services initiated an investigation against five local journalists. the reason was the publication about the closure of a hospital in the city of horace due to bedbugs, they say the reporters used statements in the materials that
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fueling a national panic over insects. local telegram channels write about this. previously, many french politicians stated that the problem of bedbugs in the megalopolis was artificially inflated. social media, to which they received thousands of photographs from angry parisians. the security of the state must be maintained and improved constantly, the commander of the forces of the northwestern operational command stated this the day before during a brigade tactical exercise; this is the final stage of testing combat readiness. to according to him, the maneuvers took place at training sites in the brez, vitebsk, grodno and mogilev regions for several days. the units carried out training.
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and mobilized personnel, received during training, was quite successfully implemented during the implementation of practical tasks in quite difficult conditions, there was all the different weather that we have in belarus during this period, so we remembered, learned, restored skills, showed that they are ready and capable, also... naumenko noted that results will be summed up at various levels, and on their basis, methodological recommendations will be developed for the subsequent development of similar issues, both in military units in the formations of the northwestern operational command, and in all armed forces.
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schoolchildren in the capital are taught to know and respect history. educational institutions in minsk hold patriotic open lessons and classroom hours, meetings with veterans, and also visit the museum. so, students of gymnasium number 16 went on an excursion to the national library, including the guys visited the book museum, where more than 300 rare handwritten and early printed books are presented, among them the original edition of the pioneer printer of the belarusian lands francis skarin. we visited the museum of the ministry of internal affairs for two more tapestries, went several times with my class, i was terribly interested, and i want to become a tour guide in the future or connect my life with history and literature. for the guys, the military-patriotic experience raises morale. of a person and his culture, and military-patriotic education also helps a person feels more confident within his own country. patriotic education has become firmly established in the key areas of work in the capital’s schools; the children independently organize presentation exhibitions and plan their own excursions for
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classmates of primary school students. how to write a folk hit with a sheet music recipe on the eve of a personal holiday was shared by the folk on the air of the program say don’t be silent. decided to withdraw from the russian stage, we will find out how many of the planned 500 meetings with young people the maestro has already held, and what musical fronts to be at one with the new performing school, or there will be another on the eve of the birthday, the composer changes his role, tas and so on, to be honest, i’m not a composer, a songwriter, you know, i’m a composer more of a symphonist by my upbringing, you know, but songbook, well, i don’t know how, i don’t even understand how...
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next is the sports news, we’re on the air at 13:00, see you, washington and calgary were defeated in the next matches of the nhl regular season. the capitals lost to buffalo with a score of 2:4 and left the playoff zone, although the gap from the eighth position in which pittsburgh is located is only. one point. as for the belarusian legionnaire, alexei protos, he spent 15 minutes
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25 seconds on the ice, made two shots on goal and made one power move. the next match of the three remaining before the end of the regular season, washington will play at home against tampa bay on the night of sunday to monday. calgary, which had already lost its chances of reaching the playoffs, lost to the los angeles kings 1.4. both belarusians took to the ice as part of the lights.
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in february 1945, at the radio house on revolutionary 3, they were preparing to transmit urgent information in the area. the radio engineer was setting up the equipment to receive a signal there through the prk receiver. it worked on direct current and'.
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communications in the liberated areas of the belarusian
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about measures to restore funds of the ssr. it is envisaged for the radio installation of regional and district centers, to equip 60 radio centers, 33 energy stations, to build 750 km lines, to install nrk type radio receivers for collective listening and 57 radio stations. were. magutnasts, which were rumored by this radio, if for the ablasnog radevuzla it was 500 watts, then for the military and the garadian geta it was 38 watts, the radio was not yet powerful enough, broadcasting was carried out at certain hours, but his messages were expected, which is not
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possible in all areas it was heard with joy and people. people gathered there, where it was possible to wander, people gathered from the most varied memorials, people gathered for the village council, people gathered for the club, people went to the square, joy was alive connection to the clock they listened to every message, in them about how the republic lives, about how the return to peaceful life is progressing, and the announcers were recognized by their voices, tamara bastun.
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the closest and dearest to many people. gladly, at that time, such powerful functions were completed, gladly strengthened the task, and gladly, at the same time , all the people took up additional gaspadarki. the war was still going on, and decisions were already being made at the level of the republic’s leadership to restore its national economy. there was also territory. occupiers, work is already beginning in the soviet rear preparation for the restoration of the national economy of the republic. on april 5, 1943 , a meeting was held in the state planning committee of the republic, in which our prominent scientists also took part, they discussed a plan for the restoration of industry and forestry.
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preparations also practically began in the soviet rear. restoration of all sectors of industry and transport, for example, one of the questions is a memorandum on how to restore road transport, measures were being prepared to restore the largest industrial enterprises, including the gomel agricultural engineering plant, in principle , such measures were prepared for each industry, the documents provided for: significant volumes of restoration work, but the reality turned out to be much more tragic: the scale of destruction was incomparable with any calculations that were included in the decision. in november 1943
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, an impressive landing of specialists, heads of industry departments, led by the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, nadezhda grekova. they had to assess the damage to the city and liberated areas, but this turned out to be difficult. gomel lay in ruins. from the memoirs of nadezhda grekova. cold horror covered me from what i saw. the buildings of all industrial and public utility enterprises were destroyed and burned. the health care network, trade, all schools were completely destroyed, all historical monuments were looted and destroyed, almost completely. the housing stock was destroyed, there was no water supply in the city, the city streets were deserted and lifeless, everywhere there were signs with the inscriptions mined, mines,
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dangerous, rubble and ruins all around. at the site of the destroyed water utility building , several workers were once again laying out heavily damaged or burnt pieces of equipment, they were collected throughout the city, pulled out from under the rubble, they tried to make some fragments by hand, but all attempts to lay them out in a certain sequence ended with one and the same. first they dismantled the scheme, then they argued when each tried to prove he was right, then again they tried to assemble either a pump or a steam boiler, but everyone understood that they had to hurry, the lack of
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water supply threatened an epidemic. at the beginning of january 1944, gomel radio was already reporting important information for the townspeople. the water utility carried out a complete overhaul of two steam boilers, two steam pumps, two centrifugal pumps, and cleaned the shafts of three pumping stations. the city's first water collection pump was launched. by the end of the year it is planned to restore 70 km water supply networks or 80% of the pre-war length.
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kruger schools know about minsk and are interested in our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. papytaytse sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka, or takhtamysh’s yard, no one knows, but khan takhtamysh would have been at the house, he would have lived here. let’s also remember folk traditions. the name itself is white-eyed, it’s very chamber, it’s also very patterned. malyunak on ours.
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government course, yes, it is a necessity support for the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times, yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally. the head of state has emphasized many times that power for him is serving the people and welfare. by prosperity we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in us to the calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets. smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i'm happy.
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we knew how to do it as best we could, we were sincere about this construction, our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power goes carefully, without breaking anything, and i’m sure you are happy, we built how will everything work out for the new generation, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a catastrophe, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error. ganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24. the pace of restoration of
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industrial communications. objects, the flagship of the agricultural engineering industry, gomselsh , resembled the pace of organization of their work in the soviet rear after being transferred to the east at the beginning of the war. the decision was made to immediately evacuate the plant, but it also had to be evacuated by manpower. within a week and a half, we received 1,100 wagons for loading.
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shells for the needs of the front. the provided base of the kurgan machine plant turned out to be unsuitable for production. i had to at the same time build a practically new plant and begin production. it took 3 months to restore the enterprise to start producing products. but we did it ahead of schedule, we did it within a month. now. the situation was similar: it was necessary to restore the plant again as soon as possible and resume production, only on its home sites in gomel. the re-evacuation began. the first echelons with equipment. the first group of specialists arrived in the city. after inspecting the site where the plant was located,
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it became clear. in the cold, in hunger, we lived in dugouts, walked about 2 km, because the germans destroyed everything to the ground, within 6 months it was practically restored, but we began to produce products in unfinished workshops, this is the most difficult time for our people, workers , engineers, technicians, office workers,
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managers, everyone worked... selflessly in the liberated areas of the republic, only by the end of the forty-third year it was possible to restore about 100 industrial enterprises. one of the first to work match factory vizuviy in novobelitsa. in gomel itself , the restoration of a machine tool plant began in december, and within a few months it was operational. key workshops for starting production: assembly workshop. three brick factories began production. how important it was then in the minutes of the meetings of the council of people's commissars of the republic, the bureau of the regional committee, and the district committees of the party. they carefully account for all the building materials that were preserved after dismantling.


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