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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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i’ll do everything, no, this, this is me, this, this is my theme, i really want to do this, but even more so when oleg viktorovich comes, i’m now fascinated by this space theme of aliens, i don’t know, i like it, i..
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it’s a long journey, so you want to do something every day, so that you don’t just sit in the workshop, but something to be done with your own hands.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia. poland, lithuania, latvia,
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estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear. and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. once, one associate professor said: you know,
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you need to learn how to deal with skin, it’s not a structure that needs to be poked. combustiology is the science of burns, specifically burn injury, which can be characterized by damage to the skin as a thermal agent, chemical, electrothermal injury, radiation injury, why is it needed, because this is, firstly, a military specialty, this is a specialty that characterizes. .. multidisciplinary specialist, since he must know not only the structure of the skin, he must not only know approaches to treatment, he must know the basics, certain basics of traumatology, because combined ones are often used, these are the stages of reconstructive surgery, that is, all combustiologists are
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reconstructive surgeons, after them many go into plastic surgery, because they are very familiar with it, well, when we say that combusteologists don’t remember so often, but very often they remember when some, unfortunately, extraordinary incidents happen, and a person can live without a spleen, unfortunately, this happens, there is no kidney, but he cannot live without skin , combustiology from the point of view of a military specialty, since well , for example, the same tank or combat vehicle is being blown up, and a person gets burns, burns...
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the area and depth of the injury plays a role in a burn injury, it all depends on the age of the person, if these are adults, then already at an area of ​​more than 15% may lead to the development of a state of shock, and in children, say under 3 years old, even at 5-7% we can get signs of shock, sometimes parents neglect these rules while at home, putting their children in danger.
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tion injury, of course, the severity of it worsens, unfortunately, he can die, thank god, in the republic of belarus, combustiology is at a very high level, and there is practically no child mortality, it also plays a very important role when our burns
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are circular, when a person has received a burn, especially, for example, with a flame, it forms a tube, well, in another way, let’s say, a dense thick crust. which begins to compress a limb or torso, then in such cases it is necessary to carry out it there very quickly within 6 hours, if this occurs. such a necortomy operation to cut this crust for in order to preserve the limbs so that there is no compression of the vascular bundle. the provision of medical care is carried out in accordance with the regulatory framework, but it is so established that each, each institution also has its own school, experience, for example, in our clinic, without violating the same regulatory documents as the provision of assistance.
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that is, providing assistance within the first hour, this is very important, but this speaks of the compactness of belarus, that we are small, but we have the opportunity to more approach this problem competently. then the patient arrives, he comes to the emergency room, and the doctor - depending on the area, if it is a child, for example, for a year the ambulance has calculated that its area is 10%, then a resuscitation doctor is invited. the child is sent to the intensive care unit, where, under conditions of adequate pain relief
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, a bandage is performed, vital functions are assessed, that is , pressure is assessed, heart rate is assessed, and then we collect objective data, he goes to intensive care unit for preventive infusion therapy and observation. who is the team? the team is actually everything we have, from doctors to the same nurses, because a burn is a burn, if it’s a burn, let’s say up to 3 years old, of course, he is there with his parents, his mother is caring for him there, and there are children even 15 years old , and 16 years old, it happens, we had a case when a girl... received a 70% burn, a cylinder exploded, such a circumstance, four people, two girls
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here, two in the city of minsk, here are two people we were treated, thank god, everything went well, they were discharged, and we observed them in the long-term period and in terms of the properties of their skin , in terms of the timing of epithelialization, it all depends on the area and depth, well, first of all , on the depth, if it is a burn second degree, this is usually... somewhere around 9-8 there are 10 days, in adults 14, and if the third degree is a borderline burn, this is one that heals on its own, but takes a longer time, but it leaves behind scars, maybe be 3 weeks or 4 weeks, of course, if we see maturation granulations, then we perform leather plastic surgery. in general, i
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specialize in pediatric surgery, but i have this hobby, a hobby that was born from the moment i wrote my dissertation, i am also a pediatric surgeon. why is combustiology, when you come young, you don’t know what field to take in order to work in it, when i came, here. healthcare institution, our hospital, it is multidisciplinary, we have urology, we have beds, combustilogy and purulent surgery, and emergency surgery, that is, everything, what is done to children is carried out in our country, and somehow i looked, took a closer look, well, i tolerated the skin dressings normally, that is , in principle, i was ready to work in this direction, the scientific supervisor also supported me, which is what he says, let’s be in work in this direction and... since 2010 , i traveled a lot, looked, read a lot, many
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technologies that we came to the hospital, i did not see them, i read them, resumed them, did it, it turned out that it is very effective, it is very it's right, and that's the way it should be done, because you understand, when you come to an institution, young, just a student, and you look at some things, you look with the eyes of another... student and it seems to you, well, what can you come up with something new here, here everything has been worked out, there is your own logorhythm, when you begin to develop, you begin to understand, yeah, here you can do not go to the left, but you can do it in...
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we will all prepare a child here for an operation, everything survives for him, someone is helping, yes there is , there are many developments, i personally also have patents, you see, there are developments as new methods, as new ones.
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use, i had an idea, why not make my own and create such a normal import technology? and i came to the conclusion that we need to develop our belarusian wound dressings for treatment, initially, it was like burns, but if you already cure a burn wound, then accordingly there will be other wounds, they will also be treatable with the help of these dressings, the first dressing, with which i began to think - this...
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or he gets wet early, and so that she doesn’t mokla, this is a sorction bandage, you put it on it, it absorbs, it turns into a gel, at the same moment it maintains a little moisture and at the same moment it takes everything, basically most of the moisture, takes away itself, the third bandage is our antimicrobial bandage, it is multi-layered, there
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is a special natural sorbent, whose sorption is 100 times higher than in ... northern coal, it performs, they are also all silver, it performs both antibacterial and antimicrobial functions, especially with purulent wounds, when you put it in so that it all absorbs itself, the manufacturer at the enterprise where it was produced, now they are already launching serial production, now these dressings will be delivered to clinics, who can buy them and uh people will use them as well in pharmacy chains, that is, people can buy it themselves, go have it in their medicine cabinet in order to provide first aid, put it in, then go to the doctor so that before... already look, because you have to remember, this is for ordinary people, that if you have received a wound, remember one thing, it needs to be closed,
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we are now in... the center, where already at the student bench our students have such a great opportunity at the present time to practice practical skills, the room where the laparoscopic video simulators are located is precisely the opportunity using instruments, as they say sticks, to perform minimally invasive intervention in the intended abdominal cavity. but not only the abdominal cavity, that is, this is the development of such skills, but it’s no secret to everyone what lies ahead now minimally invasive surgery, specifically
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laparoscopic, thoracoscopic operations, but they have a basic composition, that is , knitting, sewing, and of course, the student, starting from the second or third year, must master this technique step by step, so that later in real life practice, like...
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their scientists, whose main task is to develop scientific potential. scientists are not someone who only engages in science, they are people who have their own civic position, they are people who engage in educational work, this is a multifaceted person. we are proud that our university became the first medical university to create a school for young scientists.
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to achieve great, great results, and at this stage we even have a request from clinical institutions, from the republican scientific and practical center from the university clinic, they are also ready to take part in this school, it will be online. i am often asked the question: where do ideas come from? ideas are not something that you are sitting over some textbook. and you think, you think, you think, you think, now you have questions about what everything is needed do exactly this, for example, one of my developments is imaland cream, gloderm -
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this is a development that was recognized at the republican competition as the best innovative development, which today has been introduced into practical healthcare, which is in the real sector of the economy, which is commercialized, which is not just a development... for development - i came to it very simply, you won’t believe it, i was cleaning the house, so i started thinking, we made the bandages, well , okay, what to do next, here we are discharging patients, we recommend, i had a big experience, i used different, different creams, whatever i used, and i won’t say that there was the glue that i applied, it was very suitable for everyone, i realized that i needed to create a product that would avoid those shortcomings who had the same... warm up a little in order to move
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forward, for a very long time we have had problems in belarus, this is compression knitwear, that when a person gets a burn, especially one that manifests itself as scars, he needs to wear special clothes, a special sleeve, a special blouse v dependencies, where the scar appeared, but these are not only burn wounds, these can be any post-traumatic wounds, exactly where scars mature, we don’t have this in belarus, our patients. are ordered in russia, we plan to produce such underwear on the basis of the technopark of the city of grodno, and we will not only close the social level with this development, let’s say, it will allow economically, the state will benefit, but the most important thing is that the doctors who treat these patients, they will be able to obtain the reverse medical effectiveness of their treatment, because when you have treated, it is very important...
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to see what will happen in 6 months, in a year, you need to go forward, you need to try, if we don’t try, we will never know, someday, well, they say the phrase that initiative is punishable, but you know, there is another, another side, that initiative is not as punishable as lack of initiative, therefore it is better to be initiative than to be lacking initiative, because lack of initiative kills completely and completely. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. tall city. so, according to the chronicles this place has been called since the 15th century. and there are many attractions here. i'll try to tell you about everyone. this is high and we begin to get acquainted. and we set off on an exciting journey. in the city there were
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several units, water, power, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church during services in the chapel large wings appear to show how unusually wonderful our country is, the road between sino and shklovo is very picturesque in places, similar to... anglissky park, this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to edwiga tadeusz agininski. consider that you have not visited sino if you have not tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i was born in the city of mosty, the city is located in grodno region, this is a city famous for its suspension bridge that runs across the neman river, my parents are ordinary people, not civil servants, my father is just a general worker connected with electricity at
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an enterprise in the city. you are a mother, she is a primary school teacher, later she works and worked and works in the education department, how did i get into medicine, well, as the question always says. what can a person of ten tenth-11th grade decide? well, practically nothing, i was good at chemistry, biology, i have an older brother, he is now the dean of our medical diagnostic faculty at our university, and he was the first to enter medicine in our country, precisely as a student, i always wanted to be a prosecutor, i don’t know why, but i wanted it this way, maybe this ... some - just children's games, that there are robbers, and there are good policemen, we look for them, we find them, we identify them, maybe some illusions, today - i say that we can’t do anything more
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than to provide assistance, to treat, so this is very - well, probably important, in some ways makes us stronger, in some ways makes us vulnerable, i’m married, i have two... university within the framework, well, basically my whole young life, although i’m probably still young, i played football, so one of my hobbies are playing football, of course, now it’s more difficult given
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the pace of work, one of these hobbies, i love to travel, travel, why travel, i like to go to conferences, everyone, no matter how funny it seems that my hobby is to travel conferences, travel there. but these are the turns of some kind of development when you go, you see how people develop on their own, how others live, this is culture, at conferences you find out contacts, exchange contacts, learn some new technologies, so you can come and implement something here, that is, this there is such a good educational stage going on, i can’t even say that this is scientific tourism, this is an educational stage -
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but i can say for sure that we all sometimes live longer than the parents of these patients, because the parents only know what they are told, the condition, and we know more sometimes i fall asleep, scrolling in my head about what to do tomorrow for surgery, how to do it, get up earlier to look at a book, how best to move it, what to do there, this is a certain life, this is a certain stage of life. and i will say that many people say, and many people leave medicine, why? someone psychologically cannot withstand such a pace, because whether you like it or not, you still give a piece of yourself, due to this
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living with this person, with this family, you become somewhere a little more professionally restrained. from the outside it seems that she cannot help anymore, then sometimes a miracle comes, so believe, believe in god, and he, of course, will be with you.
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kondraty ivanovich naumov on august 22 , 1944, at the age of 26, he received the high title of hero of the soviet union, marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the tank battalion commander, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the bobruisk operation. several days in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station with
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four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank and knocked out one self-propelled gun, at the head of the group he liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank, captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk, destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite being seriously injured. received in this battle, he continued to command the battalion until the very end. on september 5, 1944, during fierce battles, the tank of captain naumov’s guard was hit. this time, the seriously wounded battalion combatant was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was... awarded the order of lenin of the patriotic war
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, second degree, and medals posthumously. on air news now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. president of belarus alexander lukashenko and russian leader vladimir putin held a joint meeting in the kremlin with marina vasilevskaya, a participant in the twenty-first space expedition to... the ks, and the pilot.


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