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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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patriotic war, second degree and medals posthumously. yulia pertsova is on the air with you now. hello. president of belarus alexander lukashenko and russian leader vladimir putin held a joint meeting in the kremlin with marina vasilevskaya, a participant in the twenty-first space expedition to the iss, and the pilot. its citizen made a space
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flight. on the iss, marina vasilevskaya had her own task, to conduct a series of studies for belarusian science. minsk and moscow have many plans to develop space technologies. the state intends to continue to jointly develop space programs. scientists and industrialists work in close cooperation. a new satellite is being created, which... they plan to send it into orbit in the coming years, at the meeting today we will talk about further work, thank you for marina, thank you that the commander of this flight was oleg, this is our unity, was born in belarus, served in the soviet union, pilot, tester, became an astronaut in russia, your third flight, and your fourth, fourth flight, and the first cosmonaut of belarus, i know. that it's not easy for them
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now quite a bit of time has passed, we have not completed rehabilitation, so i also want to join your words in congratulating all the cosmonauts in your person, i have been to the cosmonaut training center in the russian center several times, i have been to chinese centers in the world, so i am an astronaut i mastered it well, studied, studied the rocket you flew on, was at baikanury, not only looked at buran, but also the launch pad and yours.
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economy of the union state. details in our next releases. near east froze in tense anticipation of iran's response to the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. in this regard, the french foreign ministry recommended to citizens in the coming days. from trips to iran, lebanon, israel and the palestinian territories. the department associated this with the risks of military escalation. meade is also recalling the families of his diplomats from tehran. french civil servants are prohibited from traveling to these countries. the western media are also adding fuel to the fire of general chaos. one after another they are trumpeting that iran's attack on israel is imminent. cbs-news says it may to happen today, allegedly, more than 100 drones and missiles will be involved in the attack. however, in iran itself
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they have not yet commented on such stuffing, but they warned that if there is such a response, it will be limited in order to prevent further escalation. a new workshop has opened at the orsha tool plant; products unique to belarus, high-tech innovative tools, will be produced here. this will eliminate the need to purchase imported goods. the technical content of the workshop consists of modern numerical systems software control.
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a good start has been made, including the opening of today's innovative production, everything is in the hands of the enterprise, i think that it has a successful future. full line of high-tech


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