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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:21pm MSK

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a lot can depend. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the episode. the presidents of belarus and russia summed up
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the results of the union mission to the iss together with the main characters of the successful flight. i persuaded vladimir vladimirovich that we will continue to work together. cosmonautics day in the kremlin. in the council of the republic, first session of the eighth convocation, the chairman of the upper house and leaders were elected by secret ballot commissions. the activities of the association must be covered.
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko and russian leader vladimir putin held a joint meeting in the kremlin with a participant of the 21st space expedition to the iss with marina vasilevskaya and pilot cosmonaut oleg novitsky, who recently returned from orbit. for belarus this event is especially significant. for the first time in the history of a sovereign republic, its citizen made a space flight. on the iss, marina vasilevskaya had her own task to conduct a series of studies for belarusian science.
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served in the soviet union, pilot, test pilot, became a cosmonaut in russia, your third flight, yes, fourth, fourth flight, and the first cosmonaut of belarus, i know that it’s not easy for them, now quite a bit of time has passed, they haven’t undergone rehabilitation, therefore, i also want to join your words in congratulating all the cosmonauts in your person; i have been to the cosmonaut training center in the russian center several times. in the world i was in chinese centers, so i mastered astronautics quite well, studied, studied rocketry, which we took off from, i was at baikanur, i saw not only buran, but also your launch pad , including where you launched from, i know this very well, and we are working very seriously on joint programs of belarus and russia, we are doing satellite programs together, we and these production factories have been preserved from soviet times.
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we are working on satellites together with the russians, now manned flights, i persuaded vladimir vladimirovich that we will continue to work together. and before the meeting , alexander lukashenko did not ignore journalists who decided to learn first-hand the details of the leaders’ one -on-one negotiations. let us remember that the day before the presidents talked for about 4 hours on a wide range of issues, in the spotlight. security, the situation in the region on the union border, and the economy of the union state.
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in the space program of this russian empire in space terms, we are very happy, satisfied that we will develop this high-tech sector of ours.
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his presidency ends in may, which could raise questions about the legitimacy of those or other potential agreements entered into previously. for other details of alexander lukashenko’s communication with the press
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, see the meeting in the kremlin in the panorama. the television news agency had exclusive footage at its disposal; this had never been shown anywhere before. the real life of the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya on the international space station. much has been done at the request of journalists who are currently working on the film “the hard road to space” about our marina. already in the evening broadcast we will show life on the iss. what were the conditions in belarus, how performed scientific experiments, as well as how she slept and ate, these unique shots will be complemented by an exclusive interview given by marina vasilevskaya the day before at the palace of independence. dear friends, greetings to everyone from the international space station, i am marina vasilevskaya, the first belarusian cosmonaut, and i will show you the station from my point of view, as i see it, it means that we are in the mlm module,
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my cabin is right there, now we will fly in the service module, there are our hearts of our station, our russian module, ah... and there we eat, take pictures, play sports, how the story of one girl in the photo became an achievement of an independent country, belarus in space. i love you all very much, and i won’t let you down, i will do everything possible and even impossible, we’ll show you the footage. ks exclusive for belarus 1. marina vasilevskaya with a tour of the space mission, i’ve adapted, i feel great, i’m in a wonderful mood, a first-person story, and earthly stories, for those who were worried, i’ll cry a little,
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a pillow at night, but i understood that it was very hard and i had no doubt, i say, it will be you, how do you know, grandfather, because... belarus, russia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, and armenia, in addition to summing up the results of cooperation over the past year, the heads of foreign affairs departments exchanged views on current issues on the international agenda. the minister of foreign affairs of our country emphasized: the cis consists of independent states. our organization consists of
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independent states, and this is unshakable and no one has ever questioned it. but at the same time, our organization is a community. and this is what allowed us to always find. compromises and build a common unifying agenda on a number of issues for the development of our community, for the benefit of our countries and peoples, a creative agenda, an agenda that... is related to economic development, to solving a number of social and humanitarian problems, and of course, the problem of security , which we also talked about in great detail today. the collective west is pushing us towards closer consolidation in the cis, stated secretary general of the organization following the meeting of the council of foreign ministers in minsk. sergei lebedev emphasized that life itself has dictated to us the need for close coordination. the centuries-old ties between our countries and peoples are still preserved and help us to implement.
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needs, the facts show that we have now intensified our interaction; in at least one example, trade turnover between the cis countries, over the years when we were subjected to this pressure, has grown by about 30-35%. the heads of the cis mid-country approved the establishment of a single anniversary medal for the 80th anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war of 1941-1945, and a joint statement of support was also adopted. safe conditions for the professional activities of journalists and prevention of infringement of their rights. the next
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meeting of the cis smith council will be held on october 7 in moscow. the new legislative season has begun. today the meeting of the first session of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation took place. several issues were put on the agenda. the most important thing is the election of the chairman of the upper house of parliament and deputy thus, natalya kachanova was re-elected to the post of chairman by secret ballot. 58 members of the council of the republic voted unanimously for her candidacy, and sergei khamenko, who previously served as minister of justice, was elected to the post of deputy. the speakers drew attention to the fact that in a senator’s work it is important to focus not on the number of bills adopted, but on the creation.
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honor and dignity, because the assessment given by the head of state, the president of our country, was highly appreciated by the parliamentarian seventh convocation, we must justify it fully . the voice of parliamentarians should be heard at all venues, our voice should be heard both in friendly states and in unfriendly ones, why?
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because our society is developing, we see what institutions of civil society we have, we are on the eve of the all-belarus people's assembly, and i want to say that now our public organizations are very active together with them, of course, as a member of the council of the republic, i will travel to the regions, there are five in the council of the republic permanent commissions, they include an average of 10 people, today their new composition has been formed and leaders for each have been selected. mikhail rusy has become the chairman of the commission on legislation and state building. vladislav
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totorovich will oversee the commission on economics, budget and finance. igor lutsky. education and social development. leonid zayets became chairman of the commission on regional policy and local self-government. sergey sevets for international affairs of national security. all senators will also represent the interests of compatriots at the all-belarus people's assembly. the first meeting of which will be held on 24-25. april. the united states continues to launch blatant provocation against tehran. two american officials told themselves that a major iranian attack is expected today. against israel, moreover, they suggested, suggested that more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets would allegedly take part in it. tehran does not comment on such stuff in any way. the iranian foreign ministry only noted that if the response signal to there will be a terrorist attack at the iranian consulate in damascus, then only of a limited nature. nobody
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needs escalation in the middle east region. the chancellor of mid-lithuania, inga chernyuk , called on her compatriots not to go on vacation to a country where you can meet many russians, the website of the lithuanian national radio television reports, justifying a possible conflict due to different assessments of events in ukraine. cherniuk asks lithuanians to choose european destinations for tourism, and to avoid countries that see values ​​differently. added to the list of unreliable states from the point of view of the lithuanian chancellor included egypt, turkey, thailand, moldova, armenia and georgia. china is refusing corn supplies from ukraine in favor of local farmers, writes bloomberg. importers have already canceled several shipments for april-june, and the trend will continue. according to the authorities, such measures should help avoid an excess of supply in the domestic market to support chinese agricultural producers before the sowing season. the polish side created a collapse
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of buses at the border, from the beginning of april before checkpoint terespol, adjacent to our side. no exception, the control services of poland deliberately ignore the permit norms ; they issue only 40% of buses from the daily norm, at the terespol grand crossing, the only one functioning at the entrance from poland to belarus for this type of transport. possible, despite the increased workload and many kilometers of queue, the polish side does not take action to resolve the situation. apparently, as the holiday season approaches, the situation with bus queues will worsen. in the state border committee is recommended to take this
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information into account when planning to cross the border with poland. you can track queues at the border on the website. department in the mobile application "border of belarus". wolves versus bisons, battle number two. the final series for the president's cup in hockey is heating up. metallurg, with the support of their native stands, will play against brest again. on tuesday, the reigning champion made it clear to the southerners that he intends to take the main trophy for the third time, but the guests are determined to... our team doesn’t work in the redneck film crew, kristina kamysh is in direct contact. kristina, good evening, what is happening at the ice palace now? good evening, yulia, we are working near the ice palace, as you can see, behind me, the fans are rushing to the stadium, there is less than an hour left before the starting throw-in, this means that
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the hockey players have already done a dry warm-up , they are now in the skates, and the cheerleaders. at this time, they can find entertainment at the stadium in the hall of the arena, according to tradition , the president's cup is on display and anyone can take a photo with the treasured trophy, also other activity zones have also been prepared, we are expecting the twenty-ninth sales in a row, by the way, a record has been broken for this indicator. last season there were full stands in the knockout round in 27 games, this year in 28 matches. let’s add that the ice palace in... this is a joke, of course, but the complex cannot accommodate everyone, so the metallurg club organized a mass viewing of the match in a local cinema, and the brest team did the same in the city above buham; in general, two points were prepared for hockey fans , also in cinema in a special fan zone, which is located on the most popular
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soviet pedestrian street, is joining us on air right now. what do you expect from this final series? it seems clear to you that it’s a cup, but what do you say? yes, of course, first of all we are waiting for the cup from our team, but also, first of all, we are also waiting for a great mood in the stands, great hockey, bright hockey, which should sum up, well, probably one of the most incredible seasons of the extra league, so we’re just counting on that all belarusian fans will rejoice, everyone is worried about their team. by the way, what are you more happy about? the fact that now you have the third final in a row, or the fact that the interest in belarusian hockey in the belarusian extra league has increased, spectators, of course, we are happy about the final, look how many people are here. but yes, it’s impossible not to say that in every city, as you say, there are sold-out houses, and well , spectator interest, not only in the playoffs, but throughout everything...


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