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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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we confidently step into a new day and do it to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us. she is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips. music inspires. makes us think and opens thousands of roads before us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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presidents of belarus and russia alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin on the evening of april 11. the communication between the leaders of the countries lasted about 4 hours. before the beginning meetings. the president of belarus spoke with journalists and answered a number of questions. in the kremlin, the leaders discussed issues of developing cooperation between the two countries in various fields. the focus was also on the regional and international situation, coordination of actions to respond to existing threat challenges. today, heads of state took part in events marking cosmonautics day. hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya was awarded the order of gagarin by decree of the russian president. the meeting of the first session was held today in minsk. council
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republic of the eighth convocation, it was opened by the chairman of the central election commission. after electronic registration of members and the necessary quorum , secret voting began. senators cast their votes for the future speaker. as a result , the current speaker natalya kachanova was unanimously elected chairman of the council of the republic. sergei khamenko became the deputy speaker. i assess the composition as very strong, i would say it is a strong composition, members of the council of the republic, which represents all regions in our country, and...
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the council of foreign ministers of the cis. on the agenda includes a wide range of topics with an emphasis on security cooperation. the meeting participants discussed issues related to ensuring safe conditions for the professional activities of journalists and preventing infringement of their rights, discussed the topic of the thirtieth anniversary of the cis being granted observer status at the un general assembly , a statement in connection with the terrorist attack committed on march 22 in crocus city hall. our organization consists of an independent state, and this is not.
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a new investment project is being launched in the workshops of the mogilev automobile plant named after kirov. now it is a branch of belaz. here they are developing their own electric material handling machine. the car uses a replaceable battery box as the power plant. without recharging , such a machine can work up to 4 hours. this development is unique not only for mogilev, but also for the entire country. now the main components of the complex are purchased in russia. therefore, the new project is a good prospect - to make the dump truck as much as possible. today, with the expansion of production in mines for the extraction of rock mass, there are problems with the ventilation of the mine data, because all the machines run on diesel current, that is, this is an alternative to diesel machines that will allow. belarus won the first medal
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of the fourth stage of the commonwealth cup, which started today in murmansk, anna solo won gold in the sprint race. she always shot at the first shooting range and made one mistake in standing shooting, the athlete managed to get ahead of all her rivals and even the winner of the overall sprint classification, russian irina kazakevich, who today became second. well actually it was it’s really not easy, well, anyway, i assess my condition much better than the middle of the season, because it was very difficult for me, i was very tired, now i feel fresher and i can endure and work there, in the last round i went with...
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the season of breathtaking entertainment starts in minsk on april 26. on this day , attractions will open in the capital. more than fifty winged swings in three parks in minsk. now specialists are adjusting the equipment after reactivation. in addition to technical aspects, focus on appearance. back to top there will also be new items this season. along with the start of the amusement season , fountains will begin operating in the capital; more than thirty artificial springs will be filled with water throughout the city. a facsimile edition of the 15th century zhukhovitsky gospel was presented in grodno. a copy of a unique monument of ancient belosian book writing consists of 740 pages and
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contains an image of four evangelists and a miniature. they, as well as the initials and headers on the pages of the copy, are made from the mercury mineral cinnabar. having a scarlet color, thanks to this the maximum reproduction of the colors of the original edition, the facsimile edition is only 99 copies, one of them was transferred to grodno. the song and radzima remain, perhaps everything will change, the forests are not falling, you won’t be able to see the smoke of spring, the forest will be clear, only this will be an hour, life will be eternal, as it is, bright
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folk words, a monthly cycle on the grass, and smell the life. don’t worry, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is a life, believe me, there are no universal methods of preventing terrorist attacks, anything is possible do, but it is impossible to completely insure yourself against terrorism 100%, there is no such country when a terrorist attack took place - remember, stole, i stood there, i was then the chief of police,
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there was a sector next to me who blew up the world, who invaded the middle east , according to hitler, don’t you think it’s strange, that is, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers didn’t strangle him? should always strive to be in parliament, this is absolutely normal, dividing parliament according to i am the leader of the party, also therefore the leader of the party , dividing belarus by parties, we will never, we have blocked the channels money flows into the country, the fifth column will die itself, nothing more needs to be done. because without money none of them will do anything, no money, no maidan, no money, no political struggle,
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hello, the program is on the air, say don’t be silent, victoria popova and tatyana are in the studio. and today our guest is oleg kaitukevich, deputy of the national assembly of the house of representatives. we are glad to see you in our studio once again. over the past years, our special services have prevented terrorist attacks, that is, if not
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for the work of the special services, if not for the strong the state, and this is not a one-day job, we have been developing the special services, the army for 30 years, we have been working for 30 years to protect public order, remember the situation in the mid- nineties, many terrorist attacks would have already happened and carried out, but why by the twenty-fifth year there will be more more attempts, but look, how else can you influence the situation? in our country, sanctions don’t work, you can never win by military means, they know this very well, otherwise they would have attacked a long time ago, it remains that terrorism, extremism, is the only method, that is, this is always a sign of weakness on the one hand, on the other hand, terror is the scourge of modern times, we cannot now help but name a single country in the world that is immune from terrorist attacks, there is no such country either in the west or in the east, neither in africa, nor in...
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blew up the whole world, where does terrorism come from, how does it arise on the basis of national issues, geopolitical issues, religious issues, who blew up the world, who invaded the middle east, so we celebrate this week this month, that means another sad one the anniversary of the bombing of yugoslavia, this is also after that, how many terrorist attacks were there in europe, as soon as the color revolution, you know there will be terrorist attacks in 10 years, as soon as the maidan, 20 years. terrorist attacks, as soon as foreign troops invaded a country, supposedly to bring democracy, there will be chaos, because
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millions of migrants, these millions of migrants will scatter around the world, they suffer, their psyche and life are crippled, they give birth to children, what kind of children will grow up , who finances them later, where they end up, this is hatred then, which lasts for centuries, decades, this means that this is terrorism, and terrorism is also an instrument of modern warfare, that is , any... this means that the intelligence service is western, it uses methods of terror, isn’t that right? remember, just recently they killed one of iran’s generals, what right did they have to kill him, isn’t this an act of terrorism? someone says that this is a legitimate military goal, but this is terror, you are a sovereign state, you are killing a general, and how many leaders of states have been killed over these 100 years as a result of terrorist attacks, each terrorist attack is worth money.
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but i personally knew those who solved this crime, simple officers, simple
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operatives of the organized crime committee, employees of the ministry of internal affairs who had been solving this crime for several months, when the terrorist attack took place, remember the stele, i stood there, i was then the chief of police , there was a sector next to me, i was 100 m from the epicenter of the explosion, i remember perfectly how it was, we all wanted to go home for... after the explosion , then the metro to solve this crime, and i remember how ordinary guys opera , which it was revealed, then i open this internet, these lying media, these mother’s experts, and they write, it’s all a farce, what kind of bastards you are, moreover, they even tried to blame the belarusian authorities, that the mouth itself is the same thing, look how it happens as soon as some kind of terrorist attack,
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someone immediately writes that the authorities did it, in russia we see this now, in belarus it was the same. this is again an element of a hybrid war, discrediting the authorities, the special services, i now see that the special services did not work properly, they prevented it, they did not prevent it terrorist attack, there is a mistake, there is a mistake, believe me, there are no universal methods for preventing terrorist attacks, you can do anything, but it is impossible to completely insure yourself against terrorism 100%, there is no such country, there is not and there never will be, that’s the problem, just like there is no country, where there are no drugs, you can chop off your head.
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not in ours calmly. the first reason: we did not allow a split on the most terrible issues, which plunged the country into chaos for decades and centuries. this is a national issue, belarusians are not divided, a religious issue, a linguistic issue. that is, as soon as the country they are trying to split terrorism over this issue for decades, but it didn’t work. secondly, we did not destroy the army and intelligence services in the nineties. that is, this is the second element, the third. we have a stable political situation, if political contradictions begin within the elites of the country, internal political struggle begins, some clans appear, something else, terrorism is always nearby, why? eliminate someone, kill someone, discredit someone, deliberately carry out a terrorist attack in order for the authorities to make things worse, that is, this is an element of struggle, this must be understood, therefore, we were lucky in this matter, but
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this is luck, painstaking work of both the president of the country, and our special services, in principle... all belarusians, we need to strengthen security measures there, as you think, of course, we need to go every time, here we need to look at it as a whole, the causes of terrorism, this is an unstable political situation, this is the geopolitical redivision of the world, this is what blew up the middle east, africa, europe, that is, millions of migrants - this is also a reason, but here is a very subtle point, here i look, that in russia there is even such a tendency, someone is trying to introduce it. national split because of religion, all the muslims there are bad, it’s terrible, someone says, that is, how many muslims condemn the terrorist attack in russia, or today the tajiks, of course it’s impossible, but why and that the tajiks are all bad, this is a fairy tale , that is, smart people don’t say that, smart politicians in russia will never say that, everyone understands perfectly well that russia and belarus have friends in the muslim world of the country,
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a huge number who are against it and specifically want to cause a quarrel, this is also one of element. we need to understand this, but we need to work with migration, that is, we don’t have uncontrolled migration in belarus, this is very good, we don’t have such a thing as in berlin, migrants in the city center set up tents, burned bonfires, committed crimes, this is worth a lot, we have to fight for it, europe has missed this moment, today the migration crisis in europe has reached such proportions that not a single politician who has come to power in a european country has a problem.
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a migrant will not receive any benefits, go work, if you don’t want to work, prison, or back, goodbye, that is, no one will just keep you here, no tents, no bonfires, public order, we want to walk on clean streets, we want it to always be good and safe, but this does not mean that we are bad we belong to those people who chose belarus as their homeland for some reason, how many ukrainians have we accepted, some feel the tension, and are eternally grateful, they know, yes, they are eternally grateful, but they know one more thing, the law is here , there is the ministry of internal affairs here, there is order here, and be kind comply with legislative acts, here i will give
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a simple example, after the terrorist attack in russia i was in the castle shopping center, on the fourth floor there is a cinema and an ice skating rink, which means the skating rink was closed, we also limited entertainment events, this is absolutely correct, i’m watching the group, which means too ... they behave noisily in some muslim country, that is, i see the security came up and talked, respectfully, well, that is, we control everything, they immediately calmed down, but they smile too, they feel good in belarus, we don’t have a mess , that is, we are monitoring public order, this is very good, people want it, but at the same time we treat people who come here with respect, but nevertheless you say that it is impossible to prevent this anywhere, completely not, that is, there are no such universal methods... so that there would be no terrorism at all, but you know, when you can do the maximum possible, so that there would be no wars, if the middle east had not been blown up, of course, there would have been much fewer
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terrorist attacks, imagine, 200 iraqis were killed after the invasion of iraq, how many killed people when they bombed yugoslavia, illegally, how many orphans were left, how many later went to some radical groups, where did isis come from, a simple example, the sunnis were overthrown from power in iraq with... it was used at the beginning against the ussr, it was a good friend of the usa, a fighter for democracy and freedom, it means that any terrorist always gets out of control, you will never fully control him, that’s what happens, that is, who sowed terror, that is, if. we want to reduce terrorism in the world as much as possible, there should be peace, that is, there should be no wars, there should be no revolutions of color, there should be no coups d'etat. i remember
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the president’s speech at the climate forum, he answered very clearly, by the way, to this question, while you are supplying missiles, starting wars, and then standing on the podium in beautiful ties and talking about the green agenda, you would be better off stopping wars and feeding children in africa.
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he recalled before his death, talked to him a lot, that when they were given the order to go back to minsk, they had not yet finished their work, and he understood this clearly
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i understood that they had not finished their work in the fight against bandera, that is , fascism was still unfinished, but how many of them took refuge in the west, and how many of them remained, and how many of their children and grandchildren are in power today, including... don’t you think it’s strange, and he’s not the only one there, not the only one, so the ss men walk along the latvian streets, march, celebrate, i have to
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say one more thing, here we are today. we are discussing the terrible tragedy that occurred in russia; in fact, all people should experience a normal world land, independence from views, the majority of people worry about religion there, in some baltic countries they forbade lighting candles at the embassy, ​​laying flowers in latvia was forbidden, this is not fascism, people go to mourn, but they are forbidden to do so, they are forbidden to celebrate may 9, they they are forbidden to sing songs, they are forbidden to wear medals that they... deserved by their grandfathers and great-grandfathers or they themselves at the fronts, liberating all of europe from fascism, they must kneel before us for the rest of their lives, 100 years, 200, and they this time they are demolishing our monuments, it’s scary, and this is democracy, when people are forbidden to simply have some kind of expression, forget this word democracy altogether, there is no democracy there and there never was and will not be in the coming years any democracy they have, they are not
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destroying it today .
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how many crimes, how many crippled destinies, hence the terror, maniacs, this is all for a long time, the same thing, of course, such terrorist attacks are scary, it all gives rise to enormous hatred, and the most important thing in this hatred is not to lose your humanity, not to lose him in order to remain human, and you know, i really like the always thoughtful answers of our president and the president of russia, to...
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respect precisely because of the past, that is, we have always acted like this, honestly, without deceiving, without interfering in internal affairs, without changing the history of countries, without destroying the country, this is exactly what happens, that is , there is great respect for us because of this, so this is not weakness, this is strength, this is our guarantee of victory on all fronts on all possible fields. well, we are very pleased
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that you share the same point of view, that you cannot respond to violence with violence, otherwise this flywheel will not stop, for example, pedophilia, which means that we have tightened the punishment for pedophilia, the old convocation from the seventh parliament, today having passed the election campaign, i want to say, that people want even greater tightening, but we will do this within the framework of the law, but we will be stricter, even to the point of physical castration, there will be no forgiveness for pedophiles. but within the framework of the law, that is, we still have to live according to the law, according to the law, we are not in the jungle, we they shouldn’t run around like in europe, that means they’re running around in performances, they’re bleeding, that means some animals, these naked ones, nail eggs to the pavement, do something else, and that’s called democracy, no, we have to live according to the law, we have to to live well, culturally, somehow respecting humanity, but there must be justice, there must
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be punishment for every crime. inevitability punishment look, maybe it will come to the conclusion that the moratorium inevitability of punishment, here is russia, the death penalty for me will not be abolished, so i am convinced that, taking into account the modern world... they didn’t understand, every pedophile understood, because this is called the highest measure of social justice, yes, this is justice, and people want justice, we live in a fair state, so for some crimes there should be a fair punishment, and we will take a break for a while, i remind you that we there is a telegram channel, tell me,
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don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is a member of the house of representatives, oleg gaidukevich. new convocation has already started work, it consists of 20 people from the previous convocation, that’s as many as 20 or as many as 20, or just 20, it doesn’t affect anything at all, that is, well, 20-20, which means there is continuity in any case, really a number deputies decided not to run.
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did not do this, the most important thing is that the eighth convocation has been formed, that these are professional people, that these are patriots, that this is a very strong composition of the parliament, and we have already begun to work actively, without swaying, without expecting something, enormous tasks already lie ahead, including the president set them, we need to have time to do everything, still, despite the fact that you don’t like numbers, i would still like to voice one more thing, that the youngest parliamentarian is 29 years old, and he is the only representative of youth in this parliament, it turns out. is our society not yet ready to trust young people to make some important decisions? no, listen, i think now there will be a lot of young people in the council of the republic and in the all-white assembly, i think that has absolutely nothing to do with this, in the seventh convocation there were representatives of youth, now
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one, then there were three, there is no trend here, our youth today actually have the opportunity to occupy many positions in different areas, in local councils, how many are there today? look at district councils, regional councils, city councils, that is, to evaluate the system of power, you cannot evaluate one parliament, you have to look at it as a whole, there are different young people, i judge by myself, i don’t like some abstract examples, i have become the most a young police chief in the history of the gludeysk executive committee at one time, that is, i headed the partisan police department, being a captain, i was 25 years old there, that is, and before that i was the chief... at 23, but listen, i was the best several times, and became the best in my profession a year after i came to the ministry of internal affairs, that is it is not necessary that if you are young, that you will not succeed in something, we must
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, on the contrary, let people develop, let people go forward, occupy some positions, do not be afraid that he will take a position young, we must judge by deeds, therefore when you ask me, here's one, last time there were three, so... what this time once again, the main thing is that they are all professionals, that is, there is no need to chase these numbers, i generally don’t like it when someone is chasing solely numbers in something, you need to look at quality, at quality and results, like your grandfather i said that i haven’t completed much in ukraine, so you are going to your second term, which means there are some things that you would like to continue in your deputy’s chair, what exactly, what are the main tasks you see, well, i am also the leader of the party. ..therefore the party leader should always strive to be in parliament, this is absolutely normal, because this is the place where you can maximally realize those political plans, those political tasks that stand before you, the structure that you head,
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running for the second time is harder than the first, because when you run for the first time, you you talk about your program, what you will do, when you go for the second time, people always ask what you did in the first 4 years, and you count down. first of all for this, they will no longer look at you as a young deputy of the future who is the first once in the hands of a lop who can only promise, no, they look at you already as a person, as...
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i collect them, for sure, this is a great pride for me, there are many of them, i don’t want to brag, they exist, i’m proud of them , every letter that people write is written from all over the country, and if i read there that thank you, thank you, such and such an issue has been resolved, such and such an issue has been resolved, of course, this is satisfaction, because it means you are in life did something, but there are also negative letters, i read them too, criticism, if...
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we are participating in the next club of editors, very
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many people then write letters to him and other members of the editors’ club to help, to solve some issue, this seems to me to be the fate of not only deputies, all public famous people and journalists, and tv presenters, and lyubylevich, but we often hear from our speakers, that i would like to see someone other than gaidukevich, why are these years going by, and bright leaders, this is an illusion, which means... there are not too many of them and there are not too few of them, we have a lot of wonderful ones, public people speakers in our was born in the country, especially after the twentieth year, we are talking about party leaders, about party leaders, take russia, look, a country that is larger than us , a multimillion-dollar country, there are many party leaders there, very recognizable, no, and there will not be many, so not it happens, and it never will , that is, we still watch solovyov, we watch other programs of russian... television, and we recognize and know these people, there is a certain
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number of them, too many, there will never be, but i would not say that we have few of them, including in the parliament of the eighth convocation, you look, very colorful people were elected, very interesting, military commissar, there is a very famous one, a blogger who knows how to speak as a patriot, borsukov, who went through a huge police school, there are people from the kgb, from the army .
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and no, take france, where there are no party lists and look how many deputies marie lupin has, who has a good rating as a politician, this is the first, second, if you take the results of all four parties, the first is that we all have excellent relationships with each other relations, belarus, a new party, but in approximately the same number they were like a public association in parliaments of all
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convocations, but they are great, that is , i say again, we will never criticize each other there, quarrel, this is foolishness. the communists, they have always been in parliament in all convocations, in approximately the same numbers, the rpts have always been in all convocations, in approximately the same numbers, plus or minus, ldp, in all convocations, or we were not there, or only the party leader, for the first time, i became a deputy in 1919, for the first time, we turned the corner this trend is radical, we had five local deputies, now this is happening. in parliament there has always been only the leader of the party, the party is the leader, and elections are not based on party lists, the leader will not drag the party into parliament, why am i saying that elections based on party lists are different, so this is a single-member circle, and we managed to interrupt this trend four times increase the number of deputies, and why do i
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say that this is only the initial stage of the development of political parties, because in the near future there will be a number of more normative documents on parties, only parties were re-registered. in my opinion, we passed the election exam, how we became parliamentary parties, all four parties are registered in the country, today they are parliamentary parties, then we need to prove ourselves, prove that the country needs us to work for these 5 years, in the thirtieth year then there will be a new stage and we let's see who has achieved what, who will show what, what would you like, would you like to further expand your powers or what? the party wants it to have more influence on something in the country, that is, you don’t need to listen, if a politician ever comes to you on the air and says: i don’t want anything, i don’t want there to be more deputies, i don’t want power, i don’t want influence, you’re a liar, you should be afraid of such people, i ’m always afraid , if i hire someone, he says, i don’t want anything, i don’t want a salary , i don’t want money, i don’t want an apartment, i don’t
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want anything, that is, either you are crazy, or you are lying, that is, any party strives to gain more influence and... in my opinion, today all four parties have this opportunity, why? because they are presented in parliament, in local councils, there is an opportunity to propose, influence bills, decision-making by the authorities, the executive branch, but there is another important point, so that we do not share, so at the beginning of the program we said how important it is to maintain unity, in including on political issues, god forbid the parties divide the country into some segments, this is a very important point. why did i emphasize that we are four parties, but we will still work in the same direction, having different views on some things, on unity countries, to divide the parliament into parties, to divide belarus into parties, we will never, we will not wait for party leaders to come out in parliament, throw mud at each other, that is,
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insult, get personal, instead of working for the good of the country, deputies the seventh convocation coped with the challenges and... 2020 and subsequent ones, but various elements tried to infiltrate that composition in 2019, some of them fled abroad after a failed rebellion there, some hid, well, some went to places not those as distant as, for example, polina sharenda panasyuk, they conditionally distributed leaflets that the next stage would also involve recruiting a team, recruiting people who would work for you, so that these people would also bring new people. also acts like network marketing, that is , you bring new members, you get the next, let’s say, tranche, you should go scatter leaflets in boxes, yes, stick them, put some stickers on them, 500 is already a higher level, that’s you you go as if you were a member of an initiative group or yourself you register as a candidate, so you can penetrate
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this system and destroy it from the inside, from the outside, but from the inside, well, naturally, they promised that in the event... that we blocked the channels for the flow of money into the country, the fifth column will die itself, nothing else needs to be done, because without money none of them will do anything, now they are sitting in poland and lithuania, tomorrow they won’t give... money, the next day everyone will go to the factory, in a taxi, wherever, the struggle will end the next day, when they stop giving money,
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that's the essence, no money, no maidan, no money, there is no political struggle, so we must never again in the country allow financing of any political activity, public activity abroad, because they finance abroad, work for abroad, that’s the whole secret, because look, how many times have we discussed this ? how to feed children, how to build a house, how to buy a car, but they all live, that is, they get money, that is, these are all grants, but this is work, this is not work, this is nonsense, work out, be a patriot for free, why no one wants one of them, no there will be money, there will be no revolution, but the money doesn’t run out, that... they continue to finance, that it’s hard for americans to print dollars, they will print, and there is one more thing that sometimes they ask me why
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they give money to people they know very well the europeans themselves, they will never win and will never come to power, because we understand perfectly well, no matter what happens, all this riffraff sitting there in poland and lithuania will never come to power, this is the process itself for getting money, just a process, that’s all on this earn money, the american fund allocated money, the european... official who received it, put 70% in his pocket, gave 30%, knowing that nothing will happen, please live there, imitate, engage, that is, this is a business, like in a war business, why are the rockets coming? not only because of geopolitics, not only because it is profitable for americans to blow up europe, the europeans themselves, the american fifth column makes money from this, officials, help came, they stole it, it came to kiev, they stole it in kiev, which means everyone is stealing , everything is added up.
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on the air again, say not to be silent in our studio
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, member of the national assembly of the house of representatives oleg gaidakevich. oleg sergeevich, let me clarify one point, you said that only now everything is beginning for our deputies, in particular for the parties, for the party movement, and you said that they finally listened to your opinion and how you take certain positions, and thanks to what, how do you analyze?
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i say, although i must pay tribute to the fact that my father feels time very clearly, but many methods of work, of course, imposed on him imprint, as on a person who was formed at a different time than me, that is, there are definitely certain differences in mentality in assessing certain things in decision making, they are, this is normal, it seems to me that this is true for all families, for all generations, your grandfather has his, your eldest daughter’s father has his. she has already turned 18, and it’s already her 20th anniversary, she voted in this year ’s elections, she consulted with you, well, of course she didn’t
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consult, because she voted liberally for the representative. because it's my father, that's normal, then there is nothing wrong with this, although i always told my father, the president is great at this, he’s great at this, look at how he is, look at your father, how he made the right decision, i always defended the president, my father also took it well, but i always voted for my father, what kind of son am i, i went against my father, i voted, but your presidential ambitions are still present, you are already any party, i
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will answer now, someone will think that maybe... i will answer vaguely, very clearly: the party is obliged to participate in the presidential elections, it is its not not a right, but a duty, otherwise, what kind of party is this, this is the form of participation, we won’t talk now, but i promise that the liberal democratic party of belarus will take the most active part in the presidential campaign, speaking about the presidential elections, i will say my opinion: i closely followed the elections in russia, in what way we should have elections, no fifth column, only systemic political forces. stop nominating all kinds of garbage for presidential elections, and then we register them, that is, homeless people, idiots, idiots, i woke up, i remember one of the applicants who was there, sitting in prison, drank vodka, went for a swim, banker, i decided to become president, what nonsense, the second one fried cutlets there, went, the third went with a video camera, the fourth was an official ,
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this chick was kicked out of office, i decided to become president, this shouldn’t happen. systemic political forces, like in russia, i liked it, hope was not registered perfectly, because before, let’s tell the truth, no hope would have collected any 100,000 signatures, with us, i’m a member of a family that participated in almost all, almost all, presidential campaigns, and i ’ll tell you that many of those who participated in the elections never
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collected 100,000 signatures, which means, especially in the tenth year, all this riffraff there 10 candidates, not a single one... gathered, except for the president, no one there even close, we registered them, and russia registered them, well, for democracy, let them be, that means, although none of them had the right become a presidential candidate, nor milinkevich has been there for six years, not in the twentieth year, no one has gathered there except the president, so shushera can no longer be allowed to participate in elections, systemic political forces must be allowed in, stop trying to please the west, we are no longer trying to do that, neither russia, nor belarus, we we do. elections for myself, but the result of the elections in 2025 is obvious to me, it will be the same as in the russian federation. we are, of course, very curious to see how your faith in yourself, in your party, in experience, in political system of belarus, is that well, you are changing, you are becoming more flexible, oleg sergeevich, i will not be mistaken if i say that
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your views are becoming more rigid over time, which means it’s just me today good mood, calm, spring, the sun is shining, of course, this tragedy, it really turns the mood, we will move away for a long time, worry, remember what happened in russia, but i haven’t changed, i’m still a tough person who will be tough defend national the interest of the country, that’s how i will be, believe me, you still have enough harsh statements from me.
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we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, oleg gaidukevich is speaking now. there are a lot of challenges ahead for our country, we see what is happening around us, but if we maintain this unity, if we do not
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allow the belarusians to be divided, if we remember that no one but us will make this country stronger, then we will prosper and to live in a world of harmony, and this is worth a lot. oleg sergeevich, both for the audience and for us, memory, your autograph wish, we always try to go higher, but not too high, because it falls painfully, always only forward, only forward, when back, only forward. and may your wonderful program prosper. thanks a lot.
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live panorama in elena sachova's studio. hello. withstand sanctions , develop the economy, and ensure security.


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