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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 9:45pm-11:11pm MSK

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and this is the information picture of space friday, april 12. our broadcast will continue with an exclusive interview with the first female cosmonaut of belarus, vasilevskaya, immediately after the editors' club. i’ll say goodbye with this, have a nice evening and have a nice weekend. happily. we watch the launch of a rocket with a piloted ship.
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there was an automatic launch exchange, lights out, on that day, march 21, 2024, at the baikanur cosmodrome in minsk, all over belarus they were breathing equally heavily, everyone understood that there was a fragile launch vehicle there at the very top a girl, a belarusian, who... by that time everyone was already calling our marina, of course the state was very excited, the start was canceled literally the last seconds before the engine started, very exciting - it’s even difficult to find words about this, i’m very worried, only marina vasilevskaya was so concentrated, so collected and prepared psychologically that at the moment of cancellation... roscosmos recorded
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her pulse was 66. this film is about how the story of one little girl in the photo became an achievement of an independent country.
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first, marina, i really want to congratulate you on this award, a high award, a well-deserved hero of belarus. we witnessed this event and cried with you, to be honest, these are your emotions, what were you thinking at that moment when the head of state was giving the awards? for me, this is truly a high honor, this is the most important award of the state, the hero of the republic of belarus, and i, of course, let all this through myself, through my soul. i’m pleased , and it makes me happy to understand that i can do something for my country, that’s why the tears flowed, because and of course i didn’t experience other moments like this, the launch
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and landing were perceived in their own way, of course, this is also an incredible feeling, and they cannot be expressed in words, but what happened today touched... me to the depths of my soul, and what did alexander grigorievich say to you at the moment of presentation? he said: “don’t cry, marina, everything is fine, a lot of work awaits us next and i understand this perfectly, i approach this issue with all responsibility.” with marina vasilevskaya, then still a possible participant in the space flight from belarus, the country met in december 2022. here she is, calmly going through the centrifuge, the president is watching. this is the most difficult test.
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or speak? no, no, i didn’t want to upset her, i’d cry a little, into my pillow at night, but i understood that it was very hard,
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studying for 8 hours, everything was new for her, of course, i understood that it was very difficult. and did not take the conversations about space seriously, they even thought about the worst, which so veiledly hides health problems. marina spent 2 weeks in hospital, all applicants were checked first in belarusian clinics, then in the star city of russia, absolutely great, my mother exhaled. the first time i saw her, i talked more specifically, it was november 2022, during an interview with the group...
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why this happened, where she got such confidence from, i can’t say now, but she was charged like this in the first meeting with us, charged, loaded, this is from an unpublished photo of examinations and acquaintance with the experiments that were to be carried out on the iss, without having scientific degree, to become the hands and eyes of belarusian scientists, not to let them down, very important experiments, for example on lactoferin. sibiotics, the goal of these works is to produce a product that will be useful in the space sphere for astronauts, with probiotics that will maintain the level of human microbiomes, yes, that is, of course, this is all science, we have seven targeted
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works, that’s three jointly russian-belarusian and belarusian work on our scientists, i will say this, they did everything according to our program, they did it well, there is the results of these studies, the bacteria for lactoferin arrived alive and even tried them, they are tasty. so i’m incredibly glad, it was also necessary to take photographs of the ground, this is how it happened, well, everyone is wondering whether they took special equipment with them on their mobile phone, or whether it is there, a lot of photo and video equipment is located at the station, numerous and varied, the radiogram says which device i should take or which camera, video camera, and certain settings, we were taught this, in for a certain time, for example, we fly over the republic of belarus at 13:20 and there are literally 1-2 minutes, which allows you to take a photo
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or video of the earth’s surface, of course this is incredibly interesting, but unfortunately now the weather is like this, especially spring-autumn, this is a big cloudiness, and no matter how hard i tried, no matter how much i didn’t want to, belovezhskaya pushcha, of course , i saw and photographed, i hope that more good pictures will come out, as if... experiments with a hurricane, this is using the vss and sova technique. in simple terms, what is this? is that? this is special equipment that works automatically, and you ask, for example, to take 20 pictures in this one minute, press a button, and the equipment automatically takes pictures. did you take your phone with you? no, you can’t take the phone, in principle there is no need for this, but there. you won’t be able to use it in terms of the internet, but you can take photos and videos with good, very
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high-quality equipment, pictures that we uploaded to our hard drive during our expedition to visit each experiment, each target job, so there is no need for a phone, we have a good relationship with marina, we supported each other, we support each other, marina is a very open, always smiling person, very strong, brave, purposeful, we have walked this path together, literally side by side, a lot of things were happening in the star city, first of all, we began to prepare on theoretical foundations in order to start, let’s say, everything from scratch, so that we could understand in general what the ship consists of, what systems are there, how it all works. and we started with theory, therefore, i had to readjust a little, remember physics, mathematics, then
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the training became more of a practical nature, we worked out various first regularly, and then various emergency situations during the flight, there was , of course, serious physical training, how to conduct radio communications, there was amateur radio communications, as well we had tests of various kinds, for example, weightlessness, il 76 mdk is a large laboratory. but let’s return to the selection for belarus, the first citizen with a space mission, national project. an interdepartmental group was created of the ministry of education, health, transport and communications, industry, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the state and military-industrial committee, in short, the whole, of course, the national academy of sciences. from the selection to the planting of the union, nan-belarus has done a colossal amount of work. this is the first cosmonaut, this is the face of belarus and preparation, and desire, and aspiration, and responsibility,
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well, everything in many respects, we have set a task, if you want to fly into space and if you want to be the face of belarus as cosmonauts, well , you understand what kind of authority, if you are already selected and you get into the cosmonaut squad, then you have to endure everything, and you can’t leave the race, you can’t leave the race. there are girls there, it is clear that in winter conditions there to build a fire, a hut, try
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to survive there for at least two days, when it is in the forest, well, probably not everyone, even a man, is capable of doing this, why come to us such, including such an appeal to us, because well, those people who have we are flown on airplanes, pilots, flight attendants, they already have a priori good health, of course, these are not the same requirements as for space flight, and subsequent selection showed this difference, but...
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they are close to marina, one of them is her friend victoria, also a flight attendant belavia, she was in the top six, there were two special chairs of this kind, called nkuok p-cook, that is, which stands for continuously or discontinuously, respectively, the cumulative effect of accelerating the kareolis, that is, these are aimed at determining vestibular capabilities
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person, the task was to hold out for 10 full minutes. all these rotations, well, here it depended on the individual characteristics of how and how long he could hold out, it was difficult, it was not an easy task, and the reaction was not the same as it might seem to many, that there is motion sickness or perhaps even some kind of... then nausea is present in dizziness, no, that is , i would literally say that this is precisely the irritation of every cell of the body. and in the end these are all rotations, i had the sensation that my hands were sharply, sharply, they were hot, then they were sharply, sharply cold, when this study was already over, my tongue went numb, this is all normal, there were also pressure chambers, when you felt like you were at an altitude of 5 or 10 thousand m, lack of oxygen, dizziness,
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and your head must remain cold, you must understand what is happening: while working around you, everyday things on the international space station in space, they are not as easy as on earth, it even seems for us the most basic things drink some water, wash your hair, use it there, that is, we cannot take a shower, but at the station, we can only use a special wet towel, that is, it takes much more time, even in the first days, i could force myself that it was possible to let go of something , that is, i tried to pass hands to hands, but to hands immediately, but you can let go and it will fly to the person as if calmly, the only thing was that you had to control yourself when you move through the modules, but because i got beaten great, it’s very easy to fly,
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of course, today is the third day of my stay at the station and i feel great. coordination suffers a little, but i go through the powder and hold on, i need a certain speed, don’t move quickly through the modules, because if you accelerate too much, you can fly somewhere very quickly, yes, thank you very much, but i need to take off the microphone, and i now i’ll take a picture, okay, like on the iss in terms of temperature, but you know, it’s different. it was different in each module, somewhere warm, somewhere cold, but many thanks to alexander grebenkin, he freed up his cabin for me, let’s go, i’ll show you, it’s on the ceiling, but if you turn over, then it’s below, such a door, we fly in, wow, i really like it here, it’s very
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comfortable, here’s my sleeping bag, in which i... i’m melting, i fix myself, zip up and sleep. also here is my closet, this is my flight suit. of course, it was very pleasant, he himself rested first in one module, then in the second, because the ships changed, and the location of both the commander and the flight engineer changed, and i am very grateful to them, of course i soldered them off later tea because they were very cold. it was very cold in the module, well, when there were six of them in moscow, she told me: grandfather, i...
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marina’s courage comes from him, in general in the world women among cosmonauts are rather rare. only 10% of all conquerors are a wonderful part of humanity, yes, there is no division by gender, precisely because of this, it is more difficult for ladies in preparation, the first from belarus, 76 in the world, this is prestigious, this is vladimir vladimirovich, alexander grigorievich, they agreed to belarusian woman flew, it’s very pleasant, and i ’m pleased for the women of belarus, they... are all beautiful, smart, talented, purposeful, businesslike, she’s one of those businesslike ones, yes, and
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i talked with them here, we even had lunch for hours - two, because they are always under tension, but this task is quite difficult for her, because for a short period of time, essentially six months of training, in six months to learn what is needed... well, for an astronaut this is a lot of learning, a lot to learn, it means you have a good memory, it means you have a sense of purpose, and then there’s oleg - navetsky, this is not his first flight, and he constantly communicates with him, he is a business man, i think he will always get out of a difficult situation, behind oleg novidsky, four space flights, three spacewalks, he even starred in ... in the film, but most importantly, the commander of the crew with maria vasilevskaya, he is our belarusian, he always emphasizes this, always with a flag and with love, he comes from cherven, well, who, if not
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him, and in general belarus in manned cosmonautics, is alek navitsky, this is pyotr klemuk, this is vladimir kovalyonok, they all we were waiting, well, when already, well, when the belarusian passport is sent, 1 kg of personal belongings, we already know that there was a flag, in my opinion, not even just one flag, your de ... photograph, that’s what there is 1 kg, belarusian first belarusian cosmonaut? of course, i took photographs of my relatives, and took some of my notes from the gospel, because of course, i am a believer and i know that with god’s help everything will be fine, and especially since we are there, as the president said, a little closer were to god, took it. our stork in national clothes, this is a girl, i took a lot of videos and photos with this stork, as the personification of friendship, love, joy, of course, this stork
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constantly flew away from my cabin and we caught it, but it was fun, of course, it was a passport to watch, i took a copy of the passport , which i also photographed against the background of the earth, as i promised, i placed it. she was named a participant in the space flight, but based on the results of the exams, they reported that she wants to know more, she is teachable, she helps, she, i’ll tell you a secret, even notices, for example, what... these are deviations in in work it’s small, but it’s reminiscent of the crew, that is, in principle, well, in my
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opinion, she could be launched into flight as an on-board engineer, but we had no doubts, and yes, if they continue, who knows, maybe it’s not a coincidence that this it was, hello, hello, we were ready to ride camels by car, well, at least somehow get there, that’s what to support, of course, this is excitement and anxiety, it was decided to go, let’s go, then the state also provided an opportunity for the plane to fly. a belarusian citizen on the russian segment of the iss is agreement between presidents alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin on april 12 , cosmonautics day, at the vostochny cosmodrome...
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initially, it was determined that the flight would last up to 12 days. marina needed support on the spot. our marina is the best, our marina will be successful. when i climbed elbrus, i raised the flag of the national olympic committee of the republic of belarus, and i handed this flag to the feet of the national olympic committee and handed it to marina. i'm sure she knows that we are here today, that we have arrived, that. such a rather impressive delegation i came to support her, but the most important thing is that a huge number of people, the whole country, support her at home, i love you all very much and will not let you down, i will do everything possible and even impossible, and the president is with you in spirit, you know, we talk a lot in the morning, during the day, in the evening, he is only interested in this project now, it is very important for him personally on a national scale, march, that day in
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the baikanur steppe, her loved ones, family, friends, at a distance of 3 km, these are the security measures here there are a lot of tourists, people for the lands that love space, she must feel that we are here, her family, who worry about her, and i always say, marina, imagine what you are worth and how much... a circle of support holds you by the shoulder, keeping you in the mood good, excellent, calm, in fact, as it should be. before marina vasilevskaya, crew commander, oleg novitsky, nasa astronaut tracy dyson, will give a long interview. everyone is in excellent spirits; hardly anyone could have imagined how difficult this key stage of their journey into space would be.
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attention, the launch was automatically cancelled, something is wrong, something is wrong, an extra second has already passed there, and what was he saying, he was saying through the megaphone, you can’t hear anything, well, somehow this is how it is, you’re standing there, worried , look. there you don’t hear anything, just some kind of sawdust, i couldn’t sleep the whole night until the morning, because i was worried, i think, how does she think, it would be good for us to listen here, but what should she do, the reasons for the drop in chemical voltage current source, the main thing is that the automatic systems that control the start worked clearly. how did you find it? in general, the strength to pull yourself together, because it’s clear that you need to do it and not
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give up, and we went through everything. and this could be corrected, but i was more worried about my family, loved ones, about you, about the belarusians who came to support us from such a distance, and stood and waited for the rocket to launch, but the rocket did not launch, that is, we were more worried about our relatives , calmly accepted this information that yes, there would be no launch, the launch was postponed, we were expecting evacuation,
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this happened for the first time. and the crew had never been evacuated before, just from a rocket, sas was cocked, we were waiting for the operation to complete the construction of the sas to take place, so we waited, calmly, sat, waited, then i realized that everything that was not being done was for the better, since my flight extended for another two days, then it would become it is known that this was a transfer to a reserve day, march 3, according to the protocol, and if initially they were supposed to fly on a short route and be on the iss after 3.5 hours, the reserve was extended, it is unlikely that everyone understood the pleasure for two days, regarding space traditions, because many attributed it to our contact with you communication, when you were leaving the hotel, when i asked a question, and you so involuntarily reached out, oleg novitsky even pulled back at you, they say that they did not follow traditions, no,
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this is not a tradition, this is the safety of astronauts, in order to isolate us from communication, because all this is really very important, we are flying to the space station, into space, where each... it was very symbolic and for me, too, it was a great honor to plant a tree on the cosmonaut alley, we also watched the film white sun of the desert, the whole crew , of course it was unforgettable, well , of course, we followed all the other traditions, we did everything as it should,
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and twice, twice, and on the night of march 23 , marina vasilevskaya slept well, the day before, without allowing herself to be unglued by the crew, they continued to train. everything has been fixed - the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, will assure the belarusian president. hearing this was important for all belarusians. in the morning , the astronaut will leave the hotel, sing the grass near the house, no longer touching with journalists, but in exactly the same positive mood as always. and most importantly, for the belarusian it was for her loved ones to remain close, the belavia board , stylized, cosmically, waited, with bated breath, frozen in belarus. what are your feelings? i
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think you can see everything on my face, words, because there are no more, just none, everyone’s hands are shaking, there are a lot of emotions, we just went down in history, and we saw it all. fantastic, just a fantastic spectacle, our marina, she really is already a star for us, now she’s there historically on a national scale, in our history, this is the most important moment, but what regarding these two days, people who are not close to us, who are not familiar with space, belarusians are just beginning this journey. tell us, these two days, what did you do, how did they pass, what conversations did you have, was it possible to stretch your legs, arms, that’s how it was, what were they like? it was an unforgettable two days, because this is also very difficult
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to achieve in terms of the fact that technology has now advanced so far, here is ballistic calculation, and that cosmonauts fly into space in 3-4 hours. but we did it for two days, even almost 3 days, we only docked in the evening, but it was incredible, because the ship is in a spin, and it’s like a bullet effect, when we have to be in a certain orbit and were constantly in rotation, that is, we have the earth either above or below, this is sunset, then dawn, then entering the shadows, then light, that is , it was so beautiful, it was just necessary... to see, i just admired our planet, this power, strength, this ease, uh, i don’t know why does someone say that our land is very small and fragile, but for me, on the contrary, it seemed
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very powerful, strong, of course, i liked the fact that we used everything - the controls, so to speak, in terms of the household compartment, and we slept, and we ate, tell us how it was, so roughly, several hours have passed, we reported, everything is fine, what next, next, when we were allowed to go out into the living compartment, and we unfastened it was very pleasant to feel this weightlessness, when you just take off and fly upward, the living compartment, and we took off spacesuits, they had to be placed on drying, we did this job, then we re-opened the asu, this is also a toilet. they used it, drank some water, they also had to drain a certain amount of water there, that is, also certain operations, they ate, that is, for me this was all the first time, this is the state when the union is like a bullet - i slept, how wonderful i slept,
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very i sleep well in space, you fall asleep immediately, wake up, get 100% sleep, i slept in space for 5-6 hours, i felt great. realizing that everything worked out remained completely having slept a little as well as possible, with a smile in very beautiful suits, marina vasilevskaya and oleg navitsky flew into the iss after docking. i was already asleep, there was a phone call, there was a number there plus one went there, i thought it was a scammer, but then i finally realized that it was marina. schoolchildren
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of belarus and russia, hi, hi, i’m hi, everything is great, well, you’re cool, you lit up there, let’s say, you were the first to enter and kind of cover the camera, it was like that, yes it was, she, she’s beautiful, graceful beautiful, danced, well in childhood she... found her passion and started dancing, as i remember now the cha-cha-cha song, this one, she even comes into the room and rehearses, well, she traveled to many cities, well, she liked it, today we danced for you, couple number 13, ermalite igor vasilevskaya marina. 4
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years younger i get, how active she is, how cunning, like a fox, because the same ones there, let’s say, from the mother of the belt, she’ll probably do something, get it, because i’m an older brother, here’s an essay wrote off mine, yes, an ordinary girl from a simple family who believed in herself... they believed in her, she promised not to let her down, and this is a presidential watch, a gift from the president when we came to the reception, for the new year, when we visited minsk, and of course, very symbolic i had to take them with me into space, and i changed the time to -3 hours, because in order to navigate, not to confuse the time, to get up on time to do some work, of course, i had to bring them. well, then at the landing we of course changed it
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to our time, literally like a 2-3 day flight it’s passed, i’m doing my work, i’m looking at the sky, and people are walking, what did i see there, i’m so silent, they ’re looking, and i’m looking at the sky is clear, the main thing was, the weather was sunny, it was already 9 o’clock, well, it was such a morning time, i i looked, and three people stood there, looking, then more people gathered, and more were looking. then i say, well, i say, the first cosmonaut, and the residents there already recognize them on tv anyway, i say, my daughter is there, marina vasilevskaya spent 12 days on the iss, add the road, it turns out 14, getting up at 6 am, the end working day, after 21, the flight of the first belarusian female cosmonaut added to all of us the desire to look at the sky more often, there is an exhibition here where space food is presented, but at least. that’s all
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, i also have such a photo now, yes with a flag, space food is here, it ’s interesting what you ate there after all, you told me that you really liked a certain cottage cheese there, that’s what besides, and you know that all the food is very tasty, very varied , a sixteen-day diet, but so like us... or 12 days of the station itself, of course, we left the rest of the ration to the members of the russian crew, because every gram has a very high value, when it flies to the station, everything is very expensive, those same tubes, they are not the same anymore, but there are no tubes anymore, the tubes only contain honey, mustard, literally some kind of sauce, all other food is canned food, cans, large, small and freeze-dried food.
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if only she had a daughter, if she were like marina, i would be glad, as far as the attitude to the matter is concerned, and just show the direction, she will do everything, but also... and she has another one marina has a good trait, she is always ready to accept good advice, and more than once, and she turned to me with advice, when you give advice in such, in such a project, you yourself are afraid not to harm, that is, we were brought up together with her, the mission is completed, that’s it staffed,
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the results of scientific work in the alliance for... the docking of the iss and the spacecraft was deep at night and even in the morning, so many people were watching, the belarusians did not sleep, the excitement was added, the meteorological situation in kazakhstan there were heavy rains, there were floods, some regions were flooded, on the eve of the descent, roscosmos specialists once again worked out the evacuation algorithm in case of emergency situations and were ready for a ballistic descent.
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then of course she shared her makeup bag, in any case, i understood that i would be very tired and of course i, as a girl, wanted to look good, and of course with soot on my face, but this is also wonderful, this is such a cosmic tradition, they even say you are ours heroine for everyone absolutely 12 days, we could not come to you empty-handed and to women, to beautiful belarusian women only with flowers, so we come to you with daisies. they were transported almost 24 hours across the steppe, you got there much faster today, these are for you, the first flowers of our beautiful, how are you feeling, thank you, everything is fine, everything is fine, flowers, matryoshka doll with a photo of marina, apple juice, i ordered it while still on the iss , and lyagunovsky had birch, there was also lard
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cucumbers, this is how the crew was greeted upon returning to the ground, they helped, as promised, everything was clear, everything was smooth, of course, i felt joy, emotions, pride, happiness when we arrived at the minsk national airport, we we saw a lot of people who were happy, waited for me, uh, supported me and i was delighted when we came out, of course,
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we were greeted with flowers, smiles and applause, and our belarusian flags, it was very pleasant to beat our native belarusian the earth, well , then for sure, if you paid attention, maybe already from the car, because the beautiful banners with your photographs, space is ours? yes, this is of course incredible, space is truly ours, and we are such a belarusian space power, i would say so, we will strive to conquer space even further, because that it is immense, it is incredible, it is very beautiful, powerful and of course unknown, so i will be... very glad if belarus continues to engage further in this area, and i will, if there is such an opportunity, be very happy to continue, that is, ready to take off into space again, about the flight, of course, i can’t answer now, i don’t want to give such big promises or hopes, but i have already
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done what was required of me, my path, it seems to me that i have gone through the thorns to the stars, as i already said today, we will work on the ground in this area. first, a high award from the hands of the head of the belarusian state, marina vasilevskaya , a hero of belarus, then from the hands of the russian president, the order of gagarin, she is a staunch fighter, a fragile soldier, who, few people can imagine, and at all these moments on earth, was in special ammunition, which it’s called a centaur, and on my lower part of the body, so that... the blood does not descend very quickly into the lower part of the body, since in space, of course, everything rises up. rehabilitation of an astronaut is a very important point, the body is weakened, marina vasilna. i accepted the congratulations under the supervision of a doctor, which was furtively reported to the press, but we were unstoppable. marina vasilevskaya,
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the first cosmonaut of the republic of belarus, the hero of belarus, our marina, a girl, an example, they say, there is already a queue of people who want to repeat it, this is also her merit, and this is just the beginning of a continuation, to be sure. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth in a row of the season-ending stage of the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty the game is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the world cup in rhythmic gymnastics. in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, i worked towards this, it is my dream to play here for dynamo minsk. it so happened
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that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work. i think the game wasn't bad, it just lacked completion. you also need to take into account that the transition of the field, the coverage is different. bright moments, real emotions. it's the playoffs, everyone is fighting. it doesn't matter what the score is. that's why how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0. we are with you in the ruzhany brest region, at one of the largest palace complexes of 16-18 centuries, residents
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of the magnate sapega family. the tsarva of st. paraskeva pyatnitsa hung around here. a reminder of the architecture of poznyag baroka. from karagod to vayavod. karago, karago, all the spectators are in full view, in front.
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hello on tv channels belarus 1, belarus 24 and weekly analyst.
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editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today, member of the parliament of the council of the republic olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of mtrk world of belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union vadim borovik, political scientist and deputy of the minsk city council of deputies. i became a bit of a deputy of the minsk city council, yes, a deputy, but yes, and, uh, vladimir borisovich met with
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the head of state this week. that against our country, no matter how much we would like to and no matter how much we think that there will be some reasonable people on the other side of the barricades, and that even for reasons of saving money and the pointlessness of these investments, they will somehow calm down, but no, with us there is a responsible political campaign ahead, presidential elections, our fugitives are again asking for money from the media, the media and a lot of money,
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the effectiveness of their use, of course, raises big questions. but no one will be left behind us, in this regard, the president, of course, focused attention on the work of the media, of course, there are other approaches to conveying information to the population, this is tsypso, which is well known to all of us, and other methods of manipulating public opinion , but the president emphasized the truth, what we get our state, national media, to do well, and what is ultimately more effective than...
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winning hearts, they remain the same, we don’t always succeed in this either, we sometimes follow some simple template, either we read it out, or from the tv screen or from the pages of newspapers we simply narrate, but here we need to talk more vividly, more emotionally about our achievements, we have a lot of them, we have something to be proud of and we need to learn from our opponents, how they kopecks make a ruble in their
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media, with the help of the media, pr people, and propagandists. further , counter-propaganda needs to resist these challenges, which are senseless, groundless or based on petty topics, when communal everyday issues, in fact, which exist in any country, in our country they are solved by local authorities, and the president sets such tasks, everything is done, means are allocated, and roads are being repaired, and housing and communal services, and the social sphere, and healthcare, how much has been done, but because of some petty stuffing the impression is created and treated by our enemies as if the government is right there, resting on its laurels, but in their parallel reality no one ever did anything, it was done by itself, we, of course, have done a lot so that people do not have such a feeling, where we are not working on things, people, unfortunately, sit on these alternative communication channels and where there is no communication channel with the local authorities,
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they write in these chats, they write in these... the head of the region, saying that someone nothing is wrong, even in queues at the hospital, this simply creates an information bubble, everything is surrounded by corresponding meanings and focuses on the head of state there or what he does, although again i can say that it was not someone who helped them, this will never happen, for which more than a year has been in european channels in order to so that there, as if states are now talking about benefits about the decline of the population into poverty, we can also tell a lot about what is happening there, thank god.
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for people, including those i periodically met, for example, in a medical an institution that treated them free of charge at a high, high level. treated well, kolgi, by the way, we should pay attention to the fact that we are demonstrating some successes, so we even discussed before the broadcast, so vladimir borisovich noticed that the pool of the first one exceeded 2000, and you will remember that we have a well-known extremist the resource was also approximately in these numbers, but today they have dropped to 100 and the audience will be smaller, why not them now, excuse me, they will now say we once had 2400 there, but protosevich said that in fact there was nothing there, that in fact there were real 5,000 people and a minority of them were belarusians. yes, but one moment, the most important point, you understand what the essence of the issue is, if on the bullet we constantly see a positive agenda, we will build, we will do, we will not allow war, we will develop industry, education,
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healthcare, the social sphere, that is, a positive agenda , the problem is not only indicated, problems are not hidden there, because the president often conducts a dialogue with the vertical very harshly, sharply, if there is a problem, each meeting begins practically, each one because the sources of information are very different. he receives an objective picture from various sources and he resolves the issue, that is, not just criticism, but a solution to specific issues, in the same place, you know, yaroslavny’s crying, what is the goal, to cry and the goal is to shake things up emotionally, so that there is no thing that shakes you emotionally, there are technologies, they need to be mastered, no one questions this, but when vladimir borisovan was appointed to the position, the president emphasized the fundamental rule that at the core of everything should lie true.
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from time to time appear in such programs, firstly, to be honest, let, well, the country should know, the person who is responsible for deology, including, yes, sports, in my opinion, yes, there is somewhere with you, social sphere, the media, secondly, people who are doing the same thing all over the country only on a different level, that you should hear some messages, yes, we are all interested, this is very important, i hope that from time to time time, well, i invite you every week, but i think that from time to time you you will appear,
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you watched in the evening news broadcasts, in general i want to say, returning to the information war, that all these weeks, of course, with great pleasure, i watched two things, firstly, the preparation, the take-off into orbit , behind
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being in space and returning, this is the first story, the second story behind the wild hysteria, suicidal, nasty, petty, uh, what to call them, what are they like anyway?
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completely different social circles, they all support us women, they say that it’s really a pride for belarus when belarus is such a charming belarusian in space just because it’s beautiful, it’s useful for the country of course, but it’s also very beautiful, these are the emotions, the real emotions that we see, yes, which are simply impossible to watch so, they are very expensive, and i want to appeal to our young people, especially belarusians, because we already know how to value many things, older women, for our youth, for our young... girls, i want to draw attention, in no country of the world so much attention is not paid to a woman as a woman, not as a person who is trying to get on the same career ladder or some other career next to a man, or god forbid, change gender, just as a woman. i am now speaking in the literal sense of the word, taking into account our main task, yes, this is motherhood, the birth of children, the country is doing everything possible to ensure that everyone here, and it seems to me, is already tired.
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so, well, women of the world, envy us, we really are, look, olga alexandrovna, there’s something else that’s important, we’ve been awarded, so we see awardees, i think the audience also sees these shots, the head of the academy of sciences and belabia are there, but most importantly, they expressed gratitude to the parents who, yes, who raised such daughters, this is fundamentally important, in fact, this is such a key factor, we have a hero, a hero to follow, i already gave examples, just when marina landed. on a belavia plane to moscow, and
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the flight attendant announced that ours had landed to work, so i just gave one example of how the plane burst out with delight, but no one there specifically i picked it up, there were russians there, by the way, there were people with ukrainian passports, it was real delight, but i had tears in my eyes, not only on the plane, everywhere we go, we see this kind of attitude, i would like , i’ll finish, can i talk about the attitude towards women, excuse me, so speaking about this attitude.
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but most importantly, we were proud, we were proud that we have this girl, there is a state that supported, there is a president, of course, thanks to the russians, and thanks again that this flight took place, but without agreement between our president and
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the president of russia, he wouldn’t have existed, this also needs to be understood, you know, i had a feeling that i once had in childhood, when there was still time in the program... yes, it’s great that we don’t forget , and we bring many of them back to life. but you know, another emotion that i caught myself with when i was watching the live broadcast, when we met marina at the airport in minsk, a girl, flowers, youth, flags,
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some kind of joy, laughter, respect, here i feel for some reason - then the images that i i recently saw on the internet when...
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exposing your body to serious stress, to become a hero of belarus, to fly into space, it was necessary to carry out work, including in preschools, in school institutions, that is, this is systematic work so that we can today nation to speak out, and today it is really wrong to classify us as not being part of europe, it is we who are in europe, it is we who are in the center of europe, and we demonstrate, firstly, a civilized european attitude towards our neighbors, we have towards our neighbors, we always have a peaceful agenda, you always. that's who we are today
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we are an example of how you can develop not from the point of view of attack and such a mentoring tone, but you can demonstrate a positive agenda and develop without interfering in other people’s affairs. unfortunately, our partners today are interfering in our affairs and trying to get us, creating problems for themselves, therefore dmitry aleksandrovich then says the results, the farmers are forced - of their country, and the fact that they are now exuding this bile there, i don’t want
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to use terminology, of course, but you understand what words can be chosen, but this is their first of all, it discredits in its own eyes, lowers it in the eyes of that reasonable , intelligent audience that they had 3-4 years ago, and which they, in many ways, with their techniques, their bile, their chicks, warmed up and led to protest actions. which were unjustified and unreasonable, a clear indication of this is their real coverage on social networks and instant messengers that we are now seeing, their correspondence and moaning on social networks with each other about how they went to their sponsors, and how they gave them fantastic unrealistic goals to catch up with your reach to 1 million regular subscribers, but this is impossible, as they write, and the truth conveyed by our state media is doing this quite realistically progressively, many of our media outlets have already
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crossed the million mark on youtube the million mark, this is the bel tv and radio company, and zao the second national television channel ont, and belta, which has more than one and a half million subscribers, and stv, and sb are approaching the million mark, and this despite the fact that our media information is pessimized, marked in... this means that people are tired of that lie and that bile, that everything is bad for them, otherwise they, of course, as i have said many times, take their visual negative examples of the countries where they live, they rewrite the name of our country, they try to stick it on us, the fact that we have such an achievement, the fact that our girl flew into space, arrived, became a hero, this is truly national. mobilizing the entire country, an achievement that so many people rallied around her, her flight
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so many people, iminsk residents, and residents of ordinary cities, and those belarusians who live all over the world were happy, everyone watched, everyone watched, everyone met her with tears in their eyes when they showed footage of the meeting at the airport, well, probably let them explode here from your bile, but nothing can be done, despite the fact that there were scientific experiments that were performed on this flight.
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they say, heritage, they themselves often escaped, business is catching up, this is our historical that it is they who are the custodians, the very in fact, yes, look, they spit on you.
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you are already branded, stamped, we are not waiting for you back, that’s it, society has rejected you, to us that you will shout that some outcasts somewhere in america, the ocean, australia or somewhere else, you are not a part of our society, you are not part of our nation, by the way, we are not waiting for anything, i also keep looking at these passport documents that they are going to make, i keep thinking, what, why is anyone worried, let them make these passports and live there and travel using these passports.
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the french would gather their hands about love, regarding the love of europeans, yesterday i met with one of the staff, i said: they love the republic of belarus so much, they came here to recruit us, asked to ban the russian language, this is already in your interests, as it turned out, they have 300 billion dollars of free money, well they gave this money to ukraine for weapons, although in fact they gave it to themselves, we read it, now vadim frantsevich
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simply said that a whole plan for the reconstruction of castles of some historical sites... was made accessible or some other benefits there would be no need for the healthcare of americans in europe, they don’t need anything, they need to seize territories, they need to seize resources,
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they have geopolitical strategic plans that they carry out, nothing more. i’m writing to the editors now, i’m just talking about what they need, well, i won’t hide it from the audience, i saw a very wonderful video from ukraine this week, i’ve now uploaded it, you’ll see it on the screen later, when it’s ready, let me know. from an interview of a ukrainian woman with a representative of the west about ukraine, a very revealing video, and we’ll definitely watch it, well, i’ve been thinking for a long time about whether to show it or not, but not everyone watches there, to be honest, and i don’t poke around in these garbage dumps of the information services of the state department in warsaw and vilnius, but sometimes it takes out all our banter there, i like grigory, so he calls things in their own languages, unfortunately we can’t do that yet, well, consider what he is expressing about you -
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the first belarusian kasmanautka maryna vasileevskaya’s expression is almost as simple as that of the matserai chynounitsa from the council of the republic. supadzenne geta tsi ne, ale hello geta na mizhnarodnaya kasmanaya station, roinenka in that moment when the kasmanautka confessed her love.


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