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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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people who are interested in sports both in belarus and outside our country, so we expect even more people to join our community, and we will grow and offer more and more new products, we sincerely congratulate our colleagues on their first birthday, we wish you only good sports news, that’s all for today, my name is stanislavsky, you love sports. defeat you, bye, good night, thanks to government support , several government programs in the field of oncology for rearmament have been carried out our... system, well, we received the most
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cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions, everything that one could wish for, the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defense of the homeland? over 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. why the cia and mi-6, which finance? they arm, lead the terrorist regime in kiev, do not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, this is lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved the state, which means it saved a million.
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yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands, at the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, the soulful thoughts are opening before us thousands of gifts. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music.
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the insides of the skin are with us. and gaspodz said: “it’s a waste of time and not a feather for them and me, for such is the kingdom of heaven.” the history of christianity has saints that the undiscovered man could try, and what are they? subdivination, they are not the elders and not the monks, not
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the sacred ones serving the purpose, which all their life carried with them the holy and sacred force of faith, trained and trained for the prosperity of the kingdom. havorka іdze і pra holy ўtzyatsy, pra nemaulyat, padletkaў, ўіўў to the power of your growth, would have been given, without any reason asable work of the clergy, they were simple hryshchany, and even this date did not pass today, even the saints and the cananized, such names are in our minds and right for you. christian women, who have been trying to fight the hell of faith. agnes of rymskaya and ulyana alshanskaya, saints. there are hundreds of thousands of names in the history of christianity, including ours, belarusians. small, pakutnik and holy
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gauryl belastotsky. shastsigad's cottons would have been rolled up. my story on this sunny day is a riddle and a report that does not point to evil. ale ўўўўўўўўўѕ a shame, yakladny y interview with the real purpose of the temple, the name of the holy packer gavriil belaastotsk in minsk and the priest georgy lapukhov. hello, dear georgy. hello. father george, your temple, which you lead, if we speak in such secular language, is called, first of all , the introduction of the most holy theotokos into the temple, but there is also a second, probably more well-known, name, the temple of the saint.
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it didn’t just, let’s say, come about according to some plan, its construction began, this is precisely god’s conduct, the most present, because for quite a long time i was engaged in teaching activities before taking holy orders, well, accordingly, i often took orphans on vacation abroad, it was both poland and sweden, but we always...
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and the supol lavra. i asked, of course, first of all, to really take the children to these shrines. that's where, probably, my first was - a meeting took place with gabriel of bialystok, which made a very big impression on us. and the second, of course, in the suprozh lavra, when we talked today deceased, then there was such an archimandrite gabriel. unfortunately, he is no longer there. but nevertheless, he told the children a lot about this saint, it made such a huge impression on me, which remained, well, deep in my heart, as, probably, a desire to honor this saint, to do everything so
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that the children could they knew about him. i think that after this meeting, some types of my teaching activities probably changed, because i was climbing. my difficult children began during the summer holidays transport specifically to holy places. sponsors were happy to pay for such trips, it was not just a vacation, it was a visit to, for example, the deveyevsky monastery, which was quite far from minsk, but so that the boarding school could take a little break from the most, let’s say, active children, i took them everyone with me, went there by bus and... and the most important thing that i noticed was that the children were absolutely changing, absolutely changing, those children whom we in no way could influence or correct their behavior were absolutely others on the territory of the monastery, i couldn’t
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help but be overjoyed, but as i noticed later, as soon as we came back, that is, the same, let’s say, situation turned out to be familiar to them, the children again put on this mask. again we had some problems, but i clearly understood that it is always possible to achieve the goal by, say, some corrections, and this is possible with the help of god, this is what i understood after meeting with gabriel belostopsky, that’s when i was already ordained , we had some big twists and turns with the allocation of land, at first it was supposed to be just one big temple, they changed the place for us twice, but...
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stoksky, he listened to me carefully, vladyka never made a decision right away, he told me write a report, i’ll think about it, then he comes. from the secretary the news that the bishop agreed with my proposal, and then, when we met already at the service in the cathedral, he hugged me and said: well, he chose a martyr, you will suffer a little when you build it, but it will be very beautiful , i think, the temple, your proposal, which also concerns the arrangement externally, internally, i like it, do it, that's... this is how this construction began, but in general the prototype of this temple, if you know, there is such
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a temple in moscow in honor of the martyr tryphon, this is one of the most ancient temples in the city of moscow, if not consider the kremlin. the most amazing thing is that this small temple, in honor of the martyr tryphon, is famous for many miracles, many miracles. when i found out about him, i looked at him, i think that this is exactly what a martyr should have. as velostoksky said, yes, it is slightly modified, more, let's say, modernized, our temple, there was such a building, apparently in the serbian style, but it was not quite uh, let's say, the quality of such an ancient structure, well , they built it the way they knew how, of course, this can be understood, but most importantly, on that i noticed that this small temple was built up with large extensions, after, say... the october revolution took place, then , say, many years of reconstruction
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of the city of moscow passed, only this temple remained, no belfry, no bell tower, no two large temples that were added, there was nothing left nearby, just this small temple remained, and i thought that this was probably some kind of specific sign, this is exactly what really needs to be built here too, here it is , in principle, a copy of this temple a little - a little more modern. now stands here in minsk, who belostopsky said, well , in such a church, let’s say, environment, they know it well, but imagine that a secular person is watching us, listening to us, but who, well, his soul is open to perception, tell us here is the story of this little one, it’s surprising that a little one, but already a saint, you know, the glorification of children in the church, as saints, is generally a very separate, big issue, yes, in the church. in the sky of, say, shining stars, constellations of saints,
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many children are glorified, but there are those who , let’s say, are especially revered, there are those who are simply historically significant for the church, but among the belarusian, let’s say, saints, this is the only, truly the only saint , but in order to understand the significance of this event, you just need to turn to xiv century and what happened here. there were certainly many, many persecutions for the practice of orthodoxy, which manifested themselves, for example, in the conscription of a priest for military service, although, say, a uniad or catholic priest was not conscripted; it was prohibited. travels outside the territory of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, here they profess orthodoxy, so that he would not have
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any contacts, say, with constantinople or with the russian orthodox church or with any other similar faith, say, confession, these many questions were reflected in the fact that there were those who did not get tired of these persecutions and crossed over in order to receive some blessings in life. and accordingly, here is a family that still stood in orthodoxy, did not renounce the faith of their ancestors, their parents, suddenly faced a huge misfortune when, on the eve of easter, their child was actually kidnapped from the family and subjected to ritual murder, those, say, facts... which have reached us historically so far, indicate that this was indeed a ritual murder,
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a naturally christian the child, why maybe not uniad or catholic, but apparently orthodox, because it was a less protected denomination, and apparently, the people who did this hoped that there would be no major search activities regarding his death, that’s when ... in 1684 he was born, in 1690 it turns out that at the age of six he suffered such a generally painful death. yes, the whole body was punctured, it was clear that blood was being emitted, that is, deliberately, all this was like wounds that were sacred tradition on the body of jesus christ, that is, in fact, it was an imitation of the torment that our savior suffered. after apparently bleeding to death, he
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died and was basically dumped on the outskirts.
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many people died, then one day, when apparently the parents had already died, quite a long time had passed, they began to bury them in the places where they had been buried before, actually digging a new grave , they discovered bialystoksky’s coffin , they saw that the child’s body was incorruptible, about this informed the local clergyman, he recorded this fact, informed the clergy and... the body of the child was taken and transferred to the local chapel, after a fire occurred in this chapel, there was another miracle, that is, the entire temple burned down, but the relics were slightly only the hand was burned, and moreover, a few weeks later, when
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they were recording, say, how the relics had suffered, they saw a miracle, a hand that...
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baby gabriel, and naturally, the first church was built in the grodno province in honor of the martyr baby gabriel, well further glorification of him was already his deeds, his intercession, through the prayers of people, a lot of miracles were recorded that the lord performed through his intercession, i, of course, could give a fairly large... list of checks, say, manifestations of god's mercy, for which were revealed through prayers at his holy relics, and accordingly, of course, i think it is very important for each of us that in the future everyone who prayed at these relics
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spread the news about what and what benefits can be found. turning specifically to him, of course, well, i would especially like to note that in 1918, the relics were partially transferred to moscow, and were kept in st. basil's cathedral on red square, and so, uh, when miracles began to appear through the prayers of people in this church at the relics . news about them spread so much around moscow that the new government was forced to set up posts on the roads that led to... in order to prevent pilgrims from entering, because it was impossible to see how many people were walking, that is, a huge number, just in columns people went there to pray and ask
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the martyr baby gabriel for some, well, necessary benefits for their family, or healing, or some other, let’s say, problems that were in the family, so that they would be realized in what was necessary for the people direction, so this miracle, which was... recorded already in moscow, certainly confirms that he was glorified for a reason, but for his great, great merits, as i understand it, that first of all, bialystoksky said, he children, and little ones, asking for children, well, what else, maybe? they ask, and what kind of miracles did you have in your chronicle
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? , now they still send us some, if they live in italy, france and germany, who moved, say, to take place in these countries, but nevertheless they maintain contact with us, send congratulations here, precisely on holidays, when we celebrate the honor memory. the martyr of the infant gabriel, or all the belarusian saints, that is, they send us their congratulatory messages, and of course i immediately remember them and think how many of you there are,
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it turns out there are a lot, and even what we wrote down, we no longer record, because that this number is huge, but there are, of course, people who really ask for the birth of children, there were even cases who, say, went with us to the camp, our parish... they told us that we have such a gift, we are waiting child, although he says we unexpectedly, at a fairly advanced age , we didn’t even plan this, but they laugh, they say, this is a gift from gabriel of bialystok, each of us, so now we feel very young, we hope that we will grow up to be a worthy christian, because if i sent us at this age of the child...
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what do we really ask and why, and even, say, to brothers in faith, he also answers, we have such cases and have been recorded, we had all the healings, of course, from the weakness of drinking wine, too people came in such a state of rather, well , difficult life circumstances, when they said that we see no other way out but to ask him to pray, we received, we have such recorded cases, such benefits too...
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it’s just the right, most correct construction prayer that one could only come up with, and he really responded immediately, the person still says, i used and abused for a very long time, the family is happy, another child was born, i think that such examples, if there are people address the saints correctly, they will be heard, well, you said, people come to you from even, well, let’s say, different candies. everyone, i will smoothly move on
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to the topic of what you have planned for construction, this is what it is, how it is going, yes, indeed, it does not accommodate the number that the service would like to attend, so it is being built at a large, accelerated pace ; the main introduction is being built to the church of the blessed virgin mary, the zero cycle is completely completed, 3 m of the walls have already been raised, we really hope that people will support us this year we...
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calls are coming from germany, from france, from great britain, from italy, that is , our compatriots who live on vacation are planning to come, they say that we want to baptize our children in this church , here with you, that’s why we have quite a significant number of children who received holy baptism in this church, live outside our country, but we consider them our parishioners, congratulating them on
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the holiday, they always always respond.
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it's impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready prove the opposite. what name was given to the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's
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exit from the first world war? masha, what do you think? i chose the brez world option. the culture of belarus for masha blesk, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart girl. their larva, with an elongated body and lumpy skin, resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles. we also thought here, we have several options, please, your assumptions. we had maysky, we had there was a ladybug. we hope we will have three points of them being erudite. any adult will envy whether it is true that an adult normally has four fangs. denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, that’s it.


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