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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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welcoming, vibrant and festival-like. generous picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to
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understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. do you believe in fate, what event changed your life 180°? i, i probably believe in fate, more like a guiding star, that every person has his own star, his own guardian angel who guides you and protects certain things, an event that changed my life 180°, probably happened just when i studied in the eleventh grade. and everything was going to the point that i
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would enroll as a biologist to become a chemist, that’s it, and i’m an artist. good evening, my guest first appeared on stage when he was 10 years old. since then, there have been all sorts of things in his life, ups and downs, defeats, victories, but he never doubted that he was on the right path and will never give in to the business that he chose in childhood. today my guest is singer nikita fominykh. nikita, good morning. good morning. nikita, who in the family was the first to notice your musical abilities? if you go straight to the memories so deeply. that mine
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is just such a tradition, my grandmother always noticed my abilities in our house, and there were a lot of guests, they put me four, five years old on a chair, and i sang there, told something, broadcast right from childhood, you have a repertoire don't remember yours and i remember the most important song for my grandmother was grandma. next to my grandfather, for so many years, so many years together, all my life i participated in various festivals, competitions, when i was already in the tenth, eleventh grade, and i had a chemical and biological profile, i graduated from the lyceum, and my parents hoped that i would to enter either a medical university or bioffag bsu, yes, and it so happened that when i graduated from school, i... said, if i
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pass the test the way i studied, i studied very well, i had almost nine certificate, then i’m going down this path, if not, i ’m changing everything in my life, and i changed it, i took an academic vocal tutor, because i believed that it was necessary to go to a serious school and was preparing for the preparatory department at the academy of music. and i didn’t get in, the first time i didn’t get in, it was a tragedy, it was a shock, what am i going to do, and i still make attempt number two at the preparatory department at the academy, i come and see the same people who were in my commission at the competition, and well, this, you know, i believe in fate, but i believe... more
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luck, luck is simply necessary for artists, actors, it happens due to circumstances, so i do, and it continues. my path is already within the walls of the academy, 2 years of the preparatory department, then the entire bachelor's degree, then the master's degree, that's how you completed the full fighter course, your musical career began with the belarusian star factory, this is a television project of the show star stagecoach, how did you get there? if we go back to the roots again, it was very interesting. this is exactly the time when i studied at music school, and i participated in the competition of suzorinadays, and we met on stage with gunesh, and gunesh, she is my countrywoman, she is also from baranovichi, and we talked a little, she says: there will be a project,
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alexander grigorievich tehanovich is patrolling the project, patronizing it, be sure to participate in it, i came to brest for the casting, passed. sharp casting, then this entire casting, which took place in minsk, first 1000, then 100, then 30, then 15, it was very creative, very real, all the guys who were in the project, they are incredibly talented, and i'm like this, watching from side and everyone’s creative path, i communicate with many, it’s great, because that project... it bore fruit, after that there were other attempts at some television shows, including people’s artist, but unfortunately, they seemed so were not successful, why do you think? oh, well, i can tell you, my participation, for example, is not only
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a people’s artist, but also factor a, for example, when there was a big casting in moscow, i think there are a lot of facts here. this is both your preparation and the material, how beautiful you are, you look good, how natural you are both in front of the camera, on stage, and in front of the audience, and of course, luck, we need luck, because when your interviewer, your jury is favorable to you, or they want to hear something, then what will you tell them, this is luck, at that moment it...
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did they do in your life? alexander tikhonovich, yadviga poplavskaya, they probably instilled in me the culture of the stage, stage behavior, love for the audience, i always remember how yedi konstantinovna, after a concert , if, for example, she gives flowers, like she every petal is taken care of, so that the flowers do not fall, as they were treasured by every spectator. always recording in the studio, i remember we wrote a song with her, now i try, when i record a track, i try to look for this state of a golden take, when you come and you come already filled, and you sing, and it’s almost ready, but i
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often remember how they wrote the song “star harmony” for me with yadiga poplavskaya, and we probably wrote for four or five hours, this is... pedantry to the point, and he, it’s probably already been absorbed into my blood, it’s just, yes, this school, it’s a stage school, a school... of this pop art, a school of communication, i remember how alexander tikhonovich came into the dressing rooms and said: “yadya, well “the viewer and his wife have arrived, it’s time to start.” did the same producer happen in your career who was ready to shell out a decent amount of money for your promotion? the sponsor did not happen, but i see both my pros and cons in this. i see the advantages. such that when you achieve everything yourself, when you search on your own,
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when you are on your own, you appreciate it more, you appreciate your path, you know every step, you know every person personally, when a kind uncle came and said, come on, people often don’t appreciate this, that is, you want to say, that yes, maybe this shortens the path to success, but this is a pretty path, but i cannot criticize it in any way or relate to it. because everyone has their own path, everyone has their own path, mine is like this, i achieved a lot myself, i had wonderful teachers, i met people along the way wonderful people who helped me, but i didn’t have a kind uncle, a kind aunt who said, tomorrow you have a world tour and so on and so forth, and what is this amazing story of your acquaintance with philip kikorova, it so happened that about 10 years ago... i met his godmother, she was vacationing with us then, it seems, in
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the radon sanatorium, i had a concert there, yeah, and it was very funny, after the concert she came up to me and said : would you like, would you like to come to kirkorova’s concerts, i i say, well, i have the opportunity to come, that is, so what? so she starts telling me that she is his godmother, this happened. in 1988, when he had a tour of the kaliningrad region, she was his driver, she is a professional driver, then when she was driving him, he saw a very beautiful cross on her, and he asked if you could make me such a cross ? she ordered this cross, they made it for him, it turned out that he had not been baptized, and the only one they found was a priest who served in the church.
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after the concert he was completely without a voice, he performed a three-hour solo performance, well, in most cases at concerts, that is, he was already like that. so i just graduated from the conservatory, i knew different stories there with vitamin b, with different medicines there, because i am also constantly in close communication with the phoniatrists, i have no doubt that he did too, but we were somehow sitting here so, i say, philip, well, there is such and such a tablet, uh, i say that it brings the ligaments, makes them work, that is baby, have you read the side stories?
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performance, he has this live real guitar, he writes in a golden take, that is , the studio, for example, is filmed for 3 hours, and he... walks for an hour and a half, thinks, smokes, at some point he comes, records, leaves, because when the piece is performed in its entirety, there is no such cut, there is no need to glue, uh, breathing, emotion, everything is natural, and this is probably the best thing, i recently recorded a very interesting piece, i now have a series of concerts called come to me look, that's when we wrote now:
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of course, you need to use these opportunities. but in the 2000s, i personally had this inner feeling that on television and radio there were a lot of very projects, there were more competitions, now people have somehow gone more into these gadgets, phones, smartphones, but in fact , somehow people began to communicate less, but probably the advantage
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of the 2000s was that there was more live communication, and for me this is very valuable. without you the sun doesn’t shine, without you everything is gray, without you i’m scattered like raindrops, nikita, you received a good musical education, and in addition to the fact that you graduated from the academy of music, you also defended your master’s degree. yes, but in the history of art, art history, art history, yes, the question is, aren’t you bored of performing such a pop repertoire? no, i’m not bored, i’m not bored, because i ’m always looking for the edges of a work, for something interesting, i’m always digging, i’m always looking for
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history, because when it comes to the academy. there may also be a story, this is a small life, there are songs, both sad and funny and songs that carry something in themselves, but i was recently interested in such a conversation, what is the main thing in a song, words or music, here for you, what is important, in my opinion, is only the synthesis of the music of words, indeed, but there is
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a trick here , well, there is a point that a person of course perceives verbally more easily, yes, but there is a trick. the trick is that music itself carries energy, and i’m already, let’s say, a certified specialist, a musician, i can say that classical, especially works, for example, by bach or bidhovin, they are already in in their chords, in harmony, melodies, they often carried encrypted texts, that is, you are listening to seemingly instrumental music, and this instrumental music, it already tunes our heart. our state is internal, and if we put the text on top, it is important that the text, of course, matches, that it is in good synthesis with the music, this is important. nikita, if you were starting your career now, how would your repertoire differ from your current repertoire? you know, i might say something stupid, but i, but
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i wouldn’t change it, i would probably do exactly the same same, because for me... music, its style, arrangement, they can be completely different, but a song for me is always a story, well, there can’t be a meaningless song for me, that is, i’m always looking for some kind of story, which i want to tell my viewer about something, the song should carry some meaning, in my case the song should bring hope for the best. some kindness, some positive, so that i can see it in the hall, that my people have changed, that the viewer, he came out after the concert filled, this is very important, whoever failed to love warmth, i will warm the house has cooled down and now the candle fire dies before
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dawn, only the sleep of the silence of the night. which are absolutely, well, that is, these are just moments of personality building, this is the inability to control yourself, yes, when you already know how,
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that they often cause positivity, i really love the positivity of the audience, when an artist makes you smile, it’s worth a lot, because when it came out,
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it was nothing, and the audience didn’t take it in any way, tomorrow it was forgotten, but it was forgotten, but if an emotion was born on the stage, and it remained, and then you were remembered with a kind word, that’s great, but you follow what your colleagues are doing, and naturally, we communicate with many. old friends, fate has scattered us dashingly around the world, i can’t live without you, like fresh
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air, i need you as friends, which of the young artists has now, so to speak, attracted your attention, well, i’m naturally watching the star trek project. we meet at concerts, i really liked the way nastya kravchenko works, a very open, lively girl, and i, well, it’s very important not to spoil a young artist with fame, because when stardom comes, so that star fever does not develop, and i look from the outside, no, it is very important that the artist is a person, there is a stereotype that there is no friendship in show business. just pure competition and envy, is that true? well, there is such a stereotype, and maybe it partly did not appear out of nowhere, but
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thank god, somehow i always found friends, found people with whom i could consult, communicate, ask, that’s how... better and somehow my colleagues, with whom i communicate and are friends, they always met me halfway, i really appreciate their friendship, this communication, there is such a direct live real communication, and this, probably, was also the impetus given by alexandra tikhadovich idviga poplavskaya, because somehow there were always a lot of people in the studio, a lot of artists, a lot of trips and we have become so... friends since those 2000s, if you could convey a message, advise something, warn your version of twenty years ago about something, so that
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you... more on the positive, in fact, this is very important , so think about what the meaning of your life is to bring joy to people, the meaning of life, our program is called the meaning of life, for you what is the meaning of life, for me the meaning of life is to have a goal, in my case it is the goal to bring joy to people, to create, to perform,
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in order for this brought some benefit to my viewers, so that someone needs it, it is very important that it is not in a box, but that it is for its viewer, well, thank you very much, thank you, i was very pleased, this was the meaning of nikita’s life. hello, i'm kylie from venizuela and i love you very much baking, and i simply adore belarusian bread. how to understand what is hidden behind the golden crust if you are not a technologist. it's simple, turn on belarus 24 and you will find out why mashed potatoes are added to bread. because
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wow, hello, we are a tourist from venezuela traveling around belarus. we have a gift from the people's republic of china, a sculptural composition of the afu doll. oh, how cute they are, a boy and a girl, such a couple. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the television news agency begins an information day, elizaveta is with you.


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