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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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good ranitsa belarus. tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. brest zahodniya vorota krainy shchyra we're fighting here, we're here with gas, sardechna pravodzim, ale stop, this is smuggling, all and that 's all this, we're with you, the colors are with you, ale mastatskiya kashtounastsi, although i appreciate tsa grashima, most on the right. costless, i am in favor of the people
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and i will find myself in good graces. the customs officers handed over this recovered jump to the brest region museum. parnagraphia, antysavetchyna. we traveled with such gascinians yes, we are tourists from sweden, thomas burn, and gord urban lenkarstan. here, on the borders, our lives are lost to the ussr.
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the first swallow, then they gave up from all the schools, and behind the worn hats there was a whole library of waste paper on stakes, with tabs of religious issues - anti-savior literature, evil, plastering on our the country, in our own way, lives in new york, chicago, taronta, 1871 copies of spiritual art, paper book. gaspadar
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of the van, citizen of the lucky states of america paul gonzalez and i am happy, as it seems, atrymali advarot pavarot. the whole world knows the savetsky gascinas, and those who call us like a friend, we swear like other gassers. lakes. after all, it stands high, on the one hand there is immutability, on the other, on the third, on the fourth, and miraculously it has somehow been strengthened in the banks, but it is also a relic of a very ancient lake, which was of enormous size, covering almost the entire northern part breshchina, today, part of the minsk region, because the snoring lies everywhere, it remained like this... only one of
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such large lakes, now we are going to the northern shore, this is panemonia, if we take the northeastern shore, this is the shore of central belarus, the western woodland is there, that’s where the sun is setting now, finally, the southeast, it connects us with the eastern woodland . this is the specificity of this natural object.
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lake nashanskoe, it is interesting because the northern shore is colder, more harsh, one might say, a taiga shore, and the southern one. this is polessky, the entire coastline , it is an alternation of these biocenoses of such a barial type and a warmer, more useful type, the clitic river is also very interesting, when you look at the northern shore of the lake, you can see that such a swampy forest is tall, it is sharply cut off by a wall, that is, the clitic river is not lets him in. further, such woodland in nature and, in general, belarus may be an exclusive phenomenon. when they began to measure the magnetic field, it turned out that the most significant deviation
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of the magnetic field in belarus towards positive amplitudes, it just runs along the western shore of lake vyganashchanskoye and stretches in a long strip all the way to the baranovichi district.
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and then goes through pripyat to the dnieper and further into the sea. polesie is interesting and has an unheard of rich history. take even such a situation as the sites of ancient man. the very first sites of primitive people were discovered in woodland. and all the historical milestones of europe, they are all connected. and so irina chespoley, if you look even at an event a hundred years ago, this is the first world war, which affected virtually the entire globe, and here in this image we see what this woodland looked like 100 years ago,
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how powerful the defensive line was here, in almost 3 years from 15, 1915 to the eighteenth year , the front was completely stabilized here until... let's say one of the most interesting villages of the polesie vygonashchi, this is a village that was literally split in two by the front line, on the eastern side of the position of the russian army, on this side the kaiser's troops were fortified, from those times, like living evidence of those battles, they remained in this very place, this fortified area, which was created under russian bombs and high-explosive shells. very accurate, skillful artillery, it was created, and even in the memoirs of those times it is described as a completely impregnable bridgehead, in history this object is known as the vygonashchansky bridgehead, it was
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an exclusively fortified front line along the agin canal, it is also interesting that that in fact he was able to pareshuk ... adapt these, in particular defensive structures, for his completely peaceful needs, there was an excellent current, it’s just that sheaves of grain were brought here, they laid out here and threshed grain here, no special devices were needed there, and that’s how it developed, so here there were many such fortifications, smaller ones, they were later dismantled in order to to build, because... this is a typical part of polesie, it is distinguished by the fact that there is very little stone here, butovo, like in the belarusian ridge or belarusian poazdera, this is a problem, how to get rid of stones, but in polesie, on the contrary, to find a good stone construction, it was very it’s difficult, already during the second world war,
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the last world war, the largest partisan formations, they again with... also had to invest very strongly and a lot, then there was such a thing as
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talaqa, such a thing as spulka, then there is a need for someone to build some kind of house, someone really in need, then ordinary people gathered, and just for free, in their slightly and even not very free time, they built these, say, houses, then, what is necessary for life. there can be no threat in belarus, in principle, we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours, any provocation on the border must be stopped militarily, they provoke us so that we at least somehow respond to them. belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions and our goods are especially priced in the east. more than 300
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belarusian elevators are already operating in the omsk region. we are working on developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered, which floor he needs to go to. shlov and zhodina became cities electric buses two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure white. protein mung bean and wt. drivers and passengers switched from buses to modern eco-cars. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries, one of which we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. tv channel belarus24 presents. food has never been simple. at all times, people wanted to eat tasty food and live well. a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world
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will change, divided into before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it is a hunter’s recipe, duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat here, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history, traditions of a particular area, the stove, what a medieval stove looked like, ceramic, lined with brick, a box in which a fire was made, but a large one was installed on top a metal sheet. in the 18th century , the gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate and the surrounding area in a gilded carriage. let's draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country. there is food everywhere in the project, there are dishes that you definitely haven’t
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tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus, watch every sunday on our tv channel, i was born in the village of vegona. the village was interesting because there were a lot of people, it was roughly divided into
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microrans, despite the fact that it is a village, and this was the main dividing line, this is the aginsky canal, it was believed that this part of the village is a mountain, and this part of the village is from trans-canalians, and the mountain in the understanding of the poles is only... half a meter 30 centimeters higher than the ground above the surrounding area, and it was considered, oh, mountain, you’re coming soon.
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a peer of his youth, he was already a fisherman, and what kind of fishermen are, you climb knee-deep into the water and there was a lot of water, at first it was natural, small lakes, then canals there was a singing village during my childhood, let's go, and any boy, any one of mine , can touch some little child there, but this is excitement at the same time...
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the border of the continuous distribution of this species of birds, this is also the highlight of the nature of woodland, already in middle classes, just like that, we developed such an aristocratic interest, we just watched the flight of large birds of prey
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, eagles, looked at where their nests were, then we went out... to these places we looked for these nests of large birds of prey and so on they waited for the moment when the chicks appeared , they took one or two chicks, they tried to tame them at home in this way , and i remember it was possible, i was brought up under my father’s grandfather, i left early, i don’t even remember him, and my grandfather was always
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a naturalist, an already established experienced specialist who works in nature , it is thanks to such thoroughness and perhaps, without suspecting it, that my grandfather formed the right attitude, ordinary life is like this, somewhere there are work-related and everyday problems and disorders, everything and... here, when you arrive, here the intellect, the soul, and the body all come into some kind of unity, some kind of balance, well, some kind of general harmony. this is the basis for the existence of poleshuk - this is, of course, a scythe
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, a completely forgotten craft, even in the most cases it doesn’t always work out so deftly and quickly, but without this you can’t get to polesie, no matter where you live, either on the dnieper or in... viganoch, without a braid , it is impossible to support either a horse or a cow, swamp hayfields were inherited, all these swamps that are around the herders mowed down to find a piece of some old grass somewhere so that it would just stand, this was already the next year , the owners had already specially planned it.
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i ate and mowed, and my mother mowed, and i remember myself , well, at first i didn’t mow, i was just raking hay, and already around the age of 10 i already had a scythe of the smallest size five, a six-sized one was already in my hands, and then by the tenth the class, along with adult mowers, had to mow, there is already tall grass here, of course, there are no such forbs. such a flat meadow, well, what can we do? this kitty, it’s interesting that when the people of,
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say, central belarus could afford such a luxury, like mowing a spit of land early in the morning, then this didn’t work out here, because by the time you get there from early morning along the canal, then along the lake, then you ’re already completely the sun is high. and did not look at this possible seasonal advantage, and it was necessary in the most terrible heat, as i remember, it was so hard work, so it was at the same time and we value this work, such a specificity, probably the viganashchan hayfields, were mostly mowed during the day, you had to have more than just normal physical strength. well, and banal endurance, because now it’s good to mow for pleasure, when there are no mosquitoes, there is no harvest, as people say, when it’s
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all accompanied by the hum of these mosquitoes, and i don’t remember that we once had mosquito nets in everyday life, there were ordinary clothes, a cap of some kind. and all day long they waved the scythe like this, and then there was another problem, to get it all out, it was necessary to choose a time of year when it all froze with the help of a sled was exported. by winter, even in the fall, firewood began to be collected, firewood was collected in the forest, also , again, quite far from the village,
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there was no such thing as some kind of centralized system, they brought firewood there, bought everything there , paid for everything, in fact, each family in its own way, so they went to forest, distant forests, although they were considered collective farms, they were very far away, and firewood was collected there, then they were usually loaded... they were transported by horses, there were a lot of horses then, so they brought them, and at home they cut the firewood using a two-handed method, then they injected.
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where to climb trees? shukov is not so much an occupation as a way of life, well , because imagine who wants to live without sweets, sweets are honey, and honey is beekeeping, this is how the art of extracting honey in wild natural conditions has been perfected for centuries, and bees , as you know, live in...
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that we are conducting another session of annual monitoring of the state of small mammals in our nature, and this device is simple, but ingenious, the fact is that an owl nests here, the owl feeds on different animals, so undigested remains in the form of pellets are thrown away. and in order for them to accumulate, we specially laid out the forest litter at the beginning of the nesting season, we will carefully remove that old litter, as far as possible, and leave the new one in this nest instead, and how it works,
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it just catches it.. ... that is , many species of animals are found here, running, jumping, and mainly at night, they absolutely do not fall into mousetraps, they are simply alienated, the smell of a person immediately repels her, so sometimes it turns out a distorted picture, we don’t really know what kind of fauna we have, what kind of ornithocomplex of small mammals, the owl works, well, relatively speaking, like such an ecological bulldozer, what comes into its field of vision, it carefully selects all this, this is one of...
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nature and polesie as a whole is different, why? because the boundaries of the eagle of many species of beautifully singing or loudly singing the same amphibians or some birds, it ends in the forest, that is, the northern ones are no longer there, but we have them. oh paulavic, hello, i haven’t been here in your place for 100 years, even the little ones came from the garden, well , we haven’t been here before, listen, i hear you’re here on the farm, you’re still working hard, yes, and you’re moving your tool bag, you’re jumping, you’re jumping, you’re doing medical jumps, yeah, so i'll hold your head here and the ball rises only somewhere
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up to here and doesn’t fall anymore. a new program is being built that will again resume the viper fishery in belarus and the first region that is focused on the viper fishery is the belarusian woodland, which is driving them out again.


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