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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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now a new program is being built at the academy of sciences, which will again resume the godyuki fishery in belarus, and the first region that is focused on the godyuki fishery is the belarusian woodland, which is driving them out again.
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polishuk, he was social, because sometimes he imagines, well, there’s the swamp , there are islands somewhere, paleshuks live there, everyone on their own has something there, in fact, these are the difficult periods in history, they hardened people, and social such cohesion, unity, understanding of the pain or needs of another human, it is in the character of the palishuks, they are like that now, but if.
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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, oops, it’s taken, our daily task is to talk about belarus. in a country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to understand and feel. you need to see it with your own
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eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. good evening, abbas, greetings. abbas juma, russian, international journalist. we have our own belarusian, gleb lavrov, high-class specialists with a very broad profile. familiar. so, on the one hand, your profession today. very
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demanded, on the other hand, the entire international coordinate system today is chaos, double standards, surrealism, so how can a professional remain adequate today? among this infinite - this is different, well, you must not lose yourself, first of all, if you do not lose yourself, if you know why you are doing what you are doing, it is a little easier for you indeed in this world of madness of surrealism, today there is a war, and if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory and do everything you can to achieve this victory, but the difference between us and them is that this makevialist approach is alien to us,
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according to which the end justifies the means, we are not israel, we are not capable of destroying everyone, yes, we deny whoever comes to hand... also in the media , we are not ready to agree to lies, to forgery, to meanness, to cooperate, that is, with the devil and the devil, just to win, therefore our path is long, our path is bloody, yes, it is washed with the blood of our soldiers, our journalists, because it is very many in search of truth die at the hands of the enemy, but this conscious choice, but what about in a situation where all the norms of international law not only do not work, they are trampled upon, and brazenly, cynically, in all respects, no un charters, no human rights organizations, international organizations, they
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no longer have any authority, on what can you refer to, what authorities or what norms, when you are simply writing an elementary journalistic article and have to rely on something, did these exist before? yes, do your job, do your job, do this job honestly, refer to the facts and you will happiness, you know, don’t expect that they will approve of you, you are there, it was a global mistake for many years, you will always be bad, whether you write the truth or lie, even if you run over to them, you will still be second-class citizens, they won’t accept you anyway, so the only way out really is...
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the fact that russia is the place where i was born, but if i was born, say, in burkino fasso, i would choose burkino fasso as a place for realization, for me lucky, i was born and raised in a place where i can achieve a lot, i won’t say that
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simple, but possible, without bribes, without meanness, yes, without the need to go over your head, that is, with your own mind. intellectually, of course, i was born, i grew up, russia gave me everything, she gave it all to me for free, i never asked anyone for anything in my life, i didn’t bring it to anyone, that ’s like in my first answer, yes, i just walked and came , i’m very grateful to my country, in principle, i can’t imagine myself outside of russia, well , i repeat, i’m just lucky that i was born here with... a country that really gives more than it takes, well, in this sense, it seems to me that those who want to be with us, they of course they won’t regret it, i like this answer,
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well, look, some sources, they claim that before entering ruden it was a well-known university, well, at least even because our tv viewers know it very well. and what did you study there? this is an ordinary school, we studied there everything that they study in any other school, in any country, i studied there for several years, graduated, i really just kind of graduated, then i came to russia, where i began my studies in a russian special school, no , special school initially, but there from the first i was in fourth grade there, and only then i went to syria and continued there. so, then i returned to a regular school from ordinary, that is, nothing
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to russia, i actually graduated from ruden, and this, apparently, was my father’s plan, not to send it to where it’s easy, not to send it to where they will talk to me in russian, if this is some school at the embassy, ​​let’s say, immerse me as much as possible in the atmosphere, on wednesday, on wednesday, especially since this school, therefore, was my father’s school, he graduated right next to ours home, this school, mathematics, geography, arabic language and literature and so on, but also a little bit of sports, all this military training, disassembling, assembling a machine gun, and so on, basic military training, well, we had it when it once existed, i believe that it needs to be revived, especially in modern times. this is a very strong education, i must say that in syria , despite everything, there is still a very strong
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primary secondary education, well, in all respects, these are excellent teachers, professors, this is an orientation, by the way, towards soviet education, by the way, is what we moved away from at one time, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is very valued there, it is passed on from generation to generation, it bears fruit, if you look, a huge number of specialists around the world have come out from syria it was in arabic, in purely arabic, of course, this is an arabic school, good, but washington put you on the sanctions list, its own, yes, i liked the wording, for connection with the supply of iranian kamikaze drones to the north military district zone for the wagner pmc, yes. is it really so we worked part-time, made a little living by supplying weapons, i’m glad, of course, that
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the us treasury has such a high opinion of me, but i have to disappoint you, not me, it’s them there, and i generally put them out of the equation, it’s useless to say anything to them , contact them, apparently only by force you can prove something , show something, i have to disappoint you, but no. and not boot 2.0, i have nothing behind me except honest journalistic work, i worked in africa, yes, i worked with yevgeny viktorovich prigozhin, with pmc wagner, and worked in the donbass, and apparently, apparently in america, the one who was tasked with putting together this fake seemed to connect these well-known facts together, and logically revealed my involvement in the supply of the drone. the person worked as a musician in africa in the donbass, worked and there is a photograph with
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prigozhin, we combine one plus one we get two - this simply speaks about the level of professionalism, competence, and in general about such a general about the general level, this is total degradation, i wrote a lot about this in their in principle, today all diplomacy is degrading when a diplomat whose obligatory function is to build bridges, to do everything to prevent bridges from being burned, to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, even when it would seem too late, today these diplomats, on the contrary , are inciting war, they are the main hawks, they they are calling for war, but this is generally the surrealism with which you started, the same applies to their politics, the same applies to their economy, it would seem, everything that they have been proud of for centuries.
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didn't run away, he left a lot of traces in my hands, i’m a terrible person, yes, just a sadist, oh well, you once indicated that if you hadn’t gone into journalism, you would have become a service employee outwardly. intelligence or diplomat, isn't such a wide range of potential opportunities too wide? yes no, why? i chose something in the middle, and that is, journalism is for everything, yes, yes, yes, well , really, i’m interested in both, it seems to me that what i’m doing now, in principle, for happiness, this is both that direction and this, and as
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someone quite competent told me person, distinguishes you from an employee. in general , the secret services, the fact that you don’t have so much bureaucracy, writing and you get paid a little more, i don’t know whether this is true or not, but i have dual citizenship, so of course, russian and russian and syrian, yes, yes, work in politics in the intelligence services, i cannot, well, due to my belonging to another state, refuse this. i don’t want citizenship, because i think that it would be a betrayal towards my father and those numerous relatives who love me and are waiting for me syria, but i am quite happy with my current position, my profession and what i do, so a little about the russian special operation, but it showed wavering countries that it is possible and necessary
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to talk with the united states from a position of strength, these are your words, yes... this is a big, big success. i cannot say that russia today is capable of leading the new world, as some of our experts and politicians say. no, we do not have such financial and political opportunities, but, but, we launched this mechanism. we
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really showed the whole world that it is possible so. and you won’t get anything for this, the states are not able to stop anyone, the states are not able to control anything, these are not just words, analyze, today washington does not control a single process in which it is involved, they cannot cope with ukraine, they cannot they can’t help her, they can’t calm her down, they can’t do anything there except dump her. but this also does not work out, because the defeat in ukraine is the beginning of the end for the hegemony of the united states of america, this is the beginning of the end of the hegemony of the dollar,
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these are all very interconnected things.
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there he still can’t control anything, he tries, but he can’t, the red sea and the houthis, yeah, the yemenis are hitting their ships, this is belli’s incident, america
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can’t do anything, israel, israel, a country dependent on america, dictates to washington today , how to do it, they dare to disagree with their patron, where, tell me, the states fully, completely control something, nowhere, that is, i understand correctly. in ukraine, we see how the rhetoric
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of many countries is changing, we see that many countries began to respond more boldly to the pressure of the united states of america, for example, india, at the level of the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. jay shankar , repeatedly said the word no to the united states of america, we will buy weapons, we will buy oil, because it is profitable for us. their life in polish villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends. everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals, walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness,
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passion, the main quality of these people, sometimes, i am proud of my agarod, dripping a hole under the foot and pushing into the clay, the red one is so sculpted, my hands rest on plasticine, but i tried to sculpt something right away, 12 years ago, when we. .. we bought this house, it was in a very deplorable state, we restored it all with our own hands, planted christmas trees, planted trees, look at poleshuk’s project, that is , poleshuk’s mentality, it’s still stagnant, he will pass on the geta spadshina, what was stagnant to him from the beginning of time, will be passed on to his generation, on the belarus 24 tv channel, we tell you how to... choose quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but
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it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not wrinkled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare rice pancakes with tender vegetables. i can't wait to start cooking, sounds just amazing, let's figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. don't forget about invigorating exercises. i'll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching the anterior posterior surface of the thigh. first, let's stretch the front surface of the thigh, now that's it. it’s time to walk, jog and meet this day with a full charge of strength. watch the breakfast of the champion in the project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you host a radio program, a radio program, the east handled a delicate matter, yes, ok, then what does the west matter now? rotten, a very good answer, however, you don’t even need to develop it, i really want it to be like this, you had at least two podcasts that were dedicated to israel and hamas, how israel’s ground operation will affect the russian energy market, yeah, the second hint: the united states emptied israeli warehouses in favor of ukraine, well, there was such a moment, yes, this forecast for the energy market.
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in 10 years of working with iranians, i did not understand them at all, but i understood one thing, they are not for moreover, they have been trading carpets for thousands of years in order to make rash decisions, you know what it is to make a handmade carpet, how many, well, at least i saw what a persian carpet is, yes. how many years of persistent, manual, petty labor this is, this is a nation that thinks before it does, it endures a lot and endures for a long time, but it will definitely finish the carpet and sell it at a high price, the answer will be, don’t doubt it, how when - it’s different the question is, on october 7, who
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said that this is not the answer for murder. about his non-involvement in the hamas 7 attack october, today other news appears, again coming from tehran, and we already understand that it turns out that general zahidi, who was killed in a terrorist attack in damascus , was involved in planning a hamas special operation against israel. iran will respond, iran did not sit idly by for decades while it was.
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under all possible sanctions, iran has raised a generation of people devoted to it throughout the region, i am now talking about iranian proxies, about the iraqis, about the lebanese, about the syrians, they have surrounded israel, they are ready to respond, and will answer even though it may be the last thing they do, this... it seems to me that this is the reason for the defeat of the west, after all, i integrate israel into the western model, of course, of course, of course, unsinkable us aircraft carrier, this was the term used, exactly like that, exactly like that, exactly mentally, and i ’m not talking about the street now, i’m talking about the country’s leadership, they are not able to understand the iranian, the russian, they are not
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able to understand collectivism, the willingness to bring sacrifice yourself and your comfort, self-sacrifice, this nation is a consumer. raised on mtv, i was told my entire adult life, pepsi take everything from life, yeah, and i am grateful to my mother and father there, who sometimes, well, it’s in my ear, don’t take
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everything from life, don’t take it, give something else , yes, give something, this is a very correct message, very correct, you know, when a child is given not a whole candy, but half, so that he... understands how much more correct it is, even more correct, if you, then , you live in a large family, so here’s the question, and there a priori, you will have an incomplete one, you just said such important words about iran, yes, that a whole generation has grown up, maybe even more than one generation during these 40 years of sanctions, at least even those who are truly devoted to their country so much that they are capable self-sacrifice, but about the same thing was said at one time about...
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brought up in the ideals of the revolution, the islamic revolution of the seventy-ninth year, they will fight back, an ideological fight, first of all, but how it will actually be, time will tell, i can’t say that everything is so wonderful there and it’s great that there is no fifth column there, let’s say that there are no young people dreaming of lace panties, as they said in ukraine. ready to sell everything for an iphone, this is also there, and there relatively recently the country was burning in the fire of protest, rocked in exactly the same way as it was in belarus, and
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before that there were many other places where the technology was worked out to the point of automaticity, well, remember this these hijab protests, it all started with a completely fake story, i lecture to students and bring this... i apologize for slang case, like a textbook case, like the most striking example, probably in recent decades, of how you can plunge a huge country, regional, almost nuclear, into chaos, into panic, based on just one fake, using social networks, yes, this is too familiar, too familiar, they made up a story, a girl died, they said she died because she was killed. without providing any evidence, absolutely unfounded, she was killed for a strand of hair falling out from under her hijab, but this is nonsense designed for a person who has never been in iran, everyone replicated it,
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everyone replicated it, it was, of course, it was everywhere according to the principle of telling a lie and it will become true a thousand times, and that’s what happened, if everyone said about it, if everyone in the media wrote about it, well, more or less large in all european countries, in the usa, then this is already an axiom, even the movie is arguing with the fact that she was killed, another question is how many blows were struck to her and with what, this can still be argued, but the fact that she was killed, these are axioms, this cannot be discussed, and so on, so, what next happened, you all know perfectly well, and then the country plunges into... chaos, into blood, into molotov cocktails, into an attack on villagers, into something that has nothing to do with upholding women's rights, with hijabs and so on, well where hijabs and where the attack on the police, and the attacks were organized, there
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were also weapons that, apparently, were brought there in advance, there were, i studied this issue, and i was there, i saw all this with my own eyes, leaflets, uh, that means, everything is printed out, how to dress, wear sneakers so you can run away, how how tying this arafat, how familiar it is, wasn’t that what happened in syria? everything is exactly the same, i was in lebanon during the lebanese maidan, which began as a holiday, when everyone sang, danced, waved the flag, and today look at lebanon, there is no light, no damn thing, in general, they pay in dollars, by the way, well, really in fact, you remember very well, maidan also began as a holiday, yes, yes, they were all there - they jumped at first very hard, yes, and they talked, but back in 1923 you were in iraq, where the united states had been for more than 20 years. compensates for damages military invasion, you talked and
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are talking a lot with representatives of palestine, yemen, syria, you know many of them personally, and what is secular europe missing by not being interested in the sentiments of this part of the world community, so we personally also analyze a little, yes, but we don’t really understand these processes that are taking place, they also don’t really understand, they don’t understand. of this world, conquered by them, but those who
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make the decision do not consider it necessary to take into account the aspirations of the people, the desire of the street, the desire of ordinary people, national the interests of the countries that they consider, well , their own, how to put it, subjects who do not have... russia, iran has claims, india began
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to express unambiguously, yes, how it would like to see this world, that is, china, please on the platform of china , saudi arabia and iran are reconciling, yeah, how did this pass by the united states of america, and this, by the way , is a traditional conflict in which the americans played very well for many, many years, appears here. as a kind of guarantor, here you go, a political alternative, i’m keeping quiet about the economy now, but no, i wouldn’t want you to keep silent about the economy, i have one question that seems to lie on the surface, because they talked a lot about it literally in the fall on the eve of the hamas attack, yeah, and then suddenly everyone forgot, i was talking about biden’s initiative at the g20, which indicated that they were going to open an alternative chinese one. this silk road, a trade route from india to
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western europe through jordan, uae, saudi arabia, israel, then the mediterranean sea, yes and yes, so now it turns out that this project can be buried, no, i would not bury it, prematurely, well, everything is burning, while everything is burning, burning, burning, and will burn, but nevertheless, an animal driven into a corner is very dangerous, they will fight. will not fight back, they will defend their right to the top of the mountain to the last, china is advancing, they are very afraid of this, of course, some alternative will appear, before this a similar issue was discussed at the g7, then at the g20, they really agreed, india is direct competitor, yes, of course of course, here they are... the united states will work against this background, let’s not delude ourselves, i
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have a great attitude towards indians, i always say that we need an india that is not pro-russian, but pro-indian, but today their connection with the united states is very strong, and the closer china comes, the stronger this connection is and the need for an alternative will mature, but who said that this is bad, on the other hand, i am for the market, i am for, in fact, i am for capitalism and for competition, of course. yes, of course, naturally, but china is a tough nut to crack, as far as china is concerned, they won’t be able to to act as they do today in relation to russia, or as they did with iran more than 40 years ago, and continue, well , okay, well, here’s the palestinian-israeli conflict, and returning to it, yes, yeah,
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most likely a new one will result balance of power, you noted that neither russia, nor the eu, nor the usa. there will be no opportunity to become a mediator in resolving this conflict, but who will then become this mediator and how do you see this balance as a result of the conflict, it will end someday anyway? i will say so, someone who took one side or another in this conflict will not be able to become a mediator, that is, iran is not a mediator, because iran is part of the conflict, the united states is not a mediator, because it is part of this conflict, russia can, but not alone , i believe that we cannot do it alone, again, due to the fact that this status will be challenged by the united states of america, europe,
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the collective west by all those countries that cannot resist them, but in collaboration with china. here china comes out again, i think we can move this cobblestone from a dead point. china has already demonstrated its political ambitions on an international scale, well, through brix and sco, through brix and sco. china has demonstrated its diplomatic agility, again bringing you back to - peace between iran and saudi arabia. this world became possible solely thanks to. to beijing, yes, there not only china participated in this long process of reconciliation, but the chinese platform became the decisive factor thanks to which riyadh and tehran were still able to come to an agreement, and these are existential opponents. sorry, more yesterday tehran articulated and directly accused
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saudi arabia of inciting the protests, which we will talk about later. we recently talked to you, that is, yesterday they blame saudi arabia for this disaster, and today they have reconciled, and this is thanks to china, that is, china has demonstrated that it is a full-fledged guarantor of such processes, and an economic guarantor, political and diplomatic, it is ready take on this role, i think if anyone can become a guarantor in resolving the israeli-palestinian conflict, it is china, and russia together with china. russia, why? because we also took a very balanced, very correct position, without supporting either side, we nevertheless insist on what we have always insisted on. and this sequence is truly captivating. there must be two states;
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we do not accept collective responsibility. to the question, how should we fight, which is asked periodically. openly anti-russian position, why israel has become a refuge for all this liberal liberal riffraff, in my opinion, for the reason that russia showed a third way, for decades israel has been fooling the world, saying that there is only this way. no more, the question is existential, dear friends, we suffered during the holocaust, which i absolutely do not argue with, it is a tragedy, an insane tragedy, germany is still paying for this, so these are the existential questions, or are we going back to that time? ,
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again the jewish people are on the brink of an abyss, or we are bombing the gas sector, and today russia has shown that there is no either-or. this is this one dualism, it is false, there is another path, yes it is thorny, yes it is bloody, yes it is long, but it exists, gentlemen of the israelis, are you ready to follow this path? that’s all, and this is a dead end, you know, and they have nothing to object to, well , look, this begs the question that thanks to the northern military district, you gave an example like this, i really like it, the circle of countries tired of the west is expanding, yeah, this is vashta. absolutely, and this is the result of the mouth, everyone is tired, everyone is tired, the europeans are also tired,
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the europeans themselves, of course, they would like it too, well, we we are talking about politicians or about peoples, well, we are talking about peoples and about those politicians who are not puppets, who are not grown in a test tube, like they are not soros, let’s call it that, yes, well, look there, i even made a collage at one time , i... become its honorary members, and they themselves admit that, probably,
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some kind of catastrophe must happen first, it is already happening, the process has been launched, we must take a sip of grief, they say, like in the mid -forties, yeah, after that, yes, then maybe something will happen, we are in a corner, they say. to which i answer them as follows: well, if there is no way out, then punch through this corner with your head, but you will hurt your forehead, but you will get out of this difficult situation, recovery through surgery, through surgery, of course, the most difficult with consequences, perhaps life will no longer will be the same, perhaps you will no longer be full-fledged, as before, but you will survive, you will have a chance, in this club for quite a long time...
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there are no special illusions about its possible elections, the belarusian economy is in the green
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zone, there are dynamics of gdp growth, drivers are industry and trade, let me remind you that at the end of the twenty-third year, the growth of industrial production was generally the maximum in a decade, a third leader was added - agriculture. export potential. also included were germany, türkiye, russia, and china. the launch of a spaceship was, of course, a fantastic spectacle; it was impossible to tear yourself away from the screens; it seemed that at that moment the sound was beating in the hearts of all belarusians. marina vasilevskaya in the main the crew was chosen from several thousand applicants.
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on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians,
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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan , tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up satellite. plate izerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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in the age of rapid development of technology , no one is surprised that even food can be printed on a 3d printer, cutlets, chicken wings and even bread. i am not a categorical conservative, but still, when it comes to bread, i am more of a traditionalist. nowadays, baking production has reached industrial scale. bakeries compete for ideas, for who has the coolest equipment, how bread is made for... one incredible girl wanted to know, and we couldn’t refuse her. hi, i'm kylie from venezuela and i really love baking, and i absolutely adore belarusian bread. but i would like to know how you make suba bread. please tell us, you are from venezuela, of course, how did you end up in belarus? because
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i fell in love, 10 years ago, i met her in venezuela. listen, today is our day and an excursion to the factory where bread is produced. it will be very interesting, by the way, tell me why you do you like baking, how often do you cook, do you bake something, here is baking, this is a special topic, because in venezuela there are small bakeries, that is, they make bakeries there with their own hands, these are large-scale, large factories, like belarusians , as i understand it, there are a lot of them, unfortunately we don’t have them, maybe we have them, but very few.


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