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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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live news on belarus alone in the studio elizaveta lokotko good afternoon in this episode. we deserve to celebrate
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this great holiday together; the establishment of a single medal for the anniversary of the victory was approved by the heads of the cis foreign ministry. there will probably be money, but only on credit; american congressmen do not plan to help kiev for free. the rescue operation in antalya continues for 24 hours; almost three dozen people remain trapped on the funicular. the final race of the season is murmansk hosting the commonwealth cup. in biathlon we will tell you about the results of our athletes. belarus and russia intend to continue working together on space programs, the leaders of the two countries announced this in moscow the day before. and we are talking not only about the joint training of astronauts, but also about the technologies that lift launch vehicles into space and help people perform tasks on the iss. work is currently underway on a satellite that could be launched in the coming years. and as it was said at the meeting, a russian one will also appear.
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we are making satellite programs together, we have maintained these satellite production factories since soviet times together with the russians we are working, now manned flights, now without space it is impossible to solve a single effective problem on earth, this is an increase in defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, that’s where you can’t point your finger, everywhere there is an application to
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space technologies, everywhere, alexander lukashenko’s working visit to russia was full of meetings and negotiations, the leaders of the two countries synchronized watches on various issues, from the position on ukraine to the situation on the border of the union state to security and economy. a big step for the whole country, flight into space opens up new horizons for the development of domestic science and has enormous symbolic significance. this opinion was voiced in the next episode of the program.
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in the full release of the program on the beltia radiocompany website and youtube channel. the collective west is pushing us towards closer consolidation in the cis, the secretary general of the organization stated this following the meeting of the commonwealth council of foreign ministers in minsk. sergei lebedev noted that life itself has dictated to us the need for close coordination. the centuries-old ties between our countries of people are still preserved and help us to carry out our interaction. and the head of the russian foreign ministry is sergei. stressed that the cis countries, under
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enormous pressure, remain committed to the basic principles of the commonwealth. i'm sure there are strategic lines. the west is doomed to failure, they can, through blackmail, ultimatums, threats, force out some actions that, in general, do not help develop cooperation within the cis, but these are one-time situations that do not predetermine a general movement towards getting rid of western dictatorship is a historical process. and it concerns not only our space, it concerns the global situation as a whole. the heads of foreign affairs of the cis countries also approved the establishment of a single anniversary medal for the 80th anniversary of victory in the great patriotic war of 1941-1945. it is made of
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golden-colored metal and has the shape of a circle. the front side depicts figures of red army soldiers hoisting the victory banner over the reistag. below is a faceted five-pointed star surrounded by lavrov. wreath, as noted during the meeting, medal the intention is to worthily celebrate its eightieth anniversary in 2025, taking into account the historical significance of the great victory. the united states began redeploying two destroyers to the middle east in the event of an iranian attack on israel. they are equipped with anti-missile systems, writes all street journal. on sabotage. they fear that tehran may strike israel in the coming hours. the day before, biden announced that the united states would support israel and protect it because it is committed to it. most countries that will limit themselves to iran stated, that they will not give permission to use their airspace for strikes on iran. moreover, turkey, kator and other
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states insist that american bases on the territory of these countries cannot be used either. all aircraft flights over israel have now been stopped; people are urged to leave this country. their citizens, germany, britain and others. everything looks as if there are not even days left before the big collision, just hours. an operation to rescue people stuck on the cable car has been going on for 24 hours in antalya. road. 29 people remain trapped at high altitude. the day before, one of the supports of the funicular collapsed onto a cabin with passengers. everyone inside fell onto the rocks. one person died, 10 are in hospital with injuries, some critically. condition, more than 180 more passengers were trapped at a height, oh, they are evacuated using rescue cranes and helicopters. witnesses claim that before the accident , a sound resembling an explosion was heard, after which the funicular shook violently. promises
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unfulfilled, french farmers are rebelling again. for almost a month, relative calm reigned in the country. the peasants expected prime minister atal's government to fulfill its promises. it turned out that the farmers. deceived, in response they again began to precisely bombard the authorities with manure and fecal water. the day before, tractor demonstrations took place in at least six major cities of the country, in some places the authorities fenced off administrative buildings with concrete blocks from targeted volleys of peasant manure artillery, but this did not help. an example of political deception from germany, these shots show a rally of german farmers. the police forbade them to use visual propaganda; suddenly a film crew from the state television channel tsdf appears, bringing in a complete stranger. he holds a banner in his hands, more money for
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weapons for ukraine. you have witnessed a miracle. a protest rally against ukrainian food dumping immediately turns into a pro-ukrainian one. it is in this form that it will then be presented in the news on the central democratic fund. it seems that the fate of the american billions, which are intended to finance the ukrainian conflict, will be decided in the near future. time. house speaker johnson spoke with trump. it is the ex-president who actually controls the parliamentary republicans today. these two politicians agreed on the following option: republicans will approve the allocation of money to ukraine, but only in the form of a loan and in an amount of no more than 15 billion. we can expect a vote for this option of american aid already. in the coming days for kiev this will mean a further plunge into the abyss of debt, while the amount of assistance is unlikely to provide a turning point at the front, however, they may vote against congressmen from the democratic party, they demand that 60 billion be transferred to ukraine practically free of charge. the united states is hit by
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another wave of drug epidemic. why is it called a national disaster, who made billions from someone else’s misfortune? and why the war with datura remains a failure. state inaction, cynical pr by politicians and open-air hangouts. we will tell you in clear terms how cities are turning into heroin ghettos. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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morbansk, these days the spectator center attention and bright emotions. in the capital of the kola arctic, a place that hosted the championship of the soviet union eight times,
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the commonwealth cup season is nearing its end. by this moment , the final relay race of the season took place, in which we were rooting for our quartet, now we have the opportunity to find out all the most interesting things from the scene. andrey kozlov, connections with the studio, andrey, greetings. good afternoon, minsk, good afternoon, dear belarus, very soon on our air, the results of the mixed relay, the final races for today, but bye i take you. i’ll tell you a little about this place, because murmansk is not a new place on the biathlon map of the world, since the ussr championship was held here eight times, the russian championship was constantly held, yes, in recent years , maybe big biathletes haven’t come here, here are the superstars of the belarusian russian biathlon, but nevertheless in terms of organization, in terms of the surroundings that you will see in the broadcasts, and of course, these bird's-eye shots show that this is a completely biathlon place, we have today was a unique opportunity to communicate with our brilliant legend from pro-murmansk. the track is not easy, and even more so, as
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you can see, it’s the end of the season, the changing weather conditions create difficulties for both the athlete and the trackers, but in principle, a little bit, of course, after the nineties there were changes, the stadium became more classic, as we are used to, the track is very workable, well, and also the atmosphere, the atmosphere here is always good, despite the fact that it’s polar and... it’s mostly foggy and sometimes dark, there’s very little sun, well, now to the main result in the last minutes on the murmonsk biathlon track there is a mixed relay and belarus , unfortunately, is without a podium, but our team has a high, fourth place, solo, kudaeva, lazovsky and lobostov are in the top 4 today. unfortunately, dinara smolskaya withdrew from the race today because she felt a little unwell; let me remind you, she is a young mother, and this is, first of all, anton smolsky earlier withdrew from the same relay race, because tomorrow anton is fighting for the globe. in the entire season of the overall standings of the commonwealth cup, anton has the floor, he explained everything to us in detail today,
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today is the second day of competition in murmansk, it is taking place without smolsk, the fans are all a little upset, but i think your family absolutely has some common sense approach here, why isn’t nedenaro competing today, why isn’t shty performing, i’ll note that it’s already the end of the season and the body is not always ready to perform at every competition, i decided to save some energy, maintain my health in order to compete tomorrow. for the globe, realizing that today’s race could well take away the energy that will be useful tomorrow, if the situation was, for example, the mostart sprint and the relay, then of course i would take part in the relay on sunday, tomorrow it will be an interesting and exciting race, both for spectators and for athletes. well, in conclusion, let me remind you that today is international rock and roll day, and biathlon is the rock and roll of great sport, so be sure to turn on belarus 5 tomorrow, brilliant mastarts.
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over the years, the walls of belgosirka have undergone many changes, the key ones occurring from 2008 to 2010, when reconstruction was carried out. they started working at the circus. building, an arena was built for rehearsals on six floors, new halls also appeared, while the building retained classical elements of architecture, and today it is our pride, one of the best arenas in europe and the world. thanks to the belbom circus , they simply lured me away from russia, i decided to live in belarus, with this circus, so it’s like it’s my people’s circus.


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