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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 3:15pm-3:46pm MSK

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this will be interesting, colleagues. thank you, andrey, the commonwealth biathlon cup season is ending in murmonsk. in the year of its sixty-fifth anniversary, the belarusian state circus continues its festive events. the day before , the circus employees and its veterans were honored at the manege. for them, words of gratitude and congratulations for their work and dedication to the viewer and creativity. and then, a memorable and vibrant performance by circus performers. over the years, the walls of the white state circus have undergone many changes. a six-story rehearsal arena was built, new halls also appeared, while the building retained the classical elements of architecture, and today it is our pride, one of the best arenas in europe and the world. thanks to the belgus circus , they simply lured me away from russia, and decided to connect me with belarus, with this circus, so , as it were... home, i
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have been connected with the minsk circus for 8 years now, and i think that there will be many, many, many more things to connect , because well, we are not going anywhere, we have new projects now, there will be an opening, we will go to the regions, it will come from the white state circus and shepeto will be lucky a large major program with white tigers , including, indeed, during this period a lot of things happened in the belarusian state circus, but i can only say one thing that... our audience was always pleased with the performances of artists, both belarusian and foreign, and this was the case, such a litmus test, when spectators want to come to our belarusian state circus and artists want to come, arts not only from neighboring countries, but also from abroad, and indeed this is our pride today. artists belgosirka, multiple winners of prestigious awards, professional competitions and festivals. the circus arena itself constantly
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serves as a platform for touring international programs. for example, in september , spectators will enjoy a large-scale show at the third minsk international circus arts festival. the first belarusian unmanned tractor is being studied at the brest technical university, where it was transferred by the minsk tractor plant. this car has 350 horsepower. the university will have to improve the security system, navigation and other characteristics so that the drone can work in the field. about the abilities of a smart machine and prospects for students in the following story: participating in a major project for the first time is a very great success and helps you gain confidence and competence in your profession. this kind of cooperation is a very huge prospect for young specialists. the guys got to work with enthusiasm. now it is important to form a team that will study the first.
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there are a lot of tasks themselves, from artificial intelligence for analyzing the situation to building maps, analyzing the risks that arise during operation, to specific cases, how a tractor should behave with this or that unit, that is, this is all a large field for research. when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the system. this can be done using a remote control, but after training, which is why it is from a specialist, we turn on the starter, now the machine is ready to move, in other words, the maximum speed that the tractor can travel -
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the control itself is not very complicated, that is, it is a remote control with direction joysticks to the right and left and also speed, speed control, training took place from employees of the mtz company, of course this is very interesting for us, it’s mounted, it is assumed that the tractor will be able to work 24x7, and this will significantly speed up the execution of all field work, by the way, experience in agricultural automation... we already have, at the moment my team and i are developing a digital test site for testing agricultural machinery, working with hardware is time-consuming and expensive, and for this a digital twin is created, on which first, all the functionality for a real prototype is tested, and then it can be tested in reality. today we understand that practice-oriented training and training of specialists at a high level is impossible without active participation. our
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partner enterprises, this is truly a unique opportunity for students to gain access not only to some practical knowledge, but also to gain real experience and a team. work of interaction with the customer, but also the implementation of real projects. the university also cooperates with other major companies in the country, including those producing food and household appliances. they jointly engage in innovative activities and subsequently assign graduates to their first jobs. anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, television news agency. the annual city sports competition gives the family strength of spirit from year to year, and is approaching its denouement. the event not only allows you to instill in children a love for physical education, it largely contributes to the unity of children, their parents and teachers, which was clearly demonstrated today, students of the first to fourth grades of the capital's gymnasium number 50, who are fighting for victory in the rainbow of health nomination. as part of the theoretical part
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of the lesson, about fifty children and their parents learned about possible ways to prevent poor posture. and then we practiced some useful exercises. i can say with confidence that we have such creative, wonderful teachers, such active parents and children, such competitive moments, they really stimulate this creative approach, probably such events are needed, because you also saw how happy the parents are, to plunge again into this atmosphere, the atmosphere of school, activities, such a fun pastime, we were imbued with this idea. it is on saturday that children, parents, teachers will meet at such a wonderful holiday, we are happy to take part for the second year in a row, you see how many participants, our important task as teachers is to raise healthy citizens,
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patriots of our country, therefore a healthy nation, a healthy country , healthy family. results the competition will be summed up in may, but the losers in such... several state programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our system, well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything one could wish for. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to
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the concept of defense of the homeland? over the past 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved. lukashenko, his position saved the state, and that means it saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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saturday broadcast on belarus protest.
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what do you need to know about practice and how to learn the trick? report by maryna ramanovskaya. a thousand years earlier , in the gas parks of the grodzen region , the crop of corn, which was strategic for life, appeared. the washing facilities allowed it. if it's at least 8 degrees, it's time to get out of the plant. completion of the process is strictly necessary in agricultural terms on may 9. urajyan prospects for our farmers at the yury repartage karnyalovich. corn seeds for sowing are treated with insecticides and fungicides to prevent damage to the plants. the seeds are verified for grazing qualities and are ready for sowing. for the local agronomist mikalaya belayavskaya grazing campaign, the most appropriate periods of grain harvesting and harvesting are necessary
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for strict and defined terms, and so that the harvest of the ancestral crop needs to be balanced. yes, i will continue to steam for another year and the gaspadarians will sow corn to the harvested units. i'm sorry, if only i didn't hit the inappropriate ones surprises in the field, it is necessary to process the skin nodes and the mechanism, i process the seedling myself, well
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, i think it shouldn’t be suspended, under good conditions, 30 hectares can be sown in a day, all year long, the gaspadars planted corn earlier than in the past, this is clear and apply without haste fell, the lands of the paddock culture are advedzena davoli vyalikiya, and the completion of this is necessary in strict agricultural terms. geta adzin s haloўnykh kampanentaў u racione kharchavannya doynaga statka. dzyakuyuchy high
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ўtrimannyu starch, culture - goloўny shepherd of energy for living. thanks to this food we achieve good results. 3 years ago we fed 7,050 liters per cow, in 2023 we managed to feed 8,040 kg. for 2024, we set ambitious plans for ourselves. give 8700. corn with cherry beetroot is the final crop of spring grazing. already at the beginning of may, the gaspadarians jump into the loose grass pockets. yuriy karnyalovich, viktar baka, zelvinsky district. tamata firsts come from belarusian chickens. 1200 kilograms, menavita there are so many very important cats of the minsk agricultural factory. pamidora grow on 6 hectares, usyago shchora.
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we also use bumblebees when growing tomatoes. the beef tomato is so big, large, and juicy, which means it’s xanthera, which we also have.
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infectious diseases of the reconstruction building of the university hospital and central hospital kapramon dzitsyachai. pinsku also has a large-scale infrastructure and poor health. a great deal of work is being carried out in the tax administration and in other populated areas in the brask region. the development of medicine in the region ganna buikevich. ankadydispanser - first holy month mikalay fedarovich. and ў rodny pinsk in the past few years there will be no difference in size. holy shit, there are not only comfortable rooms here, but also sherag magchymas. for professional growth. sennya yon vykonvae abavyazki riddles endeskapichnaga office i pravodzitsa obsledovann on daily abstillation. we perform all gastroscopic procedures, so colonoscopies can be performed either under anesthesia or without it. plus, due to the receipt of new high-quality equipment, it is now possible
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to detect formations earlier. leta syu snow oncology dispensary. and the maternity hospital, the antenatal clinic currently has more than 11 thousand people registered, more than 1,200 operations are performed in the surgical department per year, including complex high-tech operations, it was very inconvenient there, there was no repair, this time i came for another the examination felt like being in a new
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hospital, everything was done very well here, it’s cozy, the staff is very attentive and nice. and this dzitsyachaya balnitsa, pakul іdze major repairs, dry stretches in the body myastsovaga radoma. darechy, god , the interior works here have already been drained, and during the lethal month there , the infectious wings of the infectious disease building at the central hospital of the city, were brought back from scratch in less than a year. previously, the sick were served for 15 kilometers from pinsk and malodkavichy agragaradka, there were only 20% of the hospital’s ward boxes, which were indispensable in this building. padishla charga rekanstruktsyi. in the building of the hospital building of the central hospital, demolition work is currently underway, which is parallel to the construction of the central hospital. these serious events reconstruction of the largest healthcare facilities in pinsk, they were planned in the program of social and economic development of the city of pinsk for the twenty-first to twenty-fifth year, since pinsk is included in the cities of accelerated development, the task was set to
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reconstruct, reorganize somewhere the healthcare system, the entire the work is going on.
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on may 27, may 30, june 3 and june 6, may 27, all graduates take a centralized exam in
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a core subject, the same will be held on may 30, but in russian and belarusian language, well, on june 3, june 6 , everyone who wants to enroll is already registering, that is, graduates of the current one.
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easy-going, talented, promising, that the most important thing, as for me, is to give the child the opportunity to even learn this subject himself, more independence, so that the child develops independence, it is quite possible for the teacher to pay attention to each student, and due to the fact that again , this is a rural area, many children live right in this village or in neighboring ones somewhere in some country, it even disciplines them, because they know that i will still go home and meet my mother, for example, at mikolay’s at ksenia’s. a number of relatives are qualified teachers, and they learn from the understanding that important tasks are assigned to the mentor. dzetsi is a captured hell of waste, which occurs in
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the educational process of a young teacher, during the lessons of the meeting . all our lessons are as interesting as possible. and these ўspamіny for young teachers, аsаblіvyy ў...
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for teaching this lesson, young teachers are given a reminder: how to learn to be kind, advisable and abavyazkova work with with your soul, everything you love, then and the sign for the good work will be high. maryna ramanovskaya, mikhail khristafora, vitebsk region. new episodes from the right of the belarusian people. in the khojnice region, there were previously unknown months of plowing the farms at the present time. and how to invest and give another life to the subjects of non-rukhoma. what can be done with economical effects, what can you get in gomelshchyn for one basic price? the palette of the fallen region, from natalya ignatsenka. create young people
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from gomel region excavation of the chamber. the list of known 20 adornable and promising young people, as they showed themselves in different countries of the world. these are laureates and winners of creative competitions for different students. uladalniki. more than 150 undiscovered subjects in
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the gomel region. statuses of historical-cultural kashtounasts. boisterous investors are looking forward to the administration of pharmaceutical pharmaceutical products. there are objects in budynka, former medical and obstetric centers, schools, and kindergartens. this kind of hard work is necessary for the further step of recovery, as zhyle tsi dacha pabudovs. this data is available with closed access to the adzinay plyatsoўtsy infarmavannya. in the khojnice region, a previously
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unknown plow is known. it's very early in the season. the vaiskians of the 52nd special search battalion of the ministry of the ministry, the barons, identified the plowing of peaceful fires in vidz. they were shot down for the sake of cruelty in the 42nd year. the carnies gathered people and took them to the kalgasny yard. people were mocked there. the responsibilities of the tragedy were highlighted from the current information, as at that moment the lads would have been. u grazed bastards.
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