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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 3:45pm-4:39pm MSK

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we put things in order there for the holidays , we bring flowers there to show everyone that we do not forget our heroes, we must know to remember our history, because this is very important, we must remember so that this does not happen again under any circumstances, patriotic actions , which they carry out, in which they very actively participate, well, in general, collecting information, probably just about those liberators who liberated the chaovsky region, within the framework of operation bagration, the third stage of this action, we are preserving the memory of the war which is dedicated eightieth birthday.
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sochyts behind peremyashchenny matatsyklista i steel dzyarzhaўtіnspektsyya. a number of galloinnyh rekamendatsy da zakhavanne khutkasnaga rezhymu i assyarozhnast pra perestraennyakh. ab motoseason according to the rules or hell of the holidays.
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vos yon, the guk of a high abarocistage and a powerful motor, an acoustic song for those who understand technology and for those who love mathematics, this symphony of drive is the sunken streets of the city on the roads of the capital of the city . i am the bikers, please remember the vajitselem, and the amatara themselves dvukhkolavai plane technology and without sudden maneuvers continue the season. more than 20 years behind the wheel of a bike, behind the wheel of dzmitryya tsepanenki, hundreds of thousands of kilometers on the slope routes of belarus, russia and the countries of europe on a two-wheeled vehicle, with the exhaust of a chicken, with the tradition of changing the car . zіts matatsykl. dzmitry collects his own bike to order, the unique machine is built in the first place, and when wintering in winter, the experienced biker is right... any car, and requires
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, accordingly, much more experience, much sharper skills, and accordingly, compared to motorists, motorcyclists are not as protected. equipment, it primarily protects our health in case of emergency situations. for the first weekend of this season, respectfully commemorate the city of minsk. skin care crews control the most emergency areas of the city. the steamy houses in this mode often fix the foam in molasses. pakul yashche halodny asphalt reshki. agent and the sand on the pakrytsts, all this can become a regular strategy for transport contracts and events and problems, there matcyclists will be happy to be asyrozhny during the hour of maneuvering. gis, in turn, on an ongoing basis implement measures aimed at preventing such road accidents, these include various speeches in
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motorcycle clubs during which we explain in detail the main causes of road accidents, their consequences and this is strengthening control over the compliance of motorcycle drivers with road rules movements. first of all, we will pay attention to compliance with the regulations. speed, compliance with rules maneuvering, re-equipping vehicles, as well as the use of protective motorcycle helmets and equipment by motorcycle drivers. first of all, before the end of winter, specialists recommend the price rate of dry air at the dtsaf motodromes. professionals will tell you how to overcome the current situation in the spring and teach you lessons about countervailing values. i studied for category a, got my license in the fall, and now in the spring i decided that i need to improve my level of driving safety. work out the rear brake, work out the front brake, braking by the gearbox in the complex
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braking by the gearbox, the rear front brake, the correct body position at the moment of braking, every motorcyclist respects himself as a road user, because he is a participant. plots of the life of the belarusian regions look at the project of the country on the coming saturday at 15:15, and the tax on our site, and sustrechy.
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year, now i work as the rector of the belarusian i was born in minsk quite a long time ago, in 1972, at the state university of culture and arts and a professor at the department of theory and history of art from the same university. i am married, i have two children, they are already quite old, i really love the place where i work, because i was once myself. i came there many, many years ago, graduated from it , basically received an education and all
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the best, i hope that i have it all, probably, you did it perfectly in one minute, but now questions from our audience: there are 100 of us in the studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer, are you ready? yes, then let's begin! hello, my name is leo, in what kind of family did you grow up in, how are you raised? did your parents hurt you? well, balling is probably not about our family, i grew up in the family of a teacher, an english teacher, and also a teacher, well, by and large, a coach in such a wonderful sport for which our country is famous for biathlon, dad, unfortunately, has already passed away quite a long time ago, well, in general, i’m glad that his life’s work is developing and thriving, because once he was one of those... why, as it were, he was looking for a place to hold the first championship world biathlon, which was held in
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the then belarusian ussr, in general, he found the famous raobichi, now raobichi is celebrating 50 years, so it’s very nice that the place that used to be trees has now become like this, well in general, there was no time to be a truly leading sports complex, not only in our country, but far beyond its borders, because... in my time, children studied, teachers worked 6 days a week, respectively, mom worked, and dad was busy accordingly training camps, competitions, so my brother and i had no time for that, by this time, when our parents came home with work, if dad was there, we had to clean the apartment, but of course we indulged, we went to the cinema, well, if this is considered pampering, but we all they knew that we had responsibilities and it wasn’t a matter of philandering. what were you like as a teenager during adolescence? is this a difficult period for many? well, i don't think
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i was a difficult teenager, because as a teenager i was even busier than as a child, so i think i was quite comfortable with my parents like that, i came home on time after rehearsal, did my homework, went to bed and went to school, then back to rehearsal and so on and so forth, so i was a decent teenager, you have to. turn 180°, red sector, how did you study at school, were you an excellent student? i was almost an excellent student, but all the time i was missing something, i ended up finishing school with a silver medal, but i wasn’t exactly an excellent student, for example, i once had a b in drawing, like... then i missed patience to draw something, so i know... not exactly an excellent student, but i studied well, always an excellent student at the university.
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do you think you have an excellent student complex in life? i think there is. i don’t know whether this is good or not, sometimes it is quite difficult, but this is the desire to do everything, exclusively with the highest score. this is probably such a hyper-responsibility. you studied at the institute of culture and are now working. how has education changed during this time? has changed significantly, for example, material and technical base, yes, if we studied, we, for example, had very few ballet halls, students’ physical education took place in such a small room, yes, some kind that the university had at that time, but now they are wonderful conditions for getting an education, in some ways education became more standardized in others then... when we studied, you know, we did not have such wide access as today's students to
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the best platforms in our country, i mean concert and television and our guys they are already working as assistant directors during their studies, this practice-orientation has increased significantly compared to the time when i was studying, again, when we graduated from the university, we honestly didn’t really know whether our people would need us... country, now everyone seems to know that they are needed, and they need guys from the first year already and many know, studying in early courses, where they will work, how they are building their trajectory. career sees himself in 10-20 years and so on, because i i hope things have changed for the better, and we at least strive for better education. do you think we need a diploma with honors in our time? i have it really red, yes, then there were other forms, now it is blue, but the diploma is written in one sign, but why not, for many employers this is an indicator that
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the person additionally did some tasks, for example, in order to get... now, that's why i'm always in favor of, well, as i already said, doing something at the maximum level, tell me about your career growth at the university, where it all began, it all started with the fact that 35 years ago you entered there, you entered, a little by accident, you studied, you studied well, i already said that at the university i was an excellent student, i don’t have in the record book. one b, i graduated, they offered me to stay, study in graduate school, i stayed, then i became a teacher, then a senior teacher, then i defended my dissertation, received the title and position of associate professor, and then i was offered to head dean's office, faculty, and i was dean
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for some time, then first vice-rector, then for some... time i went to the government body of the ministry of culture, i worked then returned to my university, rector, it all starts in any case with where you are -then you study and become a student, because if you are not a student, you will not be able to be this rector later. why do you think the university won’t let you go? well i think i love him, he loves me, why should he let go, this is a wonderful place,
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don’t you regret that now you don’t have to dance, but lead? no, i don’t regret it, because dancing, well, dancing is generally such a profession, short-lived, yes, well , that is, you can dance for a long time, but still there comes a limit, by this time experience comes, you can teach someone how to do it it’s better to do it, or create conditions for the same guys who learn not only from choreography, so that... they have built - in general, their lives connected with this art, so i don’t regret it, but this is the one the answer is art, which still remains in you, well, it allows you to maintain your health longer, to somehow run so actively, therefore, but i don’t regret it, i don’t regret anything, nothing really
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lasts forever, yes, it’s still not drama theater, where you can , relatively speaking, play different roles until you are 100 years old, after all, choreography is the art of the young, i know that you used to work, well, teach at the institute of cultures, but tell me, you were a strict teacher , it seems to me that no, but as my students joked, this natalya vladimirovna’s favorite phrase is, okay, well done, but so far two, in fact, i rarely put two, well, after all, studying at a higher educational institution. differs from studying at school, yes, there are sessions for which a student must prepare, thank god, i didn’t have one, so i did eight graduations as a teacher, there was no such thing as for exams, for shows that take place every six months, who -i was not prepared, and i was forced to give an unsatisfactory assessment to clear
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the person, fortunately, everything was fine with us, i i hope, but was it? the red sector is to the right. hello, i’m masha, and how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance. and under. because, well, at home i don’t wear a suit, another, well , a tracksuit, but i don’t think that i’m some radically different person, well,
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of course i don’t sign documents at home or anything else, well, i don’t know how do i not turn from some kind of grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty everywhere, i’m kidding, i’m not really the same. you also you command how, and i don’t give much command at the university either, i somehow ask people or convince them to do something, so the house, it seems to me, is not about commands at all, people live at home so that they can ok, so at home at work i’m also not very bossy, it seems to me that you are a strict mother, but i’m a very loving mother, but... i’d like to give you an example, once my boys and i, well, the whole family, were returning from vacation , and along the way there was one child, probably 12 years old,
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who somehow behaved not very well all the time, and mine listened there, listened to all this, he behaved very ugly towards his mother, towards his aunt, well, from the point of view of our family, then my eldest son turned to his youngest son, they are 9 years apart, he looked and said so , in this place fedim, you and i would already be corpses, well, i don’t beat them, naturally, but they know unacceptable things, you can’t shout at, well, adults, that is, you can always calmly decide something, so in some i am very strict in places, yes, do your children study at your university too? no, my eldest son works, he graduated from another educational institution, also a creative one, he has already been assigned for a long time, and my youngest son studies at that educational institution in... where i once studied a little, unfortunately, i did not graduate, so he somehow succeeds more successfully; he studies at the belarusian state choreographic gymnasium and college. hello, my name is ksyusha, are you
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lucky in love? yes, i am lucky in love, however, it didn’t work out the first time, unfortunately, i would certainly like it to it turned out right the first time, but we have been happily for over 20 years. life may be a utopia, but i believe that someone is lucky, as i hope my husband is, do you believe in love at first sight?
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no, i believe in sympathy at first sight, but in love at first sight, well , it’s hard for me to believe, because love is such a very multifaceted feeling, which is not only about passion, so yes to sympathy... how did you meet your husband? i taught him. he was the head of the group in which i, as a young teacher, taught a dance to a group of directors. staging dance performances. therefore, when questions arise, he says: the question is not for me, i had a good teacher, so everything is fine with the classical solution to the performances that he did. that’s why we also met at the university, it’s such a complicated story. but it ended very happily for us and continues and ended, i hope.
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you are a public person, how do you choose your wardrobe? i come to the store to begin with, buy things, i mostly buy belarusian things, that’s all i’m wearing, in fact, everything, the belarusian conclusion is possible for shoes, although shoes too. then , because it’s appropriate at the moment, i choose things for myself for the occasion that suits me, i also sew some things for myself from
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belarusian ones. naturally masters, did your style change when you became rector? yes, i didn’t wear makeup before, well, no, i didn’t use makeup off stage, now i have to somehow improve myself a little, and well , there are more and more formal suits, because when you work as a teacher different choreographic disciplines, but you can come, relatively speaking, in trousers and a leotard, well, i mean. the rector is not having so much fun with this anymore, so well , in order to show something to the students, depending on the appropriateness of this or that event, i choose what i need to wear. what is it like to be a woman leader? well, you see, i don’t really understand the difference between a woman and a leader, a man should lead, but i have
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men subordinate to me, including my deputies. not only women, but also men, but it seems to me if you are a decent person, then it doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or a man, you need to behave normally, otherwise, i don’t know how men lead, i wasn’t one, so i lead as a woman, i try to resolve everything peacefully questions, you are strict with teachers, well , probably yes, i am consistent, but on the other hand, well, teachers... they are all adults, they do not understand the limits of their capabilities and their responsibilities, so many of them taught me how i can, well sort of perched on top, as they say in directing, so i treat them all with respect, but if someone does something like being late, if it’s a one-time thing, well, god, anything can happen to him, but if students suffer from this, but we have to.
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it seems to me that you have a very stressful job, how do you relieve stress? the work is nervous, uh, i can read, sit down, well, when it’s really hard, you need to add physical activity, you just stand and squat, 100 times, so well, these are very standard techniques, switching attention, first of all it’s physical
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activity and... they may receive a letter asking them to reschedule their exam, then the teacher goes to a meeting, and let’s say, not today, but tomorrow they take this exam, but you know how, show business stars will still have to get a state diploma example to fulfill the state standard, so everyone teaches something in the same way, perhaps this image
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of a beautiful media person who knows how to do something works for some of the teachers. additionally, but not at all, to me it seems that sometimes it is even more difficult for them, because someone asks them especially meticulously, but so far they have not complained, while all the show stars of show business successfully pass exams and study successfully. continue the sentence: the belarusian state university of culture and art is a place where culture lives. now bguki are called as a word.
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i love, of course, when people say it dismissively, but sometimes, well, it’s just a name, so as not to talk for a long, long, long time, but we don’t like that, honestly. tell me, can a person with a black soul in your opinion, to be cultured? he may be, suffixes sometimes decide, cultured, you understand what kind of person, this is a person who respects those around him, respects his country, respects his family, respects, well, the world, yes, in which he lives, strives to make it better, because i... have already said, the first meaning of the word culture is cultivation, it is something that you create, in a broad sense, culture is everything, everything that you wear, everything that appeared in an unnatural way, yes , somehow created by the labor of others people, do you consider yourself a cultured
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person, well, i try to get closer, yes, it’s a process all the time, because if i say, that’s it, i’m cultured, otherwise i recognize my own perfection there, i’ll close up, and i don’t know, that’s it, mine development will stop until...
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just such idle things, from communication from some kind of doing nothing, unnecessary, well, although it is never superfluous, with your own children, well, some things related to time, then yes, if you could compress time, of course you could i wish i had more time, but i try to keep up. how do you manage to combine work and personal life? well, you just take it and combine it, well, what does personal life mean, i go to work,
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my husband goes to work, my husband also works at the same job that i have, only in a different position, there i can sometimes watch a play that was prepared by his students, the youngest my son leaves for school at 8:30. he returns very late, because he also has rehearsals, then there may be a performance, and so on and so forth, we all come together at dinner and talk about, if we can also talk about how someone’s day went, well, this is just ordinary life, i don’t understand the division between work and personal life, that is, personal life , time free from work, of course - when you you work, well, you work, well , the only pluses are that you can see your husband, for example, by chance in the corridor of the university, when he is there carrying some kind of decoration with students to rearrange somewhere, this is an additional reason to see each other, so well,
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this somehow it happens naturally, no no artificially, then the black sector, to your right, natalya, i think that you know the concept of taste in creativity, so... do you think that you have good taste or not? i was once told that, or i read somewhere, i don’t remember, that taste is the ability to choose, not just find one thing, yes, but choose from a wide variety what is more appropriate, for example, for a given situation, either for this project, or for something else, or for you personally, so uh, i hope that it’s not bad for me, but this depends on observation, well, what? they say that an artist must be hungry, but what do you think? i am against satiety, and also against
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not paying artists in the broad sense of the word, because we always told our children, well, in the sense of students, children, well, you come here, get a profession, it’s exactly the same job, yes, it is connected with creativity, there with the muse, if she comes or does not come, this is your job, you must be able to earn your living with it, and feed your children, so of course i against people being free. they were doing something, but unfortunately, a really hungry artist won’t dance anything there either, for example, he’ll fall into a ruffle and that’s it, i think that a person should have a decent standard of living, sufficient, but decent , but it’s even worse when satiety sets in, when you have everything, and you’re already starting to get mad. is talent a prerequisite for creating something worthwhile
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, or can you achieve results through long work? well, of course it’s easier for talented people, it’s just, well the result is faster and it is more interesting in an artistic sense, but even a super-talented, truly amazing person will not succeed without difficulty. do you think you have talent? yeah, yes, i have human talents, i don’t think i’m super-duper talented. well, i’m very critical of myself, but i think i have, well, i won’t say that talent, probably teaching abilities, i’m just interested in this in itself and i’m interested in seeing this result in students, probably there is a talent in communicating with people so that people move in the same direction to achieve some goals, we move on to the next question: red sector, please, i have a question, what is
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the most uncivil act you have committed? downright uncultured, now you have to think, but i , unfortunately, allow myself to use obscene language, probably, yes, but so, well, i try, i don’t know, not to throw away papers, with this. by the way, it’s also interesting, there’s also a difference in cultures when you come to china, and this amazing country, amazing nation and so on, i remember that my colleague was looking for a gum wrapper, where to throw it away and there is no trash can anywhere, i say, in my opinion they throw everything here, she no, we came from belarus, we are now let's find a trash can, we'll throw it away, i can't throw this candy wrapper like that, in general, we found this trash can, threw it away, then we see in the hotel... in general , an amazing hotel, a five-star hotel
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, everything is clean, clean, and the person there means he smokes and immediately quits that means the cigarette butt is right on the floor, a person immediately comes up and cleans, but there are just a lot of them, everyone needs to be provided with work, some of them litter, others clean, they are very clean, but we can’t afford a taxi, there aren’t very many of us, so we need to take care of everything we have , and well, it’s not necessary in this sense...
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do you think your children are proud of you? i think yes. yes, it’s true, my children want me to be a doctor of science, and in this i’m letting them down. bye. if you were told that a woman cannot be a leader, what would you answer? let's check. the woman is not may be a leader. let's see. on you, everything is in your hands, it seems to me, girl, there are a lot of good examples, one of them is beautiful in front of you, how do you treat modern youth, with love, i treat modern youth, i understand that it depends on you in general, how my old age will pass, and not only mine, so, honestly, i don’t like phrases regarding. what bad young people are,
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they said the same thing about us, they said the same thing about our parents before us, but i understand that you are all very different, i’m not generalizing anyone, i’m not i say that there is some kind of generation there , they are all very different, but the truth is that i treat you with great love and hope, what do you think, how to educate patriotism in young people, well, listen - what are you talking about, you need to educate, here your parents love you, well, yes, well, you live in this country, right, you love the place where you live?
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traveling, i always really liked it, here, i fly straight to the airport, and it feels good, you know, or they call and ask, how are you doing there, for example, in some country exotic, he says, i love my homeland so much, especially when some difficult things are associated with a difference in mentalities, and i am aware that for them their homeland is the best, but for me mine, when you reach my senior age, i... i hope that you will all feel that this is the best place for you, and hello, my name is katya, what are you most afraid of? and i ’m afraid of war and i’m always afraid for the health of my loved ones, but it seems to me that these are natural
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fears of any person, they are especially aggravated when a person has his own children... in our time this was very relevant, everyone in my childhood was afraid, afraid, but i’m so impressionable, well, unfortunately, now i have to be afraid, so i’m very grateful that we live in a country that is holding on, but so, well, these things, this is the worst thing, the next
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question is from the red sector, how well do you think our education is valued abroad? if you look at the number of foreigners from which countries they study in the republic of belarus, it is obvious that it is valued, because the number of those people who came from different countries, very highly developed, to study in the republic of belarus, it increases every year, there are a lot of them, subsequently these people find work in themselves, at our university, well, it so happens that there are a lot of students from the people's republic of china. well, you know that china, i already said here, is a very highly developed country, believe me, the chinese can afford to choose education in any other country in the world, but nevertheless they come, and the most pleasant thing is when you come on a business trip, and those from different provinces of china, this is a big
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country, in general, and the flight is quite long, your graduates fly there to say thank you, or to show something... i would like to discuss something else, some joint projects, so from this point of view, well, i see how many foreigners not only in our university, but in others, everyone knows how to count money, they do not study for free, they spend it so that later they receive a decent level of wages in their country , or remain in ours, depending on who it is, therefore, we work to ensure that our level of education is valued. there is an opinion that poor students are more successful, but do you agree with this? well, i didn’t see very successful poor students, among those people who perhaps they exist, but i didn’t see them, among, say,
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my classmates who graduated, i was not the only medalist, we had 11 people in the class who graduated with medal, all fairly successful people, for example, yes... those people who occupy, for example, high positions in our country, well, no one none of them were bad students, if not honors and excellent students, there are also a lot of them, then people studied quite well, so i don’t know where this myth comes from regarding the fact that students with bad and bad students achieve success, maybe, you know, due to this this adventurism, perhaps like... some kind of me here, in some areas this is probably good, but there are areas where it’s simple, being a bad student or a c student, you won’t achieve anything, these are some kind of high-tech processes and so on . is it true that student years are the most memorable? true, that’s why i
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recommend everyone to study full-time to get an education, and i’m very glad that i completed 5 years of full-time education, because in the process of studying at a university, it’s not only that you gain knowledge, connections are formed, connections are not in a bad sense of the word, in a good sense, yes, especially with us. such a university is industry-specific, in fact, most of those who work in culture graduated from our university at some point in different years, and this is very important when, for example, the director knows the artist, the artist knows the choreographer, someone there, yes, these are not questions of personal relationships, these are questions of, well, developing some kind of cooperative models that are then feasible in the production of a product, well, such a creative one, the same student teams that exist there.
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that my dad was a ballet coach, well , i mean, choreographers are all obsessed with being thin, well, because boys need to lift girls and so on, and i took it from my dad, then there was no such opportunity to find all the equipment that maybe some baloney pants, so that it means sweating and losing weight in general and everything else, then i brought these baloney pants to someone else, and my classmate comes up to me, it’s very easy to deceive me, i’m very gullible, natasha comes up and says, i say , that in such a tragic voice,
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they told everyone who studies in bolonia to come to the department, i’m horrified, well, because for us now, our students go to the department, to the dean’s office, almost to the rector’s office, just like everyone else home, in our time it was, so you were called to the department, i say, what happened, i think that’s it, in general, now something will be done to... us , and he’s like, well, they told everyone who studies in bolon to come to the department, i say that it will happen, he says , well , they will give us skis, well, like this, it was funny to me then, so he split us, well, they didn’t give us skis, and no one called us anywhere, so we lost weight and so on, the next question is from the purple sector to your left, what do you think , higher education in the modern world is mandatory, mandatory, but i’m generally in favor of having a fairly high level education. there is such a so-called human development index, and the more educated the environment, the more highly developed the state, there are products that can
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only be produced by me in the broad sense of the word, people with higher education, this organizes the brains, so for some positions, well, it’s not necessarily possible for someone else to earn money; if a person has a talent, i don’t know, for welding, relatively speaking, then maybe he doesn’t need it. for higher education, he is happy in this, it brings benefits, and there loves his job, why should he get an additional one, well, if he doesn’t want it himself, yes, but if you interact with people there or create some kind of creative product, it’s a must, in my opinion, do you think artificial intelligence can replace it in the future creative professions? i really hope not, because all the same , artificial intelligence is based on...
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it has some drawback, anyway, it’s not an ideal model that has been calculated, that is, for example, in a task of harmony, in music, yes , you can up to you subject to of all the laws, you can allow some minor nonsense, but you will get a result that is more interesting than everything written correctly according to the laws, yes, so i hope that, in the broad sense of the word, artificial intelligence will not replace the. .. high works of art, please tell me how not to make a mistake when applying and choose
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a profession that you really like. also a simple answer, you need to listen to yourself, sometimes they advise you to take career guidance testing, it probably helps someone, but it’s also not absolute, yes, because , for example, work suits me, there’s mathematics, as it turns out, i took it for myself, but i have a different solution, so i have to look at my inclinations, what works out better in any case, what do you like because well... also an old old saying, find yourself a job that you love and you will never work a day, you will well enjoy what you do, maybe you should listen to your parents , but unfortunately, parents are not always right, because they are very often our parents also come and say, well, or they came, we don’t want, we want the child to go to it, the child himself directly
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wants, so he wants to study there, for example , theater and it happens... there were as many cases as possible less, but they will still inevitably be, unfortunately, someone is wrong, so think very carefully what you want, what you want to do, the next question is to your right, the black
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sector, in what is the most interesting place? have you ever danced? and this is the most interesting place, but for me, when i was for 15 years, we went on a guest tour to vladivostok, and there was this aircraft-carrying cruiser minsk, then it was called, then, unfortunately, after the collapse of the soviet union, it was sold in china as a park, it is a huge ship.


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