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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 4:40pm-6:04pm MSK

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and what would you like to do, unfortunately, you may come across a not very successful teacher, or somehow relationships with classmates will not work out, and the person may leave, well, i see my task as being to ensure that the number of these cases there were as few as possible, but they will still inevitably happen, unfortunately, someone makes mistakes, so think very carefully about what you want, what you want to do. next question, to your right, black sector: what is the most interesting place you have ever danced in? ha, and this is the most an interesting place, but for me, when i was 15 years old, we went on tour to vladivostok, and there was this aircraft-carrying cruiser, minsk, then it was called, then, unfortunately, after the collapse of the soviet union, it was sold in china in as a park, it's a huge ship. on which there were
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planes with vertical take-off and so on and so forth, on the deck and on the lower and upper decks of this ship we had a concert, but this is the most unusual place in the pacific ocean, well, next to the pier. when was the last time you danced? in preparation new year's republican ball, our university is involved, so i also help there as a choreographer. so at the end of december, let's dance, come on, it's great, but just all together, stand up, this is not dancing, this is exercise, and it's all just me, and this is called quality,
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applause, how great it is! thank you! this signal means it’s time to ask questions to the heroes and glass. natalya vladimirovna, now you have to choose the best question of this program? yeah, i’ll probably choose the most provocative question: can a woman can't be in charge? this question and
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tell us what grade, what school do you study in? my name is ksyusha, i study at the twenty -fifth gymnasium in 10 b. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest: go to the site where there are our promotional products, in case you want to become our student, and you will already have our cup, our lightshot and everything in general, come. guys, thank you very much and don’t be afraid to be leaders, it’s not scary. natalya, and now you have an opportunity to ask children your questions. and i actually have two of them. the first question: would you like to be in this chair in a few years, having found yourself in it, what question would you not like to hear addressed to you? of course , i would like to be in this chair, because... if you find yourself in this chair,
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of course, this is a famous person, what is the most difficult question that you would not like to receive, this is probably something from your personal life or, for example, the most, so to speak, shameful incident from childhood, thank you, i, i probably would like to be there, but i don’t like questions about salaries, because now there are people who look at a person and compare how much he dresses, how much he costs. i believe that salary is a question that is not advisable to ask. hello, yes, i would like to be in this chair someday, because it means that you have become some kind of successful person, and many are interested in just listening to answers to all sorts of questions, and how do you share your experience? well, i probably wouldn’t name any now awkward question that would be for me. thank you very much, i am very grateful to you, it’s very comfortable with you. natalya, it's time
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to say goodbye to our audience. so, the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts natalya korchevskaya is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site. and here i ask you to stay. natalya, what was the most difficult question for you today? probably the question is whether, the question that i chose as the best, can a woman to be a leader, or rather, that she cannot be one, the question is about my most uncivilized act. what surprised you about the children? somehow with his very conscious approach and his sincerity. i'm very glad i visited today. today you managed to answer. for 68 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree in front of you, with pleasure, i am addressing our young audience, do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you, raise your hands those who think so, and i
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think that the heroine was as honest as possible, her answers were very open, she knew what she was talking about, she didn’t invent anything, because there was simply no time for that, but my heroine... seemed very open, inviting, it’s clear that the person is passionate about her work and burns with art. who thinks that natalya vladimirovna was, well, cunning today, didn’t say something, tried to hide something from you? hands up. there is one person. i believe that she, uh, understands that we are still children, and, uh, there are some things she decides to keep silent about. i won't give examples. honestly. speaking, well, there is some truth in this, after all , you won’t discuss things with minor children and load them with information that is understandable to an adult . natalya vladimirovna, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. and in
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art it is very important - this feeling of partnership, i would like to wish all our children that they always understand that we are... in the sense of the word, we are all a big, big team, even if we may not know each other, but someday we will all find out together we really must make our lives better, the life of our country better. rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya, is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, see you in a week. watch in the next episode! winner of the third season of the show factor bai, daniil savene. when you
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are called a person with a disability, you... offends, but could you give up everything you have in exchange for your eyesight? if i close my eyes now and try to walk, i will fall, and you often are you falling? can a song change the world, like stop war or violence? how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? can i hug you? 100 questions for an adult. but even you can’t help, and your darkness, to me alone, is absolutely, completely useless.
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the owner of a small company in the russian federation was waiting impatiently for this moment. two weeks ago, he ordered a tractor-trailer in order to increase the volume of transportation of his enterprise. due to logistical difficulties , the delivery of the truck took a little longer, but it was finally delivered to customs. it remained just pick up the car and drive it home. the surprise of the new owner knew no bounds. he saw in front of him the wrong heavy-duty truck that he had ordered, later he found out that it had not been cleared through customs, but the most shocking thing was after the man began to make inquiries and was told that there were a dozen more trucks parked in the neighboring customs station parking lots, driven by the same
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scheme, the owners refused almost all of them, since they were old and broken cars, and not what they ordered from the supplier, and in all cases, customs clearance almost reached... the cost of the car itself. entrepreneur artyom from the samara region of russia decided to increase the volume of his business, but for this he needed another truck, he didn’t have much extra money, so he decided to find a heavy truck cheaper on the internet. the man found a good offer on the avito website. the seller offered tractors and trailers in excellent condition, and at
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the lowest price on the market. the businessman contacted the authors of the advertisements by phone and found out that the cars were indeed in stock. but they are not in russia, in belarus. to look at the options and choose something for yourself, you need to go to mogilev, where you can make a deal on the spot without any problems. look at the scheme that was first explained to the victims.
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immediately this manager called all the other members of the group and said: guys, come on, the log is on its way, so they were already ready, they were going at the appointed time, despite the fact that the path was not close, artyom decided to try. he bought a train ticket to mogilev, just in case, and took $20,000 with him, which was the price of the one he liked tractor with trailer. as a last resort , representatives of the company promised the client to choose an option no worse for the same money, and this amount included the cost of not only the heavy load itself, but also other payments, including recycling fees and customs clearance. all the victims answered that indeed, initially, through a telephone conversation, it was established that the criminals assured and promised that the car would be available and
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the recycling fee would be cleared through customs, that is, the car would be completely turnkey. andrey zhukov, deputy head of the krichevsky district department of the investigative committee of belarus. at the time of the investigation of the criminal case, he held the position of senior investigator of the krichevsky district department of the investigative committee of belarus, took part in inspections of incident sites, seizure of documentation, inspections of computer equipment, and conducting. the victim could pick up his car, he still had to pay half the amount the car was worth. arranged. a driver was supposed to meet artyom at the station along with representatives of the company, and indeed the car was delivered, and this
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there was an executive sedan, the driver met the client and kindly took him to the place where the office was located. artyom was so impressed by such a polite meeting that he even shot a video on the way to the office. later , this file will become evidence in a criminal case, but for now the man doesn’t even suspect him of anything... the audience, as a respected person, already along the way began to convince him of the high quality of the services provided by the company. the office to which the man was brought was also a pleasant surprise. it was a room located in a good residential mogilyovo complex, at levaya dubrovenka 32a. it was necessary to gain time, because people arrive from the russian federation, sometimes at night. respectively. there is no reason for all criminals to be in the office. konstantin
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shutov, head of the investigative department of the osk of belarus in the mogilev region, exercised procedural control over the progress of the investigation of the criminal case, provided practical and methodological assistance in carrying out the most complex investigative and procedural actions in the case. after arrival in the city of mogilev, the victim is connected with... as well as departure from the city of mogilev to volkovyst or elephant and arrive there in advance to create the appearance that they allegedly work directly in those cities, they are in the city of magilev, generally work and live. in the office, in front of the client, the entire
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assembled acting troupe was performing a real performance; the main thing was to create the appearance of vigorous activity. including fictitious ones, well, so to speak, they completely gained the trust of each victim, plus to everything, the very fact of having money in your pocket and arriving from in a distant region, a person is already pushed to make some kind of transaction by the presence of contracts, three, and, moreover, by creating
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the appearance that he is really a working business entity, which has its own leader, a press. office equipment and so on, all this together creates the impression that a legal transaction is actually taking place. during a conversation in the office, the client learned that the option he came for had already been sold, of course, they would find an alternative, no worse, and maybe even better, but there is one point: all the cars are not in mogilev, in another city, and the person with whom he initially communicated simply got something wrong; according to legend, he was a representative of a moscow company.
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this was also a calculation. in each case , the client was provided with full support. the logistics of transporting it from one city to another was taken care of by the company’s employees, so
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they could completely control the person so that he did not jump off. in some cases , this was necessary to... slow down the path from point a to point b, because in parallel to another another car was driving through the city. our victims went directly to the border, where, in their opinion, their car, which they had already chosen, was waiting. while the driver was taking our victims to the indicated place, a separate group of criminals left the city of magilevo, which was ahead of this car, and a rented office on the border with the republic also arrived. two more dummy offices, while artyom was being transported slowly, other employees were already getting to the point and setting up the production at a new location. according to the stories of mogilev managers, it was already another company with which they worked as
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a subcontractor. the guys are reliable, but supposedly they have nothing to do with their company. throwing in. legend, in order to further confuse their tracks, our clients were shown there, well, which were already victims, and the photographs from the site that they chose, there was no doubt that these were the cars that they initially wanted to purchase, but the victims were told that it was necessary in this case, make the full payment for the car, after which within a short time, well, this is usually 5-10 days the car... will be expelled from neighboring countries , these are the baltic countries, poland, germany, after which at the customs point they will be able to pick up their car in the form that they chose for themselves, the new conditions angered the customers even more, but there is no turning back it was, 10% of the deposit was given, a lot
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of time was spent, but there was nothing left here, the client was given a new contract indicating the car he had chosen, but without the vin number, it was entered later, it was almost impossible to notice any catch, because everything happened in the background permanent fatigue of a person who has come from afar. a person arrived in the city of mogilev and was shown a photograph of a particular vehicle, immediately after this the group leader or other members
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transmitted information to the grodno region with the vin number of the car that needs to be entered into the contract, and this is the vin number of exactly the vehicle that has the lowest market value, which they already plan for themselves in advance. he will see, in principle, like the truck that
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was shown to him in the pictures, he will arrive completely another car. naturally, the victims were shown photographs of cars in the best possible condition, they were promised, therefore, to provide cars in technically sound, very high-quality condition, in fact it turned out... that the cars were already provided to the customs terminals of the russian federation, this is in the city of bryansk, in smolensk , for comparison, i can cite that here is the cost of a car that the criminals actually purchased abroad, this means in the countries of the european union, the cost of cars ranged from 1,500 euros up to 600 euros, it seems like a significant amount, but these... cars were sold , or rather, they received money for them, money was stolen in amounts from 16 to 30 thousand euros, these are trucks of various
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european brands, volvo, mercedes, skaenie, giving, a variety of things, that is, the main thing is to convince the victims to transfer funds in a large amount, the client was offered to wait for the arrival of the truck from abroad. in slonim, or go to minsk, rent a hotel, naturally, at your own expense, because from that moment on the managers no longer cared the buyer's problems, and wait, and they had to wait for a long time, the scammers needed time to find the cheapest car that matched the make and drive it away. at this stage, the person was transferred to another member of the group, the driver, who turned out to be the final link in this fraudulent scheme. to be interested in how our progress is going, at least, otherwise i’m just getting on some kind of nerve, and i can’t control myself, i understand that you
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are tired, you rested there, i also slept for 3 hours, but sleep is like - it doesn’t work, you know, earrings, it doesn’t worry, go to sleep, i drove these cars out, i used to drive out six of them a month and it ’s okay, now it’s just coronavirus here, something else, so don’t worry about my job. i find out, stop, drink a beer and relax, look at the whole thing, get some sleep, don’t worry, the active activity of scammers really took place during the coronavirus pandemic, so they masked all the hiccups and white spots of their gray scheme in front of clients, and... restrictions related to covid. and while the buyer was waiting for his car, the scammers were already dividing the money, because most of it remained in their hands.
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to the carrier who went to lithuania to pick up the truck. at best, a third of the client’s money was given away, everything else became the profit of the scammers. the bulk of the money that was illegally received by members of the organized group was received by its leader. we had information that i had wasted all this money. he took the bulk of it for himself, took him to a disco there, almost every day, this team of ten people was really drunk almost the main part. the scammers were in no hurry to give the car to the buyer yet. because they understood that he would not be able to stay in belarus indefinitely, the client expected to complete the transaction in a couple of days, but instead was in a foreign country for more than two weeks, it is clear that both money and patience in this situation are not unlimited, by the way, this is precisely why scammers fundamentally did not agree to drive cars to belarusians, the organization of the crime itself, it was worked out in sufficient detail due to the fact that...
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someone lost their nerve, they started make a scandal, but it was impossible to get through to the managers, they didn’t pick up the phone, then people attacked the mogilev office on the left dubrovenka, artyom did the same, but it didn’t bring him any results, how many days should i wait, you told me 2-3 days , yes, at most, today is friday, i arrived when, well, they should have kicked me out by now, well , they should, he writes to me every time, and
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he writes to me once a day. i’m just sitting here, i’m just sitting here, i have nothing to do, that is, i have no work, nothing, yes, i came here for resort, i’m sitting relaxing, then tell me in moscow, i was waiting in moscow, there was no question, tell me, wednesday, wednesday, friday, that means it’s friday, what should i have for breakfast, i don’t understand, in the end, after waiting a few days for a call from the driver that the car had finally arrived, the buyer went to the customs terminal in smolensk or bryansk to pick it up, for how long... at this time people even thought that their torment was over, they were about to go home, but not here -that was. imagine the surprise of artyom, as well as other deceived buyers, when, instead of a truck in perfect condition, they saw an old emergency vehicle, only the make and license plate number, which was included in the contract after it was drawn up, matched. many cars wouldn't even
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start. when the victims came to pick up the car, it was the very first shock for them. they expected to get, for that price, a good car of proper quality; when they arrived, they were immediately convinced that, firstly, the cars, as a rule, were in poor condition; rarely did any car even start the engine, oil was leaking from...
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what was required of them, one picked it up, the other drove that brand of car, that is , everything was designed for the fact that residents of the russian federation, they, as a rule, were from distant parts of russia, so.. well, they won’t intend to come here, appeal any decisions, or go to court. when investigators, after checking the internal affairs bodies , opened a criminal case and began to investigate it, the most difficult thing was to identify all the victims, because the scale was truly impressive: in 2 years the scammers deceived dozens of people for millions of rubles, most of them did not want not to testify, much less go to belarus to participate in investigative actions, the victims... they are all citizens of the russian federation 49 people, the total damage in the criminal case is more than 2.2000 belarusian rubles . perhaps there are more victims, but in the documents of financial and economic activities,
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business entities, and based on who contacted the law enforcement agencies, and we have quite widely covered the issue of what those wishing to do and who may have suffered in as a result of criminal actions can be reversed. as a result , all participants in the criminal scheme were brought to justice, and a criminal case was opened against each of them for fraud committed on an especially large scale by a group of persons. the investigators have no doubt that they were working as a group; they helped in many ways, including the pre-investigation check carried out by the operatives. in the same materials , at the same time, we were able to see the roles of each of the participants in the criminal group and the fact that it really had a stable controlled character and clear distribution of roles. the distribution of roles, therefore, of this group
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was that a number of people, its participants , posted information on the internet about the sale of cars, a number of people provided. registration of the necessary documents, the role of a number of individuals was that they simply carried out conversations with the victims, some could simply transport the victim from the city of mogilev to other cities where the rented premises were located. in accordance with their role, each of the participants in the criminal scheme was sentenced to terms ranging from three to 9 years. the organizer of the scheme received one of the longest sentences; he was also given a fine of 800 basic units. needless to say, none of the victims in this criminal case were compensated for damages. but the story with the delivery of
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trucks from europe did not end there. the fact is that one of the members of the mogilev group went to minsk and opened a similar company. he took into account all the mistakes that his accomplices made and decided to eliminate them in his own. criminal activity. as a result, the man managed to build an effective scam that worked for several years. watch in the next episode. one of the members of the criminal group escapes from a sinking ship and opens a similar company in minsk. the group performed the function that allowed him to see the total amount of money that remained at the disposal of the organized group as a result of committing fraudulent actions against the client. knowing about the vulnerability of the mogilev group, the organizer conducts
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work on errors and makes the new scheme practically invulnerable. he reached a certain stage that this car could be sold a second time. the approaches are different, but the result is the same. dozens more people suffered from the actions of the minsk company. i sat there in the hotel, waited for about 4 days. details of how the minsk company worked for the delivery of trucks from europe and what the capital's carriers got caught with. if law enforcement agencies had not paid attention to the fact that very often cars come and go back, then probably, the investigation would not have noticed its presence here. the second series of turnkey trucks of the mysteries of the investigation project will air on belarus 1 tomorrow.
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petro, petro, rise up, the cossack’s cry, i pray, the weak strata of the cossacks.
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let's go, boys. tuberculosis
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kazakovskiy ў we have a family of 10 kurts. sleep. didn’t pashkevich’s movements stop? no, no way. so all the same: sleepy, eager to make money for yourself. kali zakhvareets, kago abraduets, only hitler. i'll quit. documents, i don’t even know how to write
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in german, you motherfucker, you’re funny, god willing, i’m funny anyway, so here you go petska castle idze, it’s not for me, but i don’t want to give up my boots, so this is the cossack’s riddle, all the yago and the cossack’s shepherd, you’re doing nonsense, mikhas, i don’t think so, bukhrey will never stop, no oh, you guys are sleeping , you’re not sleeping, but it’s a secret to me, you know who ira is, what kind of ira, all the way, and i’ll just fall and spring, and i’ll ask you, what kind of ira has appeared? i don’t know if you were a slave, if you were called a goebbels, or if you were a thousand bots, then i can give you your add, i’m still a packer it’s only ours, it’s all winter, i don’t need felt boots, if the war is over, and if it’s true, like the cossacks, we’ll get off at berlin, i’m with hitler himself, sweat , you bastard barefoot, what are you well, you'll fade
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away alive, what about hitler, well , it turns out that maybe he’s better than us and we’re still alive, but i’m telling you, the war is over. let's go to the tax office, we'll sign for the people, but the makayonchyk kazha, we won't go and the camisar, and i 'll seem like a pit, like i'm shaking, just like i'm shaking, you're young, yashche captain, navat pra i say, the germans didn’t kill their horses, but you can say they’ve done everything, and you create an unbearable language for this guy , our pausadzonnasts, mother of yours, fellow cossack, you feel, yes, because he knows the word, because he knows, geta myane.
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don’t listen to the nonsense of the conversation, mikhas, here is my valtar, at the end. what use is your valtar to me? you're rude, you're just a bastard, but i don't care, if you want, i'll kill you. yes, you don’t understand anything. that there is a chalavek, that is what you need, why i’m sorry, because i’m a kalega, what’s that? all the region, all the region. as a reminder, as far as i remember, you are by no means a great-grandfather, and
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what kind of fools do you believe in, you’re just a wargamer, i ’m happy, and you are by no means a great-grandfather, smoke, dear, smoke! i’m quite old, my comrade, fighter,
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patisal, i’m a god, you ’ll endure a lot of faith, i see we’ve got gray heads, we’re rich. the front on the shoulders flashed, flying, sweeping, lusty smegani vyra, this is the red earth, i won’t guess, i’ll take it.
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you dachshund in schools gavaryli that everything is with us at the right parade and jumping like in a dream,
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varashyla to the top of the budzenam on the canoe, so, and what did you try, oh, hitler is coming out closer to us, to whom hitler is closer, that yago and tsalue ў this very month, and what is closed yes, you why am i covered up, because i’m not telling the truth, what i’m saying, and not our mind, citizen of the city. on the right, and our geta on the right, and our geta on the right, to fight, as long as we are left amal, that hell, our army is advancing with all the thin harmats that we have earned for our pennies, for our loans, in my hands, unfortunately backbone, since that war, don’t give up on the backbone, and why are you silent, and ugh, i tell you, you, mikhasho. pashkevich’s son, come on, come on, it’s a funeral, i know you well,
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coolie, and i’ll go back, i think you’ll shoot yourself, sneaky, i can’t believe it, alive, and we also told about the woman, if only at the rifle tank. and your trousers have been known to many, and you are alive, well , there is no sign of wear and tear on your trousers, if you have been plowed so many times, there is such a thing, as if you were reaping a lot from the side, as if you were not harmed, all don't be mean, look at what i tell me get affection, and then, and then you give a grenade, the romanian, the romanian, would be sick. there are a lot of romanian soldiers in the villages, for a loaf of bread two grenades are exchanged, from galadoki, it means that the romanian is on sale, you think, what
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would we get with you, look at what... everything is yours, everything is yours, everything is yours, your land and let’s fight back and forth , and it’s right, well, what ’s going on, season vansh, quickie, and don’t fight nelga tsaper, if you tell me, work kindly, don’t know me nelga, i’m in our area and the wars would always be visible, the barads would be with you there was no sazonchi, and you now just don’t lie on me, you’ve never been on a certain vandron, you’re like a certain old man’s dad, like a dad, uh-huh.
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and i only know german, uh-huh, well, show me, oh, the document is all correct, oh, oh,
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oh, oh, oh, it’s hard to praise a little. don’t walk around with that signet, just be quiet, don’t walk, don’t ride, hey, zakharovna, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, we’ll think of something.
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and khalui, not a lot of people who are the most terrible for khalaiu, motsnaya, don’t often jump around, you wouldn’t like a dachshund, and...
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and everything is up to you, ask a german, well what you? say, cigarettes, well, go, go, go, you won’t
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spoil yourself, geta is not under the soviet system, come on tsuryk, geta taba is not under the soviet system, come on, come on, come on, come on, zakharovna, can you smell the quail?
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strength, all europe and all supracize us. if there was a small bubble, would it be possible to throw it off? yes, you’ll save something like this, not such a thing, you’ll pawn a hundred and
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drink like a shahne, like a shahne! tsishey! prr-pr! documents hvilinachku, vitae, all my documents, kali little lasochka, like geta bitachon.
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apply for help our vyalikay germany nothing caused the virgins. i beg you, don’t steal our uncultured people. geta, in our opinion, is a cherry, but in your opinion, kirsh, yashche neyak, vitay, understands, your second, your highest.
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bachu yak yon on me right yak on the dog.
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and damn we are not strangled, but zakharauna, well , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, yes, quietly, quietly, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, free!
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good afternoon, oh god, good afternoon, sofia kazimiroina, i don’t want to chat with you. what happened? irad, do you want to take them away? yes, nevayaki yan, adzin sukharuki, other things not dry, take it, take it, take it all, take it from me, if only i had taken my hands away,
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so i would have shot my first step, well, sonny, hello, good day, vasil yagoravich, and you, so okay, i love such well, you said it yourself, the meetings are hell...
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who is it, you don’t have anything to do with me, but how can you be a partisan? damn you know that i'm a partisan? why am i just wondering? my brothers were also partisans. i ’m crying, i’m crying, because i’m dead and i’m talking, because you’re their sister, and father, father, on the contrary, i say, because you’re wrong here
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chychym, there is such a war, well, of course, i’m not quick. our elkh khazan adzin palitsai pamatsats, and yana yam yak yaksle pa mordze, eve ih nenavidzets, yana
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likyts, steto palitsa mountains for the germans, i packed the pasli pasl, i will not graze, i will not graze. that's why there's a lot of zvar'yatseya, there 's no place where to put your strength. felix. so, mikhasya, are we going to sort out this nonsense? yes, come on, vasil yagoravich, let’s put this pig in the ward on the chyguntsy, such
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is the effect of the attack, shreklik, like gavorats the germans themselves. only the hell of the carriage is dancing.
5:53 pm
and i would forget there, like viktara yagorka, and you , father, don’t forget everyone, wipe your nose and don’t blink, so who is their connection, there are such, shkulik, i just don’t know everything, but as a doctor, so...
5:54 pm
they were familiar, they saw, they killed someone, it wasn’t necessary, felix, and so everything became clear.
5:55 pm
mikhas, just be careful, don’t hit the gallow, rusty over, vasil yagoravich, that ’s what it is, just be careful, felix, why are you nasirayas, well go, you’re lying there looking, if there was no one, idzi, nyama chago you are a slave here. “vasil yagoravich, there’s nothing wrong with you, i’m afraid i’m afraid, there’s no need for strength, move,
5:56 pm
because you don’t know the key, if only the bolts didn’t fall in the middle of nowhere, just don’t rush "oh, i'm moving." and for the hutka the people of sinachugun
5:57 pm
are weeping, for the sake of their breasts, vasil yagorych, we eat our bread with honey, i’ve been dying for a long time, yes, yes, yes, i’ve been fighting for a long time wars, well , what kind of cyper is becoming a dandy , if you trust german newspapers, so maskva leningrad the germans took us twice, but come on, vasil yagoravich, i’m just glad to hear that we have lost a squad. listen to the cossacks yourself, and it’s so easy for
5:58 pm
people to turn on light music so that people, well... partisans, don’t boast. i like my friend anatol zheuzhyk to listen, so i don’t bother with the dachshund. geta, i tell you this, like a chalavek. you won’t be able to talk about it. great demands, great demands. well done, it’s already on the volga. come on, like hell and the volga, do ukraine know you? vos mikhas, drink cocoa, cocoa, so geta
5:59 pm
6:00 pm
the rapt of the horror is terrible, as if it were to grunt the whole forest, to fight, to fight, to break away.
6:01 pm
what a blessing to you, i love you, and these people you are looking for, every week you can invade us and reassure us all, i tell you to stand there, there eva hey, my hand is freezing,
6:02 pm
well go, felix, go. tell eva, let her get the naradas from under the anel behind the roof, go, go. trouble in a word. gathering this way, when my sons died in may. yon sіkh shkadu, velmi kazha skada, that many people are not for any reason, and you are veach, i ily meana are, inshs one chands, navat new, kali yany palonyya, well , kuda ih dzets, izhsy times the soul of the snow -shaped whale, hatsi, i know myself, it is
6:03 pm
a vaststone rabbi, sala death is not a matter, if only for mothers, if i... of course, right, this is great goodness, that we have not taught our children to hate other peoples, otherwise we will drown, we will, and we will not die and bend down, not too much , never once, here and myself, since the first years of bastards, father, the germans, the germans, the people were driving around, well ...


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