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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 6:35pm-7:06pm MSK

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yeah, yes, good boy, give it to me, give it to me, give it to the old fool that i didn’t care about, i have the strength, boy, yum, give it to me, i’m sick of it, i’m sick of me, eva and that little house are killing me. , give it to me, lad! oh, my children, my little children, smoke a cigarette! light a cigarette, because today it’s too
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heavy, you won’t lie down, you’ll leave again, looking for the dead of night in the horns, if you don’t lie down, you’ll leave again, looking for enemies in the dead of night.
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our equipment is a rescuer’s friend, because it is always nearby and always ready to come to the aid of a rescuer, whether it’s supplying water to some fire, fire, or this is a ladder that will help you reach it. rescue vehicles are easy to
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use by the fighters themselves, why? because in any weather conditions, in heat, in cold and also in fire and water, it must work, because this is a technique that saves lives. my name is natalya senterova, i am the production manager of a modern fire equipment plant, our quality, your safety, protection.
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the plant of modern fire fighting equipment is engaged in the design and production of fire engines, as well as the production of breathing apparatus compressed air equipment, we carry out maintenance and repair of our machines and breathing apparatus. the company began its production in 2011 and began with the production of breathing equipment. with compressed air, their maintenance, repair, and in parallel with this, the company began to think through and develop fire trucks, already in 2015 the first tank trucks were produced, within a couple of years, in 2018 we produced the first ladders up to 30 m high.
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52 m high , and we did it. for the current over time, our company has grown in size. the area of ​​the arshansky site is 4.m. and at this site on orshansky there are such areas as a production and welding site, a preparatory painting, turning, electrical and, most importantly, the main assembly site. each of our cars is unique, and we always try to adapt to our customers, and at the moment we can produce ladders from 30 to 52 m in height, articulated car lifts from 25 to 46 m,
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tank trucks with a capacity of 3 and a half until 11 that. we produce all our cars on a mas chassis with a wheel arrangement of 6x6 4x4 4x2. the staff of our enterprise is about 80 people, with this staff we can produce up to 100 units of equipment per year. we produce our equipment not only for the domestic market, but also for countries such as the russian federation and the republic of kazakhstan. my morning begins with a planning meeting, where i and the site managers plan not only a monthly plan, not a weekly plan, but a daily plan - this is the main thing, if there is some issue or problem in our production, where is it now? we won’t be able to, or we won’t be able
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to do it today, we’ll be able to do it tomorrow, problems happen in different ways, but somewhere there may be some kind of delivery, or some material was delivered with... the deadlines are postponed, i have to adjust this daily a plan so that the monthly plan is completed on time, and in order to draw up this plan, you must see the production in full, we receive orders from the ministry of emergency situations of our country saying, we will take this ladder truck, with this order technical specifications are also received, this technical specification states what the rescuers would like to see in this machine, this is very important for us, this technical task is transferred to the designers, catching these millimeters is a huge job, the machine needs to be completely
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calculated according to the standards documents, yes, but also not to forget about the vast experience of the people who work on this equipment, to me from the design and technology department... yes, this is documentation, i send it to each site according to its specifics, bosses sites begin to make applications for these machines, or for this series, it could be one machine, it could be a huge batch, 40-50 machines, it all starts with metal, with ferrous non-ferrous metal, each sheet metal is pipe, it is rolled metal, especially ferrous metal , he...
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kanstruktsyya i ўzlyn prahodzіtsya. hydraulics are taken, the hydraulic system is installed, the second stage is the support
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circuit - this is an outrigger, which, roughly speaking, is inserted into the support base, then the same hydraulic piping is done, the next stage is installed a rotary support device, a turning mechanism and oil current junctions, then a tower is installed, as many say, this is a rise to... a rotating device that helps rotate the ladder itself 360°. and the next stage is the installation of a hydraulic tank and complete piping of the entire hydraulic system. the most final stage, probably of the main components and assembly of the machine, is the installation of scaffolding. when the chassis enters production, the superstructure is mostly ready. we can produce superstructures without chassis, they will be pressed
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support contour, the chassis is driven under the superstructure, the superstructure is lowered onto the chassis and secured, the hydraulic system and electrical system are connected, the software is also installed into it, the ladder, after completing the assembly work , goes through the factory stage, factory tests, this is a huge stage, this is at least four. for 5 days, the machine finds its performance for 8 hours, it is checked for both dynamic and static loads, loads are hung on it, and the machine must comply with all international standards, so that a fighter, being at the very height, can evacuate another person.
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your secrets before the navukotsami. gets from the old school of krogir know about minsk and enjoy our hours. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the historical past of belarus. papytaytsesya sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka or takhtamysha's yard no one knows. alekhan takhtamysh was at lidze, he lives here. and also, let’s remember folk traditions. the name itself is white-eyed. it’s very ward, yano uzho the ornate, tiny little ones on our panyamon hands could or might not have happened,
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the couple hadzily, they became a stake, hadzily around one bride, then, which one chose the bridegroom, which ў this godze got married, see the project “cultural marriage” on tv channel belarus 24. the ladder can be produced either with or without a cradle. it all depends on the customer, but most often they ask us to make our stairs with a cradle, because they are convenient, and they are always a huge help when evacuating people from heights. at the same time she feeding the substance to the height will help. and
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also the pride of our company is a ladder truck with a lifting height of 52 m. when the entire support contour is completely expanded, this is a considerable height, in order for a fighter or rescuer... to get to the compartments in which fire-fighting equipment is located, there are additionally retractable steps that located under the fuel tank and under the compartment. which helps them get to the anti-tank television compartment to take black-technical weapons. the most important thing is that it is convenient and fast. those floor coverings, cabins, the stairs themselves, on the platform, they are made of corrugated aluminum coating. parts
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of the fire truck ladder, the first thing is the support contour, that is, four legs that move apart and set our ladder to level, all control occurs in the rear part of the control joystick, it is convenient for the operator to observe when extending the supports on one side and on the second side, the machine is placed automatically to the horizon and beyond. the operator now starts working on the upper part, the upper part is a rotating device, the so-called tower, on which the the knee package, the knee package consists of separate sections, in this case, like on this machine, a cradle is also attached to it, that is, for more convenient rescue of people, that is, the operator
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sits in a chair, in the upper part he has the same control panel, joysticks boom control. that’s it, he sees on the monitor the entire angle of elevation, the approach to the border of the field, everything is convenient, everything is visible, each fire department chooses its high-altitude equipment depending on its region, depending on the number of floors of buildings, high-rise buildings, this is from five, five floors, 9 floors, or 15 floors, or vice versa, if it is a private sector yes... there are very few stairs, because they have the ability to take over the entire house and fire on tanker trucks, so stairs are in little demand there in such regions, if you take it taking into account this rest of the ladder, its lifting height is 52 m, roughly speaking, evacuation can take place from a sixteen-story building, that is
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, like a cradle, you can load people into a cradle from... we produce tank trucks completely, whereas previously the containers in tank trucks were made of metal, stainless steel, black metal, then we make our containers from fiberglass, the vehicle can be without fire-fighting equipment, so what is it specified in the technical specifications?
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their sleeves, thereby covering a large fire area. all control occurs from the rear pump; at the top of the tanker there is a fire monitor, from which they also extinguish the fire. using this tank as an example, its volume is 8 tons of water, that is, it delivers 8 tons of water to the fire site. tsestyrna at the time of the accident or fire, already drives with a full volume of fluid. which will help put out any fire, it also moves the combat crew itself to the place of the fire or accident, but also fire-technical weapons, we can also, at the request of the customer, equip it with both hoses and transitional ones, these are some kind of barrels for
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the hoses, whatever they need when working with this machine, we are always ready to supply it. every six months our stairs must undergo maintenance, due to the fact that we have a large geography, that is, in all corners of belarus, they are either come to us, or we have the opportunity to leave, when the car arrives, all work is carried out according to the regulations, it all starts with tightening the bolts, checking the half-tension of the bolted connections of the frame, the connection of the swivel ring, then there is a lubrication diagram, there are all the moving parts of the trigger, all hinge parts, then technical fluids are checked, the level in the hydraulic tank in the brake mechanism, the fluid level, that all this is topped up, the main hinges of the compartments, curtain doors are lubricated, all this itself, then the equipment is tested for all these same
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blocking, working areas, so that everything fits, so that there is no sagging of the cylinders, since our machines are for special purposes, they save lives, so it is very important to undergo this inspection every six months, check all the elements so that in the most... plastic, one remains unchanged, this is the paint of the cars, it is produced in accordance with the regulatory documentation that
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was developed in our country, and for the ministry of emergency situations it is its own, the most important thing is the red color, the car always, if it drives around the city, it always stands out, that this is a car of the ministry by in case of emergency, the car also has an acoustic warning system when... we also note that if the car is driving around the city, it is always visible and audible, you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, in postmodernity everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for
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meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of the meanings of their absence, because logically somehow explain why they put a man at the post of such a huge state, a grandfather who doesn’t remember his name, but that’s absurd? never was, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world will change, she will share before and
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after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, well, well, this recipe has been preserved in belarus, this is a hunters' recipe, a duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there... there is a lot of fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area, a stove, like it looked like a medieval stove, a ceramic, brick-lined box in which a fire was lit, but with a large metal sheet placed on top. in the 18th century, the gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate and the surrounding area in a gilded carriage. we’ll draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the food project, anywhere, there are dishes that you definitely haven’t
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tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch it every sunday on our tv channel. our cars are located anywhere in our country, both from a small town to a big one, for us, probably, the most important opinion is the opinion of the rescuers themselves, the fighters who work with these cars, there are a lot of opinions, if there are any wishes, we will always meet you halfway and even on a finished vehicle we are ready to make changes, as long as it is convenient and comfortable for them to work,
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the drivers of these vehicles, fighters, come to us, we discuss fire-technical equipment with them, where it is more convenient it would be placed because their the specificity of the work is speed, they are so fixated on time, because time costs life, so we try to make their already difficult work easier, we maintain communication with all departments of the ministry of emergency situations, where...
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in addition, out of these 18 units, three units our equipment is used for rescuing people from heights, two ladder trucks with a lifting height of up to 30 m, made with the factory settings of modern fire fighting equipment, during the time they were on combat duty, today we can say that they were manufactured in the nineteenth and the twenty-first, more than 100 times went out to eliminate emergency situations, rescue people from heights, thanks to which more than 20 people were saved. during the operation of this equipment, there are no special complaints about it, it is inhospitable and easy to maintain, to see that this equipment is really not made according to some western standards, but is actually based on those proposals of orsha rescuers in the whole of the republic of belarus, which we directly need, which make our work easier, thanks
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to which we... tasks as intended, we can more effectively carry out all our for me a rescuer is a hero, he is always there, he will always help and he will come, this is a person probably with... nerves, because every rescuer has to see different things, every day he is on such a line where yes or no, this could be my last day, he sacrifices himself for us, they don’t see barriers, they don’t see, this is 100 m high, this is 50 m high, he has one goal - to save, at any cost save. at this moment
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the rescuer has no right to make a mistake, but we are also including, i am proud that i work at an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, this is pride, not only for me, but also for my parents, when someone from my relatives or friends asks me , where does your daughter work, yes, they answer, and she makes fire trucks? who save people, they are very proud of this, and i am proud that i work here, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that helps mces fighters do their work, i am proud that our equipment is high quality. always ready
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to come to the aid of a rescuer in a given situation. together with those who respect sovereignty and talk about multipolar accession.


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