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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 10:35pm-11:30pm MSK

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will show, i can’t say that everything is so wonderfully beautiful there, that there is no fifth column there, let’s say that there are no young people dreaming of lacy panties, like - lacy panties, yes, ready to sell everything for an iphone, that’s there too , and there , relatively recently, the country was burning in the fire of a protest, pumped up absolutely in the same way as it was in belarus, and before that there were many other places, the technology was worked out to the point of automaticity, well, remember these hijab protests, there it all started with an absolutely fake history, i lecture to students and i present this case, i apologize for the slang, as a textbook example, as the most striking example, probably in recent decades, of how a huge country can be submerged into a regional one. almost nuclear,
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into chaos, into panic, based on just one fake, using social networks. yes, i, this is too familiar, too familiar, they made up a story, a girl died, they said she died because she was killed without providing any evidence, absolutely unfounded, she was killed for a strand of hair that fell out from under her hijab, but this nonsense designed for a person who has never been to iraq. so everyone replicated it, so everyone replicated it, it was, of course, it was everywhere according to the principle of telling a lie and it will become true a thousand times, and that’s what happened, if everyone said about it, if everyone in the media wrote about it, well, more smaller ones in all european countries, in the usa, then this is already an axiom, even the movie is arguing that she was killed, another question is how much was inflicted on her?
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moreover, the attacks were organized, there were weapons there, which apparently were there in advance imported, they were there, i studied this issue, and i was there, saw it all with my own eyes, leaflets, that means everything is printed out, how to dress, put on sneakers so that you can run away, that means how to tie this arafat, how familiar it is , in syria it wasn’t like that, everything is exactly the same. i was during
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the lebanese maidan, which began as a holiday, when everyone sang, danced, waved the flag, and today look at lebanon, there is no light, no horseradish at all, they pay in dollars, by the way, well, in fact, you remember perfectly well, maidan same began as a proponent, yes, yes, they all jumped there at first very strongly, and they said, but back in 23 you were in iraq, where for more than 20 years the united states has not compensated for damages for...
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there are wonderful orientalists, they have a very powerful school, especially if we are talking about the british, well, i agree with this, the british school, yes, yes, yes, there is also a french one, but there is a slightly different story there, yes, they conquered their colony with fire and sword, the british, they on the contrary, they studied, they became big, there sometimes arabs than the arabs themselves, as if they penetrated with its tentacles into the very depths, yes, of this world. conquered by them, but those who make the decision do not consider it necessary to take into account the aspirations of the people, the desire of the street, the desire of ordinary people, the national interests of the countries that they consider, well, their own, how to put it, subjects who do not have the right to vote. donors, if you want, yes, and
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not voluntarily, yes, but forcibly, they are stuck in the past, so i repeat my thesis: their main mistake is that they, not understanding what they are faced with, do not take into account desires people still think that they are on the top of the mountain, while china, russia, and iran are already nearby, india began to express unambiguously, yes, how it would like to see this world. that is, china, please, on the platform of china , saudi arabia and iran are reconciling, yeah, how did this pass by the united states of america, and this, by the way, is a traditional conflict on which the americans played very well for many, many years, then china appears as some kind of guarantor, here you go,
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a political alternative, i’m keeping quiet about the economy now, but no, i wouldn’t want to, so that you remain silent about the economy, i have one question that seems to lie on the surface, because... they talked a lot about it literally in the fall on the eve of the hamas attack, yeah, and then suddenly everyone forgot, i’m talking about biden’s initiative on g20, which indicated that they are going to open an alternative to the chinese silk road, a trade route from india to western europe through jordan, uae, saudi arabia, israel, then the mediterranean sea, and so on. now it turns out that this project can be buried, no, i wouldn’t bury it, prematurely, well, everything is burning, while everything is burning, it will burn, it will burn, but nevertheless, an animal driven into a corner is very dangerous, they will fight, they will fight back, they will defend their right to
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the top of the mountain to the last, china is advancing, they they are very afraid of this, of course some kind of native... before this, a similar issue was discussed at the g7, then at the g20, they actually agreed, india is a direct competitor, well, yes, of course, of course, they and the usa will be against this background let's not work delude myself, i have a great attitude towards the indians, i always say that we need an india that is not pro-russian, but pro-indian, but today their connection with the usa is very strong and... the closer china comes, the stronger this connection is and the need for an alternative will mature, but who said that this is bad on the other hand, i am for the market, i am for, in fact i am for capitalism and for competition, well, this is for a civilized market and civilized capitalism and of course, where there are no brothers who will come
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and take away , well, while they came they are trying take away and ban everything, we understand, of course, naturally, but china is a tough nut to crack, they won’t be able to do with china what they are doing with russia today, or what they did with iran more than 40 years ago, they continue, well ok, well, here’s the palestinian-israeli conflict, yes, back to it, yes, yeah, most likely, as a result, a new balance of power will emerge, you noted that neither russia, nor the eu, nor the usa will have the opportunity. become a mediator in resolving this conflict, but who will then become this mediator and what kind of do you see this balance as a result of the conflict, will it end someday anyway? i will say this, someone who
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took one side or another in this conflict cannot become a mediator, that is, iran is not a mediator, because iran is part of the conflict, the united states is not mediators, because they are part... of this conflict, russia maybe, but not alone, i believe that we cannot do it alone, again, due to the fact that this status will be challenged by the united states of america, europe, the collective west, by all those countries that cannot resist them, but in collaboration with china, this is where it comes out again. china, i think this cobblestone can be moved from a dead point. china has already demonstrated its political ambitions on an international scale, well, through brix and sco, through brix and sco. china has demonstrated its diplomatic agility, again bringing
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you back to the peace between iran and saudi arabia. this peace was made possible solely thanks to beijing. yes, there not only china participated in this long process of reconciliation, but the chinese platform became the decisive factor in which riyadh and tehran still managed to do it.
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so this is china and russia together with china. russia, why? because we also took a very balanced, very correct position, without supporting either side, we nevertheless insist. what we have always insisted on is this consistency, it is captivating, in fact, there must be two states, we do not accept collective responsibility, to the question of how we should fight, which is asked periodically in tel aviv, i always answer as follows: look at the special military operation, by the way, why did many in israel take such an openly anti-russian position, why did israel come running...
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so this is an existential question: either we are returning to that time again, the jewish people were on the edge of the abyss, or we are bombing the gas sector, and today russia has shown that no, either or, this is this dualism, it is false, there is another path, yes it is thorny, yes it is bloody, yes it is long, but it exists, gentlemen of the israelis, are you ready to follow this path? everything, and this is a dead end, you know, and they have nothing to object to, well, look, here this begs the question that thanks to the nwo,
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you gave this example, i really like it, the circle of countries tired of the west is expanding, yeah, that’s your quote, yes, the club of countries tired of the west, yes, in your opinion, who has already joined it, who is part of this club , who is coming up, these elections in slovakia, how connected they are, absolutely. and this result is tired, everyone is tired, everyone is tired, the europeans are also tired, the europeans themselves, of course, they would like it too, well, we are talking about politicians or about peoples, well, we are talking about peoples and about those politicians who are not puppets, who are not grown in a test tube, like, well, they are not soros, let's call it that, yes, well, look there, i even made a collage at one time, i compared these - globalists in france led by macron, they even look similar, it’s
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true, it’s as if they were bred in a test tube, which means they were raised and placed in their places, but i personally know many sober-minded politicians in the good sense of the word, in germany, and in france, and not only, and i want to say that they all dream of getting into this club, becoming its honored... members, and they themselves admit that, probably, some kind of catastrophe must happen first, it is already happening, the process has been started, we must take a sip of grief, they say, like in the mid -forties, yeah, after that, yes, then maybe something will happen, we found ourselves in a corner, they say, to which i tell them... in the following way: well, if there is no way out, then break through this corner of your head, yes, you
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will hurt your forehead, but, but, but you, get out of this difficult situation, recovery through an operation, through an operation, of course, the most complicated with consequences, perhaps life will no longer be the same, perhaps you will no longer be full-fledged as before, but you will survive, you will have a chance, many african countries have been in this club for quite a long time. in the middle east, by the way, saudi arabia is also slowly joining the ranks, again we remember their decision on trusteeship plus. which mr. biden protested, the united states pressed wildly, but saudi arabia decided that it would face difficult economic times with millions of barrels of cheap oil in its pocket, somehow wrong, does not correspond to the national interests of the kingdom, they
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did what they did, then, well, china certainly, china definitely. iran a long time ago, that is, the club is expanding, latin america, too. and svo is an indicator. today, by the reaction to russia’s special military operation in ukraine, you can understand who is in the club, who is on the way, who is dreaming, who cannot yet, but will definitely take advantage of the first opportunity, about opportunities, by the way. remember the jcpoa, the joint comprehensive plan of action that was concluded, the obama administration accepted everything, then trump came and destroyed everything, yes, so, the very opportunity i’m talking about arose, remember the reaction of the europeans, how they rushed to iran, how they grabbed this opportunity with their teeth ,
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they started investing, trump came and destroyed everything, this is also about the issue, by the way, and... inadequacy and loss of control over the situation, because, well, who will trust the united states of america now, after trump came he said: " everything that came before me remains before me, new administration, new rules, uncle, what are you doing, so now many do not have any special illusions about his possible election." the television news agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. peredodzen 1974. soyuz-13 in space. on the space watch, the crew took over from warehouse
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commander pyatr klimuk and flight attendant valentsin lebedev. pyotr klimuk. i want to say a sincere thank you, thank you for putting me on my feet, thank you for giving me an education.
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this is not a symbolic subject . activities, this is just my sincere heartfelt gratitude to those who could not see today’s flights, but i would like this land, which personifies all these difficult years, huge sacrifices, to be in space, when you fly away from your territory, you experience such a kind of pleasure and the same feeling , as you approach the house, your heart... comes out of your chest and here you fly right into the communication zone, also similarly, there are two of his messengers in orbit at once, pyotr kolemuk and vladimir kovalenok. what is this? symbolic event? no, just space everyday life. cities of minsk. minsk is
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a hero city. great, we see. you can see it, right? high are the heavenly gifts of kasmanauta, ale pachatak of all lands, the people's land.
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let's do the hitching so that implantation is certain, ver grigor, calm down. you are a doctor in your web clinic, and i have a patient at my institute. seryozha, where are you? so, we need to go faster, we’re just waiting for you, well, at least important things can be planned, what should i remind you so that you don’t miss the conception of your own child.
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yeah, i see a catheter. 2mm further, good endometrium, two were implanted, uh-huh,
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here and here, believe, you are a genius, well, you can kiss and light a cigarette, congratulations, your wife is almost pregnant. i hope we’ve never had to deal with twin implantations before, everything will be fine. this time we taught everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, we will succeed, we will definitely succeed, we’ll be born in june,
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we’ll go straight to my mother’s village, there’s fresh air, nature, you only took the boys away from them, yes, everything will be ok, everything will be fine. progesterone, magnesia, kill the knife, urgently, forge, call, hello, believe me
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grigorivi urgently. the most arbitrary miscarriage as usual. reproduction clinic, good afternoon, gestoroscopy tornik 235, we are waiting for you, bera grigorievna, hello, today you have five patients for an initial consultation, two embryo transfers, follicle punctures, and...
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you won’t get us pregnant, then no one will help us, here and this is our marusya,
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congratulations, you are pregnant, thank you, thank you, you have no idea what this means to us, thank you, thank you, goodbye. damn, damn!
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a man can take a second wife if, listen, first of all, if the first wife cannot have children, and there is no need to get a divorce, because... it’s not the wife’s fault, that ’s her nature, wait one second, doctor, hello, hello,
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you smell of tobacco, did you smoke? no, why are you here? an idea came to my mind, how else can you try to support conception, we need to discuss it with bykova, wait, ver, bykova, of course, is an authority, but you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break, we won’t forget, we won’t hush it up, we won’t cancel it, well let's just take a break and calm down. "seryozha, this is only i need it, let’s give you your cards, let’s see, earring, how are natka doing, she took hormones, passed them and everything is bad, i don’t understand why she hasn’t done a full genetic examination yet, nadya, she’s the same doctor as me and you, but for some reason it always seems to me that i am the only
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adult among you, by the way, there is no need to love you, there is no need to collect anything with your character, only a joyful indifference and an absolute pacifist, that is, me, everyone else for a long time already got away after the first beating, tomorrow you’ll go to the earring for cardiocentesis, next week on vacation, and then immediately on
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maternity leave, dear mom, don’t worry, i was adopted by my classmates, my grandson, i believe, but in our country, every pregnant woman after thirty is automatically placed in a risk group for downs. in vain, i brought something to eat, oh, elena ivanovna, i’m just coming to you, i have an idea about my rams, growing them in an incubator has its advantages. i agree, there are still embryos that have a good chance, but since the laboratory environment is imperfect, oh you still admitted that the cup is imperfect compared to the uterus. elena ivanovna, i understood how to do it, still stimulate ovulation. carry out hormonal monitoring to the laboratory, inject gonodotropin, and then carry out conception naturally within 2 hours. believe, you lived the earring, he’s a good guy, 6 months
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at the workplace to extract genetic material to hand over to the director of the institute, do you know this is stress? well, actually, compared to me, the earring doesn’t suffer much. no, this is complete nonsense, what’s so complicated about it? diet, uh-huh, i was thinking here, please,
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five-day abstinence, uh-huh, but don’t think about protein, don’t think about it now, wait 20 minutes, bye, bye, until the stimulation takes effect, stop it, please, did you pass the bykov report? no, not yet, but have you finished the article on the use of gene blockers? seryozha,
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you have a brilliant idea for gene therapy of hereditary diseases. well, why not bring this to mind, and this is for you? first of all, you need to feel like a man. each of the heroes is special, this is
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unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys, which of us, because there were few of us girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal troops, there were only six girls who graduated, received education on an equal basis with men,... in practice, most people address family issues, when i try to analyze why i am so open, and i have so much, so much love, attention to other people, what my parents invested in me, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, that’s what this place was called according to the chronicles since the 19th century, and there are a lot of attractions here,
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i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we’re starting to get to know each other and setting off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, provos, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church service... large wings appear on the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. for her. watch the program
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cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. wow, just like my job, in fact i do the same thing, only blind. is the article not working? seryozha, this is the same thing, recombinatorial connections of primary proteins. rna template, well, yes, exactly,
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how do i do it, and how do you do it? it’s simple, desire, patience, nastiness, yes, what are you doing? so oh, well
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, they collected ours for me, but it’s good that you have a car, oh, so, something is leaking here, yes, the pipes are leaking, i called the phone, sometimes they leak, sometimes they don’t, so the nursery will be a former grandmother’s , the worker will finish the repairs, yeah, huh? it's bright and the windows look out onto the courtyard, throw it here, yeah, right, let's see, wow, they threw in a whole bag, huh? oh, rompers, and open pants, look, listen, nat, and the father of the child, he, well, somehow plans to participate, in which, he knows nothing at all, a casual one-night stand, well, who knew, i i don’t
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regret anything, i can handle it myself, they’ll finish the repair work, well, maybe he’ll be happy to help, he’s married, look how beautiful the dress is, look how soft the material is, touch it, it’s lovely, tell me, you did the cardocintest, no, what's the point, i don't care i’m not going to stop, it’s too late for me, and i ’m not afraid, but you get scared, nah, think about what you’ll live on, get scared, it’s good if the child is born healthy, and if not, what will it be like for you... noah with a sick child on your maternity leave, nat, when you are stupefied with fatigue, you realize that you will have no other choice but to send him to a boarding school, you, think, get scared, nat, verka, stop, forgive me, please stop, that’s it and good.
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she is happy with everything, you are a happy person, oh!
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according to my hormones, i'm ovulating, yeah, it was three follicles, two on the right, one on the left, ovulation has occurred, well, today all the conditions, the coreotype of your fetus contains 45 chromosomes, unfortunately. indicates the presence of a fetus with turner syndrome, this is short stature, characteristic facial features and pathology of mental and motor development, excuse me, i beg your pardon, we have to go,
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there should be an opportune moment, i’m busy right now, very much from me? okay, wait for me in the hallway. sorry, it is usually recommended to terminate the pregnancy if turner syndrome is present. are you all going to see dr. nikolaev? yes yes. you know on the reception is over today, have you gone crazy or what? i'm ovulating, vykova gave me an injection, we don't have much time to get home, where are you going? they asked me to come into the laboratory, the stimulation lasts for 2 hours, let's go now,
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seryozha, if we don't have time now, great friends, you're a good person, i want, we all want you to be happy for you, no, kefir, pure protein,
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thank you, congratulations, thank you, happy birthday, and this is for you, sergey anatolyevich, little girl, thank you, seryozh, let's go, while we get there through traffic jams, 10 stimulation. thank you, so i’m waiting for you at home, come out in half an hour at most, sergey anatolyevich, congratulations, thank you.
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you are the best husband in the world, where are you, that the scientific forum of reproductive specialists will be held in our city, a considerable merit of our institute, but over the years we have accumulated a solid scientific and practical base, now i will show you one of them... we have very strong reproductive specialists , they work with complete dedication, excuse me, there is an experiment going on,
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but let’s go to our ico department, we use extracorporeal methods.
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we have a condom, well what exactly do we have there are no condoms, it's being played out. come here, look, it’s a petri dish, when we connect the egg with the sperm, we choose the best. and transfer it to the uterus, a twice
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unnatural environment, that’s why the efficiency is low, look now, eloquence. you see, if you make this into a sphere that can be placed in the uterus, then
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fertilization is naturally controlled by the environment. well, tell me about nikolaeva’s cup, inventor, huh? kovaleva, what about the tests? elena ivanovna, i’m doing it, i’ll finish it in about three hours. what's wrong with your tests? lina, where? to sergei, for cronocentesis. so, should i issue an order for the institute?
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sire, i came here to study, i still live for 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my wife, that’s all, a tourist ended, everything after the wife, also
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ended, the project is a look at belarus, which i like. belarus - you can raise your children the way you want. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations of our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one moment, that’s all.


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