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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:21am MSK

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let's meet people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our: tv channel, hello, obthenatics are dragging bulls, its hormones, deviation in two out of two indicators, if we find pathologies, pregnancy.
11:31 pm
i need about 40 minutes to get ready, okay, i’ll tell you. yes, ver, i'll be free in 3 hours, 3 hours, ver, i'll call you back, ver, so, yeah, north, northeast.
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why is all this, i don’t want it, one more word, i ’ll fire you under the article, i’m banned as unsuitable, she doesn’t want such biochemistry, you owe it to me, why are you still holding out, let’s take it.
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we take everything, everything, so that they don’t find it there, i won’t stop anyway, it’s just a waste of time to strain the earring, me too.
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i hope that this act of violence was committed absolutely in vain, but finally answer, so the results are on my desk right away, check it, yes, yes, vera, i’m in the operating room, yes, i’m on my way, right. i’m leaving now, i’m sorry for delaying you, believe me, today is a good day, but nothing, everything is fine, thank you, your hand is light.
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ivanovna, no, come on faster, even faster. relax, listen, maybe you can do something,
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let’s hurry up while the stimulation is working. am i not an automatic machine? what is this? what is all this? verte, you need to see a doctor, just a different one. you don’t let me move, i can’t live like this. your opinion is also wrong. do this one, do that. do you think i do i enjoy it? to drive myself, yes, i dream of living with a real man, with whom i don’t have to babysit, who will immediately know what i need, me, me, me, me, you always do everything only for yourself, i don’t exist for you at all.
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hello, hello, don’t hide it, i won’t confuse the smell of medical alcohol with anything else.
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sergey, forgive me, really. yes, i ’ve seen this happen a thousand times, it’s all the same how people torment themselves over a child, despair, then forget, suddenly everything works out for them, i understand everything,
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“listen, we’ll be married for 10 years, let's note what you want to note, i want, wow, what is this, you always said that you need a good reason. “let’s go somewhere together, we haven’t gone anywhere together for so long, come on, where do you want, but where do you say, i don’t know, to italy, maybe, listen, or to india?” or to your parents at the dacha, but come on,
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everything is fine and simple with you today, have you changed me, or what? of course, what other reasons could there be? seryozha!
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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 okay, yes, well, not enough, really, not enough, you are like children, well, honestly, well, 25, at least, so attention, a word to mom, happy husband, inni petrovna, inna petrovna, i ask you, thank you, dear verochka and sergei, you have lived together for 10 years. and it probably seems to you that you know each other well and that
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you cannot give each other any surprises, but this is not so. with every year spent together, you will be more and more surprised at how much new, beautiful there is in the person who is next to you every day, and we wish you... not to lose this ability to surprise each other, thank you, cheers, okay, everything's okay, everything's okay, everything's fine. thank you,
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how are you progressing? well, dad, at least today. yes, i’m not really there at all. thank you dad. ina petrovna, are you feeling bad? no, no, no, it’s just a little stuffy. everything is great. do not panic. verchik, where is sergei? we need to manage it somehow. now i'll find him.
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now. let's do it. i haven’t seen my husband, that’s it, he ran away, well, nadya arrived, probably on the stairs, by the way, and what time is it over, nadya, well, what do you want from me, what do you want to know, well, it was and was, consider it the past life, why didn’t you tell me, that’s why you went to the cartsi, yes, seryozha, well, why all this talk, that’s exactly what i was afraid of, that you would immediately do a paternity test, and what, well, what does that change, well, how , what does this change, nah? your mom feels bad, that’s why i was looking for you. goyka to the newlyweds, skate, skate, skate, one, two, three, cho, five,
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six, behold! yeah.
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once twice? time, you can’t poison yourself with pills, you took the pills, go away, selesh, at least completely. what's wrong with mom? there were no micro-infacts,
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they arrived quickly.
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hello, hello, excuse me, for god's sake, you can. at you little things, but you wash yourself.
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kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. the second battalion of the gomel people's militia regiment carried out extensive political educational work among fighters and commanders. the militia, together with units
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of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich repelled two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar took the lead. with an exclamation for the homeland, for our victory, he carried away the fighters with him to counterattack he died in the same battle. in 1944 , nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree. posthumously.
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hello, i'm vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i can’t imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of a coffee shop, lato and makiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city to the countryside. the locals did not accept him, understandably, he was a wealthy businessman from the city. buys by car for 120,000 euros their old school and the land around it. why did a successful businessman need this? why, despite the opportunity to buy
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expensive cars and houses? how drawn to the belarusian land, we will answer these questions today. hello, hello, my name is vasya, my name is alexey, it’s very nice. alexey, now i will try not to forget anything, not to miss anything, your list of good deeds is very long. firstly, you bought an old school, a school that was slowly starting to fall apart, now we see a school that is standing and standing very well confident. yes, we support. in the backyard you already have houses that families can move in and relax in, and you also have a utility room. yes, we have land, these are blueberries, seedlings, now there will be peppers, asparagus, more asparagus, yes, perhaps, there will be two main questions, why do you need this, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions of our tv viewers, we will definitely find answers to these questions answers during our program today, but for now i would really like to take a look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, right? what
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was here while it was still a school? here was a wardrobe, here they accepted things, here grandmothers closed the door so that no one would come in, here there were hangers, here everything was in chipboard, we removed it all, changed the floor because it was quite rotten, we had a dining room and a gym there, showers, which is important, in this school there were showers and the toilets were renovated, here in this place there were sinks, the children also came to my hands. now in the classrooms, well, in the classrooms, uh, while it’s half empty, there are sleeping places somewhere we will organize one of the rooms for the children’s room, that is, if some events are taking place, the children can calmly play on the carpet with toys, bring their own or take away ours, yeah, also for the needs of the village council they will piously rent, or rather take for free, an orphanage hall to hold some events, well, no problem, we kindly provide a bench with everything that
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will be useful, there will be a second floor... we will definitely return to the school, it turns out that alexey built two bathhouses with fonts on the school grounds, we must see it, we have two baths and each bathhouse has its own plunge pool and barbecue area, a relaxation area on the terrace, everything you need in the bathhouse, yeah, how many people can accommodate, well, one of these two bathhouses, each bathhouse we try not to accommodate more than six guests ... if possible, to make it comfortable, well , that is, one big family as a whole, even a very large one, one family maybe, one family with guests, but nothing, well, here are two completely different companies in the adam and eve costume here , well, like a row, we they made a special dividing strip like this, usually this is in the evening, the baths take place somewhere from 6 to 8 o'clock, the bones arrive, in principle, they do not pay attention, plus the font at the second bathhouse right next to the terrace, in principle, does not intersect, the font
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is already included in the price. separately, that is, because we bought 1.8 cubic meters of water and it’s quite expensive to heat for another 3 hours, what will it cost for a family to relax in the bathhouse, let’s separately for now, only in the bathhouse, only the bathhouse, with us if guests rent a house, 100 rubles the bathhouse is 3 hours, and if you just come from a company in the bathhouse, it’s 150 rubles. additional font, if they there will be a small font, four or five people, it will be 100 rubles. if there is a large font. it will be 150 rubles for the time they are in the bathhouse, for the same 3 hours, yes, yes, since we are talking about how much money our hero’s guests can spend, it would be appropriate to ask about his expenses for all this beauty, how much it all took money, several apartments and a good house, several apartments in brest and a good house, yes, yes, that is, by the standards of brest, but this budget was somehow
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initially laid down, that is? some kind of plan, that's when you just purchased the school, accompanying territory, or as often happens, with renovations, they laid out one thing, it turned out another, no, my appetite comes on time, something started to work out, a beautiful picture, we decided to finish it off, to make such a good picture, after what, we invested, then some successful business in the city will work for us, it will be able to bring in that kind of money, that is , what is the margin of this whole business? and the prospects here in the village are quite good margins, because a is cheaper labor, this is definitely, b, rural farming, we still focus on it, people, well, we’ll grow produce, it’s cyclical, of course it goes there, that is, the harvest is harvested and you can buy it, and the risks are big, but the prospects are also quite big, there’s less competition, yeah, no did you regret it after
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you saw it? a very difficult question, every person is afraid to give himself an answer to this question, afraid, probably, of being upset, both yes and no, that is, when you see how people leave happy, when you see how neighbors or people from the village come and see that with school, somehow you get more excited, you understand that you are going right, there are various failures, some force majeure gives up, well, after all, this project is still working... we are planning that it will continue to work and develop. alexey does not plan to give up, especially since almost immediately after purchasing the school, he decided to build several guest houses here so that anyone could relax here in a truly rustic way. for a short time we will feel
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like we are on vacation, this is how it all looks. we are now near one of houses. yes, the fourth house, it is big, for six guests, yeah, but yesterday there were eight guests here, because there are little children, we have them. we’re not telephoning, they sleep together with their parents, there’s a house with a swimming pool that comes with a barbecue area, with its own territory, it’s not completely done yet, then there will be a swing, the task is for the children to come here, they were here, they didn’t run away anywhere , such a house costs 100, if i remember everything correctly or not, a little more, a little 400, from 300 rubles this house is, and small houses cost from 200 rubles, yeah, this one from 300 rubles, depending on the number of people, fully equipped with everything a guest needs... come in a good mood, with coal and food, we have everything else here, yeah, it’s very hard to believe that there are eight people can comfortably fit inside, how is everything inside? we have a separate bedroom there, then a large living room on the second floor, on
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the second floor we have a 60 meter mattress, in other houses there is also a second floor, there is a two-meter bed, yeah, that is, it’s uncomfortably six bones, well, sometimes with more people come with small children. what were you doing before all this? and i had a very successful it platform that united offline business, this is a classic taxi dispatch service, which still worked on walkie-talkies, or worked on some software, we provided, my company developed the software, provided it to its competitors, after why we established the exchange of orders between competitors, this was the first case, the second case we are based on... from my platform we wrote a mobile application for calling a taxi and distributing it to all services taxi, that is, quite successfully, as among ordinary people, when i joined our burevsky technopark, because there are only
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innovative companies there, they don’t say, alexey says, how are you different from such huge aggregators as uber, they are already on the market, what new things will you provide, well, when i told them the whole essence of the idea, what i want to implement, they gave me an hour of convincing to the resident. created something that allows you to combine several taxi services at once, yes, many companies to combine together, together, and then i made a mobile application for the add-on, an application that allowed you to order a taxi in one click, in belarus we had 36 cities, we even targeted a small city
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with a population of 10,000, we set up an aggregation in this city, we believed that these cities were partly unprofitable, but we worked for our reputation, if a person, say, in malorika , uses our service, he goes to another city, he doesn’t think about which... service to use, he’s used to using it in his city, although it was a negative project in that city, but it was unprofitable for of course, but we educated those people, they will one day become students in brest-minsk, they will no longer choose, they know, it’s convenient to use, talking with alexey, i realized that not only money decides, the image and face of the company are very important, so that it is clear, here we have houses that can be rented, here we have a bathhouse, literally 20 meters away, all this splendor, and... behind our backs is the most a real apple orchard, yes, an apple orchard, which is more than 50 years old, and it was planted even schoolchildren who studied at this school in the first and second grades, they planted this garden, they periodically come, look, they
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are happy when we put things in order, clean it, so that we bring it back to normal, what this place was like before you took on all this, there at the end there was a jungle, it was about the same thing here, everything was in the bushes, everything was in the bushes, and in the bushes, because school. before i bought it, i had not worked for 3 years, plus, before that, there were no students to support him in the right way form, and there was probably not enough staff, because there were few students, few staff in the school, well, that is, in fact, it was just a brick building. which quietly got in touch with one class, which was studying in one class and the director and a couple of teachers were there, there was no longer any annoyance, but we took it and decided that it did not need to be cut down, it needed to be preserved and cleaned a little so that it would bear fruit for our guests could enjoy a delicious apple, just as the teachers and village residents took the story of the sale of the school to alexey with pain, so did alexey for the sake of living in the village was forced to sell his brainchild to the most famous taxi service now, then let's... summarize, without naming the brands, one way or another, this current
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largest taxi aggregator bought this idea from you, well, they liked our idea, they liked it what we created, they wanted to own this information, they didn’t mind selling it, well, you always have to do something new, that is, one thing becomes boring, well , plus some circumstances, that is, you feel sorry for the brainchild that you raised. 5 years, well , give back, well, a new stage, a new page, turn over the pages and the new project, i believe that the current project that i am doing also attracts my partners in agriculture, with it you can do no less automation, no less of a project will turn out than before, the first project, if it weren’t for this large transactions with the current taxi aggregator, would this place have happened, probably yes, that is, the margins and profitability allowed, well, it just... went, i
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would not have been much involved in the creation of this product, because i was there with my head, because in any project it is necessary immerse yourself and be in it, and if many projects are difficult, that is, you immerse yourself in it, you find yourself, you build all the processes and transfer them to employees and open a new project, not the teachers’ room, not the assembly hall, and not even the dining room are considered the most interesting rooms in the school, well, at least for schoolchildren, this is how it was... or has something already been repaired or done here? uh, we installed the nets, strengthened the place where the nets were attached, hung them up for basketball, one has already been broken, because we give everyone the opportunity to play, they come here, and that is, in general, anyone can come here organized, organized, come here, sports is always good, that is , they rent from us periodically, they don’t rent, but use this gym for free ; teenagers are organized, not teenagers, but young people come to play, that is, directly ...
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yes, yes, yeah, very cool, healthy lifestyle, task, i see a basketball, yes, and i see a working hoop, we can try, let’s do this, you have five shots, i have five shots, whoever hits the most , here is an ordinary free kick, yes, where does it come from, as far as i know, from here, probably, yes, or somewhere, probably somewhere from here, here are five throws for you, five throws for me, whoever hits the most, i’m first, let’s start with you. review of the most interesting sporting events.
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tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth in a row of the season-ending world cup stage in trampoline. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. very i worked a lot, i went towards this, this is my dream to play zaminsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last. will work. i think. that the game was not bad, it was just a little short of finishing everything, you also need to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes 4: 0 it seems, but it was hard every game, the opponent plays as much as you allow him, you allow him to have the initiative, you allow him to use his moments, he always plays like that, all this...
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why not business in the city, why do you need all this, i was in a business city, here it’s probably more promising. and more likely for the future as a foundation, that is, agriculture, at least this is, well, probably safety, people will not take taxis, people will not rent apartments, but people will always want to eat, this location is an anchor for future growth in agriculture, that is, you mean
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in case something suddenly happens and you have to give up such benefits as a taxi, there are cafes, restaurants and so on, they won’t stop eating, well, yes, people always do. they want and will eat, what is it after all, is it agriculture, these are fields where something will grow, yes, something that can feed us later, or is it tourism and these are houses, a bathhouse, a sauna , relax with your family? for now it’s a good vacation, in the countryside, that is , comfortable, classy, ​​with all the amenities, and from it later the agricultural sector will flow directly, that is , agriculture itself, well , okay, so you say.
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you need to come here, everyone is moving from rural places to the city, in the city there are less and less, probably the future, in rural places there is much more. not only guest houses, bathhouses and a school, alexey has fields with blueberries and a newly made field, which is being prepared for growing a crop that is very rare for belarus. we are preparing documents so that we can start growing a new crop, partly for belarus, this is asparagus and other fast-growing or... what is the territory, how many hectares are there, how can you feel it? four to 14, it all depends, what stages of development will we have, yeah, that is , well, for now there are four, yes, yes, yes, then you show some result, i understand correctly, yes, agreement that we can
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reach 14, well, we are planning what we are for we’ll master it in a couple of years, it’s not scary to start parsing here, well, i don’t know, any. any risky crop is probably like a lottery, probably, but i assume that it will be quite successful, because the southernmost part of belarus, yeah, and what about this asparagus later, will it remain on our domestic market or will it be purely for export and in general which plans, well, after asparagus is grown , it will be planted, it will take 4 years to begin to pronounce normally, er, fertile. 4 years before that, we assume that this culture of consumption, it will become even bigger, it will become bigger, it’s already starting to appear in the networks, frozen, this is the very first, this is what she collects in may, the very first product that can be consumed with vitamins. while we were walking around the territory, alexey said that it was very difficult to find workers, he said that every year
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there are fewer and fewer people in the village and less, people are leaving the village, but i would like it to be the other way around. what needs to be done to get people to stay here? create jobs, create interest in that area, in the village, create some beautiful picture so that a person says: this is my village, i grew up there, you see what a good location there is, partly, what should we do in this place , before this, well , this didn’t happen here, that is, we can say that this village was slowly becoming less and less people, judging by the way the buses run, it became smaller, smaller, smaller, but now we see that interest is awakening, because every weekend people... from the city come to their old homeland and come to us to see what happened to their school, what happened to their favorite garden , well, he’s getting better, people, fame, gratitude. they say, the village is very profitable, it’s, mm, the plots are cheaper, it’s cheaper to build, that is , well, it’s really profitable to be here,
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i didn’t even notice the elephant, almost at the very entrance to the school territory there was a very a remarkable house, it’s unlikely to be someone’s private property that was moved here by a hurricane? this was when the boarding school was for children who were from distant villages, they lived here all week, went home on weekends, that is , they lived here permanently... then, later in the working hours of this school, it was already a library, then there is such knowledge stored here, what is it now? now here we have a small carpentry room, where we prepare material for houses, for maintenance of territories, that is, we also do here i have one small room here, where we collected everything that was valuable and old from the soviet union, that is, this is everything that was in the school, this is what was in the school here, everything that was left, we did not have time to transfer to the museum, everything i have it. we store it, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it when we do it here, in the future we’ll be a reception room, what we ’re doing here is somewhere to drink some coffee,
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maybe some kind of laundry room, that’s what we’re doing here there are some leftovers, they are valuable, we’ll hang them here, probably as an exhibition, it’s fashionable now to say, there will be a reception here, yes, yes, that is, the guest initially, when he enters the territory, yes, he comes here, gives there, i don’t know, a passport, something else, checks in, yes, after that he goes to residential, residential or rental gazebo. well, it ’s temporary more than permanent, because in the future it can be disassembled and moved for various events, exhibitions are designed for around 200 people , oh-oh-oh, here this site can be used for an exhibition also agricultural machinery, you can be here to conduct some kind of seminars or educational ones, including agricultural ones, because we are still in the village, then there may be a school there in the future... there will be some kind of accommodation, a wedding, for example , to fumble here? theoretically possible, but not yet, for now we will
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try to do different kinds of educational rather than entertainment, something has already been here, maybe something has been held, some companies are organizing team building trips of various kinds, with local residents at first everything was not smooth, some businessman from the city buys his native school, it sounds like the beginning of an action movie, a lot of time. it took alexey to establish relationships and contact with local residents, they used this school, they went to the fields through them, they constantly used the garden, well, they weren’t there, they were like a common yard, yeah, but when a private owner acquires, he always knows some fences, some restrictions, because after all this is private territory, uh, initially they took it very poorly, that’s me was felt, plus there were certain disagreements over the territory, which, together with the auction , were sold barns that... they used, well, we settled everything, i gave them to them free of charge, that is, i set them aside from myself, roughly
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speaking, i removed them, now it’s theirs barn, that is, gradually, gradually we established a dialogue with the village, now everything is fine with them, that is, wait, you cut out a piece of your territory on which there are barns that were used by local residents, and now this is their barn free of charge, which were purchased at my expense, which were in... according to all the maps that were on my territory, we simply, at the request of our executive authorities, at the request of the residents directly, we simply cut off part of the building that we have from behind and shook and a new border was drawn between these sugars, so they gave it as a gift, and how the youth, there are few youth here, but there were some people who, as was their custom, came to the territory and walked around for something, looking for sure. due to the fact that there are cameras everywhere, we saw caught these students red-handed, two options were offered for...


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