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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 2:20am-3:06am MSK

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thanks to state support , several state programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system; we received the most modern equipment, and in all onological institutions everything one could wish for. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of protecting the homeland? for 20 additional years, thanks to scientific research. the terrorist regime in kiev, who finance, arm, lead , notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first used ukraine, which is literally at war until the last ukrainian, will now be fought by the finns, swedes, and poles, so joining nato is not only for sweden and finland. does not
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add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, but lukashenko’s personal courage, his position, saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. project markov nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24. melya, but the people don’t want me to be here alone, let him stand alone for a while, i trust him, he trusts him, it turns out, trust and well, she never checks, this is the kind of wife who ended up in my life like that, it’s great, she never checks anything.
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he says: “victor, they bought me a car yesterday.” who? this is a gift, he says, from one businessman, i say, that’s great, i say, how did this happen? he says, well, i wrote a song and came to him in a car. he looked at my car and said: what kind of car do you have, and he took me into the salon and said: choose, i say, this is it, yes, he says, this is how he thanked me, i say, i’m writing songs for his wife, she is a singer, i say, wonderful, that’s how it was, minsk evening, minsk evening knows our place.
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were easy-going, not so much, and of course, he talentedly wrote songs and music, he was open to artists, he supported young people, every year he gave a solo concert with his wife in... for me, attitude was a huge example in relationships izmail lvovich as a singer and artist to his wife zakharovna
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boguslavskaya, how he treated each of her performances with reverence, that is, even in their duet, so i always saw them somehow in a duet they performed. after all, not with someone, but with a star, so naturally i didn’t take the text, no, i took it, i didn’t take the tip, i’m a fool, i want to say a huge thank you for the songs, because there were a lot of bright creative discoveries, and izmalilovich
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always treated me in a special way, he offered songs that only i could perform, what he felt and saw in me as a performer, but, probably,
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radzima, like a woman, was just like hell for me, white-white russia . you are my holy land, in the theater of life the third act, and chances no on happy end, the performance that we had to play was worthy of brilliance, the best scenes, it happened in dzerzhinsk, the last concert, we did many concerts. to which i invited ismail lvovich, everything, everything was fine, that day something, i don’t know, something happened, which means we worked, i worked a couple of songs, then he two songs and so they interspersed, the repertoire ,
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we had a different repertoire, well, i see that i’m usually behind the scenes and always watch him carefully, it was nice to look at him. he is a most charming person, he is between he joked around with songs, he entertained the audience, he was simply wonderful when he did it all, and i watched it with pleasure from behind the scenes, suddenly i saw that he...
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that he was taken to the hospital and we were from there they didn’t wait, she was collecting feathers and in one wing, out of love, time has flown away at the bottom, the glass is high, and from the pearl the pacifier whispers, the pacifier whispers to the wind.
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airports and train stations, the radiance of ramps and darkened halls, why is this sigh that brought the high-flyers back to the train all the morning, but don’t let us renounce, don’t separate our hearts from the stage. silence the breath of the hall, on warm winds of life, in our sometimes short
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life we ​​don’t think of ourselves any other way, we look in sounds for a glimpse of the truth that is necessary for people, we sing in a major key, we sing in a minor key, sometimes about happiness. sometimes about grief, we burn in the keys and strings, and we believe in our music, we sing in a major key, we sing in mimora, sometimes about happiness, sometimes in grief, we burn in the keys and strings, and we believe in our music.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate? with kids. i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success?
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energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, everything that modern belarus lives with today, look at the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in
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the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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hello, dear tv viewers. which do you have any associations when you hear the word cactus? surely this is something prickly and not very attractive, mm, what else is there, a camel, a desert, a flowerpot. by the way, the ceramics and painting studio in the city of zhodino is named after this prickly plant. why? let's ask its founder, ceramics teacher anastasia kanovalova. let's ask this question. and not only that, my name is alina nevoina, and we are in the city of zhodino in the creative studio of ceramics and painting cactus. this is the next episode of the cultural fashion project on the belarus24 tv channel.
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the cactus ceramics and painting studio is a creative space for both children and adults. a cozy, calm and friendly atmosphere will allow you to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and immerse yourself in the world of creativity. connoisseurs come here with their ideas and developments, and an experienced teacher helps turn them into reality. a distinctive feature of the studio’s work is a complete departure from the official framework, and this makes it possible to realize the most secret fantasies. guests from borisov, minsk and other cities of belarus come here, so what is their secret? you will find out right now.
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good afternoon, anastasia, hello, alina, glad to see you, mutually, anastasia, tell us how the idea of ​​​​creating such a studio came about? in general, it was very unexpected, i had never been involved with ceramics, just never at all, but there were moments when i went into a store, i really liked something, i just liked it so much, i picked it up, looked at it, bought something, but in principle, working with clay never had any idea, no thoughts, nothing at all. circles in i didn’t attend as a child either, i didn’t draw, i never sculpted, in fact, i have a daughter, there was some kind of competition at school, the conditions of which were to use natural materials, straw in winter. can’t get it, there is no grass anymore, and i decided to take something to make from clay, i bought clay after a long, long search, because in principle, i didn’t
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know how to get it, find it, i made it, something like that, i no longer i remember what a competition that i made, i remember it was some kind of little bugger, terrible, just clumsy, in general, but i liked it so much i liked the process itself, and literally after 2 weeks i decided that i wanted to do this, i had to change my whole life, because my first education was as a civil engineer. industrial civil engineering, then i received a second education, and came to teach, because in order to learn yourself you need to teach others, that’s how it turned out to be in the center of children’s creativity, we studied ceramics with the children, well, only then the cactus studio appeared, cactus, that’s the first question, which they ask me why cactus? i don’t know why the cactus happened like this, it took a very long time to come up with a name, there were a lot of options, we bought it. just aprons, there were beautiful, beautiful cacti, something like this, you take a piece of clay, basically you start sculpting a hedgehog according to the sketch, and what comes out is an ostrich, because something went
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wrong, not because something didn’t work out, but because it turned out this way, the peculiarity of the studio is that we don’t mold according to a model, we don’t have such a thing that everyone comes on some topic, no, everyone comes with their own project, just relax, someone starts to sculpt, just a child takes clay, he doesn’t even know what he will do... then it turns out to be a very beautiful product, we don’t prepare the clay ourselves, we buy clay, most often these are russian manufacturers, spain, and there are two types of clay , in general, in nature, white- burning is red-burning, we work from one to the other, red-red-burning has its color due to the content of iron oxide, so it is such a red color, and by the way, if you do a reduction firing. and in an oxygen-free environment, the clay will be bright black, beautiful metallic color, but it also depends on
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the composition of the clay, if there is fireclay in the clay, you can sculpt some larger products, because it doesn’t lose its shape when drying, it doesn’t crack, and well, there are slightly other possibilities, some tiles , for small plastics, we use this kind of plastic clay for children, it molds very well. somewhat reminiscent of plasticine, so if very young children come, it’s not so difficult for them to pass the clay molding; ceramics does not tolerate haste, if you are in a hurry, but obviously they will some flaws and it won’t work out, having thought out a sketch on paper, having drawn it, well, you need to bring it to life, think about what kind of clay you use in the process, what glazes, all this is laid down at the design stage, then. self-modeling is a very long , leisurely drying process, then firing, one, two, really cultivates patience, there are
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three stages of the product, the first product, when we just molded it, when our clay is soft, plastic, when we need to be extremely careful with our products, the second stage, when it has already hardened, you can somehow add a little bit of it correct it, rub out some burrs somewhere. imperfections, and after this stage we send the product to the oven, and drying also takes some time, because here you need to be very careful so as not to harm, and after the first firing the most interesting part begins, we cover it with glaze, which is very interesting for children because that the glaze before firing has a completely different color than after firing, we even have this joke: why is it white, because it is green, because the glaze before firing can be white, pink, red, but after firing it is absolutely a different color, and children sometimes experiment,
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in principle, when we open the oven, it will always be wow, because we open, in principle, we do not always know what it could be. glaze is glass powder with some components and dyes; dyes, as a rule, are metal oxides. in ceramics there are professional tools and... which we adapt, because these can even be caps from felt-tip pens, some kind of sticks, anything that can make some kind of texture, impression, some kind of sieve, kitchen tools, for example, this well -known spatula, in general, working with clay is such a process, it’s better to show it once than to say 100 times, well, alina? let's start, well, let's open the clay and first we need to thoroughly compact our piece, since there are cavities inside with air bubbles, we need to lay them out, that is, we need
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to do it this way. yes, we slam it down, we will make an empty ball with a thin wall of 5 mm from a piece of clay, for this we need to separate two small pieces of clay, identical and make two even sticks, now the most interesting thing, from two heavy lumps of clay we will make a beautiful elegant ball, what is needed for this, take one piece, lightly tap it should... you should get something like this marshmallow in chocolate, yeah, now we put the round part we make a hole in the palm with our thumb, we will press through the walls, the most important thing here is not to rush, you can relax, think about something pleasant, now the most interesting thing, these spheres need to be connected, yeah, let’s increase the area a little, glue the surfaces, that’s how we are.. . and now
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we begin to connect the parts. it is very important not to crush, so all our movements are very careful, light, we do not squeeze anything. we take the tool and begin to move the clay. now we will add. our ball in the shape of a pumpkin, not the first time, gradually, in general the goal is not the product, the product is a bonus, well, in working with children, because modeling develops motor skills, imaginative thinking, and the goal is a process of development, we smooth each side, because we don’t have any hard lines, everything should be smooth, you can start preparing the tail, tear off
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a piece of clay. we start rolling, we roll so that one part is thinner, and now you can glue it, moisten it thoroughly with water, press, press not hard, remember that our pumpkin itself is hollow inside, we apply the texture in a stack, but not in this way position, and at an angle, we make some kind of movements, try to make it... absolutely straight, there is no need to straight, we slightly rub the edge that is closer to the tail, in this way, to give volume to our leg. well here it is we have a pumpkin, if we want to make some kind of box or sugar bowl, we can also cut off the lid and we will have a larger...
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functional thing. now we will send this product to dry for about 2 weeks, and then to the oven. vessels, vases, jugs, dishes, pano and much more. all this is the fruit of the creation of ceramic masters. so, what is ceramics? you will say that this is clay and will you? exactly half right. ceramics is nothing more than a product made from clay with or without the use of mineral additives, obtained by shaping and subsequent firing. yes, it is a rather labor-intensive process. household items, kitchen utensils or decorative elements are made from processed clay. during the firing process, the material changes its color and
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becomes durable. ceramic production is one of the most ancient on earth, which means that the history of ceramics goes back to ancient times. an interesting fact is that many scientists agree that clay is the first artificial material obtained by man from natural raw materials about 30,000 years ago. clay modeling was one of the first crafts mastered by primitive man. manufacturing technology. evolved from the simplest hand sculpting and the first potter's wheel mechanism to modern press machines and even ceramic 3d printers. now you can see a huge number of ceramic masters who use various techniques and combine incompatible things. on social networks you can find a lot of works by both belarusian and foreign
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sculptors. modern belarusian artist, ceramist, anatoly kontsup, who knows and loves this difficult mixture of art. in his works the master clearly avoids. natural and even everyday. now it has become very popular to participate in collaborations with famous brands, and this is good news, as it gives artists new opportunities and brands to add new colors to their collections. new fashion trend. it's safe to say that the world is being consumed by products. from ceramics, although artists such as pablo picasso made huge number of ceramic vases and dishes, but right now ceramics began to be perceived as something more. these are not just decorative objects that serve as interior decoration,
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but now they are also stylish art objects. original ceramic decorations and unusual interior items appear. ceramics has become one of the. the most popular hobbies and trends of recent years, and clay is used as a material in modern art. the debate about whether utility or beauty is more important in ceramics is being waged in creative workshops around the world, a flower vase or flowers for a vase, or, for example, how does abstraction behave in ceramics? these and other questions did not stop her from remaining in the spotlight and being. fashionable, be in the spotlight , follow fashion trends in the cultural life of our country, alina nevoina was with you as always, remember that being cultural is fashionable, we will see you in exactly a week
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until new cultural meetings. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so yes, it is opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, so through a swamp, which is near the house, which, again , twenty meters away, the uninitiated, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill , the presenter from the capital
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will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well ok, that's brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill work in general, and what does it grind, ordinary, ordinary mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, i am a project from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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on the air of the show “i know”. our game will help you broaden your horizons, test your knowledge and find. teacher of belarusian language and literature tatyana anatolyevna gmyr. anastasia soboleva,
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gymnasium number one of the city of vitebsk named after alferov, history teacher marina mikhailovna belokhvostova. artyom efemovich, komelskaya irininskaya gymnasium, class teacher, chemistry teacher elena dmitrievna arkhipoves. konstantin mikhalkov, gymnasium number 56 of the city of gomel named after vishnevsky , physics teacher ilya nikolaevich grishchenko. ekaterina zubeniya, secondary school number 2 of the city of skidel , class teacher, teacher of russian language and literature tatyana nikolaevna petushok. elena sakabendon, secondary school number 1 of the city of ashmyany named after gruzhevsky, english teacher svetlana nikolaevna germanova. valeria shevchik, gymnasium number 29 in minsk, geography teacher, yulia vladimirovna lyubinskaya. 34 city of minsk named after marinenko, computer science teacher natalya
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igorevna govorovskaya. kira zaitseva, gymnasium number 1 of the city of borisov, teacher of history and social studies olga vasilievna mayevskaya. daniil zorin, secondary school number 33 in the city of mogilev, class teacher, teacher of russian language and literature lyudmila anatolievna.
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good afternoon, guys, we are glad to welcome you here on our playground, well , right now, at this very moment in the teachers’ room, my colleague yulya pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, you have the floor. eleventh graders are bursting into our intellectual ether, and it’s cool that they decided to upgrade their knowledge before a crucial stage in their lives. guys, good luck, show me the beautiful one. the game, vasya, it's time to start! the first round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 questions with options answers, yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. the eight players with the most points advance to the second round. first question of the first round. is it true that according to nikolai vasilyevich gogol’s plan, the poem should deal with dead souls. consist of three volumes. time! ekaterina, how do you
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think your literature is? since childhood , of course, i loved to read, but with such a memory, three volumes, two volumes, an author, it didn’t work out for me since childhood, so i chose i chose it more by intuition, no. do you think she'll be upset that she's the first? i didn’t take it , i think no, she’s a fighter, they chose it, no, but how many volumes are you counting in general, well, in reality, it wasn’t planned, in reality, well, if in reality, i personally read one, yeah, if possible, as far as i i remember there should have been two, so what happened, they burned it, who burned it, the author himself, the author himself, if i’m not mistaken, wrote it and then burned it, authors are creative people in general, but how come bulgakov’s manuscripts don’t burn, well ... in theory yes, in reality no. a guide for
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gogol was dante’s divine comedy, and there, as you know, there are three parts, there is hell, there is purgatory, there is heaven, so gogal, 9 days before his death, he burned his second volume, but in general there were three of them planned, so, it was planned, that in the third volume chichikov will go through exile in siberia in this way, well, he will be purified and will take the path of truth, therefore the correct answer to our... question: the second question: its distinctive features, is there an error in this phrase time. elena, what do you think? yes, there is an error in this sentence, and what is it? well, features, they already distinguish, so the word distinctive is not needed. yes. you answered the question, right? there is an error. egor?
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at first i answered no, then i noticed that in fact there was an error here. in my opinion, if my memory serves me correctly, this is called pleonasm. is mistaken, because the word feature already denotes a characteristic property that distinguishes it from others, but here two identical words stand side by side, the correct answer to our question, and the third question: is it true that the atomium, one of the sights of brussels, depicts fragment of aluminum crystal lattice, time. anastasia, let's talk to you. i answered this question, yes, but it seems to me that it is quite similar. well, it feels like they have an experimental program, there hasn’t been chemistry for a year, but it only
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appeared in the eleventh grade, so apparently there was a mistake, it’s just aluminum, yes, here’s my dear mother, here. i haven’t heard, but i assume that there is, there is such an attraction, yes there is one in brussels, well, then how did i answer this question, alexandra, as you answered, i answered no to this question, it seems to me that after all, this is not aluminum, but definitely brussels, not sure what exactly they are not sure about, in brussels in aluminum. since i’m a geographer, i need to know such things, but i often forget the cities in which they are located, konstantin, let’s talk, as far as i know, this sculpture depicts a fragmented iron lattice, and he even explained what it is? konstantin is very
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erudite and knows chemistry very well, so i’m not surprised that he answered correctly, have you read about it or are you like this, well, i read about it somewhere, right? with just one difference: this is a crystal lattice of iron, not aluminum, but iron. the correct answer to our question is no. fourth question: is it true that stenobionts are species of organisms that have wide limits of endurance. time. alina, what do you think? i said so, using my intuition, because i don’t remember the order. don't remember, this is biology, tenth grade. okay, your answer is clear to me. artyom, how did you answer? well, first of all, i want to say
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thank you to my biology teacher, he is a wonderful person, and yes, this is tenth grade, right, however, if my memory serves me correctly, i have organisms on the contrary. a narrow limit of endurance, but evri bionte is just the opposite, what language he speaks, yes, i can explain, yes, artyom is studying in a chemical and biological class, a potential physician, so i was sure that he would answer correctly in this question, but in my opinion the answer is no, narrow and wide circle of endurance, what is it? well, an organism that has wide limits of endurance, more...


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