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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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unchanged, only her craving for alcohol remains, she had problems with alcohol for some time, that is, you are just constantly with you, you work, you have clubs, you just woke up, worked, performed, went back to the club, that’s it, uh, cooler than me, but, as they say, i, zmagars cannot be trusted, even when i really want to, especially with an alcohol addiction, they have neither their own nor others, but have the words “commerce, money, hype.” pour some more, she said that she would never be like patosevich, but patosevich is smarter, so she’s really like him, a verosimenka for sure it won’t, but that’s different, i was with you ksenia lebedeva, see you in the next program.
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hello, so where is this all going? come here today.
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in itself does not dictate anything, it dictates cultural processes, it dictates processes that seem to be social, they dictate certain megatrends in the development of technology, science and humans, the main trends are some kind of anthropological, depending on them geopolitics is built one way or another, but to put it simply about geopolitics itself, then nothing comparable with... with what is happening now on the russian side this chessboard, multidimensional, apparently, yes, this is such an unusual chess, and some, so to speak, are five-six-dimensional, so, what happens on this very russian chessboard, separate from all the others, is nothing nothing else can compare, firstly, because russia is really the second, unimportant
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nuclear country, secondly, because russia is huge territorially, thirdly, because it was russia that in some sense challenged the west , and it’s like all this together, and this the obvious inability of the west to agree with russian proposals, this escalation, russophobia and so on, says that the main direction of a certain process, the main point of application is: russia, because the americans are not going to at all, i don’t know, maybe there are crazy people, but somehow i i don’t see them on the political olympus of the united states, modern ones, to collide head-on with china, exchange major nuclear strikes and either destroy china there and declare its hegemony, or this china will destroy them, there are no such people in the united states never existed at all, there is. the desire to do
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something completely different, there is a desire from different sides to somehow outline this china, yes, and one of the main sides is russian, because... a very long border, because russia is able to greatly help china with raw materials and at the same time with military high technologies, or the highest technologies, such a possibility, despite everything regrettable that happened in russia , is still present, yes, but also the border, this holiday of russian disobedience, they talk about that first you need to eat russia, and then start working. with china, at the same time we need to try after russia, or before it, this is a difficult question, to eat iran, block china from afghanistan, iran, iraq, from there, try to come to an agreement with india, strengthen japan, come to an agreement with
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china’s competitors in the southeast asia, create this ring around china, destabilize china in every way possible. there are the uighurs, radical islam in general, everything, tibet, everything else, after that, undermining all this by organizing something like the notorious continental blockade, then somehow exploding from the inside in one way or another to return to the era of the opium wars. you immediately set the direction for, well, in general , for the entire geopolitical map with which we started today, if possible, i ’ll lay it out like this in order to maybe figure it out. and the first of these, the first of these questions, you also touched on it, this is, of course, the middle east, if we talk about it, then one of the central questions that is relevant now is why respond to the iranian attack on israel, on the one hand, we hear harsh statements from tehran, but on the other hand , we remember very well how in similar situations earlier, the actions of the iranian
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leadership were much calmer than words, this is how you see the possible development of events now, given that in that the same scheme that you mentioned, this, well, let’s say... then it also has a decisive importance, uh-huh, so you supported my idea that it is no longer a great chessboard, but boards connected into some kind of multidimensional structure, well this means that on this iranian board what is happening, i am sure that the current leadership of iran does not want any war with israel, they understand perfectly well that the united states will most likely be drawn into this, and... this leadership remembers the tragedy of the iran-iraq war too well and does not want to again drag its people into a very large-scale bloodshed, this leadership will not do this, in addition, it has completely
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mastered certain principles of working under a false flag; it has its own proxy structures there to work against israel. that we know everything, it doesn’t matter, it’s all later it turned out to be a bluff, but that’s not what i want to say, iran categorically does not want war, and some crazy people who don’t know what they’re thinking about probably hope that if something happens, they will be able to drag
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america into a war with iran, which extremely doubtful, these crazy people want iran to be forced. strike israel, and iran does everything imaginable and unthinkable, even losing part of its authority in the islamic world, just to prevent this, this is the situation now, closer to us, now ukraine, we will continue then this allegory, we are talking about the fact that another board, this time we feel it, as they say, well, most acutely, here again in the west they started talking about the fact that ukraine will definitely... get into nato, the us state, blinken at a meeting with kuleba, he said: “ukraine will become a member of nato.” our goal is to help build a bridge to this. but we remember that one of the reasons for svo is precisely the movement of kiev into the alliance. and in terms of threat, does it matter to russia in what configuration ukraine will join nato? obviously it doesn't.
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it turns out that the united states is simply condemning the ukrainians by behaving in this way and promising them some kind of nato membership. what we want to discuss with you now. has two levels: one is completely obvious, and the other, well, sort of like a hypothetical game, here at the most obvious level what happens... the following: first, everyone starts talking in unison about the fact that russia will fight with the west, in particular with europe, all in unison they are starting to say this, there is no one who has not noted this, i mean the media, politicians, ideologists everything else, i will never...
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what ideologies there will be, what will happen, our entire army will be sent, as it were, it will be saturated with european, homosexuals, genders, as if libertarians, who the hell knows who else, those who will fight will be whoever they want can, and these are completely different forces that are knocking with ukrainian nazism, everywhere, you should be most interested in how this...
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this, like russia, is followed by an exchange of nuclear strikes, and this is the coveted
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american plan, americans, when everyone says they want to deal with russia or china, they first of all want to deal with europe, more than anything else in the world they are afraid of the russian-european, specifically german-russian union, because it also puts... the most vulnerable position in terms of hegemony. and we will continue with the guests in this studio, what the enemy is preparing for us. more on this and more in a couple of minutes. we continue, with us are vadim gigin, olga lazorkina and oleg yadukevich. greetings, dear guests. on monday at the palace of independence they talked about the information war, the reason for the appointment of a new deputy head presidential administration. now this should be done.
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they run around to different decision-making centers and advisers from america to brussels, ask for money, and most importantly, give me money.
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they failed, or we simply did not give them the opportunity, yes, well, they failed, because we did not give them such an opportunity, when we say that they failed, this is weaker, today there is also a terrorist attack that occurred in the russian federation, it just also aroused this wave of information, on this wave they will, of course, try to gain a foothold, but i would watch another very
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a small nuance, because the west has not yet worked out the topic of warning, which it was dispersing in russia. igor lutsky was elected to the council of the republic, and i think he will take a worthy place there; vladimir
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borisovich has headed the ministry of information all these years.
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into the internal political struggle on the territory of belarus and russia, that means terror and extremism, and here the media, that is, the information war always accompanies terror and extremism, my colleagues have already mentioned several important points when the west introduces lies in order to justify terrorist attacks or with a terrorist attack to solve some other problems, for example, with a terrorist attack in russia, they tried to create an interethnic split on the territory of the russian federation with a terrorist attack on the territory of belarus, which were planned, by the way. and were done, and the west has already said that russia is allegedly doing this on the territory of belarus, they are trying to split the union state. there is one more important point that i am following closely, i am sure. and other people who write on extremist trash heaps, this is my work, which means, like the intelligence services, and we see that today they openly justify terrorism
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and say, for example, i cannot sympathize with the dead people who died in russia, they will say the same thing: i cannot sympathize with the dead people in belarus, that is, this is information support for terrorism-extremism, we we must be prepared for this, and there is one more important point, i want to support vadim franzovich: in terms of the fact that we are actually entering a new election campaign after the all-belarus people's assembly, the west will never give us carry it out calmly, never in life, it’s impossible to even imagine, and terrorism and extremism for them today are the only, as they believe, effective tools for somehow shaking up the situation inside the country, the president warns about this, speaking about the importance of ideological work and counteract information.
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belarus is an interethnic issue, an interreligious issue, not to mention the attempt to divide us for political reasons. if we talk about military threats, this is a direct question for deputies now, which are in this studio because the president agreed to be introduced into the house of representatives. this is a law on the suspension of the treaty on conventional armed forces - in europe. my question is why we are doing this now; we could have done it earlier. we could have done it earlier, but this is a very accurate legal assessment of the events that are taking place in our region. this agreement has lost all force. it consisted in the conditions of the end of the cold war, when arose, well , i remember the words, you all remember, arose such an atmosphere, as they said, trust, even the word détente was no longer used, de-escalation.
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do not recognize their entry into the soviet union, they did not join this treaty. all these years on our northern flank, in conditions when lithuania, latvia, estonia joined the aggressive nato bloc, at any moment, under any conditions, any group of troops could be deployed, imagine, that is, we were fulfilling an agreement that was not signed by us, it is important to emphasize that what alexander lukashenko signs, he always observes. signed not by us, when our entire northern border was actually open, in the current conditions, when we are reproached for some kind
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of saber-rattling, well, that’s how we can comply with this agreement, from us, i don’t even take ukraine, the kiev regime , and i’m taking poland, the north-western direction, we now have a multiple superiority of the potential enemy there, excuse me for such a term, but i have to mention it, the president leaves for the ashmyany direction, two brigades, the nineteenth mech, somewhere yes, but so that just understand, the poles have one division, they are now they are additionally deploying, one division, it is larger than this number, why did they make such a fuss about our normal limited exercises, what is 5,000 people, yes, we keep our troops in combat readiness, but what should we do? we have a war going on south of the border, we are developing an aggressive offensive infrastructure, they are telling us about some kind of suwałki corridor, but look at what they are talking about. they work, what is information warfare from the point of view of extremism, this is also extremism, why the president talks about this, appointing not the chief of the general staff, not the chairman of the kgb, but the deputy head
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of the administration for information and ideological work, because information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our teachings for what, to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops near the belarusian border on the lithuanian one, that is , in fact, the germans are entering lithuania as occupiers. in principle, at our very borders, they accuse us of what we are doing here some kind of escalation, here is a specific example of what we are talking about in the combination of a military threat, information influence, psychological operations, this whole political background, i would like to add, it means that belarus is in compliance with the agreement...
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always, by the way, the first ones initiated some... then peaceful initiatives, this has been the case throughout the existence of our country throughout the entire time, but we understand perfectly well that all this will not help, the west will attack us under what condition, if it sees that it can win, if western analysts sit, look, watch, then belarus will not respond, if we send in troops, nothing will happen, if we hit belarus tomorrow, nothing will happen, that means tomorrow there was an attack, the only way is...
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we will do everything to ensure our national security, install the weapons that we consider necessary, build the army that we consider necessary, the goal is one - not to fight, moreover, the europeans should thank us today, i have said this many times for our policy, we today we are saving europe from a big war, with our competent, independent policy, independent, if today we did not have sovereignty, tomorrow belarus would be drawn into this...
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this is what he says. nato countries will have to send soldiers to ukraine. the british and french, along with the nordic countries , are already quietly preparing to send troops, both small elite units and logistical support personnel. the latter could play an important role by releasing their ukrainian colleagues for retraining for combat duties. nato units could also undertake training of new recruits. the words coincide with france agreeing to a quota of 1,500 soldiers. dispatch to ukraine, new information is emerging about paris’s preparation of a military contingent to be sent to ukraine; for these purposes, the command of the french foreign legion in early march approved the composition of a battalion tactical group of about one and a half thousand people. it is expected that in april the group will be brought to a state of full combat readiness for operational attack on the ukrainian theater of military operations. there can
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be no threat in belarus; in principle, we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours. any provocation on the border must be stopped by military means. they provoke us so that we at least somehow respond to them. belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions and our goods are especially priced in the east. more than 300 belarusian elevators are already operating in the omsk region. we are working on developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, elevator already knows who came in, which floor i ’ll go to. shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses. two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure white. belkomunmash and mass. drivers and passengers switched from buses to modern eco-cars. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries.
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one of them - but, of course, they mostly know me for such folk motifs, folk numbers and here there is a clear discipline, clearly calculated every 5 minutes, there’s no time for a smoke break, there ’s no time to just pooh-pooh, as they say. about smart and talented people, a look at the project of belarus, on our tv channel. what is olga igorevna’s goal? i
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think this group is ready a long time ago in april, it's simple. date, which, as it were , the month that is called, i don’t see why they shouldn’t enter there, especially since they have already created a mission, a joint nato mission, sikorski, that is, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, stated this , what there is such a mission, all the experts paid attention to why it is called a mission, well , they would call it a brigade, an operational group, well, so far they are going that way, i think that this is precisely the moment of information war, among other things.
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the question of assistance to ukraine, now there has been information that this sort of function of distributing funds for the ukrainian war will be transferred to nato, and they love money and love eyes, so i think that the mission, in addition to the fact that it creates information it's like this hype, she will still be involved in monitoring how the action will develop financially, 500 is nothing, well, of course nothing, of course nothing.
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there is the thirteenth parachute dragoon regiment, it consists of several squadrons and companies, these are such special units, plus these are instructors, because scholz said, storm shadow missiles are launched with the help of british instructors, scalp is an analogue, this is french, british the development of this missile is a scalp, a french analogue, naturally done with the participation of the french, they are legalizing this because they are hiding their presence against the backdrop of losses...
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this was all coordinated, there are already many publications on this subject, polish generals received military awards, ukrainian ones, this is the legalization of presence, what is 1500, this is intelligence, some will be units, with a high degree of probability a foreign legion, it numbers from 8 to 9,000 in total, there are such specific units, most likely it will be some kind of regiment, or on the basis of a regiment, there is an armored cavalry one, they have a marine, such a famous brigade, well this marines ninth. they will say loudly, for example, we will stand in odessa or we will stand on the belarusian border, and they will
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look at our reaction to the russians, the reaction if russia again says, you know, these are red lines, here is the next one , 1,500 - this is not the same red line, we 'll wait until the next one is ours.
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nato officers, this is no secret, all the special operations, why do we say that the west is planning a terrorist attack and extremism, without western money, without western consultations, without intelligence training from the uk, the usa, or they wouldn’t carry out one terrorist attack, there is no potential, france is the same, but there is a very important political aspect, first, independence. there is no europe, sending european troops to ukraine is also
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us pressure on the european elites, every day they demand that they help ukraine. why is europe afraid of a full-scale war? yes, europe itself is bursting at the seams, if today is macron or scholz, i, like vadim franzovich, are very actively communicating with european deputies and politicians who say, if today scholz, macron, figuratively speaking, some kind of diplomatic... we send an army, they can carry him out with pitchforks, they have a million of their own problems, tens of millions of migrants, and it’s a fairy tale that muslims will go to fight against russia, they hate them all there, they hate, they despise, that’s why europe, it’s in such a squeezed position, this, by the way, is very risky for us, which is risky, that they do not have sovereignty, this is extremely risky, that poland is not sovereign, germany is not sovereign, we are dreaming. make
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a pro-european leader who thinks about europe, pro-polish, he won in slovakia politician, pro-slovak, there are such people everywhere, it ’s that there is no pro-russian, he doesn’t think about russia, not about belarus, he thinks about slovakia, we need this, so this is the first risk - lack of sovereignty, the second, which means this unpredictability within europe, this a huge risk for us, we always wanted a calm one -
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80% are ready to participate in hostilities and estonia is 66%. for some reason, poland has not yet entered into these issues. the united states, meeting with kuleba, says: “ukraine will become a member of nato.” our goal is to help
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build a bridge to this, that's about it, he's lying, that means he is lying, that means that ukraine will become a member of nato, he is deceiving ukraine, that means, and also, i support vladim frantsivich about the fact that this is intelligence, but this is also a division of ukraine, which means that in fact ukraine is already being divided , it has already lost its subjectivity, the western regions do not need to be occupied, this is impossible if some piece divides ukraine. is accepted into nato, in this case, for the russian federation, the goal of the northern military district is one of the most important - this is not ukraine’s entry into nato, it doesn’t matter which ukraine's configuration is 100% unacceptable. russia will never stop, so these statements and actions are a continuation of the war, there will be no peace, which means they put russia in the conditions under which it will be forced to act even more harshly. here i agree with vladimir frantsich on another important idea - these are red lines. this means that this particular game between the west and russia
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goes to these red lines, but there is a very subtle question here: uh, russia is constantly being provoked to take very tough actions, for example, the terrorist attack that occurred, which we discussed in great detail, why it was done, to provoke russia into more stringent actions and delay negotiations and generally make them impossible in any format, that is, there is a certain logic in this. therefore, these statements by the secretary general of nato are from the same industry on the one hand, the second is necessary, we have been listening to this lie for many years, ukraine in the eu, ukraine in nato, ukraine. there will be democracy, ukraine will be free, nothing has happened in these years, not even democracy, no eu, no peace, no freedom, no nato, no damn thing, only war, blood, death, new agendas, so today i analyzed the new law, relevant at this hour, on mobilization in ukraine.
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listen, it’s crazy to read, it’s scary, but you know what struck me more today is not that everyone is being mobilized, the crooked, the lame, the sick, but what if you have money. it says this: if you are the owner of an enterprise, you don’t even work there, and these are all ukrainian enterprises that are not state-owned for a long time, they are all owned by an oligarch, then you are freed from the agenda, i translate, they built, they built the country, yes, they said, ukraine will be free, in the end, if you don’t have money, go and die for other people’s interests, and if you have money, live in peace and line your pockets further in this war, returning to the question that you raised, here - we sometimes analyze their statement, then we forget what they said, we analyze the next, it’s an endless stream, we need to look at what they said, she said, we will support ukraine, even if ours
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voters will be against it, the german foreign minister, one of the leaders of the green party, once the most pacifist party, the next moment, there is an icon. appears, what is nato? so they say: why are you afraid of nato’s expansion to the east, look, they have neither shells nor weapons, so the point is not in shells and weapons, but in the creation of a military-political mechanism of dependence on the united states, when the ruling elites , the generals are forced to take actions contrary to their national interests, so we brought slovakia, for example, look, the prime minister is against the war, the current president will be in june , i think, and now. while zuzana caputova is there, it means she’s so interesting, but she , by the way, also said that that’s it, we’re all frozen and so on, against it, but they vote everywhere and support actions, like hungary together, why, but they ca n’t do it any other way , their political dependence is real, even these strong politicians, orban, fitz, others, it is such that they cannot
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act otherwise, marine lepin, here the russians were recently taken aback, she was there in france called pro-russian, she criticized russia in support of the country.
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they stood back a little for the time being, when the primaries are going on, they don’t seem to allocate any money, and not because they don’t want to be there, but they do want to, they are ready to give everything, because the primaries are going on, the nomination of candidates is going on, an unpopular war , rhetoric that blames russia for everything doesn’t work in the usa, so for the time being they overloaded it all on ukraine, i assure you, here some people say, well, russia is specifically waiting for trump’s election, so if he will win, but if someone in the russian leadership. or among americanists he thinks so, this is a deep mistake, as soon as the elections are over, politics , regardless of who wins, may become even worse, i absolutely agree, moreover, now the main topic for the united states is not even ukraine, but the middle east, palestine, israel, they are now having a main discussion on this, but i will still return to belarus, that’s right, we have now discussed the situation in europe, that
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they do not have any democracy, that is, a politician who opposes the foundations of the country, he is in does not allow politics, so i return to ours. friends, it’s enough to let those who oppose the foundations of the country into the presidential campaign, this should be a rule, we received immunity in 2020, we now had parliamentary elections, we didn’t have such parties or public organizations, no politicians, during the presidential campaign, forget about anyone who wants to break the country, there shouldn’t be a special date this week, april 14, 1999, 25 years ago the bombing. burning under bombs, the country is publicly supported by its only leader, alexander lukashenko, his plane departed for belgrade, despite the fact that no one gave guarantees of safety during the flight, returning to minsk. the president said then, this is not only their war, we are absolutely convinced that today they are waging a war not only for themselves, not only for their
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land. if we use historical parallels, the lessons of history are a test of strength; unfortunately, it begins again in the balkans. well, a quarter of a century has passed again, the independence of serbia is a bone in someone’s throat, president vučić warns of a threat to his country and speaks of the most serious challenges. we are talking about the upcoming adoption of a resolution in april. an absolutely pro-western country, tito was friends with hollywood actors, at the same time western intelligence services sponsored ustasha,
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these are croatian fascists, terrorists who killed yugoslav diplomats there, hijacked planes, carried out explosions, and so on and so forth, and supported separatist movements, yugoslavia in the eighties years - this is a weak country, convenient for manipulation, no, they are coming, destroying, support separatist movements, which was not necessary; in principle, the countries are so big for them. who can pursue an independent policy are, in principle, not needed, and in the balkans they wanted to create a situation in which they would secure their political influence, and there, by the way, not only the united states, great britain plays an active role there, germany, germany became, specifically, here is helmud kohl, the unifier of germany, genscher, vice-chancellor, yes, they became the gravediggers of yugoslavia then, in the nineties , of course, this is the policy of the united states states that wanted to install their own everywhere.
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so today, for the americans, kosovo-serbia is a wonderful situation, a smoldering conflict, when necessary, it was extinguished, when europe needs to be brought to its knees a little, again, that means, let it burn, the same thing in the middle east, how many times have they said that the palestinians the israeli conflict can be... solved by international instruments a long time ago, who wanted, who wanted to actually sit down and decide, but why solve it, when it is necessary,
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when it is necessary, we will make a war, then we will make money there. same thing here, and today i want to warn our post-soviet republics, let them also remember, we do not interfere, but they must remember as soon as they have a peacemaker in the form of the west, which suddenly decided to reconcile armenia-azerbaijan, see what is there in other asian republics with which we want to build normal relations, remember, they need one thing, a smoldering conflict for a decade, this is a management formula, tested and the united states will never give up on it, they are very good, but not...
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not our world, despite the fact that we slavs, despite the fact that we have a common platform, i think that we should not forget about this, slovakia, hungary and other countries that today declare their position against war, this is not our understanding against war, this is their understanding in their world, i would remember this, a very important thought, it is important not but how to lose it today, there is not much time, but we will dwell on it ahead of
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the all-belarusian people's assembly, the time of consolidation, although we understand perfectly well that... not to the congress needs it, in principle it is permanent for us, this is the most important task, this was discussed today; recently, at a meeting with a representative of vertical authorities , important words were spoken; they are worth recalling right now. the guys are all focused on finding a way to bring us down. whatever relationship we have with you, i scolded you there, fired you from work and so on, you must be statesmen.
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not a pretty picture, but the result, the efficiency of the work, so that you can really see what is happening, and this concerns everyone in the country, but unity, for me this is obvious, no one is talking about us except us, about the belarusians will not think, only ourselves, i always remember this thought and will never forget it, there is an external threat, there was, there will be, but no one except ourselves will destroy their country, this is 100%, they can help destroy it,
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so the most important thing is, what we are and how we protect ours. in our country, probably, if we are talking about tasks for a year like no other, you know, as it happens in training, it goes through a line, we have twenty-four, this is the general meaning of political, electoral campaigns, even geopolitical ones, including. regarding the fighting in ukraine, but from what we need now, the key points, is the consolidation of internal cohesion, which oleg sergeevich spoke about, since the highest military art is to build your military-political system in such a way that a potential enemy does not even have the thought of attacking you, understanding how strong you are from within , this is a key moment in the economy, of course this is a breakthrough, the president has done a tremendous amount to enter a new market, now responsibility is required from the government to stimulate our domestic consumer... market, why they opened the same first national, we have something to sell, we have something to buy, we must stimulate the consumer activity of our citizens, ideologically, we must strengthen our historical policy,
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our symbolism, what we do in the field of information and in diplomacy requires the incredible now it’s art, because on the one hand, yes, we must create a favorable climate, on the other hand, we must not fall into the trap of promises that will probably already exist, you know, this is an attempt. peace on this god-given land and we believe, that we will preserve, therefore we are building kindergartens, schools, clinics, hospitals, new production, cultural, sports, shopping and entertainment centers, this is the text of the message from the capsule for posterity, which
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was laid last week at the construction site of the grodno city clinical hospital. as for me, this is not so much an appeal to descendants, but to us, today, why is it for us, well, we seem to see everything ourselves. for focus, to concentrate attention on the main mission in an era when the old world condemned itself, and the new one it’s just being born, what is the mission, maybe in this formula, we didn’t just inherit this land from our ancestors, we took it from our descendants, but the fact that times are difficult, well, that means time has chosen us , everything is happy today.
12:00 pm
hello, on the air news at noon, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this sunday episode.


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