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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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hello, on the air news at noon, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this sunday episode. honor, valor,
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courage, defenders of air borders celebrate their professional holiday. they have taken the path of militarization, lithuania is ready to accept 700 military personnel, what will the alliance brigades cost them? the iranian general staff announced the completion of the military operation against israel. details by this time. when you can't be silent. a large-scale campaign, a house without violence, is taking place in belarus. the president of belarus has always been a consistent supporter of peace, exactly 25 years ago, on april 14, 1999, alexander lukashenko became the only leader who flew to belgrade. at that time, yugoslavia was subjected to nato bombing, and our president was not given security guarantees. moreover, fighter jets were sent. but the head of belarus, like all our people, like the serbs, are not those with whom you can speak in the language of blackmail and threats. he flew across the closed sky to
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get even a millimeter closer to the world. my visit to yugoslavia in these difficult times may, well, at least by some millimeters, at least a little bring a peaceful resolution to this problem closer. as for the prospects, i really hope that this will all end peacefully in the near future, because the deadlock is already obvious for both sides, but if... for yugoslavia this is a just war, a patriotic war in defense of its people, then i think nato will be the western the state needs to get out of this difficult situation. the serbs remember the act of the belarusian leader, just as they remember and have learned their history lessons well, who is friend and who is enemy, even if the enemy talks about humanitarian goals and the protection of human rights. in ninety-nine the alliance launched operation allied force without security council sanctions. the un, forcing us to
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and also ask how support for peace is assessed by dropping cluster bombs and projectiles with combined uranium on civilians. the serbs remember, and we will recall all the details of that story, the visit of alexander lukashenko to belarus under nato bombs. on the main broadcast. western society is preparing for a big war. this opinion was voiced in the next issue of the club-editors program. as experts noted, psychological pumping is visible to the naked eye, without the right to reflections analysis, the enemy is indicated, which... ideological front, create an atmosphere of external threat, then the special services are already working, some kind of provocation, something somewhere...
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refrain from any trips to belarus, what is hidden behind the call of the british foreign ministry how powerful is the prayer to avana and lexus and most importantly, what symbolism is hidden in the phrase our cosmos, about this and more. in the full release of the program on the bel tv and radio company website and youtube channel. lithuania will be ready to receive at least 7,000 military personnel nato by the end of this year, said the head of the sejm committee on national security and defense. about two dozen german soldiers have already arrived in lithuania; later they will be joined by another 150 people. by the end of 2027, the number of contingents will reach 5,000. currently, vilnius is preparing military bases for them. german troops, by the way, are based outside. countries on
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a long-term basis for the first time since world war ii. letva decided to host the german shell plant of the military concern, and also intends to buy 40 tanks from germany leopard-2 for 2 billion euros. 75% of poles opposed the participation of their country or any other nato member state in the conflict in ukraine. the question concerned, in particular, sending troops to the square, the media write about this, citing a study by the polish statistical office. the euro-optimism of the poles is also fading. 53% of respondents were in favor of the country remaining a member of the european union, which is 11% lower than last year. and one of the betting sites predicts poland. leaving the eu in the coming years. the iranian general staff announced the completion military operation against israel. it is especially emphasized that it was carried out on the basis of article 51 of the un charter, concerning legitimate defense. and it was a response to the aggression against diplomatic missions in damascus on
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april 1. iran also notified the us through switzerland that its bases would become a military target if washington supported an israeli retaliatory strike. in turn, the permanent representative of israel said: that iran has violated the un charter and poses a threat to peace and security. an emergency meeting of the council for the un will be held in the coming hours. present the airspace in the region is now open again. israel has abolished the need to stay in bomb shelters. the massive attack, let me remind you, lasted 5 hours, fired 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles in three series. explosions were heard in jerusalem and several other cities, and a series of flights were also recorded in the negev region at the israeli ramon military base. the israeli military reports that 99% of the projectiles launched were intercepted, most outside the country. jordan
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provided its airspace to the israeli and american air forces. as a result , dozens of fragments from downed shells fell on the cities of the kingdom. three people died. in israel in the south of the country it is serious. we emphasized once again that minsk consistently advocates a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the middle east through political and diplomatic means, the entire world community and international organizations must take measures to consolidate efforts to stabilize the situation. and to all citizens of belarus planning trips to the region. due to it is an immediate necessity to take into account the current situation, monitor official notifications from aviation authorities regarding the introduction of restrictions on the use of airspace in a number of countries, as well as the suspension of airport operations. minsk and dushanbe continue to strengthen bilateral cooperation. in
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the belarusian capital, as part of the dsis media , a meeting was held between the minister of foreign affairs of our country and his colleague from tajikistan. the heads of foreign affairs agencies noted the high level of bilateral relations. air border defenders celebrate their professional holiday: the president congratulated the air defense forces, military personnel and veterans on the day. alexander lukashenko drew attention to the ever -increasing role and importance of air defense troops, their equipment with the most modern equipment and weapons. these troops demonstrate
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excellent field training during operational combat training, and the main qualities for air defense soldiers were and remain high professionalism, honor, valor and courage. says the congratulations. it is believed that air defense was born back in 1941, during which time it went through a long path of development and became the main combat capability of the state. the skies of belarus are protected by the most modern weapons. many of which are modernized or developed on home soil. equipment and people guard not only the air borders of belarus, but also the union state. the guardians of the sky perform joint combat duty. time of active work in the fields. the sowing season continues in belarus. food
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security is one of the most important tasks agraev. students come to their aid. at the enterprises, senior students from the agricultural academy and colleges repair equipment, cultivate the soil, and sow the future harvest. anyone who has a driver's license as a machine operator is offered work on energy-rich belarusian equipment. by the way, students will receive their first salary for their work. upon arrival here with us.
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our farmers understand no one and they begin any conversation with the weather, not for the sake of idle curiosity. however, watch
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the nostalgic episode from the atn project in the public domain. tv news agency presents: in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. the winged vyastuns are clear. brezhchina, this is where the meetings take place. the first vyasnaya barazna in belarus. in strict terms, according to the norms of advanced agricultural technology, in socialist rescue work, the work of kalgasami and saugasami, the work of special practitioners, people continue to grow our bread. palesse, do not abandon the woks of my transformed lands, the past has ruined swamps. in the southern part of the wasiletsky district of pravodzitsa there is an oar-based aerial feeding of the adzimyh passers. mineral.
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to increase the viability of seeds, air-thermal heating is carried out. seeds brought to the first or second class of the sowing standard are treated with pesticides. when sowing with such a seeder , the seeding rate is significantly reduced, and the seeds in the shoots are distributed more evenly.
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