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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 12:35pm-1:35pm MSK

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landscaping and reforestation are ongoing non-stop in the central region. thousands of pines and fir trees were planted near the village of kozyri in the lokoy region. some time ago there was a snowstorm there. famous athletes, coaches, sports veterans and members of the national olympic committee joined the restoration work. naturally, there was also some sporting interest. in any case, when they start catching up with each other, some instinct kicks in somewhere, which is athletic, so you try to go faster, faster.
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this year's contribution, let's renew the laces at once , takes place from march 23 to april 20 for the seventeenth time and is dedicated to the year of quality. agricultural estates in the minsk region never cease to amaze tourists, for example, a fluffy white cloud, which collects millions of likes and has become a star on social networks, welcomes guests to the farm in youth. the friendliest wagging of tails is also in the agro-estate under the smalevichi trees. an amazing tourist zoo route was laid out by karina. "the little camel no longer just walks confidently, jumps around his mother, meanwhile, just recently, millions of people on social networks watched with excitement as the furry pet grew stronger and gained strength. the baby was born at the end of march and immediately won the hearts of subscribers of anastasia chernyavskaya, the owner of the agricultural estate. everyone was surprised by the unusual color of the baby camel. this is a mystery even to us, we were very surprised to see him white, because shisha herself is brown, her fiancé is brown." her ancestors, whom we
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knew, she is also the same color, we don’t know how the white cub turned out, but they say these are very rare phenomena, when exactly such a light baby is born to dark parents, people from kazakhstan who breed this breed, namely the bactorian, began to write to me, some began to send videos and photos that he would remain white, others began to tell me that he would become the same as her , while fidgety, not very sociable, afraid of people and does not leave his mother, but shows curiosity about the world around him. they haven’t come up with a name for him yet, but options include vasilek, yas and even belas. a white baby camel collects millions of likes online. people from all over come to the estate countries to see this little miracle. it is not possible to feed the baby yet; the diet includes only mother’s milk. but shusha herself cannot live without dryers. this is the camel's first offspring. she gets used to her new role and closely monitors the baby. an exotic animal appeared on the farm 4 years ago and...
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immediately became a friend to the owners of all the guests of the estate, and it appeared with us, came from russia, from the kaluga region, and we exchanged it for a horse, somehow such an interesting story turned out when we were looking for a camel, and people we were looking for a suitable horse, and we found each other. it turned out that these people are still involved in transporting animals all over the world, they were even able to bring us one. the camels here are accompanied by horses, ponies, sheep, goats, geese and ostriches, in a large zoo family there are also storks, here they are nursed and placed on... it all started with one stork, which we ourselves picked up near the road, it lay exhausted, we fed, treated, and he flew away, then it reached another level, they began to contact us with food protection, they brought to us from all over belarus, from almost all regions there are storks, adult storks, teenagers, and we call a veterinarian, plan their treatment, in the estate near smolevichi you can not only pet your pets. but it’s also necessary that representatives of
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the pembrak welsh corgi breed, or simply corgi, are one of the most affectionate and friendly dogs, and there are a whole dozen of them here. the large corgi family always greets guests with the joyful wagging of their tails, everyone can find a friend here to their liking, there is a calm weasel, an active yeti and a nimble olive. amateur little kids, because they feed them, they ask their mother, let me feed the dog, that’s why she’s kind of good with us, that’s why she’s so loving herself. a lady who loves to be the center of attention, to be petted, to talk to her, loves to show with her paw that she needs affection, the breed itself is so sociable, they are good-natured dogs, they would love to be the center of attention, if someone doesn’t have enough attention, then she itself demands that people approach them, owners of cute pets invite them to corgetherapy for bright emotions and spectacular photos, will help you find a common language with them, tell you about the characteristics of the breed, and for those who want to make a four-legged friend, they will reveal all the secrets of care and karina
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gurev anatoly dolotovsky and anzor tuzhaev, news central region, this concludes our issue, the most interesting and important. we will show you the life of the central region next sunday immediately after the noon newscast. you can also follow the central region news project on the website and the atn youtube channel. well now, all the best and see you later.
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let's go, close, good morning, what are you doing, why do i need it, forgive me. it all turned out so awkward, i’ll go out and go to the bathroom, i put a green towel for you, thank you, yeah, yeah,
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f’. salt, uh-huh, thanks, it seems the weather has cleared up, yes, yes, yes, but in the evening they promised rain, oh, oh, oh, now, now, no big deal.
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vera has gone completely crazy, sorry, hurry up to receive it, thank you, goodbye.
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i’ll do it tomorrow, well, as soon as i find an apartment, everything at once, of course, of course, as soon as you find it. i just bought medals as a gift,
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i really liked the last one.
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daver, it’s me alone, it’s all my fault, i, i, i ruined everything, i didn’t let you breathe. i wanted to change you, i reproached you, i raised you, but it’s because i love you, you
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hear me, yes, if i did n’t care, if i didn’t give a damn, i would n’t say anything, but i wanted you you have succeeded, you have enormous potential, you can stay on shift at the institute, thank you. i forgot to put my thoughts on genetic stabilizers. so, when will the workers arrive? listen, seryozha, i just thought that, well, the wedding, it wasn’t included in the first our plans, and now we need to save on something. in general, i canceled the workers. yes.
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are you here? why do we need a worker if, if there is an owner in the house. len, tell me that i will now work two shifts, from 9 to 10, okay, grishina’s hagach has arrived, you asked me to remind you to call, yeah, doctor, i’d like to ask about my intimate life, anything that doesn’t cause discomfort is okay, thank you big, goodbye. vera, i’m ordering equipment here, i wanted to get some advice, now, uh-huh, hello, yes, i called, i need to file for a divorce, quick without my presence, yes, of course, they went out,
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yeah. what's there? come on, here are the ultrasonic sensors. yes. maybe you can distract yourself somehow, go somewhere. i could. i don’t want to, uh-huh, well, i ’ll leave you the data then, in an hour you’ll decide, you’ll say, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, wait, perhaps you’re right, let’s have dinner today, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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vera, i want to knock you out for me, whom i have always admired, since my student days, i admired your professionalism and intelligence. for you, thank you, by the way, from the smartest, most
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beautiful woman whom you admired yet from student days, vacation soon. vacation, vacation, it’s good, i also think, maybe in two months, after the congress business trip, i will have a window, we can combine our vacation efforts to enjoy life. let's go to you, right now, i'll come back, maybe we won't rush things, no, it just seems to me that we should somehow take a closer look
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at each other, should i give you flowers? it’s stuffy, i feel good, i feel great, i’m a free, happy person.
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good morning, oh my god, and here i am it turns out i can’t sleep, well, what do you urgently want to ask me for, about a job, do you have any place, the size of the salary and the position doesn’t matter at all, i decided to leave the clinic to join us at a state institute, yes, bringing back a fugitive husband, a noble goal, but stupid, no, no, no, no, not like that at all, i ’ve been planning to quit for a long time, i’m already a long way off. didn’t give in with his harassment when he found out about my divorce, in general he said that if i don’t, well, then he doesn’t know what he’ll do to me, zhenya khlimova, what kind of a male
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suddenly it turned out, i didn’t predict anything, amazing, incredible, stop talking nonsense, faith, i can refuse, despite all your qualifications, maybe the microclimate in the team is more valuable to me? well, of course, i’ll take you, thank you, although i imagine that you ’ll settle me here, okay, but remember, i’m taking you only so that i can retire with me, yes, i’m taking advantage of your situation, i know there won’t be a second chance. tv channel belarus 24 presents food has never been simple,
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at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and it’s good to live, a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world will change, it will be divided into before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved. this is a hunter's recipe. duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area. the stove looked like a medieval stove, a ceramic, brick-lined box on which a fire was built, but a large one was installed on top a metal sheet. in the 18th century baron. ghanaian baron jan martinkiewicz built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area on a gilded carriage; we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country
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in the food project, anywhere there are dishes that you definitely have not tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe throughout belarus. watch it every sunday on our tv channel. how is life for foreign guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university. i i’ve been working here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations, since 2014 all day long. this is a coffee and pastry shop, the first eastern coffee and pastry shop in belarus. as always, we work here in lebanese, we always talk to people about how to drink this coffee. how does one eat these sweets, how correctly should one ensure that they give off this taste? i love syrah subconsciously, and i love belarus consciously,
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because belarus gave me everything. watch the project look at belarus on our tv channel. evgeny leonidovich, can i come to you? yes. natasha,
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call tova at four. tell me if he’s late again, maybe he’ll remember how to write a resume. by the way, this applies to you too. i am not kidding. one more delay, i'll fire you. visit me. yes. sign, please, i am transferring to college and resigning. natasha, make some tea, i don’t need it, you need some chamomile, yes, evgeny leonidovich, please, just sign everything. vera, vera. well, you’re the main specialist,
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people purposefully follow you, listen, maybe i didn’t quite live up to your expectations yesterday, evgeniy? fire me now lord, vera, well, we, well, we are adults, chamomile, it’s just that everything, everything that happens between us is so unexpected, maybe we’ll go
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with... the author to the theater, you can’t come to me, my mother is at home, her heart, good afternoon, good afternoon, i’m listening to you. and your divorce certificate, he’s there, he’s belly there, you see, there,
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drive him, drive him! drive there, drive, drive, look, there it is, catch it, catch it, well, seryoga, well, come on faster, seryoga, faster, come on, what are you doing, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet , calm down, don't laugh, don't laugh, keep quieter, quieter, quieter, quieter, quieter, then you’ll give birth, sooner, oh, quieter, quieter, oh, trolling. everything, everything is quiet, hold on, i’ll do this for a month, it’ll still be worse than the workers’ experience in a couple of days, i don’t know, i like everything, there’s nothing better than something made with your own hands, you and i will succeed, look what a beauty, it fell off, but if, as a geneticist, i take the same amount of hackwork as i need for this repair with my own hands, here everything can be professionally
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repaired and even for a bribe in the zhek. what will remain, by the way, is for us, they have to come and fix these emergency pipes, they have to, you just need to come and run into them properly, like this, like this, and considering that they only have women there, you will succeed, you you can do anything,
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“i want to adopt a foster child, here is an application for an examination of my living conditions, a questionnaire, a passport certificate , a certificate of my income. did you just get divorced? yes, a single working mother, this is unacceptable for an infant child. i look normal . this is mine. listen, witness, maybe we can call someone, but okay,
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i know, it’s thursday, just remind me, call, goodbye, and sorry, i can’t, urgent matters, wait, we need to talk, let’s come in, these are the results of the genetic screening of your unborn child. “i have to check everything myself, consider that silivan and i together may be mistaken in determining down syndrome from placental blood taken at 23 weeks.
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no one will come, everyone refused, what right do they have to judge me. what is this? on their own desire, and i don’t care, i don’t care, what do you think about me, excuse me, so what
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should i do, leave you without maternity leave, am i an evil genius or god? nat, can you even imagine what it means to be interrupted at such a time, it means that they will cause premature labor for me, well, give it up, they will let my child die, what do you want from me consent to the murder of my child, ours, downs syndrome on chromosome 2.5 - this is not a disease at all, it’s just a syndrome, the signs may not be expressed at all, there are a whole bunch of training methods, it’s all possible level out, level out in the family. calm down, mother, everything will be fine with us, i’m with you,
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please come in, you see, the apartment is large, bright, there’s a kitchen, a living room, well, your living conditions are suitable, and this is a children’s room, everything is ready for baby. thoroughly, yet you, as a single and working woman, can only start with patronage of an older child, six or seven years old,
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well, you know, our separation from my husband, it is temporary, but you got divorced, well, yes, but this is a decision , it is purely emotional. now, now, wait. “here, you ’re an adult, you understand, when separation is accompanied by such emotions, it means there is real love between people, and soon everything will get better, it will definitely get better,
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hello, you are vera, yes, hello, marina, a psychologist, they will help you are in the adaptation period, let's go, and lyuba, you will really like it, many start with patronage, the child stays with us, they come to visit you, and then goes to full establishment. well, girls, let's get acquainted, this is lyuba, this is vera. , can i come over? hi, it’s okay, i can’t
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leave, maybe, lyubochka, well, it’s all okay, i don’t know, but if she doesn’t like me that much, maybe you have... some other children, younger, much less than a year old, but unfortunately, you can’t count on a child under one year old, yes, i know, yes, yes, it was already explained to me, but if the family is complete, if i have a husband, i can count on a child under one year old, mm, yes, selivanov , hello, lera, otpa, hello, and i
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’m just coming to you, i have one patient there with bad hormones, you can help, of course, i’ll take a look, sorry, i have an appointment. well, why, why all this? oh, you and he are partners in sports, and i hope we will be partners in life. emotions, feelings, into dancing. great, but, in my opinion, you have a love triangle there, i want
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to know what happened to my father, who lived a double life for so long and deceived me and my mother, you know, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, then immediately it will become clear that i concocted the interview myself, please help me out, i just have to submit it tomorrow, okay, tell me the address, i really need to talk to you, but excuse me, i can’t now, i’m not alone, you ruined my girl, listen, stop it, you can see that the guy himself is stressed, it’s just not... we choose the best routes, a high city, that’s what,
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according to the chronicles, this place was called with xv century, and there are a lot of attractions here, i will try to tell you about them all, this is high, and we begin to get acquainted and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, provos, a little later even an electric mill appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can to discover the remains of wall paintings, and i also met with witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how unusually wonderful it is. our country. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski. consider that you have not visited sino if you haven’t
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tried krinichny water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. look. program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. exchange rings. it was just right, nothing, swelling, everything will be fine after the birth, congratulations, thank you, finally, congratulations, happiness, happiness, i
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caught it, i caught it, let's go! but the main thing is we are together. by the way, vykovoy did not sign this statement. are you on maternity leave? we need to go check it out very soon. "there are two months left, her name will be may, we have already decided, it’s bitter, or something,
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let me show you photographs of my grandparents, they really didn’t live, but now i’ll bring them, verochka could not have children, of all the possible options, treatment, adoption, adoption, you chose, you chose. make her best friend's child go to her.
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hello, hello, here we are, hello, undress, oh, chat with the little girl, and i ’ll run, i’ll come for her in 2 hours, everything will be fine. well, okay, since we were given time, we’ll try to spend it interesting and usefully, there’s a table and cartoons waiting for you, a children’s room, let’s go, okay,
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if you get hot, let me know. well, dwarf nose, silence, a sign of agreement.
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well, okay, if you don’t like me, we’ll tell the psychologist that i’m not right for you, only you will have to say so yourself, because i... personally, i really like you,
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i’m not an orphan. “my mother will come back for me when she is allowed, and she is sick, she is in quarantine, when someone has chickenpox they put him in quarantine so that he does not infect anyone, my mother sent me to an orphanage so as not to infect him, do you remember? " "oh, how i understand you, i also have a husband, he too
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he’s sick now, that’s why he’s not here, but when he gets better, he’ll definitely come back too. time has flown by so unnoticed, hello,
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hello, our serok is broken, it’s closest to you, you can, as much as you like, i’m at lunch, larisa petrovna, dear, what are you grabbing, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, and i started writing an article about the reasons for the monological incompatibility of spouses, i wanted to ask you, what do you think about the method of lymphocytotherapy? no one knows this topic better than you, can you help? you look great, somehow it all suits you very well, yes, and as you didn’t think, i pulled out the first
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thing that came to hand, the instructions for a laboratory microscope, seryozha, you understand, i... “i want to take in a foster child, they only send children to two-parent families, if only you, at least he came with me, said that everything was getting better with us, that we were just for my sake, seryozh, i also want to be a mother, god, seryozh, well, it’s all not serious.” there, nadya , prematurely, was fed up right in her office. let's give him the second one,
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come on, try, try, try, everything is going well, come on, oxygen, hurry up the hoof, what is the upper pressure, 180, damn, drip time ? let's stew some more, come on, girl, let's stew, well!
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the baby’s heartbeat is slowing down, i need to give birth, seryozha, help me, so, took a deep breath, breathe deeply, come on, come on, come on, come on, help me, come on, come on, well done, come on, one more time, come on! what are you saying, come on, come on, come on, come on, and, well done, you should have done a cesarean section right away, the pressure is dropping, 110, 105, the iv is at maximum, well, come on, come on, rested, rested, rested, everything is fine, let's go forward, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, there it is, just, come on, come on again, here, well, come on
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again, little seed, i see. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, girl, well done!
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come on, come on, hello, good afternoon, and lyuba drew you a drawing, yes, show me, lyuba, thank you, you remember what we talked about, you too... you have to try, look, well, let's have fun, please, good health, open to you, my love.
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i need to go to the toilet, it seems, there, and for some reason i can’t say that you have the documents yourself, you know. lyuba!
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luva! help, girl, my daughter ran away, we quarreled, she ran away, the girl disappeared. probably in a red jacket, blond hair, as they understood, welcome, yes, that’s it, i see her, lyuba, i found her, let me go, let me go, i’ll go to my mother, they generally punish you there.
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so we did what you did, everything was very good today, we rode on the carousel, walked in the park, there was also a dog there, we played great, and i already thought that no, no, no, everything was fine, well then say goodbye let's go, goodbye, goodbye. lyuba, when you come, to the next one.
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