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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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the word justice, an author's project by ksenia lebedeva, is something else. watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. good zen, on the air news on belarus alone, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch in this sunday episode. bronze in the final
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mass start, victory in the commonwealth biathlon cup, our anton smolsky first, inclusion from murmansk. a promise fulfilled, iran responded to israel's attack, what will happen next, details on the air. the day of the air defense forces is celebrated by belarus about kupali over the country in the disposition project. the festival is young, as are its participants. has already revealed new talents. and let's start the release with joyful sports news. anton smolsky, winner of the overall standings of the commonwealth cup. the captain of the belarusian biathlon team retained the yellow jersey of the competition leader. everything was decided at the final stage of the tournament in murmansk, where the intrigue was alive until the final race, the mass start. as a result , smolsky won bronze today and is the best of the season. our film crew continues to work at the scene. andrey kozlov managed
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to talk with our triumphant. andrey, what is the atmosphere in murmansk now? yes, good afternoon, dear belarus, i think that there are already unnecessary words to say when i have such a nice trophy in my hands, as i understand it, cherry color, i think, if someone more knowledgeable corrects me, it says biathlon union russia, the belarusian biathlon federation, if it’s big, victory in the overall standings among men, this inscription, which is clearly visible, well, i think the most important news of today: throughout world sports, let’s just say that this cup today i won, and i will present it for the second time with great pleasure, as i just did at the ceremony anton svoisky to your attention, here is such a handsome winner, who is right now on the air of the daytime news on belarus 1, i think, let’s do it all together let’s sum up your emotions, and i think we’ll again convey to your native country, which was worried about you today, hello, yes, i say hello to all of belarus, thank you for your support, for your concern, for the fact that you give so much energy and worry.
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mixed feeling of both joy and some there is a little bit of sadness that the whole season is over, but the next season is starting very soon, and we will set certain new goals, we will look. and to be motivated, well, it was actually, i’ll say on my own behalf, it’s very cool, an interesting season, and i think it’s good motivation when people are cheering in the stands, you understand it all very well, i think this is motivation for you for the future, that’s right, after all, for whom do you have to perform, of course, there is enough motivation, motivation appears more and more when a lot of people are sick biathlon, they give up everything, they don’t go to warmer climes, they go to murmonsk in order to... get sick, there are a lot of belarusian
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fans in the stands today, they could, as i repeat, spend their finances and go to warmer climes, relax , bask in the sea, but they come to murmansk, get sick and give us their energy, although spring is already coming here, as you can see from me, yes, well, let’s show it again, get closer, show the cup in the hands of anton smolsky, i also think the viewer wants to see it up close, here he is, the champion of everything season, anton smolsky, your attention was broadcast news. we need to stand for 10 seconds, they asked me as an editor and smile, it’s not difficult, right? thank you, andrey, today the commonwealth cup season ended in murmonsk. the president of belarus has always been a consistent supporter of peace. exactly 25 years ago, on april 14, 1999, alexander lukashenko became the only leader who flew to belgrade. at that time, yugoslavia was subjected to nato bombing, and security guarantees were given to our president.
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just, patriotic war in defense of its people, then i think nato needs to get out of this difficult situation as a western state. the serbs remember the act of the belarusian leader, just as they remember their history lessons, they have learned well who is a friend and who is an enemy, even if
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the enemy talks about humanitarian goals and the protection of human rights. in 1999 , the alliance launched operation allied force, without the sanctions of the un security council, forcing peace by dropping cluster bombs on civilians. history, and also ask how the serbs remember, and we will recall all the details of the support for belarus of alexander’s visit lukashenko under nato bombs on the main broadcast. how was the president's working week, his visit to moscow, a large meeting on industry, personnel, honoring our cosmonauts. how alexander lukashenko sees the negotiations on ukraine, why cameras are not allowed into the kremlin corridors, and what marina vasilevskaya asked for in the palace. we will show what... we didn’t show on the news on the main broadcast, watch the time of the first,
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from space home, i know what it means to be the first, honoring the new heroine of belarus in minsk and moscow. for the courage shown during implementation of space flight, significant personal contribution, this is our unity. negotiations between the presidents, of course, on the space economy and ukraine. and also personnel and industry. product supply work is progressing poorly.
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repelling the iranian attack cost israel approximately $1,300 million per night, according to estimates voiced by one of tsehal’s generals. on the night of april 14. iran stepped up and fired 185 drones and 146 missiles at israel. israel said that most of the launched vehicles were shot down. tehran reported the defeat of the intended targets, calling the operation successful. the strikes were carried out exclusively on israeli military targets. at the same time, iran emphasizes that it is ready to give a commensurate response if. decides to again attack iranian interests of officials and civilians. the overnight operation , called promise fulfilled, was in response to an israeli strike on the iranian consulate building in damascus on april 1. belarus is deeply concerned about the escalation of the situation in the middle east region. the ministry of foreign affairs of our country
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emphasized once again that minsk is consistently advocates a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the middle east through political and diplomatic means. and the entire world community and international organizations must take action. measures to consolidate efforts to stabilize the situation, all citizens of belarus planning trips to the region, due to the urgent need, should take into account the current situation and monitor official notifications from aviation authorities regarding the introduction of restrictions on the use of the airspace of a number of countries, as well as the suspension of work airports. thousands of people demonstrated in the capital of niger demanding the withdrawal of us troops from the country. last month the state broke.
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nato member states in the conflict in ukraine. the question concerned, in particular, sending troops to square. the media write about this with reference to studies by the polish statistical office. the euro-optimism of the poles is also fading. 53% of respondents were in favor of the country remaining a member of the european union, which is 11% lower than last year. and one of the betting sites predicts poland will exit from the eu in the coming years. today, air border defenders celebrate their professional holiday. the president congratulated him on the day of troops, air defense, military personnel and veterans. alexander lukashenko drew attention to the ever-increasing role and importance of air defense troops, their equipment with the most modern equipment. it is believed that air defense was born back in 1941, during which time it went through a long development path and became
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the basis of the state’s combat capability. the skies of belarus are protected by the most modern weapons, many of which are modernized or developed on native soil. equipment and people guard not only the air borders of belarus, but also the union state; the guards of the sky perform joint combat duty. the key components of air defense are radio engineering, anti-aircraft missile forces, and aviation. all components are integrated into a single counter-control, which allows you to react with lightning speed to changes in the situation. about the dome over the country in the project disposition. on air disposition is gagarin. go. the air defense system, one might say, is the country's goalkeeper, operates at different altitudes, speeds, vectors. recently, the rules in this area have changed dramatically, or rather almost them. there is nothing left, they can strike along the most intricate, almost ground-based trajectory, with hundreds
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of instruments at the same time, if you miss even one, the country will definitely feel the puncture, the appetite of the one who struck will definitely be whetted, so the mission of sentry air borders does not imply misfires, and therefore they work here carefully, but quickly creatively, if necessary , gather forces into a fist or combine various units to guarantee to close all air echelons, which is interesting, new approaches and techniques are taken into account, specifically the concentration of fire by various
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types of complexes of premises, for example, the use of a lowered anti-aircraft missile system simultaneously with the igla man-portable anti-aircraft missile system, firing while moving the tenth arrow anti-aircraft missile system. as for shooting on the move, this is not know-how for the sake of a cool report or prestige. sometimes it is necessary to launch parallel to my position, depending on the plan. military expert from russia. including by for this reason, mobility is an indispensable
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condition for the work of anti-aircraft missile and radio technical troops, as well as aviators, and air defense systems. in addition, in any conflict, air defense systems will be the most important target of the enemy, even a ground one. protection from saboteurs is also an obligatory task of the guards of the sky, especially when it comes to systems such as the s-400. secrets placed around the position at various distances.
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them in very difficult places, in illuminated areas, when casual work is happening and not only. when we look to the sky, we usually think about something bright. or we’re just dreaming, at the same time air defense specialists are watching, expecting a threat, this is a feature; every day hundreds of soldiers and officers take up combat duty in air defense, because our peaceful sky is their profession.


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