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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 3:15pm-4:06pm MSK

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responsible security and defense was organized around the position, there was also a response group, which, if the secret is discovered by the enemy, he reports, he does not enter into battle, is on the spot, reported, a group moves there to capture the sabotage group. a separate article of work is eliminating gaps. in every sense, if necessary, mobile groups are created that strengthen the radar field in areas where terrain conditions make it difficult to scan. space, specialists learn to work even on goals that are generally it is almost impossible to notice, for example, from hovering helicopters at almost zero altitude. helicopters, they usually fly at low altitudes, they are difficult to detect, but the crews are trained, we have already learned how to work on them, and there is a high probability that we always cope with this goal, finding them in very difficult places.
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every day hundreds of soldiers and officers take up combat duty in air defense, because our peaceful skies are their profession. we will make a fashionable verdict in the evening, belarusian karl lagerfield, for whom they are fighting famous fashion houses, remains to teach in vitebsk, siberian couturier, nikita zakharchuk will shine on the main broadcast today, a young designer, provokes the masses with his appearance, while contrary to expectations, is engaged in science, receives a second higher education, economics , and looks at design from the point of view technology, his international victories were noted by the president's special fund for supporting talented youth.
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i catch, well, every day, that’s for sure, this is a requirement for my profession, if i disappear for 3 months, it’s a disaster, i have to always be on rise, make a revolution, there are sparkles to the masses, what kind of producers are behind the talented designer, where is the bellikprom looking, under which belarusian clothing brand is it ready to create, what does zakharchuk propose to combine with the former’s now legendary merch, let’s change the stereotype. about designers today on the main broadcast. singing spring in logoisk, a new vocal festival, is still very young, like its participants, the children of the logoisk children's art school, and it is only being held for the second time, this year the repertoire is exclusively belarusian. in the program of works russian composers, vasily rainchik, igor luchenok, folk songs arranged by heinrich wagner. he won’t smile at the soup, he will grin, he will grin, he won’t smile at the soup.
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because we still need to develop our heritage, teach our small, young generation that there are also wonderful composers and poets in belarus, so that they recognize music. the festival kaleidoscope lasted a whole week, young students of the art school demonstrated their achievements in various musical styles in the classes of folk, wind and string instruments, pianists and vocalists also performed. next on the air is a sports review. we'll see you on
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the evening news, see you at 19:00. belarusian forward capitals alexey protos spent almost 15.5 minutes on the ice, made four shots on target and earned a plus-one rating. washington is now in the coveted eight, but ninth and tenth. teams detroit and philadelphia have the same number of points. there are two rounds until the end of the smooth season. between. meanwhile, goalkeeper alexei kolosov made a successful debut for alekhai whaley in the ahl. this is a farm club philadelphia. the ex-goalkeeper of dynamo minsk saved 24 shots out of 28. and his team defeated bridge sport in overtime 5:4, breaking a streak of three defeats in a row. there are three games left before the end of the regular season. lehigh whaley continues to fight for the knockout round.
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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects
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from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing. hospitable, bright and festival-like, generous, picturesque! and monumental, sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people. who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. a step-by-step guide to economic suicide
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with a light hand, javier amilia buenos aires asks for alms from the united states. they don’t teach in school why it’s time for western educators of the nation to retire, erasing boundaries. international law, diplomatic lapel-turn in mexican, where the sun met the moon, the brightest star in gesla for 4 minutes. you look around the planet, we are on the air of the tv channel belarus one and belarus 24. daria tarasova is in the studio. hello. the argentine economic experiment, which began with the coming to power of havir meley, became a striking example of the fact that reality can correct anyone who is uncompromisingly romantic. idealist. the anarcho-capitalism of the new president is quickly transforming into right-wing authoritarianism, of which there have already been many in south america. in general, there is nothing new under the sun, including militarism, social darwinism and oligarchic cliptocracy, which the current argentine regime is adopting. word to oleg
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romanov. juan domingo peron remains the most alive in argentina, although the state system he built took shape 75 years ago. and half a century ago already clearly showed signs of rapid deterioration. it is based on state capitalism, diregism, paternalism and a dozen other related isms. the problem is that argentina is not capable of existing as a closed economic system, but it also cannot open up to the world. the laws of functioning of the capitalist periphery quickly turn it into a semi-colony. in the 19th century it was dependent on great britain, in the first half of the 20th century on the united states, and then the piranich revolution happened, which made the country something in-between, leaning from dependence to independence and back. it seems that the arrival of meleia means that the pendulum has moved out of phase again. argentina is trying to surrender to the mercy of global corporations with international funds and chooses the united
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states as its patron. there is a town in the country called ushuaia. it is considered the southernmost on earth. it is from here that most expeditions to antarctica start. now there will be a joint base here with the americans. although, of course, everyone understands that it will become american. here's why today, the best resource for protecting our sovereignty and successfully solving military problems is strengthening. meley, however, also talks about the americans’ readiness to help argentina return the folklands, well, only a child would believe this,
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cousins ​​from the banks of a large puddle will never take each other’s eyes out, especially from argentina, while they clearly demand a lot from meley, including full-fledged lockeyism in the international arena, but the inertia of piranism is still preventing us; buenos aires is still ready to provide reckless support for israel, so ukraine's armament is no longer complete. our government, our ministry of defense are in constant contact with the ukrainian authorities. we are helping ukraine with everything we can, we are doing everything to protect the freedom of ukraine that is possible from latin america, and zelensky has confirmed this more than once, but argentina is not a party to this conflict and must remain neutral. by intervening, my country has nothing to gain, but it may lose everything. argentina has enough problems as it is. argentina is very dependent on china, so it is completely to surrender to washington would mean for meley
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to break with beijing, and with unpredictable economic consequences. the prc allocated yuan loans and invested heavily in local mining, in particular in lithium mines. the united states has so far refrained from fully supporting the argentines. so far, only the assistance of the international monetary fund has been blessed. otherwise it would be strange. argentina is in a push and bust situation. after all, in the development of the economic situation there are no changes for the better, and what’s even hopes for change, prices in the country increased approximately 2 and a half times, their own predecessors in this area were also record holders, but under them , the income of the population at least tried to index, in fact, before they carried wallets, but slowly, now they have lowered at one time, a frog that is boiled slowly behaves completely differently than one simply thrown into boiling water, the result, of course, will still be the same, but in the second...
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until the time when society is overcome by complete despair, when a terrible end is better than horror
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without end. during the first months of miley's reign , the dollar exchange rate almost tripled, along with the prices of goods in stores, but now without any government compensation. subsidies to citizens, including for travel on public transport, have been eliminated. now this is cutting off a decent chunk of family expenses, which are already tending to turn into a vanishingly small amount. the government suppresses any manifestations of discontent, but apart from them. the color of the national oligarchy, but why not, a past experiment the same kind was carried out in argentina in the nineties, then there was a short-term flourishing and growth in consumption, but only insofar as there was still something to eat in the country, and then there was an explosion in 2001, when riots swept away five presidents in a couple of weeks, today the supply of satiety is much less, and the potential for social detonation
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is much higher, gigantic human hatred threatens to spill out at any moment, it is curious that meley did not completely refuse. with the implementation of his program, he carries it out, but choosing some completely peripheral provisions: to close the ministry of labor, to dismiss civil servants, to eliminate subsidies, while abandoning very official ideas: the dollar has not yet been introduced instead of the pess, the central bank has not been liquidated, customs encumbrances on foreign trade have not been abolished, in general, meley has yet another version of the same eternal , though now this is already light piranism, in which there is a little more police brutality, a little less economic...
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mexico and ecuador are burning diplomatic bridges in the wake of the embassy assault on china. a week of high season in two countries was upset by an ecuadorian police raid. why did the security forces grant the life of the former vice-president of the country, horchy glas, who is accused of corruption crimes? in the oval office, they cannot forget the airbag that the police once provided to the founder of wikileaks, julian. so far only diplomatic forces. a new point of tension on the world map, but ecuadorian security stormed the mexican embassy in the capital of china, despite the inviolability of this facility.
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the reason was the fact that since december the mexican mission had been sheltering horchlas, the former. framework, a global war on crime has been declared in the country, in this matter all means are good, in the last couple of months alone there have been 10 thousand more prisoners in prisons, with so many accused, trials have clearly been put on stream, and therefore there can hardly be any talk of impartiality of the investigation . against the background of such a rejected struggle and growing ratings, the young president naboo
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simply could not allow the eye of his playing hide and seek dealt a blow to the image of an invincible fighter. and in general, say thank you that during the assault the police special forces only broke through the gates and injured several employees, but they could have opened fire or, even worse, fired a shell at the diplomatic mission, like israel. the president's decision was made in the face of a real threat of the citizen's imminent escape. this is precisely the decision that justice requires in the exercise of our sovereignty. mexico city
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is shocked, to put it mildly, by such statements. the president of the country, of course, did not threaten. military response, but announced the suspension of relations, in connection with which all mexican diplomats immediately left ecuador, and also decided to appeal to the international court, because such behavior is a clear violation of the vienna convention. the nicaraguan authorities followed his example. other countries, mostly latin american, also expressed their support. but why did the president of ecuador, realizing that there was a direct diplomatic conflict going on, do this? the thing is that thirty-six-year-old nabow. although he is a golden boy, he is still green like his father’s bananas. alvara naboa, an experienced politician and a big businessman, who made a lot of money selling these fruits, and his son, apparently, is spinning like a pestilence. in an attempt to prove his independence, that’s why he often makes rash decisions. for example, he almost fell for the persuasion of the united states and agreed to give
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old soviet weapons to kiev through them, but then changed his mind when they explained to him that in this case, he would eat the bananas himself, together with his dad. yes, things didn’t work out right away with mexico. earlier, the mexican leader abrador said that he considers the general elections to be ecuador in 2023 very... unsuccessfully, he said, conservatives used the assassination of presidential candidate fernando vilviancencio to swing the election in naboo's favor. in response to this, the ecuadorian authorities declared the mexican ambassador to be the person of nongrat and ordered him to leave the country, well, in mexico city they couldn’t come up with anything better than to provide political asylum to the voice who called his persecution political, but he was clearly detained not according to the canons of democracy. i was completely beaten. they got me on my feet to read me my rights, then the police sat me down and i passed out, they told me to stand up straight again and i tried but couldn't due to the beatings they
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gave me. of course, for the record, this is not the first arrest. in 2017, he was sentenced to 6 years in prison after being found guilty of accepting bribes from a brazilian construction firm in exchange for providing it with government money. contracts, served only five. at the end of 2023 , a new case was opened against him for misuse of funds. some experts agree with the assumptions of the voice that the persecution has political roots. and they grow straight from the white house, because when he was vice president, it was he who provided refuge to the founder of wikileaks, julian assange. who is this man? when he was in power, ecuador provided. the united states will never forget or forgive this; little ecuador decided to contradict the great american empire. and
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legends have long been made about how vindictive the us authorities are. asansh won't let you lie. now about the fate of glas, sent to prison in guayaquel, little is known, there are various rumors, all that is known for sure is that after his arrest he was taken to the hospital. the media reported that everything was to blame for... in prison because of food, and according to information they said that the eye felt bad the ex-president of ecuador, korea, the politician tried to commit suicide, has now gone on a hunger strike, but all these have something in common there is only one message: the safety and health of the prisoner is now in real danger. evgeny belausov, around the planet. without a chance for... sanctions have officially targeted kiev. while congress the united states is blocking another servant of the people's fee of $60 billion, ukraine is begging for alms on the champs-elysees.
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they are asking for salaries from paris in order to survive this year, and then a new counter-offensive is just around the corner. ukrainian officials also have their eyes on the sampti anti-aircraft missile systems. but the system manufacturer does not have time to produce ammunition even for the french army. and not peaceful items of expenditure. nikita makhodkin. european politicians began to insist that they wanted to help kiev, but there was nothing to do with it. speech it's about patriot systems. duda said that warsaw has practically no air defense systems. they have just begun to be installed in poland. the president of lithuania makes excuses in the same tone. according to nauseda, the country does not have any petriat systems. one battery will be deployed in the summer, and only temporarily for training. at the same time , vilnius is doing everything in its power, but the possibilities for military supplies to kiev are becoming less and less. there is no help from
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the states either. bloomberg reports that washington has a plan for arms supplies, except there are no 60 billion stuck in congress. no matter how this situation angered kiev, no threat loomed over the western countries. after all, earlier the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine said that the country’s kind, calm diplomacy in asking for weapons did not work, and now they will have to ask the west harshly. war is peace, already a favorite phrase of oruel, it coincides with the official policy of finland. the country's president, in an interview with cnn, noted that he considers military action to be the only way to achieve peace in the situation with ukraine. according to him opinion, at present peace negotiations to end the conflict cannot begin, and called on the west to continue supplying weapons
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to kiev so that ukraine receives. advantage on the battlefield. in once neutral finland , nato will establish a ground forces headquarters, just 140 km from the russian border, in the city of micheli. he will work around the clock and will be subordinate to the nato command headquarters in norfolk, america. about 375 officers from the alliance member countries should arrive there. to direct the operations of these troops directly. in finland and sweden. experts note that the new nato members, stockholm and helsinki, are of strategic importance for the alliance, since they can now use their territories to deploy new military bases and weapons. but war is war, and politics is politics. ukraine is called a threat to global energy.
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pentagon chief lloyd austin announced this at a senate hearing. apus at russian oil refineries have a big side effect on the global energy situation. the politician spoke in favor of stopping such actions and advised kiev pursue tactical operational objectives that can directly affect the current battle. since the beginning of march, ukrainian uavs have attacked several russian oil refineries, including plants in nizhny novgorod and samara. hungary will not follow nato's lead. the alliance has crossed its own red line regarding ukraine , said hungarian foreign minister sejart. from the very beginning, nato's air defense indicated that it would avoid involvement in the conflict. as a result, all actions of the military bloc bring the participating countries closer to a large-scale war. over the past 2 years, nato has adopted a number.
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decisions and steps that reinforce the belief that nato's original function as a defensive alliance is increasingly being eroded and that it is becoming an offensive alliance is completely contrary to the nato charter and the intentions of its founders. all modern decisions, both nato and the eu, are aimed at depriving member countries of sovereignty and turning their territory into a military training ground where troops can move calmly and unhindered without following the rules. or conventions. let's take a look at the state of affairs in another country with an unfashionable policy by european standards. the election of petr pellegrini as president of slovakia may lead to a tougher stance towards the country. at the end of the previous week, this politician won with a convincing advantage over the pro-western liberal ivan korczak, gaining 53% of the vote. peligrimi is known for...
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opposing slovakia's supply of weapons to ukraine. in this sense, he is completely like-minded by prime minister robert fitz, who has long been considered in the eu as the main opponent of support for kiev. we need to consider possible punishment from the west for electing peter pilligrini over his electoral rival, liberal ivan korczyk, who would have sent in slovak battalions without hesitation. to ukraine. the representative of the christian democrats in the bundestag, norbert redgen, has already called for official bratislava and budapest to be punished for their rebellion by reducing financial support from brussels. but some time later the bundestag urged not to wait for decisions from brussels, but to act against bratislava and budapest here now. member of the largest opposition party in germany.
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stated that slovakia and hungary should leave the european union because of their position on the conflict in ukraine. according to him, the sympathy shown towards the russian president, fitz and pellegrini, contradicts the values ​​of the unification; hungarian prime minister orban is putin’s trojan horse in the eu, and added that the european union should no longer and cannot tolerate this. known sensational details of the french president's plan to send troops to ukraine, details were published by the lemt newspaper in an article under the symbolic title “macron’s transformation, a dove becomes a hawk.” according to the publication, the 126th regiment will go to ukraine. he is famous for having taken part in almost all of france's colonial wars. he will be stationed somewhere near
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odessa, to exclude for. lemont associates the capture of the city by the russian army with the possible participation of the french in the ukrainian conflict with the recruitment of 400,000 people into the national army. this is how many recruits are going to be put under arms the country's authorities, after such a statement about sending french soldiers to the combat zone , more and more western politicians generally wondered: is mr. macron in his right mind? i expect something different from a politician. in any case, i think many french people are tired of this movie. now is the time for peace, and if we do not want to end up in ruins, it is extremely important to find a way out of this conflict. ukrainian. in the past week , turkey has become a kind of leader, the first of all countries to introduce
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sanctions. the main reason for ankara was israel’s rejection of the turkish authorities’ request to drop humanitarian aid from planes for the residents of the enclave. as a result, turkey introduced a restriction. groups of particularly important goods, including aviation fuel, motor and mineral oils, cement and various machine tools. let's look at how life is in full swing for the french on the eve of the olympics, no vacations , closed skies. the french interior minister spoke about what security measures will be taken at the olympic games in paris. according to him, neither one police officer. at this time will not be able to rest, the airspace over the capital will be completely closed. paris is preparing for various negative scenarios, including a terrorist threat, a wave
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of migrants, and large forest fires. the personal files of almost 200,000 people out of a million planned have already been checked. first of all, these are the personnel who will work during the sporting event. also, some of the spectators, already 161 people, have been banned from visiting olympic venues due to various risks. law enforcement officers liquidated refugee tent camps in paris, and the inhabitants were put on buses and taken to the provinces. hundreds of people without a fixed place of residence have now become a headache for smaller cities. there is no work for them, and the state only pays for 3 weeks of visiting. the russian ministry of foreign affairs has received more frequent requests for assistance in returning children of ukrainian citizens seized in europe; at least 225 cases are known in which
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eu social services seized minors ukrainians from their parents, and in the overwhelming majority we are talking about quite prosperous families, quite formal reasons for seizure are sufficient. they refer to certain political circumstances, well, that’s right, zelensky doesn’t need the children of ukraine, zelensky needs money in order to either send the children of ukraine to their graves or force them to pay these debts, but the truth is that ukrainian embassies abroad will not tell ukrainian citizens about this , they are doing important things,
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the affected parents are in despair. while in in civilized europe they are canceling russian classics, i want to cancel their education system. yes, a panacea for columbine has not yet been invented, but teachers began to forget, a witness is also a participant in the bullying. was a victim of bullying. law enforcement officers found such a motive in the actions of a twelve-year-old shooter in a finnish school. the hunt for teachers is open in germany, france and latvia. in a vague future, baltic specialists are promised a salary in... euros, for what number of hours the fee is due and whether to expect equal salaries, for example, in riga rural schools, history is silent about why bismarck and his war were won by a teacher who does not fit in with the current educators of the nation,
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olga davidovich will tell you. earlier this year, un experts declared finland the happiest country in the world for the seventh time. president alexander stup shared the good news on social networks, but received an unexpected reaction, and from the finns themselves. if finland is the most... already scabies. finland is also in the group of leaders
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in another world ranking, as a state with an excellent secondary education, however the true value of this rating was suddenly revealed by a crime in one of the local schools, and it was far from the first and not the bloodiest. as a result of the shooting in the city of vantaa , one child was killed, two were seriously wounded, the shooting victims were twelve-year-old sixth grade students. and we can say, by luck, the number of victims did not exceed three. this school has hundreds of students and dozens of teachers. first we saw the shooter outside on the playground where everyone was playing, and then he walked into the classroom behind us, then he shot and killed three people, i i think one died, after that he tried to escape, then i think the police caught him. the police detained the shooter already in helsinki, he did not offer resistance, the teenager was found with a firearm that belonged to his relative, during the interrogation it turned out that the young killer carefully planned his crime, all because of the bullying he was subjected to at school. no charges will be brought against the teenager, since due to his age he
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does not bear criminal responsibility, he will be handed over to the hands of social services. now in finland is arguing about who is to blame and what to do, even a law is being prepared to restrict the use of smartphones in schools, and with their help, students gain access to violent content, which can encourage co-social behavior. indeed, there have been sensational cases when finnish children, beating their peers and mocking them, recorded the process on video and then posted it. it's all online, according to a government study, approximately 8% of finnish schoolchildren are regularly victims of bullying, taking into account the number of children in classes, this means that in any of them there is an object of hatred from classmates, however , teachers in finland suffer, about 80% of teachers have encountered violence or threats from students, schoolchildren often threaten teachers with violence, insult them, throw things at them, kick them and even spit. to cope with such aggression, teachers are sent to self-defense courses. they teach psychological and strength techniques.
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the finnish government, having finally realized the scale of the problem, is now considering a proposal to create hybrid educational institutions for aggressive children prone to self-destructive behavior and violence. and this is germany - the locomotive of europe; the country is faced with an acute shortage of teachers. kakitok is four days old. during the school week, thousands of vacant places, teachers, students and their parents regularly go out on marches calling for a complete overhaul of the education system in the country, because now, according to protest participants, it is faced with the most serious crisis since the founding of germany. i came across some interesting statistics, naturally i didn’t i saved it, then i couldn’t find it, somewhere on the radio, about 20% of children in germany are in fourth grade. they don’t know how to read, count, or talk about multiplication and
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division tables, i’ll generally just keep silent, the less educated a person is, the easier it is to manipulate him. the teacher shortage in france has led to drastic measures. educational institutions now accept people who do not have a special education. so last year , schools across the country hired 3.00 such teachers, most of whom were sent to primary classes. those who wished had to just provide a certificate of completion of three courses at a university and undergo a half-hour briefing, and... as for the appearance of teachers, they have not paid attention to it in france for a long time. if it weren’t for the complaints of one of the parents, the most tattooed man in the world would have continued to scare children. i was upset when, due to the xenophobia shown towards me, i was deprived of the opportunity to work with preschoolers, despite the fact that this work suits me, because i love small children, i also love older children, because with them it turns out to interact on a more complex level. the parents of some children were opposed. a teacher without a tower, these are
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the latvian realities today. currently , more than 200 teachers without higher pedagogical education work in the republic's schools. at the same time, by the beginning of the current academic year, schools lacked more than 300 teachers, the situation was especially bad with teachers of the latvian language, literature and mathematics. the problem of teacher shortage is also relevant for poland (20,000 teachers, hungary 16,000, as well as lithuania - 2,000). in estonia , an average of one and a half people leave secondary schools each year. for thousands of new teachers , it is impossible to find new ones, they simply do not exist; the transition to teaching in the state language adds to the problems, while estonia, which has been leading the way in school education in europe for a year. in a word, we have before us another example of how certain ratings... describing the leadership of western countries in certain areas are in fact ideologically motivated juggling, and the true picture is revealed as a result of some an exceptional event or a trivial study of facts. olga davidovich, around the planet. in
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our studio! 100 brave children gathered, each of them had their own question for the adults. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? does he think artists are like that?
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perpetual motion machine. see project 100 questions to an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel . thanks to state support , several state programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system. we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything you could wish for. fight against death.
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they are waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, so lukashenko’s personal courage and his position saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24 from mexico to canada. coordinates of those who got the best seats in the auditorium of the total lunar eclipse. the earth's natural satellite suppressed the sun for 4 minutes. for some, the astronomical phenomenon that descended on north america ended in darkness. at least this is the picture painted by the number of requests in google with a note about why my eyes hurt. this is what full house can do in planetariums. by the way, some people read the apple logo in the eclipse footage. but let's be realistic, like this. timkuk is unlikely to support advertising integration with the sun. to a soundtrack of x -files, an alien shadow in the sky where the sun met the moon was observed in warlington. the flight of the disc hit the jackpot with 23 million views. aviation fans set out to reassure impressionable commentators and discovered a logical explanation for the phenomenon. these are not aliens, but
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silhouettes of an airplane flying at high altitude. it seems the case has been solved. what else has happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what you should definitely find out about, nikita makhodkin has prepared a special selection for you. spring in all its glory, pours bright colors onto everything it touches, it’s not a shame to spend hours admiring it. perhaps the most interesting thing is the new year's celebration and an unexpected member of the football team. we will learn about this in. in the next few minutes, but first we’ll go to belgium, the gully forest in the central parts of belgium are carpeted.
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planted in the post-war years, they planted it with a large number of beech trees, which were all of the same age, which gave the forest a unique opportunity for the growth of coples, because they need a certain amount of light, a certain temperature, visitors can walk a five-kilometer path to admire this spectacle, in every day the number of tourists reaches 10,000, which is a lot for such a small area? wheels. wide banks of bright colors transform the city parks and public gardens of istanbul. a park
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emirgan, yellow, red and blue tulips seem to be divided in half. this place became the main place during this year 's tulip festival. organizers say they planted nearly 5 million bulbs in five locations to create that spectacular spring feel. a collection of almost 250 works . in the tulip museum, our tulip collection contains art that is 600, 400 and 200 years old. the influence of tulips can be seen in household items, such as old banknotes and coffee on display in the museum. mugs and newspapers are decorated with patterns tulips, this is further proof of the deep influence of this popular flower in
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turkish culture. this week, the best watchmakers from all over the world are demonstrating their creations in geneva, for example, the thinnest hand watches in the world, all of them are only 2 mm thick, although it is not possible to wear them, they rather show the possibilities. engineers. in addition, the exhibition features what the manufacturer calls the most accurate moon phase watch that has ever been created. over 45 million years, their deviation is only one day. the most complex watch in the history of watchmaking was presented in geneva. they have as many as 63 complications, their functionality goes beyond the ordinary. here are five subdials that give us information about these complications. the advantage of this display
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is that we can place them on top of each other to see the number of complications placed in this watch. there are 2,877 parts, 245 jewels, as well as 31 hands and nine display discs that provide all these functions. football team. the enesei club has been replenished four-legged comrade named lyova. the cat was adopted from a shelter with a heart of gold as part of a charity event to help homeless animals. the choice was short-lived, lev was immediately noticed, and after a while they even signed a contract with him. everyone liked this cat that looked like him. eh, the guys reacted - they accepted the new player into the team with interest, we had a performance, got to know the team, and it went in
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the most positive way. the football club hopes that thanks to the attention to this topic during home matches and on social networks, as many shelter animals as possible will be able to find a new home. the charity event is called there is a lion in every cat. the club team decided that since... the name of their new sports comrade is perfectly suited for this action, then the appearance should be appropriate, collectively it was...


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