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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 4:05pm-4:26pm MSK

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charity event to help homeless animals, the choice was short-lived, they immediately noticed lev, after a while they even signed a contract with him, everyone liked this cat that looked like him, the guys were interested in the new player, accepted him into the team, we had an introduction, got to know the team, it passed... in the most positive way possible. the football club hopes that thanks to attention to this topic during home matches and on social networks, as many shelter animals as possible will be able to find a new home. the charity event is called "in every cat lives a lion." the club team decided that since the name of their new sporting comrade is perfectly suited for this action, then the appearance should be appropriate. collectively, it was decided to make
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the shape of the cat's fur in a similar lion's mane. phoenix birds of soviet cinema you will recognize her by her robe of peacock feathers and the red ruby ​​on her forehead. there are only five characters, that’s how many kings the muse needed, the standard of alexander vertinsky’s chanson, for the audience to believe in magic in the repertoire of the spectacular star. fairy tales by alexander row, nedak from the kingdom of crooked mirrors and dunkehut's duchess. she grew up in harben. in northeast china. a siberian cossack on her mother’s side and the owner of georgian aristocratic blood on the male side, she graduated from the surikovo art institute and acquired a diploma in theatrical scenery painting. lina's engravings with her initials were readily sold at art salons. the famous surname and talent are today proudly inherited by the daughters of actresses marianna and anastasia. date weeks - april 14 - 101st birthday fabulous. lydia vertinskaya, you looked
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around the planet, thank you for being there, stay with us, go to the website and watch your favorite projects of the tv news agency online. goodbye. get down on the cobras, seekers of happiness. here is the threshold of a blissful land of peace. you have been chasing happiness for a long time. man on earth, and so it will be forever.
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this action was initiated by the belarusian women's union, there are demographic problems all over the world, our country is no exception, head state also emphasized, meeting with public...
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interesting topics and developments, well, other issues of discussion, can we say that this project, this action is a kind of our response to western fashion, free, popularization of data in this direction, this is of course such a negative trend among our society, our task is to adjust...
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it seems that the state is taking a lot of measures that allow lovely ladies to be both successful, like mothers, and successful in the profession, and today there is a lot of this there are examples, and the state today is investing enormous material resources, this includes state benefits for women who are registered for pregnancy up to 12 weeks and follow doctor’s recommendations, and this includes prenatal maternity leave.
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will not make up for the happiness that motherhood gives. our country has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood for many years. how do we do this? yes, indeed, olga, this is true, the protection of motherhood and childhood in the republic of belarus is a priority area in healthcare and is regulated by regulations, ranging from the national level to local local acts. in fact, in the country , almost 100% of childbirths take place in specialized obstetric institutions, almost 97% of mothers are screened for congenital malformations, the
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country has already built a clear multi-level system for providing high- quality perinatal medical care for more than 30 years. which in turn contributes to these indicators. late autumn evening 1934 in komorka,
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where the new worker maria and her child were placed, the owner of the pharmacies gabar literally burst in, master owner, she dared! how dare you leave without asking, dorm eater, i did everything that wasn’t for you, not for you, telling me to teach at the pharmacy, i did a lot of things, i did the stealing, the barbarian took it into his head, sir, master, i got sick from these salaries, are you also sick? take it, take your puppy, he’s from my house, he’s from my house, even me, take it, get out, otherwise i ’ll throw you in a camp, there’s only
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a place for people like you, this story. already from the rostrum at the extraordinary fifth session of the supreme council ussr in moscow, said its delegate, maria dijchuk, a member of the provisional administration of bialystok. told about how she wandered around the corners with a small child, left a widow, how she hunchbacked against a pharmacist, then against a manufacturer, and also about how scary it was to end up in the bereza kartuski concentration camp, with which the owners scared her, what the poles did there in relation to the belarusian the population, particularly women, around the world learned from the speech.
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western belarus and its reunification with the bssr. newsreel footage. kept the genuine emotions of delegates from the western regions belarus. it is still impossible to imagine the state of people who survived the oppression and bullying of their owners. in the silence of the office of the deserted government building, the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, nadezhda grigorievna grekova,
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carefully laid out grekova’s materials on the cover of the folder in a certain sequence. materials about the fate of liberated women of liberated belarus. started january 1940.
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the photo studio on sovetskaya street in minsk was again filled with women’s voices, red square, and what smiling people, pioneers, imagine, workers happily going to the factories, here is an article by our delegate elizabeth.
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the delegates shared their stories during the work of the third extraordinary session of the council .
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nadezhda grigorievna wrote on the folder in neat handwriting klavdiya tarasyuk, chairman of the kozlovsky regional council, slonivsky district. on another she wrote: zhenya kaplan,
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director of the factory of the former manufacturer triling. alexandra bakhta, the head of planing production, first brought stakhanovka, the head of the workshop, and now here is the leader. they are all so energetic, enthusiastic about their work, how sometimes fate is unfair, what would have happened to all these women if everything had happened differently.
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the chairman of the supreme council, nadezhda grekova, had another meeting with a woman who could not be broken by prison, torture, or weapons. since the early twenties, she has been working underground as secretary of the komsomol central committee and a member of the underground central committee of the communist party of western belarus. actively carried out propaganda work, called on the rights of the population of belarusians, jews, ukrainians to rise up to fight against the oppression of the pons . in a house on the outskirts of bialystok , underground fighters, members of the communist party of western
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belarus, gathered in a safe house. among the members of the faiths of arms, the issue of '. threatened with arrests, a prearranged signal from an underground worker who was watching from the outside what was happening around, this meant one thing: a detachment of policemen was approaching, cooler! in january 1925
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, an open trial of thirty... one party members took place in brest. among them was vera kharuzhie. first prison term - 6 years. then the review of the case in the twenty-eighth already during the process a new term - 8 years. and then there were letters released, where vera zakharovna told what the poles did to those who fought for their rights and freedom. the reunification of the belarusian lands changed everything. in 1940, verokoruzhie actively participated in the work of restoring soviet power in western belarus. in the pinsk regional party committee, during nadezhda grekova’s next visit to the region,
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she had already discussed it with her, the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr. priority questions, there were a lot of them. then they could not even imagine what trials awaited them ahead, nor the fact that vera zakharovna would very soon enter the fight against the fascist occupiers. secluded in the darkroom, elya berman sorted through photographs taken recently in the studio. former farm laborers, female workers. peasant women, how changeable this life is, so it begins to be written for them. new story.


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