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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 5:35pm-6:05pm MSK

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they received sentences ranging from 5 to 10 years in prison. themis's mildest verdict was heard by those who collaborated with the investigation, by the most severe organizer of the scheme, who never admitted his guilt. and we also had one person involved, who had previously been convicted, and had a trail of crimes committed, let’s say, without the participation of an organized group, including these were serious crimes, and therefore in aggregate. he received 12 years in prison. the mogilev and minsk groups worked at least differently, but their result was the same: to lure all the money to a person, and then force him to go back to russia and forget about the unsuccessful deal. almost none of the victims agreed to come to participate in the investigative actions at the trial, but despite this, the investigators managed to collect the necessary evidence so that the guilt of the defendants... was proven in court; in total,
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about a hundred people suffered from the actions of the two groups, who in total they lost 4 million rubles.
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1973, for the first time in orbit, belarusian pilot-cosmonaut, twice hero of the soviet union, pyotr klimuk. 4 years later at seventy in the seventh century of the last century, another belarusian, also twice a hero of the ussr, vladimir kovalenok, was in space. already in the 21st century, in 2012, space is conquered by oleg navitsky, a russian by passport, but as he himself will say in one of his interviews, a belarusian by birth. and finally, in the spring of 2024, for the first time in the history of independent belarus, the long-awaited sound will sound, “our space”. on march 23 , our marina vasilevskaya went to the iss as part of the crew of the 21st international expedition, becoming the first woman astronaut. in the history of sovereign belarus about
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the role of science in this truly historical we will talk about the event in the next half hour to make sure once again that there are no boundaries for science and that in space it is perhaps even closer than on earth. my name is ekaterina beretskaya, hello and don’t miss it in the program. how it happened, historical footage of the launch from the baikanur cosmodrome of the week.
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the ruler of our country will go into space on a russian ship was accepted at the highest level. the presidents of belarus and russia agreed on this. in december 2021, the head of roscosmos will ask the belarusian side to choose a girl for the flight within in december 22nd, out of more than 2,000 applicants, only six will be chosen. the final stage will take place at the russian cosmonaut training center. the names of the main astronaut and her backup. will be announced in may 2023, then about 8 more months of preparation and the long-awaited flight to the stars for the whole country. the significance of this start for belarusian science is discussed in our first report. these shots will forever remain in the history of sovereign belarus. the whole country
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watched how the team of the union state, which included the first female cosmonaut of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, will return the cosmonaut from orbit. april 6, landing in the steppe of kazakhstan as usual, but of course, in the lens of dozens of photos and video cameras, what i saw with my own eyes is something unreal, the earth is so big, powerful, strong, i wish all the people on earth so that they appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is an incredible beauty that i am, just a few days of rehabilitation and it’s already april 11th. after the first cosmonaut arrived home belarus is greeted personally by the president of our country in the palace of independence and in a solemn ceremony with tears of happiness in her eyes, marina vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus. i am happy to receive such
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a high award from the president of the republic of belarus. i just probably still can’t believe it.
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fully symbolic on cosmonautics day . marina vasilevskaya completed all the tasks in 2024, the president of russia awarded the first cosmonaut of independent belarus with the order of gagarin. you will be photographed as sports partners, and we, i hope, we will be partners in life, emotions, feelings in dance - this is wonderful, but in my opinion, you
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have a love triangle there, i want to know what happened to my father, who lived a double life for so long and deceived me and my mother, you see, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, it will immediately become clear that i concocted the interview myself, help me out, please, i just have to take it tomorrow, okay, tell me the address, i really need to talk to you, but i’m sorry, i can’t right now , i'm not alone, you ruined mine girl, listen, stop it, you can see that the guy is under stress, it’s just an accident, but there’s no need, i can do it myself, i’m sorry, it’s just a necessity, ritka, you came after all, and you’re not alone, i’ll help you i love you very much and ask you. my wife, i love another, i myself live with this feeling from the day you fell on the ice through my fault, watch the series again there will be a day on the belarus 24 tv channel, you and i live in
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modernity, we believe that in every word there is a meaning, there is a meaning in every action, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity is everything in the world text, text... it doesn’t matter, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here, even of meanings, their absence, because logically. somehow explain why they put a man, a grandfather, in the post of such a huge state, who doesn’t remember his name, this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s the front line, god speaks to every heart alone, every person is an individual, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new releases on... you are watching the science nearby project, today we are looking into
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the loudest scientific topic of this year - space, here’s something else we’ll talk about: seeing the smallest objects from space, what is special about the satellite, whose launch is scheduled for 2026. forecast. magnetic storms not only help belarusians in everyday life, but also the information that our scientists receive from space. and we’ll find out in a few minutes what else the belarusian space technology researchers have planned. for those who have just joined us joined, i’m telling you, you’re watching the science nearby project, and today we’re talking about what has become a reality thanks to science. about space exploration and the latest developments in this area. in our studio
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today we have a top-class expert, a person who occupies a key place in the history of the development of the space industry of our country, director of geographic information systems of the academy of sciences of belarus, sergei anatolyevich, hello, hello, 2024 has become a landmark year for our country, the first belarus, or rather belarus in history independent belarus in space, but... we know that research and preparation, probably, for this very start began long ago, perhaps even before the formation of a sovereign independent belarus. in belarus, the foundations of space instrumentation were created back in the fifties . the minsk mechanical plant, which was later given the title named after vavilov, manufactured an aerial camera in the late fifties. which was installed on the interplanetary station luna on october 3 and 7, 1959
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, the far side of the moon was photographed for the first time with our belarusian camera later in the eighties, within the framework of the central design bureau peling, now this separate enterprise, the flagship of space instrumentation, produced a whole series... which were installed on soviet zenit spacecraft for topography, research of natural resources, a multispectral camera mk-4 was made, pictures from this the cameras are still in the archives of russia and they are of very good quality, and a number of our compatriots were awarded government awards, including state prizes of the soviet union. we are approaching the x century, the very beginning of 2000. the third year, i know, it can also be called a landmark, then the president made
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a decision to create a belarusian space system for remote sensing of the earth, you have already witnessed this, remember, tell us how it was , and why is this year 2003 also called by people who work in the space industry, well, it really was such a significant stage, it was back in 2002, when... there was a lot of activity within the walls of the academy of sciences the question was being worked out: do we need our own spacecraft, why is it needed, can we do it in cooperation with which organizations could this be done? quite a lot of documents, analytical reviews were prepared, there were many meetings, in the end there was a landmark meeting with the president of our country, at this meeting the leadership of roscosmos was present, and leading specialists from the central...
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these specialists made a report, showed the possibility of creating such a device, its necessity, accordingly, was still the potential capabilities of our enterprises were assessed, at this meeting the president of the country decided to create a belusian space system to create a belarusian spacecraft, and the telescope itself is the heart of this apparatus, again made by our peeling and now... in in 2003 , a decree was signed, we began to work, then rkk energy, that is, also a royal company, was chosen as the developer of the platform. peling made a telescope, this is exactly the time when our domestic instrument making reached a new qualitative level, until now optics were made for working in greenhouse conditions, that is, these telescopes, they
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were installed either at the international station or in a hermetic housing, this is already a new generation of equipment, it... works in open conditions space, accordingly, the requirements for all on-board systems are completely different, pelin made such a telescope, this device was ready for launch in 2006, well, unfortunately there was a launch vehicle accident at the launch, the president was present at the launch, of course this is for us it was a state of shock for everyone, but there at the cosmodrome we received an order from the president to make our own apparatus; in the twelfth year, this apparatus was successfully launched.
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the effect of this kind of product is a cumulative effect, it is never obtained due to any one component, there is an opinion that a satellite receives space images, if you sell them, you can buy the device, this does not happen anywhere in the world, because that the cost of space information varies greatly, so far there is little of it, it is expensive, in order to create many such devices, it is necessary to create the appropriate technologies for their manufacture, and then the devices are already sold, so if we take approximately ... our belarusian spacecraft in the twelfth year, two spacecraft were launched, similar, where the target equipment was located peeling, this is optics with a resolution of 2 meters in panchromatic mode and 10 in multispectral mode, looking at this successful experience of the operation of these devices, russia ordered five more such telescopes from peeling, there are now six russian
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canopus vehicles flying in orbit, one is ours, that is , the grouping is actually... one russian one has now been taken out of service, but six groupings of six vehicles are solving problems in the interests of russia and belarus. my colleagues studied the topic of satellite operation in more detail. let's watch the story and go back to the studio. we'll tell you.
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shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure-white, belamonmash and mass, drivers and passengers modern eco-machine buses have been replaced. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries, one of which we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in simple terms, the satellite allows you to observe the surface of the planet. there are currently four belarusian satellites in orbit. among them is a communications and television satellite, as well as two educational belarusian state universities, at the academy of sciences at this time the belarusian space satellite is being developed device number two. the preliminary design has been completed, the detailed design is now being carried out, and the necessary materials and products are being purchased. it will do what this satellite did (photograph) the earth from space today, but with greater destruction. if permission. the new device will have more accurate optics, an expanded database and the most modern equipment. if earlier in a satellite image it
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was possible to see a passenger car at maximum zoom, now it is a human figure. the device is a robot photographer. for in order to take photographs, we calculate the trajectory of the devices for 15 orbits per day. we overlay images on the earth's surface. the forecast gives us data at the time of possible shooting, if the weather permits, we calculate the settings of the shooting cameras, and after that we create a flight mission, the flight mission takes into account not only weather conditions, but also various emergencies, fires, floods, earthquakes, as they are needed shoot first in order to urgently obtain information, all data goes to the flight control center, it arrives here at a speed of 7.8 km/s, if we turn on the filming systems, in one second
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it can film 150 km at once, from the moment of launch, the launch was carried out here on july 22 , 2012, the belarusian spacecraft made 64,085 clicks around the earth , well , then the information dump, that is... the transmission of a picture that was photographed by a satellite through earth-based antennas based on the reception. for this purpose, the space center is equipped with a special dish, its diameter is 9 m, weight is 14 tons. when a satellite flies through the area action of the antenna, a command is received from the flight control center, and information in the form of a signal is sent to the ground. when the images end up at the space center, they are decrypted, and specialists from various fields will be able to track them. what is happening in different parts of our planet. sergey anatolyevich, about cooperation with
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roscosmos, what you are working on now, what union programs we have gradually approached the present. remote planting of land there are two such key directions, one direction when large, serious devices with optics are being created, with a resolution better than a meter. and this is the direction now. a russian belarusian spacecraft with a resolution of 35 cm is being created, where the platform is developed by a russian enterprise corporation, and the target load of the telescope is made by our bearing, the second direction is small spacecraft, this direction originated as student ones, that is, the devices are lightweight, the requirements for them were not initially set tough and did not require a long life in orbit, the purpose of these devices ... is a training process, plus the development of some new technologies, you need to try something that is impossible to experiment on earth, then such a small device is made, it
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is launched cheaply, the principles are tested and then it is then implemented in a large serious product, but in due to the fact that microelectronics is developing very rapidly now, the dimensions of microcircuits are decreasing, the quality of new mathematics is being developed, now it’s already a century when groups are working in orbit with ... yes, such a device is small, its functions within the framework of one apparatus, they are limited, but if there are many of them, then these functions can be distributed, therefore, let’s say, here is one of the union programs, which is now carried out by the sg complex, within the framework of which a group of small apparatuses is created, one apparatus is carried out by belarus , and two devices are being made by the russian federation, this grouping is designed to study near-earth space, on one of the russian devices it is larger, there it will be... let’s say 50-60 kilograms there, these small 10 kilograms will be installed the camera, uh, well, it will be simplified, although according to its characteristics it
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will also be somewhere around 2 m, that is... if our flying device weighs 500 kg and the resolution gives 2 m, then this device will weigh 50 kg and give the same resolution, our peeling will also make such optics for this device, small devices will have equipment for studying the yanosphere, studying the sun, that is, equipment that will actually work on space weather, which is being talked about a lot now, that’s how once again about space weather, i would like to talk about...
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energy systems, even nuclear power plants, such, these are well-known effects in canada, sweden, china, that is, well, today we are seeing a trend when the magnetic poles are shifting to the south, due to this an effect such as the northern session is already observed in belarus, with the equipment that
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we now have, we were actually able to build. three-dimensional models of onospheric heterogeneity, what to do with them, we still have to understand this, at least this is as a tool with which you still need to learn how to use it, yes, so there is very close interaction with people who are engaged in operation, who are engaged in research, we have a special group of mathematicians working at the united institute of informatics problems, who actually build mathematical models of the ionosphere, their non-nationalities, another interesting topic about creating a system...
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in principle, they can be controlled by spacecraft, that is, such devices are now being developed, let’s say our spacecraft has it multispectral camera, there are four spectral ranges, but in fact it is intended to improve the image, but now there are quite a lot of devices being made, the so-called hyperspectral analysis, when not four ranges, but 200 narrow ranges, based on this spectral analysis you can determine the chemical composition of substances remotely, such equipment
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, i understand that there is probably much more unknown there, but you probably already have some kind of plan, manned cosmonautics for belarus is the direction is new, and this is the first experience of interaction here with roscosmos, because those seven experiments that our vasilevskaya is currently conducting, they have been coordinated for a long time with leading research organizations.


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