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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:21pm MSK

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good evening, on the air news on belarus 1, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this sunday episode. the victory was achieved in
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an uncompromising struggle, the president congratulated smolsky on his best result in the overall standings of the commonwealth biathlon cup. another operation against israel is not planned, unless it is necessary to respond to new aggression, they report in iran. day of the air defense forces today in belarus about the domes over the country in the disposition project. the cup season ended with anton smolsky's victory in the overall men's standings commonwealth. the captain of the belarusian biathlon team retained the yellow jersey of the competition leader. everything was decided at the final stage of the tournament in murmansk, where the intrigue was alive until the final massstart race. as a result, our biathlete won bronze today and is the best of the season. the president congratulated anton smolsky on his victory. dear anton, please accept my sincere congratulations on your brilliant victory in the overall standings of the commonwealth cup. to the clone: ​​the victory
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achieved in an uncompromising fight with the strongest russian biathletes is the result of your hard work. chapter the state stressed that the success of anton smolsky was a wonderful occasion for vivid emotions, presented to all biathlon fans in our country. he also wished the athlete good luck and new victories for the benefit of belarus. i say hello to all of belarus , thank you for your support, for your concern, for the fact that you give so much energy and... worry, of course, root for us, the goals are achieved, a mixed feeling of joy and some, a little bit of sadness from the fact that that's it, the season is over, but the next season is starting very soon, and we'll bet certain new goals, the women on the final day of the competition also showed a good result on the solo in the mass start, stopped one step from the podium, making four mistakes, the belarusian turned out to be...
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was not shown on the news on the main broadcast, see the time of the first, from space home, i know , what it means to be the first, honoring the new heroine of belarus, in minsk and moscow. marriage shown during space flight, significant personal contribution, this is our unity, you can exhale a little, presidential negotiations, of course, the space economy and ukraine, i absolutely support
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the position of the current russian leadership on the peace process, and also personnel and industry, work on supplying products is progressing poorly, and what is missing? tehran is not planning new operations against israel, unless iran has to respond to new aggression, the head of the foreign ministry announced this in a telephone conversation with his turkish counterpart. on the night of april 14, iran fired 185 drones at israel and 146. tehran reported the defeat of its intended targets, calling operation successful. the strikes were carried out exclusively on israeli military targets. during the attack on the nevatim air base, the iranian armed forces used seven hypersonic
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missiles. this was reported by state channel press tv. according to him, not a single missile was intercepted. the russian delegation to the un treated western countries to hypocrisy; they blame iran for all the problems, but forget that the security council did not condemn israel’s attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. this happened on april 1 and became the reason for a retaliatory attack. in my in turn, minsk consistently advocates a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the middle east through political and diplomatic means. as stated in the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus, everything.
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projects, industrial cooperation, issues of food security, science, tourism, and of course, the situation in their regions. on the political plane, the belarusian parties are seriously discussing bilateral issues and algeria has a high level of mutual understanding. countries also adhere to similar approaches regarding the inadmissibility of the use of illegal sanctions and pressure on independent states. the belgos food proma enterprise continues the strategy of entering new markets, which started in 2023. then they managed to gain a foothold in africa and began supplies to somalia, burkina fasso, ganna and equatorial guinea. this year, in the first quarter, we managed to increase product exports by more than 25%. our presence in china is also growing, but the key task remains to saturate
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the domestic market; manufacturers are taking big steps to promote their products. as the president said at the last meeting today, produce a great mind. talents are not it is necessary, but to sell today it is precisely art that is required, the search for new approaches and some modern solutions, in this part we are not on the sidelines and every time we try to promote our enterprises, to be more recognizable, to carry out all kinds of popularization events and, of course, to the maximum bring your products closer to the specific and final consumer. to promote products, belgospischeprom launched a project called “zrobim at once”. over the course of two months , opinion leaders on social networks will share with subscribers the production secrets of their favorite treats what is behind the status of a space power, four of our aircraft in
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near-winter orbit, high technologies along with instruments from belarusian enterprises and a stellar trail from soviet scientists that still does not fade in the sky. together with russia. we are already making new ambitious plans, we plan to launch a more accurate satellite in a couple of years, and we will also step on the moon together, touch the belarusian space and explore our quality control. a look at the world from above, a healthy camera with a huge lens, this is a photosensitive matrix, what specks in the satellite’s eyes help us see more, we can see different elements of crosses, the nerves of the devices are extraterrestrial stress resistance, they are subjected to control.
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if the cosmos works for us, how much do they bring? for the first device for more than 40 million dollars. the prospects for the future are very clear. to the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians. our people in space, how they save points where the satellite detected anomalies. and what do they teach? on the satellite, the student can generate a package of commands to execute it course diploma. works, we will provide control of the highest quality, watch today on
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the main broadcast. a us court in michigan has for the first time sentenced to prison the parents of a teenager who carried out a school shooting. jennifer and james crumbley received sentences of 10 to 15 years. in 2021, their fifteen-year-old son opened fire at a school in oxford. the teenager killed four people and received a life sentence for this. according to the court, the parents should have prevented the tragedy, but instead it turned out that they themselves gave for christmas , a nine-millimeter rifle used by a juvenile killer. the united states has been hit by another wave of a drug epidemic, why it is called a national disaster, who made billions from the misfortune of others, why the war with datura remains a failure. inaction of the state, cynical pr of politicians and open-air hangouts, how cities are turning. into the heroin ghetto, we’ll tell you in clear politics, watch it on monday after the panorama.
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today, air border defenders celebrate professional holiday, happy day of air defense troops, military personnel and veterans on... joint combat duty. the key components of air defense are radio-technical
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anti-aircraft missile forces, aviation, all components are integrated into a single control loop, which allows for a lightning-fast response to changes in the situation. about the dome over the country in the disposition project. on air disposition is gagarin. go. the air defense system, one might say, the country's goalkeeper, is working. at different heights, speeds, vectors. recently in this area the rules are changing dramatically, or rather, there are almost none left. they can strike along the most intricate, almost ground-based trajectory, simultaneously with hundreds. instruments, if you miss even one, the puncture will definitely be felt by the country, the appetites of the one who struck will definitely be whetted, so the mission of sentry air borders does not imply misfires, and therefore they work here carefully, but quickly creatively, if necessary , gather forces into a fist or combine various units to guarantee close all air echelons, which is interesting,
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a special operation in ukraine allowed some old-timers who were preparing to retire to perk up the spirit of the air defense system, with types of premises complexes, for example, the use of an anti-aircraft missile system, simultaneously with the igla man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. shooting while moving the strela tenth anti-aircraft missile system. as for shooting on the move, this is not know-how for the sake of a flashy report or prestige. sometimes it is necessary to launch parallel to my position, depending on
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the enemy’s plan. and here it is expected that the enemy can quickly determine all our deployment areas and try to bypass them. remember the recent attack from ukraine on tatarstan. many experts argue that the attack route was worked out by nato using satellite systems. western reconnaissance forces were used to select the most optimal route from the point of view of passing through air defense zones, both in altitude and heading. igor korotchenko, editor-in-chief of the national defense magazine, military expert from russia. particularly for this reason, mobility is indispensable conditions.
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there was also a response group around the position, which, if the secret was discovered by the enemy, he reported, he did not enter the battle, was on the spot, reported, a group moved there to capture the sabotage group. a separate article of work, eliminating gaps. in every sense, if necessary, mobile groups are created that strengthen the radar field in areas where, due to terrain conditions, it is difficult to scan the space. specialists learn to work even on... goals that are actually it is almost impossible to notice, for example, from hovering helicopters at almost zero altitude. helicopters, they usually fly at low altitudes, they are difficult to detect, but the crews are trained, we have already learned how to work on them, and there is a high probability that we always cope with this goal, finding them in
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very difficult places, in illuminated areas, when combat work occurs. and not only when we turn our gaze to the sky, we usually think about something bright or just dream, but air defense specialists do the same time they look into the heights expecting a threat, such a feature, every day hundreds of soldiers and officers take up combat duty in air defense, because our peaceful sky is their profession. more than 200 girls from all over the country received practical advice; the titled guests, together with a psychologist, spoke about the intricacies of secrets in creating their own image, and discussed issues of femininity and its role in the army environment. the progress of the classes was observed by the deputy minister
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of internal affairs, commander of the internal troops, major general nikolai karpinkov and minister of culture anatoly markevich. representatives of the national beauty school and i, as miss belarus, held an open dialogue on the topic of appearance, etiquette, style, what a modern military girl she is, a lot of girls, girls who were still 10-15 years old listened to this with such enthusiastic eyes, looked, probably, it’s an indescribable emotion when you talk to the audience, in response there are so many questions, so much interest. we discussed with the girls what qualities they already have, what markers, yes, what points in their behavior both in their own and in you can pay attention to the behavior of the guys around you in order to... in order to prevent some unpleasant, difficult situation and somehow maintain this spirit of mutual assistance and friendliness.


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