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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 12:50am-2:20am MSK

12:50 am
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buy some grapes, thank you, we should rent a room, i don’t know, we’re all busy, leave me alone, beckoning, hello girls, haven’t heard of a bed anywhere here, it’s not for rent, it’s for rent. man,
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excuse me, manya, oh, ivanna, look at the cable you came with, i wonder if he’ll find a bed somewhere, oh, everyone’s room is packed to capacity, what kind of place you have, like in july, can’t wash the linen, the hostess won’t say. where is gerasimovna, gerasimovna, did you call me, annovana, no, not me, hello, lyudmila gerasimovna, it’s us, like this, there’s not a single free place, dear, we’d be glad, but there’s nowhere, and you me do you know, but they gave me your address, anatoly petrovich, don’t remember, but can you really remember all of you, or maybe you’d like some kvass, i’ll bring you a dime per glass, the jug has been in the refrigerator since the morning, no, no, thanks, huh? let's go
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, man, i think i remembered, his wife was a young beauty and a little girl, well , maybe buy a load, or a tomato from the garden, put it in the back seat, everything is fine with you, fine, well... for development contacts, well, are you going to discuss again, yes, here you go, take your grapes, get out of here, well, let's go, go. have a safe journey,
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thank you very much, anna ivanovna, please come to us, anna ivanna, we are very glad to see you, next year we will definitely come to you again, it’s possible, just give us 2 weeks notice, all the best, goodbye , good afternoon, you don’t have a place, huh? i lost a piece of paper somewhere, i went to the store, you make my teeth shake, it will turn itself off, we just left, we left today, they will arrive tomorrow, there are five people from murmansk, if you stay in the hall until tomorrow, then... we’ll go to
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ten, how, where should i go, this muzzle, but it doesn’t bite, it doesn’t say on it, you fool, show him to the hall, okay, anna ivanovna, can i take you... italian let’s go, thank you, the mullet is starting to reach the shore go, so the hunt is guaranteed.
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what light comes and pecks? but they say a mullet can take a sea worm, you can’t take less than a kilogram, but go to hell, excuse me, i’m out of curiosity, lord, what do you care? i didn’t count everything, you’re already forty- seven out of curiosity, it’s biting, it’s not biting, what to fish for and let me light it, where are you stopped, you’re not bored here alone, let me accompany you, by the way, i have the same vacation as you, i’m not bothering you,
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man, apologize to the woman, let’s go. there’s no point in lighting the lights, you’re supposed to sleep at night, go and see that the new guy can’t sleep there, you’ve arranged it, go, go. shallow-water beluga, oh,
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good news, you were scared, but no, you don’t have a light. yours is on fire, but i don’t smoke, by the way, but i ’m watching the light, don’t even try to smoke. the smoke is biting into the whitewash, well, manka, let's go to sleep, huh?
12:59 am
oops, well, here are the caves, we found them, come on, guys, let's. come on, pass, give me the gradov, give me the grad!
1:00 am
“stand, and i, well, okay, don’t rush, there’s more of you in the crimea, and what’s there in the crimea, you need to, you need to, grow up, go there. there’s the black sea, the air cures all diseases, it’s purer than penicillin, of course, you’ll get there
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so far, okay, don’t be sour, you’ll become a sailor, you’ll replace me, you’ll go everywhere, no, i’ll be a pilot, why did i decide so long ago that the choir has already gathered? no, there won’t be a rehearsal.
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it’s good that you and i are here at home, why? why, why? because we’ll die and cry. there will be no one. wow, i heard it from adults. love me, my dear, i’m in trouble, in a year and a half, i’ll probably die, love my dear friend in a warm place, i’ll fill my grave in a young place. both! stop it, stop it! don’t, don’t trust fools, you can’t, cry, cry, cry,
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don’t be ashamed, san, go, go, we’ll catch up, nothing, nothing, everything will be fine, okay, okay. good morning, i woke up, i woke up, did you watch an italian film yesterday, hello, it’s simple, hello, step aside, hello, are you something, my dear? you're late, wow my girl, my sweetie, hello, good morning,
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good morning, got ready, got ready , thank you, i’ll go and see what you have there, anna, and this kid, he’s someone you know, the son from his first husband, he died when he was still little, what about you? so it's me next to him, is it you? i, i still have the same card, my uncle was too lazy to take it off, you’re not lying. where will i settle down somewhere now, and where will you settle down,
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pack your bed, take your things to me, by the evening the room will be free, just enough for one, two and a half a day, order and refrigerator, if you use it for 10 kopecks. if you're satisfied, if you're satisfied, then you'll pay two weeks in advance. lyonka, you say , our physical education teacher was filming, oh, and i was a fool, i was a young fool, but you would have lost your mind.
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“oh, it’s good here, i don’t want to leave, well , don’t leave, whoever is driving, everyone says so, it means it’s right, since everything, manka, is right to say, right, now lyoshka doesn’t take a drop in his mouth, but how we met, how he pulled out he me?" “my friends brought me home every day, i couldn’t walk myself, where did i pull it from? yes, from here, so i was drowning in a storm i went swimming, i couldn’t resist the first day i arrived, it’s -20 in krasnoyarsk, here the sea is 22, alyoshka, after the army he
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hung around with the rescuers, so he pulled him out and breathed worse on the pin, right? then he took an oath before the wedding, nini, he’s kept it for four years, but here he is, he’s going to go fast, there’s no work, and the bad money just floats into his hands, oh, he hits great, yes, it’s a pity that all the fish are gone, oh! you bought a gun in italy, it was given to you by your comrades, but who will you be? man, pensioner, oh, how old are you, a lot, 45, yes, there are no such pensioners, it happens, everything happens, i wonder what kind of experience you have, 40 years,
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oh, come on, you’re a pilot, or something, then it’s clear. after all, i served in the army as a pilot in engines, i was commissioned, i guessed again, we are propagandists, what we are promoting is the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in these turbulent and difficult times, three times yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare, under welfare means peace and security, from our lack of war to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads,
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beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much... more, am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i’m pleased, i ’m sure you are too, we built as best we could, as best we could, we were sincere about this construction, our generation must do everything to the new generation that came to power walked carefully, without breaking anything, will the new generation succeed, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a disaster, because after... strong power, the likelihood of this is still a little more than a statistical error, a propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, you will be partners in sports, and we, i hope, will be partners in life, emotions, feelings, dancing - this is wonderful, but
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, in my opinion, you have a love triangle there i showed up, i want to know what happened with my father, who is so much... and not alone, inga, i love you very much, and i ask you to become my wife, i love another, i myself have been living with this feeling since the day you fell on the ice through my fault. watch the series again there will be a day on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. great, lesh, what do you need, i’ll give your lenka a workout on skis, come on, but i don’t know how, come on! come on, but i don’t like it when you’re far away on such and such a boat, well, maybe on a boat, happy fishing, thank you, lesh, you and your mother be more affectionate, huh? why is this all of a sudden? well, please.
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lyoshka, you're crazy, don't swim too far. why are you scared of the yanks, come out, come out, come out, but don’t be scared. it’s good with us, it’s good, why are you tormenting him like convicts in siberia, you know, our
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home is there, you’re my girl, tell me what, you love alexei, but what does that mean you don’t love him, and why should you love him, a fool? a fool, he is a fool, just you understand, i have the only one, i have one too, you love me,
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and why do you call him beckoning, after all, he is a boy, he is mario manuel von wolf swinkel, his pedigree is like that, well, help same, uh you, come on, come on...
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lenochka, we realized a long time ago that in your family it’s not lyoshka, but you, the main one. why, maybe your truth, you are twisting, twisting it, then twist it here, look at how you began to live, what you are running from, there was a goldmine here and it will never end, that’s right, girls, that’s right, fyodor says, why be shy and that’s right , a bonanza, about work - it’s not a problem, work, don’t work, pure, it’s required,
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“thank you for your concern, we’ll return home, i only did good things for your family, and you can stick syringes in your butt anywhere, but you , fyodor, take it easy, take it easy, he and lyoshka are no more stupid than you, look, people are kind, it’s our owner, he’s gathered guests, he’s still insulting, well, well, but i have my own opinion, he’s walking around the bottom, you’re walking me, you idiot, you took me in in turn, you would better feel sorry for your father and mother, leshenko, we are not eternal, whoever gets it all, they will get it, so for free, whatever one may say, len,
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go and call alexander nikolaevich, otherwise it’s inconvenient, we were fishing together, that means so, don’t bother lenka, about being sorry, but why feel sorry, ma, you and your father are healthy, me and lenka too.
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hold it, alexander nikolaevich. thank you. so, yeah, there's your spoon. in general, anka, you’re right, lenka is in charge. if it weren't for her, you and i would be relatives. well, what? our natalka is worse, everything was with you. it was in vain that lyoshka saved her; it would have been better if she had drowned. do you think what you're saying? don't drown in chatter yourself. yeah. la!
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32, you can’t be like that, but you and i barely met for three decades, and why didn’t i live before you, i lived, of course, i lived, he’s vova’s friend, my first-born, yeah, no, i have great respect for them and to your husband, who died to the hero... the quacks, although i’ve never seen them, and i’ll go to alyosha and lenka in krasnoyarsk, semyon, well, when was the last time you were in yalta or simferopol, and why didn’t i see them there, in siberia, what did you i haven’t seen it, but there are pine nuts, not like our walnuts, which are good
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for the body. everything is useful to you, a young cossack walks below, walks below, walks below, a young cossack, and there a maiden cries. and there a maiden is crying, and there a maiden is crying over a stormy river, and there a maiden is crying over a stormy river, and why are you crying, maiden, about what?
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don't get me wrong, we are here for your son. we did everything in our power, and your ampoules would not have changed anything, but for these guys, for them, the worst is behind us, look, don’t believe me, let’s speak like women, women, you are still young, you have your whole life ahead, and you sold everything for this penicillin. a cow, a wild boar, chickens, i didn’t have chickens, well, okay, there were no chickens, there ’s only one man, he really needs penicillin for his wife, he offers any money, well
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, think about yourself, anya, i already thought, so what, all the injections for the guys, those with vovka lived, all 45, okay, give me your ampoules, no, you will inject in front of me, in front of me, good evening, excuse me, can you sit in silence, dolphins.
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can i be hooked on you, well, like everyone else, but you know, i don’t advise you to try in vain, beckoning, i understand who they take us for, i understand, beckoning, you ’re smart, let’s go with god, you see, he doesn’t want to, but can’t a person just walk up to a person, even a stranger, maybe he’s feeling bad, maybe... he needs to be taken away, doesn’t that really happen, it happens, but let’s be honest, if there was a man in my place, you you would come up to him to take your breath away, honestly no,
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you see, he might still see you off, yes, you’re out of luck with the owner, he’s a slow-witted guy, oops. “and you think so, but don’t hold a grudge against me, i wish you well, if it turned out according to you, look, if i got into the arc, don’t tell me, i can’t, i won’t tell you, for my grandson’s sake, it’s time, so darling if he wants a girl, well, a girl, then a girl, let it be a girl.” what difference does it make, well, happily, well, for now, when can we expect you now, up to a year in a couple of years, or maybe you and your father will get together with us, but where else? god forbid us, son, to be able to do everything, but not do everything, remember, if anything happens, your home is here, oh
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well, well, come on, otherwise you’ll be late for the boat, here you are, here you are, like this, here, well, goodbye, well, be healthy, okay, go, goodbye, happy, go! i still need a new record, i’ll get it, oh, i ’ll go to the pier, let’s go to the pier, i ’ll go to the pier, don’t worry, everything’s fine with her, good. are you married? no, not
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married, then it’s not for you to judge, let’s go, sasha, you can help me pick the peaches, anna ivanovna, and why do you play a march when they are leaving, so that they remember. you’re not in the service, choose the ripe ones, they’re almost all ripe, the scientist is alone with me , he’s on vacation, he’s elderly, he’s not married to his girl, apparently he ’ll have children older than her, where should they be like that, well, yes, in a hotel to a sanatorium stamp i need them, here we have them, of course, he says, as soon as i remember seeing you off, my legs will come to you.
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i left it, maybe it’s a sin to say so, but it just so happens, i see you’re cheerful, women seem to be obsessed with you, i’m not complaining, leshka says that you were a pilot, a pilot, pension it’s big, but it’s enough, well, it means he deserves it, we don’t pay money in vain, in vain no, i wanted to fly since childhood, so i flew while i could, but
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i didn’t want a wife or children, i grew up an orphan, so i was afraid that they would too, this is the kind of work we have, it’s just beautiful on earth when they fly, don’t think about it, i don’t regret anything, i wouldn’t mind living like this a second time, you live easily, you have no worries except a dog. you’re talking to two gods, you’re praying, but maybe that’s not why you’re alive, maybe you’re alive because my vovka died?
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to reveal himself. what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes and uncomfortable questions, you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? my patients' eyes? this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even
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say, a perpetual motion machine. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights. the volkovyya river, which flows through volkovysk , is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, wolves. translation of the slavic-baltic wolf's neck, from here too wolves. students of all ovsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated to the art gallery the work et, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. seed, motherwort, but lafant, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant. well, this too, this is a cardiac plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish
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of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation. and, of course, join in. see in the project the route is built on tv channel belarus 24.
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come on, get out of here, you bastards, bless the flooders, what is this, people, is it yours , oh, what happened, we need to keep an eye on them, what happened, please, they won’t happen again, please, anya, anya , what is your temperature today? the smell is good, tasty, you know how, the trick is not great,
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you have to. where are you, anna ivanovna, get out, well , get out, i say, rationalization, get out, i say, why, anya, will you discuss, what should you discuss, they say correctly, fear the bull in front, the horse in the back. fool everyone sides, you’re a disgrace, shanya, you’re a disgrace, well , come on out, we don’t need these boxes, i won’t take the grapes anyway, neither to ryazan, nor to kazan, i’ll hand over everything to the state farm, you decided it yourself, yes, yourself, 40 kopecks each, but it would be worse at 20, sasha, look
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at him, at the owner of this, and why look, why look, there’s really nothing to look at, sovkhozon, hear, i would give it to you myself, but no one will take it, lord, yes why did this misfortune befall me, anya, lei, lei, i still can’t bring the grapes, damn these rubles for us, we’ll have them for three lives with you enough, and you and i live alone, it’s fair, herod, shut up, but it’s unfair, they say the truth: a wolf is not a shepherd, a goat is not a gardener, you’re a goat, a canopy, a goat,
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a sleigh, if you start to judge. and there is a village, everything is on its own hump, you know, it was more fun, yes... on a day off we helped each other out with the whole world, there is a wedding there or a son returned from the army, we walk
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around the whole village like one family, and now, and now it’s a lada, one has the first model, another has a fifth to spite him, a third has a tenth, man we have a fly, now we have everyone. like a hero when the fish was poorly salted, i was just leaving the hospital, i was completely dying, she took pity on me, that lazy lenka of yours advised me to come here, she took the last out of herself, uh... so i live, in krasnoyarsk, i
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’ll leave anyway, i’ll leave, you don’t believe it or something, yes, i don’t believe it myself.
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dolphins, look, look, dolphins, i told you that you would see dolphins. wait, take it, you’re tired of the sky being canned, thank you, you’re tired, you’re a poacher. you guessed it, there are a lot of them,
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they will all spoil here, now. well, what should i do with them? what is your name? zhenya, i have sasha, aleksan nikolaevich, let’s cook the gorbol, and the mullet for the bolyk, do you have any salt? there is, well, let's, yeah.
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hello, hello, hello, is this your friend? comrade, are you relaxing here? no, in the village, but from whom? anna ivanovna? what's the last name? don't know. do you have any documents? everything is fine, i’m sorry, comrade colonel, please, happily, all the best, follow me, maigret, you are offended, offended,
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i really don’t know you. manyyam, manyyam, shouldn't we go for a swim, get up, go ahead, go ahead, manyyam, let's go, alexan nikolaevich. takes it, vanya, come here, what are you doing, alexan nikolaevich, she’s afraid of me, help me, she’s not coming, beckoning, beckoning, go ahead, we’re with you,
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manya’s afraid, it won’t hurt that you and i’m going to the cinema sent,
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there is a french actor there today. this is his last name ugh this looks like a thorn belmando or something yes she respects him very much sasha and you yourself don’t want to go to the movies to dance too where should i be older than you this is a worker and what kind of flyer are you? colonel, colonel? yes, look, colonel, don’t be afraid, i didn’t flutter and didn’t sniff, and i’m a private guard, right up to the i got to prague, and this is right, right, it should be so, it may still be, no, they won’t bother now, otherwise they
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wouldn’t let you retire so young. what will you do next? airplanes, i’m also an engineer, so as not to fuss, as you say, maybe a seagull, what a seagull? no, i 'll tell you a secret. “today i was at the state farm and agreed, i’ll hand over all the grapes to the state farm, she doesn’t know yet, have you ever seen this tornado, no, today you’ll see, she’s just in the movies, in the movies all our secrets are declassified. maybe i can help, than semyon protast, no, sasha, i myself, somehow, will go
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for a walk, i’ll go, well, he’s walking along...
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i went far, san, to the sea, and what are you doing here? how, didn’t you hear anything, no, but was there death or something? so everything seems to be in place, no, not everything, my family life is no longer there, so right away, at the moment, go, he says, out of my sight, out of sight. you see, i’m spoiling her, somehow semyon protalich will be formed, but i don’t want to, i’ll still stand on my own like a breakwater, why are you
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judging me, there’s no way to settle things peacefully, it’s impossible, between her and me confrontation, well, morning and evening, “you know, we still have to live until the morning, how to live it, they arranged their life in the village in such a way that...”
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and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. the project i'm from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. how is the life of foreign guests in
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belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university. i have been working here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations, since 2014. okay, this is the coffee shop, the first one coffee and pastry shop, eastern in belarus, as always, we work here polevansky, we always talk to people, how to drink this coffee, how to eat it?
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well, start your record, i’m leaving for the holidays, that means you’re leaving, that means so. slide down the path here, start the music, you'll get by, music is for good people, and that means i'm no good, oh, but you weren't like that, not like that, yeah, not like that, not like that, you were young, but now you're old, and you i look again, eagle, eagle!
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go, go, maybe you’ll find something better, go, i’ll go, but i don’t care, go, i’ll go, semyon protasovich, wait, goodbye, sasha, the climate here is harmful to me, semyon protasovich, don’t fuss, it’s better not to leave the dacha, he’ll leave, he’s anna ivanovna, he was. i’ve heard enough, he’s been driving around since last spring, start music for him, come on, there will be music for him, i’ve already agreed with the car to bring grapes, but he’s still going to the state farm, a goat without a horn, you should take care of yourself, anna ivanovna, you’re worried about my health, i see that you also agree with him, you think, i don’t know what vacationers have been gossiping about all summer. counting how much we
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get from them, how much for peaches, pears, flowers, and if there was nothing, where would you go, but who now refuses theirs, let’s shake. oh, oh, come here, come here, beckoning, beckoning, beckoning, where? run, give me your paw, give me your paw, give me your paw, give
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me your paw, where is your master, where is your master, dog, where is your master, hello, zhenya, hello, where is the fish? there will be a storm, there will be seagulls on the shore, and the fish from the shore, decoy, are your good friend. nice, but it seems you were right, in which he was unlucky with the owner, you can give him some candy, of course, oh, funny, tell me, dear, what is it that bothers you at night? to the pier, well, it’s not fishing, i read somewhere. that fishing time does not count against
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life, but to be honest, i was tired, i really wanted to disconnect from everyone, and i don’t know how it turns out. did anything happen to you today? today, zhenya, everything that could happen to me has already happened. you know, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. yeah, but actually no, the sea will be there, the sun will rise, out of there because of the meganome.
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“sash, you haven’t seen mogo anywhere, no, the last crankcase is left, and he’s getting seasick like a little kid, take some carvala in the refrigerator, yeah!" give me 25 drops, it's october, it's so hot,
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you'll have to meet him, sasha. thank you, anna ivanovna, why bother, you don't feel good. let luzhe go,
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he's sleeping on the bench, at least he doesn't go back, ivanovna, ivanovna, and your semyon flew away. “i saw it myself, i was selling peaches at the airport, i saw him with suitcases, well, i think he would also sell peaches, and he gave me a ticket right under my nose, i’m flying away, he says, are you waiting for the tenants, no one is there.” will arrive, the season is over, breathe, yeah, well, breathe, wait, wait,
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alexander nikolaevich, the devil knows what it is,
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alexander nikolaevich, good morning, zhenya, good morning, you haven’t caught a cold, now i ’ll cook it tomorrow, don’t, don’t, it’s time for me to leave. hello, good morning, anna ivanovna, great!
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“i wanted to help put your camp in order, nothing needs to be put in order, i’m leaving, the boat is at 11, come.” what a thunderstorm there was, overshadowing my passion, how
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he is afraid of thunderstorms, this is what he says from the war from the guns, he will return, anna ivanovna, no, sasha, you don’t know him, he ran away more than once, even when he was lying down, then it was a different matter, the very middle life, now, now, what’s left to live, it’s scary to count, you remember me, young, sasha, and i don’t remember, as if i lived two different lives, okay. sasha, why did you show up?
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and we will never see each other again, zhenya. no need, alexander, so what, manya? please. at home i’ll go to komarovo, i’ll find myself in kuchina if i hang out for an hour, but wait, comrade, where’s the ticket? we’ll figure it out.
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man, forgive me, it just so happened, you’re smart, you understand everything yourself, well, well, forgive me. spent, spent, well, how are you doing now? it will happen, who knows what will happen, go eat, sasha, lunch on the whip is still warm, thank you, annavanna,
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i don’t want to, go, i don’t want to, but you haven’t eaten anything, look at who... it looks like, yes, go eat , don’t worry, i ’ve told everyone here, you know, why you need her, you need her, well, if you need her, why did you let her go. you’ll still live, sasha, you’ll help me pick up the grapes, i can’t do it alone. but
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he's a good grape, sasha, let's go have lunch, anna ivanovna, this is a piece of junk with a gun, can i leave you, and come next summer, you're leaving after all, sasha, you have to, anna ivanovna, why did you realize it like that, now nothing is moving anymore, we’ll get there by foot, beckoning, anna ivanovna, thank you. you, but if something is wrong, forgive me, but why not, let’s go, beckoning, don’t leave, sash, i can’t, anna ivanovna, god needs it.
2:13 am
2:14 am
i don’t know, i’ll give you a big hint, why do i need all this, why do i need all this? why, why, who, who needs this, i alone, i
2:15 am
alone need this, me, myself, who needs me, who, who, who needs me, who needs me?
2:16 am
2:17 am
it’s especially nice to walk through the forest, hang out, admire the beauty, because in the spring everything comes to life, the colors are simply malachite, supergreens. “small, green, and so pleasing to the eye.”
2:18 am
khamichevo, the village of khamichevo, something. this is an unusual name; it turns out that a man once settled here; his name was hama, since the place is a little elevated among the swamps. that is, it is more convenient for building houses, for simple settlement, so this village of khamicheva was formed, it is small, according to recent statistics, 260 people lived here, the village is like a village, the village is normal, positive, especially in the summer there are cars here one after another, i once i was driving from the forest with photos, on the road from the forest
2:19 am
it’s... literally 2 km home, i counted one and a half hundred cars, just oncoming ones, that’s how many vacationers are going to the extreme, this is a lake, it’s there in the summer, we still have to look for a place to settle down somewhere, here there used to be an ordinary street.
2:20 am
having an apartment in the city, i prefer to live here, in the village, in this open space, in this spring beauty, just imagine, this apple tree is blooming, it’s super, goats graze here too.


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