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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 2:20am-2:51am MSK

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this is an ordinary village street, sandy, in the fall in the spring there were terrible puddles that you literally had to walk along the fence, so when the sanatorium was built, first they laid a gravel road, then they laid asphalt, we now have a chic street, now it connects us with the traffic center, with other cities of belarus, great road. having an apartment in the city, i prefer to live here, in the village, in this open space, in this spring beauty, just imagine, this apple tree is blooming, this is super, there are goats grazing too. here
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i spent my childhood here, i retired and moved to live here, this is my house, i was born, however, on a farm, shchikhar is 3 km from here, we moved here in 1959, we were building a house, i was very young, but i tried to help my parents at a construction site, but i probably got in the way more from here. the school was located in private houses, until the sixth grade i went like this, as they say, from one house to another, then they built this school, the former raspakovsky building was moved, so until the end of the eighth grade i went here to this school, here 5 minutes just a walk from the house, everything is nearby, the school director lived here, a yellow house.
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he was a very serious man who even liked to pull his ear, i personally was the same, although he studied well, he loved to joke a little, especially playing football and through the woods, i became interested in sports from early childhood, this was the stadium here, we here from morning to night on weekends we played football, we had a team, our street was short, but there were just 11 boys, go out into nature, go swimming, skiing, just like that so to be in this beauty, that’s where everything went from there, because then it’s not so easy to change character, but character is laid down in childhood, in childhood like...
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grandfather makar also laid an interest in stories about all this, such a father, grandfather makar, woman fedora, they were very good at telling stories and it’s just that it’s all laid out then here is my element here my forests here a river here the dneprobul canal that is. from here it’s good to travel through the forests, birds fly, observe the life of nature, so that later you can tell all this to readers, here, where dneprobukh goes through the pina gateway, my entire childhood has passed, but now, this is my favorite place, not just... relaxation, or fishing, just
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come, look, listen to the sound of the water, here is a platinum that holds the water level, there, which holds the water and lets it pass here, there used to be an old sluice here, now it has been reconstructed, you see, a beautiful, brand new tsigolochki, and then along this pina the ships go, smukhovtsa, skobrina to pinsk, further along pripyat to the dnieper, from the dnieper heading to chernoye sea, so here we are located on the black sea waterway, which connects mukhovet bukh and the dnieper, the black sea, there used to be very active traffic along the dneprobudskoe. on the canal they transported
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mainly iron ore, they transported all sorts of other cargo, coal, stone, also for export, barges were used. literally one after another, my village is located a kilometer from dneprobug, in the evening, when ships in barges go by, with searchlights, how they illuminate their way, how it becomes visible during the day, and we always ran here as boys, to see, how the water boils, catch fish, this was our favorite vacation spot. our walks, now too, we are at the perrub hydroelectric complex, here the dnieper-bug canal ends, and then it flows into the pina river, my
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native river, here in this place i partly fish, i come here in the evenings or in the morning. sometimes there is a very good catch, sometimes perches are caught well, roach, rudd, here, my favorite place, trampled, not only i fish here, ivanovites come here, many from ivanovo from pimsk, it’s a catching place, it’s usually early it’s spring, now... the bite is already going away, mostly small things are being caught, and even the perches are very good, so sometimes i like to just sit here, i take a notebook with me, sometimes a fresh story immediately
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appears, for example, there are minks here they often run around, sometimes they steal fish from fishermen, right from the bucket into the open, the fisherman sits 2 meters away from him , the bucket stands. a mink runs up, chooses how and, most importantly, takes as much as possible, he doesn’t want a small one, so this is such a fishy place and popular among fishermen, usually on saturday and sunday there’s a whole line of there are cars, there’s a dam on a dam in the back, it’s quite crowded and fun, everyone ’s happy, everyone’s catching fish, i’m actually such a person, even if i’m sporty, but... i don’t have one like that when fishing, i’m just interested, interested process, it’s interesting to be in nature, especially when you’re alone, and then good topics for stories come, then you can sit quietly and even write, and
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sometimes i write here, even on this heel. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? december last year , our geostatistics information and analytical system became available to users. the system allows you to create tables and queries. diagrams, cartograms, complex things in simple language, technical specifications, usually - if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used, that is, most often specifications in order to speed up the release of new products to
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the market, as well as the most interesting facts : thus, in the second half of the 16th century , so-called descriptive statistics arose in germany, let's get drunk in the ruzhany brest region, in one of the largest palace complexes there are 16-18 centuries. residences of the magnates of the sapega family. the king of st. paraskeva pyatnitsa, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. otozh karavod, at least vayavod. idze,
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idze karavod, karagod. all the spectators are looking forward, looking forward. one, two, three, they cleared up the ruckus. and we simply sowed, sowed, and gave new life to these old traditions. clear field.
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am i too old,
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well, i’ve been connected with the forest all the time since childhood, then my sporting destiny is the forest, besides, that there was biathlon, skiing, everything was involved in racing with orienteering, orienteering in general, sports.
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through the squirrel, through her fate, the animal, she is very interesting, cheerful, restless, she goes everywhere, she sees everything in the forest from above, so i wrote through the eyes of the squirrel, that is, with my own eyes, knowing the forest, studying the forest, i showed the life of the forest , through a squirrel, through a mountain, the forest is a unique kingdom, where you can just... take a walk, walk around, follow the life of every corner of this
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inflated forest kingdom, so anyone i try to choose a moment, like today, to walk, take a walk, listen to the birds singing, there is beauty here, of course, it is not by chance that the reserve was created, in fact, the initiative to create this reserve was mine, once a photo competition was announced, where it was necessary to present photographs of red book animals, birds, insects, plants, i then sent to this competition about dozens of photographs of the red data books, which exactly... exist here, live, grow, precisely in the zavyshan
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forests, after which the regional nature conservation committee became interested in this topic, and after that’s why it was decided to create a reserve here, you’ll always find something interesting in the forest, if she gets into someone you’ll see something, but you can walk through the forest and see nothing, but the forest, but the trees are everything, but look closely, that’s where ... then you can see the real life of the forest. we are now in a unique situation for our belarus. there’s a fir grove in this place, that’s what people call it, although in principle very few people know about it, i personally came here by accident, i discovered it, i was picking mushrooms, and suddenly i saw, it’s not a christmas tree, lo and behold, it’s a fir, i touched it, most importantly,
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what’s the difference, it’s small, it has very soft needles, it was planted by the owners of these forests, these places, the count of pustovsky, one of his ancestors, because, you see, the tree is huge, it ’s more than a hundred years old, and there’s more than one here, there are them a lot, i roughly counted about more than two hundred of these big ones, not counting the small ones, and the little one grew up - this
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indicates that everything alive grew, that it will not disappear over time, but the grown-up will rise. it will continue for centuries, there really is such a solid grove here, capital, here you feel that this is a natural monument for us forever, almost all of my work is dedicated to this area, the surrounding forests, the lake, this lake is so significant to my destiny that...
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and i believe in your memory, this is my dear and my favorite lake, the lake of my childhood, it is located 7 km from my village, we came here on foot or on bicycles as children, we didn’t get out of the lake all day, there were two pioneer camps, the guys and i were very friends with those who rested in camps, played football constantly, we had constant football meetings, volleyball, well, we somehow lived like one family, it was just interesting for us, they were also interested, in general, around the lake here
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it’s a little bit elevated, that’s probably why it’s called high. alki come here from pinsk, ivanovo, even from brest, local fishermen drill countless holes here throughout the lake, it is no coincidence that they chose this place to create sanatoriums. we can talk endlessly about this lake, especially about
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the surrounding area. i've been traveling here for many years. on a bicycle on foot, i come here and from here i go on trips around, there are several more lakes nearby, this is one of the zavyshenskiye lakes, khuletskaya, nearby, well, side by side, three kilometers from here, there is no name white, crucian carp, then okunino, well and... here i often go on photo hunts, here you can meet elk, roe deer, well, in general, all sorts of animals, you see,
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beavers often ruled, there were no beavers here before, absolutely, now the beaver hut has been knocked down, here is a birch forest literally it’s like i’ve been through a storm, it’s all work beavers, you see them like filks, like beveled ones, like sharpened pencils and but... here and here there are a great many of them, sometimes you come fishing, in a couple of hours you can crack a bucket, they’re really small, but very
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prickly, there’s not much water, but there’s so much silt , then, let’s say, you take a fishing rod, these are village fishing rods made of walnut, about 4-5 meters long, you take it right along the bank and stick the fishing rod, this whole thing goes away. what is the muddy lake karasinskoye, but the approach there is generally extremely bad, there are two unique lakes, the air here is of course amazing, there are no enterprises even close here, one might say it is perfectly clean, where there is something interesting, i try to get there, my goal is to photograph, for example, or find an interesting story, along the way i come across something that is simply impossible to even imagine, i have known the forest since childhood. these forests, i know where, what, who you can meet, but there are, of course, routes, there are points, for example, one point where i take
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a rope with me, throw a thick branch onto an oak tree, climb onto this branch, a thick branch, i sit comfortably, i tie myself to a tree and sit and watch, here is a portrait of a wolf cub, that one is famous, and you generally come across roe deer, you can hang a couple there. that someone will come out then, i don’t know why, but for some reason the animals come out to me in the forest, the birds seem to be posing, i don’t know why, but it’s difficult to approach an animal, a bird, they are very cautious creatures, they are afraid of humans, you need patience, and of course know tents, now i can talk about it myself, this oak tree was shown to me... a former carpool driver, a local resident, nightingale, we decided to immediately measure it, it’s good that there was a string, and we used this cord
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they carefully grabbed it, it turns out that it is much thicker than the famous belovezhsky oak, here the belovezhsky oak is 60 meters in diameter, here it is 2.60 and the girth is 380 under 4 m, depending on what height, here was the family estate of these landowners who worked clay and these surroundings, here somewhere here is something if you look for something in their family, someone of course either planted it here or simply stored it, they tried to cut it down during the war, the germans couldn’t find anything, here’s such a wonderful celebrity, it turns out there is, grows in our... area, this is not in my village, this is in a neighboring village, called the village of glinna, in addition to huge oak trees, there
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are huge hornbeams growing in this park for a long time, this one, for example, is more than a meter long. diameters, you see what a huge hollow there is here, and you see, this hollow does not prevent it from living and holding on and being green to this day, imagine the power of life in these trees, in belarus the hornbeam spreads only in the southern part, these are mountainous carpathian plants, but we have real big ones hornbeam groves, maybe... they were even planted here, because the park was once cultural here, that is, the layout was cultural, you see, fruit, oaks, hornbeams, perhaps.
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of course, all this was planted, what memory remains for us from those times, from our great-grandfathers, and we have the pleasure of admiring this beauty, this power, while i am alive and healthy, as they say, while i have the opportunity to walk through the forests, as i i say, forest fornicator, while i am, while i am. we can say, inseparable, loving is one thing business, but to show people this beauty, to convey this life of the real forest, the truth of the forest, well , of course, this also requires a character trait, well, god gifted me this way and i am simply happy that i live such a life. all this is love for
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the homeland, the homeland is everything that is around us, we must live in it, we must not love it, treat it like a human being, but for me this is life, to show people, this is all so that they can see and understand in order to have a better attitude towards life in general, you will have a better attitude towards life, everything will happen.
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the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward. and your stomach sings from the heart, and there is a thirst for travel and adventure, on the way you like to eat somewhere, there is always food anywhere! belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine
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is a reflection of history. culture and character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and in polesie, we go on a journey, to create a gastronomic map of belarus, a dish that even a well-fed traveler will be happy to try in establishments around the world. worldly roast, the tenderness of a cooked duck. milk soup with a secret - the answer after a blind tasting. pork knuckle is an impeccable dish option. toy in chicken. she breaks the mold of belarusian cuisine. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself. we will show what is coming
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in the west and east, how they are preparing. predvinje and napolesie. i'm going on a journey to compile a gastronomic map of our country. and today i am at peace. from minsk to the world 100 km. this is not even a regional center, just a village, but the place is quite lively. the mir castle attracts tourists all year round. it's listed as a unesco world heritage site, so. this object is important not even on a republican, but on a planetary scale. it will take the average tourist about 4 hours to visit the world. he will spend 2 and a half exploring the castle itself, half an hour walking around the surrounding area and an hour exploring the city. but in vain, if you add to this the trip has a culinary touch; you can stay here for at least two days. and this time will not be wasted.


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