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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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doubts. the only thing that american politicians avoid talking about is whether the ukrainian package will be voted on together with the israeli package. the white house has so far carefully linked the appropriations decision. kiev was supposed to be given 60 billion. tel aviv only 14. apparently, although sentiments about the israeli package have changed, the disputes around the ukrainian one will continue to be fierce. the united states is hit by another wave of drug epidemic. why is it called ob'. in the open air, how cities turn into heroin ghettos, we'll tell you in clear policy, watch today after the panorama.
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a pedophile was detained in minsk; as an audit showed, a twenty-two-year-old boy had been corrupting his young neighbor in the building for several months; for silence , he gave the 11-year-old boy his bank card. the student's parents noticed his expensive purchases, suspected criminal activity and contacted the police. it was established that the detainee met an eleven-year-old schoolboy while living. in the same house with him. some time later, at the entrance , the defendant seduced a new acquaintance and for several months he committed sexual acts against him. menchanin gave the student his bank card and allowed him to pay with it. a criminal case has been opened for acts of a sexual nature against a minor. as the detainee himself admitted, this is not his only victim. he molested other boys from 11 to 18 years old. the police are now looking for victims. law enforcement officers continue
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to monitor the progress of the sowing campaign. the day before, in the stolptsovsky district, fighters against economic crimes received the director of an agricultural enterprise was detained for taking bribes. as it was established, from january to april the man received a monetary reward for a favorable solution to the purchase of mineral fertilizers and feed yeast. also, for the gratitude in the envelope, the director paid for the supply of goods in a timely manner. during further operational-search activities, employees.
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will go to the gomel regional executive committee for the reconstruction of the memorial complex to child victims of war. it is located in the zhlobin district. brest regional executive committee creation of a republican center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress. 30% of the proceeds will be used for the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes of places of military and military glory located in the regions of the country in the capital. next is sports news, we are on air at 13. calgary in the next match of the nhl regular season, which, by the way, is approaching its climax, beat arizona on its ice with a score of 6:5. the guests were the first to distinguish themselves, scoring twice almost at the very start the first period, and the belarusian legionnaire of arizona vladislav kolyachonok also took part in the second goal. even before the middle of this segment of the match, the hosts responded with two.
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after the first break , the visitors left with a 3:2 advantage. in the second twenty minutes , the score was equalized by goals, but the teams exchanged goals twice, one of which was scored... 2011, as part of toronto, he earned 58 points. there are only two matches left in calgory, the first with vancouver on wednesday night. arizona will end the championship with a fight against edmonton.
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on one of the march days of 1945 in the apartment of the first. secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus pantileimon panomarenko received a phone call late in the evening. the duty officer at the railway station called. a trainload of cows arrived from east prussia. according to documents, they are purebred. they are roaring, unfed, underfed, what to do? an emergency meeting of the central committee bureau was convened without delay at night. according to the resolution of the state defense committee of the ussr dated march 14, 1945 on the transfer of large trophy horses from the territory of germany and poland cattle in the bssr , the first batches
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of cattle began to arrive in the war-bled republic ahead of schedule. a non-standard decision was made to urgently raise the minsk region. organize the export of livestock to the regions and distribute it to the population, primarily to those with many children, widows, but with the condition that the first calf will be given to the collective farm. the belarusian leadership considered that this was the only correct decision. the nazis destroyed everything in the countryside; there are no farms or feed. the main task in the current situation is to way to preserve livestock. the republic essentially had to restore the livestock from scratch, but the kremlin thought otherwise, a tough conversation, beria’s accusation of squandering state property and stalin’s unexpected verdict. we did the right thing.
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the republic is committed to grazing trafeed cattle from ukhodnyaya prussia. more than 12 thousand gallons of bullion. stingray, 1200 lashadzi, 775 avets peradadzena saugasam republic, in the adapnasti with advanced caruncular organs of regulation, partly with their peradadzena shmatdzet families. we put it with nothing, it’s practically destroyed fully. the extraordinary state
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commission of the ussr found that property damage to the agriculture of the bssr alone amounted to more than 22 billion rubles. in prices of the forty- first year. 10,000 collective farms, 92 state farms, 316 machine and tractor stations, and 1,200 thousand rural buildings were destroyed. including 421,000 residential buildings of collective farmers. from a memorandum by the deputy people's commissar of agriculture of the bssr yaroslavtsev. the state of agriculture in the belarusian ussr. july 12, 1943. during the german occupation, collective farms were dispersed, funds production facilities were destroyed and plundered, mts was destroyed. the destruction of all types of livestock will complicate the process of restoring
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agricultural production. yaroslavtsev’s note noted something else. before the war, the structure of sown areas with a high saturation of industrial crops corresponded to the interests of the development of the national economy not only of the republic, but of the entire country. she helped. the central leadership, stalin personally , had a special attitude towards belarus, taking into account the heroic struggle of the belarusian people during the occupation republic, and the fact that on its territory and with the support of the population, the main battles for the final expulsion of the enemy took place. the union center provided great assistance in restoring the national economy after the liberation of the republic. a number of resolutions were adopted by the government of the soviet union to assist the republic in restoring
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its national economy. in particular, on december 27 , 1943, a government decree was adopted to provide assistance to the liberated areas of the republic of mogilev polesie gomel regions for the restoration agriculture. the adopted union documents outlined a program for restoring agriculture in the liberated areas of the republic. they were waiting for help in the republic, but they had to rely on their own strength. early spring morning an agronomist at a local state farm. approaching the field, i was confused by what i saw. in this area they should
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begin preparing for sowing, but now there were sappers here, and even with a dog, apparently a sapper dog. she was very eager to get involved. after some time, the agronomist could already observe their harmonious work. first, the dog found a mine and lay down next to it. put a peg and then followed the four-legged fighter. razmener, walking behind, immediately began working with the mine in order to disarm it later.
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the dog rushed forward, fast, confident work, and it soon sat down again near the next dangerous find. here, as throughout the vitebsk region, 221 operated
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. now for them, too, a new front was beginning, a labor one, one of the tasks was to participate in clearing mines in the fields, for the republic this was a disaster. the ground is literally full of shells. from a note from the polotsk regional council of the osso aviaakhim addressed to the military department of the regional party committee. april 1945. 21 minefields were discovered in the region. in the spring of 1945 , 1 million explosive devices were neutralized in the vitebsk region.
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the area of ​​mine fields is 15,943 square meters. another 298 minefields were subject to urgent demining, but unfortunately, sappers came across more and more mined areas. meanwhile, belarusian radio reported in april 1945. most of the mines have been cleared in vitevin 800 minefields.
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quite a lot, this is how the sowing season began on 1945, its implementation became a test of the most important task for the belarusian village. the government of the republic received telegrams from places with alarming content. almost no horses. there are about 3 million poods of grain available for the seva yarovs. minimum requirement. nine: no specialists, women, teenagers in the village, no equipment. when plowing cultivated areas, labor is mainly done by hand. before the spring sowing of 1945, collective farmers dug up more than 150,000 hectares of public land alone
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manually. in many places it was necessary to use cows. the peasants at 44. were already holding on to the plow, well, they plowed, sowed, well, they picked potatoes, well, everyone helped the herds, everyone helped one, the village wasn’t that big, but everyone helped, and the children all helped there, women were harnessed to the plok, teenagers, they made up the main workforce not only in the countryside, but also
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in all sectors of the national economy, where there was nothing, but only our hands. quality inspectors, and such messages in each room.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project. broadcast 24x7, watch everyone on our tv channel friday evening,
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the ground was plowed, but there was no planting material, no seeds. for grain crops, there are no seeds for vegetables, but they tried to solve the problem by all available means. from the memoirs of vasily sharapov, chairman of the minsk city executive committee from 1945 to the sixties. there was a particularly strong shortage of seed potatoes, so by decision of the city executive committee all canteens were ordered to collect potato peelings with eyes. the initiative of minsk residents was supported throughout the republic. by the sowing season of the forty-fifth of the soviet republics grain began to arrive from the union, the wagons
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arrived at the railway stations, and again there was a problem with delivery. they used all the possibilities, the remaining transport, horses, oxen, cows also became the draft force. collective farmers carried 7,000 pounds of grain on themselves over a distance of an average of 20 km, took care of every grain, and thus began the battle for the first post-war harvest. the secretary of the telekhansky district party committee petrov, the military commissar burekkin and the komsomol worker somarina,
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entering the house of the editorialist lydia ivanovna asiyuk to present a certificate of honor, saw an unusual picture. in the second half of the hut, in equipped esli, the hostess looked after the calf, trying to feed it from a bottle. “you look after him like a little child,” said the secretary of the district committee. “but of course, calves are children.” looking lovingly at her ward, the mistress answered. and then she told how, by selecting young animals from the best collective farm cows, they form the future herd and nurse the calves home. this was done in many farms of the republic, the most important thing was to restore
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a good milking herd, the second was feed, feed, there was enough feed, and they gave them potatoes, they gave them mixed feed, they gave them silage, the green mass started growing, and now the milk yield is high, what importance did they attach to the restoration of the livestock? the preservation of the cattle entering the republic in a memo by beria dated may 29, 1945, on the intensification of the activities of the regional army in the regions of poland bordering the belarusian ssr, top secret, to stalin malenkov. in connection with the attack of the akov gangs on the city of graevo in the augustow region on collective farmers accompanying herds of cattle to belarus, in in addition to the existing seven regiments of the nkvd troops , two additional regiments of the nkvd troops were sent to a separate motorized rifle regiment. special
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transport routes have been organized. and traffic control service. at each section of the highway there is a guard of 100 people, every 35-40 km there are armed road command posts, and 24-hour patrols are organized. it was necessary to restore the economy in an environment of constant threats; gangs of nationalists operated everywhere. we are talking about the polish regional army, about organizations. ukrainian nationalists, the ukrainian rebel army, acted in certain areas of the republic, the lithuanian and latvian forest brothers, who destabilized the internal political situation, methods of struggle beyond the border, the nationalists tried to hit the most vulnerable place of the liberated republic, to cause maximum harm to the national economy, especially the village. they didn't reject it. any methods,
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let’s say, even the most inhumane ones, we were talking about the destruction of crops, destruction livestock herd, attempts were made in every possible way to destabilize the situation, not only political, but also socio-economic, in order to cause discontent among the civilian population, terror, a proven method of fighting national formations, could not be ruled out. the group of the secretary of the telekhan district party committee was also attacked after returning; as reported in police reports , samarina, a komsomol worker, was wounded in a shootout with bandits. the victims of, say, terror by anti-soviet armed groups were not only representatives of the security block of the structures of the people's commissariat for state security of internal affairs, these were
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representatives of the party. the situation with personnel and specialists is simply dramatic. the re-evacuation from the eastern regions proceeded extremely slowly; they had their own tasks, and they were in no hurry to release agronomists, technicians, and tractor drivers.
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decisions were often made regarding everyone. at the level of regional committees and even the central committee. in march 1944, the secretary of the central committee of the communist parties of the republic avkhimovich, addressed to the central committee of the all-union communist party of belarus, noted: calls were sent through the regional committees of the all-union communist party of belarus and the land bodies with a request for secondment of specialists to our disposal. of the 850 people counted, only 246 arrived. it was especially bad. specialists are allowed in from the saratov region, where there are still 43 people, penza region - 26, gorky and chkalov region - 28 people. we ask you to instruct the regional party committees to expedite the sending of agricultural specialists to our disposal. but there were no complaints. people worked selflessly, hoping to revive the village and help the army. and
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country. the republic was raised by the heroism of the people. this is how kirill mazurov recalled this period: subsequently the first secretary of the central committee of the party of the republic. the leadership did everything to support the peasants in those difficult conditions. various measures: loans for farms, subsidies from the center, special attention to peasants in western belarus. during the war, the german occupiers took the land from the peasants, and even more so, polish estates appeared in that territory, which were also taken from the peasants, that is, after the liberation of the territory, including the western region, the peasantry remained, was actually landless, so the first the activities that were carried out in this region were the allocation of land.


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