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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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not common, in belarus there are probably about five of them, maybe 10; from year to year, the garad sports competition continues to draw strength to the finals. over the past few months, students from steel schools have demonstrated their skills. for the weekend competition, i will be watching at the stage of the 50th gymnasium of minsk.
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17 gadzin.
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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from places of events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar,
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up your satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero? natalia, why do you think? the children chose you to talk to, i hope i can answer their questions, perhaps share something, suggest some ways, in particular, to get into our most wonderful university. are you ready for children to sometimes ask awkward questions? of course, i'm a mother. promise to tell only the truth? i will try very hard. then good luck, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya. natalia, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you
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have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself time... hello, my name is natalya vladimirovna korchevskaya, i was born in minsk quite a long time ago, in 1972 , now i work as the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts and professor at the department of theory of art history of the same university. i am married, i have two children, they are already quite old, and i really love the place where i work, because i once came there myself for many, many years. i graduated back , in general, i received the best education, i hope that i have it all, i guess that’s all, you did it in one minute, great, and now questions from our audience, we have 100 participants in the studio, everyone has their own question, let's see how long you have time to answer, are you
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ready, yes, then let's begin, hello, my name is leo, what kind of family did you grow up in, how did your parents raise you, were you spoiled? well , bolling is probably not about our family, i grew up in the family of a teacher, an english teacher, and also a teacher, well , by and large, a coach in such a wonderful sport for which our country is famous for biathlon. papas, unfortunately, passed away quite a long time ago, well, in general, i’m glad that his life’s work is developing and is thriving because it was once one of those, for which it was as if he... was looking for a place to host the first biathlon world championship, which was held in the then belarusian ussr, in general, he found the famous raubichi, now raubich is celebrating its 50th anniversary, so it’s very nice that the place that used to be trees has now become such
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a truly leading sports complex, not only in our country, but far beyond its borders, to pamper in general there was no time, because in my time children studied... teachers worked 6 days a week, respectively, mom worked, and dad was busy with training camps and competitions, so my brother and i had no time for that by this time. by the time my parents came home from work, if dad was there, it was necessary to clean the apartment, but of course we indulged, we went to the movies, well, if that’s considered pampering, but we all knew that we had responsibilities and it wasn’t a matter of pampering, what you were like a teenager in adolescence, for many this is a difficult period, well, i don’t think that i was a difficult teenager, because in adolescence at age i was even busier than as a child, so i think this was quite convenient... for my parents, i came home on time after rehearsal, did my homework,
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well, everything went to bed and went to school, then again to rehearsal and so on further and so on, so i was a decent teenager. natalie, you will have to turn 180°. red sector, how did you study at school? were you an excellent student? i was almost an excellent student, but all the time i was missing something. as a result, i graduated from school with a silver medal. but really, really i wasn’t a straight a student, for example, i once had a b in drawing, somehow i didn’t have enough patience to draw something, so i know, i’m not exactly a straight a student, but i always studied well i'm an excellent student at the university, do you think you have an excellent student complex in your life? i think there is, i don't know if it's good or not, sometimes it's enough. it’s difficult, but this desire to do everything exclusively with the highest score is
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probably such a hyper-responsibility. you studied at the institute of culture, now you work as a rector, how has education changed during this time? the material and technical base, for example, changed significantly, yes, and if we studied here, for example, there were very few ballet halls, students’ physical education took place in such a small... room, or something, that the university had at that time, now these are wonderful conditions for getting an education, in some ways education has become more standardized and in some ways when we were studying, you know, we didn’t have that wide access, like today's students, to the best venues in our country, i mean concert and television venues, and our guys work as assistant directors. already in the process of studying, this practice-orientation, it has increased significantly compared to the
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time when i was studying, again, when we graduated from the university, we honestly didn’t really know whether our country would need us, now everyone seems to know , that they are needed, and the guys are needed from the first year already and many know, having studied in the early course, where they will work, how they plan the trajectory of their career, see themselves years from now... so that, well, as i already said, to do something at the maximum level, but
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tell us about your career growth at the university, why did it all begin? it all started with the fact that 35 years ago you entered there, you entered, a little by accident, you studied, you studied well, i already said that at the university i was a straight a student, i don’t have a single b in my transcript, i graduated. i was offered, then, to stay and study at graduate school, i stayed, then i became a teacher, then a senior teacher, then i defended my dissertation, received the title and position of associate professor, and then i was offered to head the dean’s office, the faculty, and i was the dean for some time, then the first rector, then for some time i went to the body state...
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and there are young people there all the time, who are renewed every four, before 5 years, and you, next to them, must also somehow correspond to all this, it’s very interesting, we have 3,000 students -
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yes, well, that is, you can dance enough long, but still the limit comes, by this time experience comes, you can teach someone how to do it better, or create conditions for the same guys who learn not only from choreography, so that they build their overall life associated with this art, so i don’t regret it, but this is the type of art that still remains in you, it allows you to maintain your health longer, something like that. a theater where you can , relatively speaking, play different roles until you are 100 years old, after all, choreography is the art of the young, i know that you used to work, well
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, teach at the institute of cultures, but tell me, you were a strict teacher, but it seems to me that you were not? well, like students - they joked, this is natalya vladimirovna’s favorite phrase, good, well done, but so far two, in fact , i rarely put two, well, after all , studying at a higher educational institution is different from studying at school, but there are sessions for which a student must prepare, thank god, i didn’t have, so i did eight graduations as a teacher, there was no such thing that for... exams, for shows, which take place every six months, someone was not prepared, and i was forced to give an unsatisfactory grade to enroll the person, fortunately, everything was fine with us, i hope, but was there such a thing that you did not allow students to take exams or sent them to retake? well, it happened three times in my life with three people, i still remember it,
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it was the first time my first students, yes it happened. did you allow me to write off a student? won't you write to us? i have a discipline that you can’t write off, you have to create it, we have to create it every time something new, but please, if you want to copy it, if you can. the red sector is to the right. hello, i’m masha, and how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me, solely by appearance, because well, at home i don’t wear... a different suit, well, a tracksuit, but i don’t think that i’m some radically different person, well, of course i don’t sign documents at home or something else, but i don’t know how i don’t turn from some grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty
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everywhere, i’m kidding, i’m not really the same, but at home you also command like a... i don’t command much at the university either, i somehow ask people or convince them to do something, so the house, it seems to me, is not about teams at all, at home people live for so that they feel good, so at home at work i’m also not very commanding, it seems to me that you are a strict mother, yes, i am a very loving mother, but strict, i ’ll give you an example when... the boys and i, with ours, well, the whole family was returning from vacation, on the way there was one child, probably 12 years old, who somehow behaved not very well all the time, and my there listened, listened to all this, he behaved very ugly towards his mother, towards his aunt, well, from the point of view of our family, then my eldest son turned to his youngest
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son, they are 9 years apart, looked at him and said this if it were fedya, you and i would already be corpses, well, i don’t beat them, naturally, but they know unacceptable things, you can’t shout at adults, that is, you can always calmly decide something, so in some places i’m very strict, but do your children also study at your university? no, my eldest my son works, he graduated from another educational institution, also a creative one, he has already worked his assignment for a long time, and the youngest son studies at the same educational institution where i once studied a little. unfortunately, i didn’t finish, but somehow he is more successful, he studies at the belarusian state choreographic gymnasium, college, hello, my name is ksyusha, are you lucky? yes, i'm lucky in love, however, it didn't work out the first time, unfortunately, i, of course, would like it to work out right away the first time, but we have been happily
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living with our family for more than 20 years, how do you feel about divorces, this is an interesting question, i am divorced, my first marriage ended in failure, i treat it like... do you know what? sometimes this is inevitable, but this is quite a big drama for all participants in this process, so i, of course, wish you all that you find your love the first time and for the rest of your life, perhaps this is a utopia, but i believe that for someone lucky as i hope my husband is, do you believe in love at first sight? i i believe in sympathy at first sight, but in love at first sight, well , it’s hard for me to believe, because love is such a very
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multifaceted feeling, which is not only about passion, so i believe in sympathy, how did you meet your husband, i taught him, he was the head of the group in which i, as a young teacher, led a group of dance directors in staging dance performances, so when... questions arise, he says, the question is not for me, i had a good teacher, so everything is fine there with classic the decision of those performances that he did, that’s why we also met at the university, it’s such a difficult story, but it ended very happily for us and continues and ended, i hope.
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you are a public person, how do you choose? my wardrobe: i come to the store to begin with, i buy things, i mostly buy belarusian things, that’s all that i’m wearing, in fact everything, the belarusian conclusion is probably shoes, although shoes too, then because it’s appropriate at the moment, i and i choose things for myself for the occasion that it’s suitable, i also sew some things for myself from belarusian, naturally, masters, has your style changed? when did you become rector? yes, i didn’t wear makeup before, well, no, no, i didn’t use makeup off stage, now i have
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to improve myself a little bit, and now there are more formal costumes, because when you work as a teacher of different choreographic disciplines, yes, you can come, relatively speaking, in balloon pants, and then in a leotard, well, i mean a gymnastic one, in order to show something. student, the rector is no longer having so much fun with this, so depending on the appropriateness of a particular event, i choose what i need to wear. what is it like to be a woman leader? well, you see, i don’t really understand the difference between a woman leader and a male leader, but i have men under my command, including my deputies, and not only.
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understand the limits of their capabilities and their responsibilities, so many of them taught me how i can, well, sort of fit in from above, as they say in directing, so i respect them i relate to everyone, but if someone commits some things like being late, if it’s a one-time thing, well, god, anything can happen to him, but if students suffer from this, but we are forced to take all kinds of measures, but fortunately this is the case.. it doesn’t happen often, so it’s not a relationship, you know, there’s some boss who, we’re all colleagues, we’re all doing a common job, and somewhere i
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told you that i work as a professor in the department. i come there and there is the head of the department, who seems to be my subordinate, but in general this is my boss, within the framework of this department, so you need to do what the professor of this department must do, well, somehow everything is so complicated, it seems to me that your work is very nervous, how do you relieve stress, the work is nervous, i can read, sit, well, when... it’s really hard, you need to add physical activity, you just stand and squat 100 times, so these are very standard techniques, switching attention, first of all it’s physical activity, take a walk somewhere, somehow everything is very simple, the yellow sector to the right of you, natalya, a show business star is studying at your university, and you give them concessions on exams, well, first of all, i don’t take
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their exams, they... their teachers take exams, and, as far as i know, there are no concessions they don’t have any, the only concessions are that if, for example, they have some kind of concert where they are busy, it’s important, yes, they may receive a letter asking them to reschedule their exam, then the teacher agrees to meet them halfway, and there, let's say they take this exam not today, but tomorrow, but you understand how, show business stars still have to... get a state diploma and fulfill the state standard, so everyone learns something in the same way, perhaps this image of a media beautiful person works for some of the teachers, who can do something additionally, but not for everyone, it seems to me that sometimes it is even more difficult for them, because someone asks them especially meticulously, but so far they have not complained, while all the show stars
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of show business successfully pass the exams, successfully studies. continue the sentence: the belarusian state university of culture and art is a place where culture lives. nowadays bguki are called the word kulek, but what were the different names called in your student years? but it seems to me that now they don’t call it the word bag. i am often asked how we feel about this? to be honest, we are quite nervous, you know, you can translate kulek there from... i don’t really like anglicisms, but nevertheless, yes from the word kul, it’s cool and so on and so forth, but i once answered, someone said: “one of our employees said about us: you answered perfectly, we will wrap many more in this bag, because, well, i don’t like, of course, when people speak disparagingly, but sometimes, well it’s just a name, so as not to talk for a long, long, long time, but we don’t like it, honestly, tell me”? but can
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a person with a dark soul, in your opinion, be cultured? it can be - suffixes sometimes mean cultured, so you understand the difference between pure and clean, but a person with a callous soul can be cultured, then outwardly he will be very polite, very like that, but culture is generally cultivation and the desire to give, and give. your time, your soul and so on, if you have the guts to give away, nothing is plucked from there, so by and large i think no, but what is generally considered a cultured person for you, what kind of person is a person who respects those around him , respects his country, respects his family, respects, well, the world, yes, in which he lives , strives to make it better, because i already
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said, first...
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i wanted to be once at any stage, i would n’t tell you that i would like to be a rector there or something else, i just wanted to do well, it so happened that, well, they probably noticed some of my abilities. opportunities and thank you very much for noticing, what do you have to give up for the sake of work? well, from additional rest, from reading more fiction, because i’m forced to read mostly dissertations, some of my own and not my graduate students’, but from some kind of, probably, doing nothing, that’s just so idle. from unnecessary communication, well, although it is never superfluous with your own children, well, some things related to time, that is, if you could compress time, of course you could get more done, but i try to keep up, how
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do you manage to combine work and personal life? well, you just take it and combine it, well, what does personal life mean, i go to... work, my husband goes to work, my husband also works at the same job that i have, only in a different position, there i sometimes can watch a play that is prepared his students, the youngest son leaves for study at 8:30 and returns very late, because he also has rehearsals, then there may be a performance, and so on and so forth, we all come together at dinner and talk about what if we can still do this?
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this is an additional reason to see each other, so well, it somehow happens so naturally, not artificially, then the black sector, to your right, natalya, i think that you know the concept in creativity, taste, so, do you think that you have good taste or not, i was once told that or i read somewhere i don’t remember that taste is an opportunity to choose, not just to find one thing, yes, but to choose from a wide variety of things that... i hope that my taste is good, but it depends on observation, well, well something?
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they say that an artist must be hungry, but what do you think? i am against satiety, and also against the artist... in the broad sense of the word, not paying, because we always told our children, well, in the sense of our students , well, you come here, get a profession, it’s exactly the same job, yes she connected with creativity, there with the muse, if she comes or doesn’t come, but this is your job, you must be able to earn a living from it, and feed your children, so of course i am against people wasting something there for free. were doing something, but unfortunately, he’s just a really hungry artist, he won’t dance anything there either, for example, he’ll faint there, that’s it, i think that a person should have a decent standard of living,
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sufficient, yes, decent, but it’s even worse when satiety sets in, when there’s everything, and you’re already starting to get mad, in an artistic sense, but without difficulty, even a super talented person, absolutely amazing, nothing will work out, but you have talent, what do you think? yeah, i do, i have human talents, i don’t think i’m super-duper talented in terms of...
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please, i have a question, what is the most uncultured thing you’ve ever done, downright uncultured. now i have to think, i , unfortunately, allow myself to use obscene language, probably, yes, but so, well, i try, i don’t know, not to throw away papers, with this, by the way, it’s also interesting, there are also differences in cultures, when you come to china, this is an amazing country, an amazing nation and so on, i remember that my colleague was looking for a place to throw away a chewing gum wrapper, and there is no trash can anywhere, i
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say, in my opinion, they everyone throws it here, she doesn’t, we came from belarus, we’ll now find a trash can, so we’ll throw it away, i can’t throw this candy wrapper like that, in general, we found this trash can, threw it away, then at the hotel we see, in general, an amazing hotel, five-star hotel, everything is clean, clean, clean, and there is a person there, which means he smokes right there throws it, which means the cigarette is right on the floor, the person who cleans up immediately comes up, but there are just a lot of them, everyone needs to be provided with work, here they are, some litter, others clean up, but they are very clean, uh, but we’re not so-so we can afford it, there aren’t very many of us, so we need to take care of everything we have, and well, we don’t need to be similar in this sense, but this is also a difference in culture.
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you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they... it’s somehow uncomfortable, monastic life, it’s not
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simply, this is a struggle, this is conveying, god is with every heart on the same mountain, he says, every person, here he is, is an individual, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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i am belarusian, i am happy with this cossack land. between the forests and pushchas of the past centuries, i am belarus, i am glad that i have this name, and the good glory of belarus is known to everyone, i am belarus, and i am happy that mother gave me, that native songs i smell the fresh air and feel it close and from now on, i am belarusian, and even today i am a mava, but i will say, i come from the tribe of the submissive and i will not tremble in front of the bully.
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do you think your children are proud of you? i think yes. my children really want me to be a doctor of science, in this i’m letting them down, for now, if they told you that a woman cannot be a leader, what would you answer, let’s check, a woman cannot be a leader, let’s look at you, everything is in your hands, it seems to me, girl, there are a lot of good examples, one of them is beautiful in front of you. how do you feel about modern youth? with love, i relate to modern youth, i understand that it depends on you, in general, how my old age will pass, and not only mine, therefore, honestly, i don’t like phrases about how bad
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young people are, they said the same thing about us, the same thing before us they said the same thing about our parents, i understand that you are all very different, i’m not... well, i’m not generalizing anyone, i’m not saying that there is some kind of generation there, they’re all very different, but really with great love i have hope for you. what do you think is the best way to instill patriotism in young people? well listen, what are you talking about, you need to educate yourself, your parents love you, well, yes, well, you live in this country, right? you love the place where you live, i don’t know, your home, and it’s clear that maybe you would like it to be a little better, yes, perhaps, perhaps everything suits you, it seems to me, i say all the time, that education doesn’t mean sitting down at a desk, so let’s hear about everything about how
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you need to love, you should just, well, i understand for myself that this is the best place for me, for me, my country is the most...
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they get worse when you have your own children, now it seems to you that in general everything is fine when you, i just remember there, now let’s move on from global topics with a simple example, when you climb fences in as a child, you don’t even understand why your parents worry there, yes, when you have your own child , your heart skips a beat if he does something there, so of course these are the things that are basic, and well, i thought that i already more...
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because the number of those people who came from different countries, very highly developed, to study in the republic of belarus, it increases every year, there are a lot of them, subsequently these people find work at our university, well, it so happens that there are a lot of students from the people's republic of china, well, you you know that china, i already said here, it’s a very highly developed country, believe me, the chinese can afford to choose education in any other country in the world, but nevertheless they come, and the most pleasant thing is when you come on a business trip, and they from different
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provinces of china, this is a large country, in general, and the flight is quite long, your graduates arrive, and in order to say thank you, or show something, or something else, to discuss some joint projects, therefore, from this point of view, well, i see how many foreigners are not only in our university, but in others. everyone knows how to count money, they study not for free, they spend it so that later they receive a decent level of wages in their country, or stay in ours, depending on who it is, so we work so that so that our level of education is valued everywhere. there is an opinion that poor students achieve greater success, but do you agree with this? well, i didn’t see very successful poor students, among those people who, perhaps, they exist, but i didn’t
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see them, among, say, my classmates who graduated, i was not the only medalist, we had 11 people in the class who graduated with a medal, those fairly successful people, for example, yes, those people who occupy, for example, high positions in our country, well, none of them were bad students, if not diploma holders. and excellent students, there are also a lot of them, then people studied quite well, so i don’t know where this myth comes from regarding the fact that students with poor and bad students achieve success, maybe, you know, due to this adventurism, perhaps some kind of here in some areas this may be good, but there are areas where you won’t achieve anything simply by being a poor or a c student, these are... some kind of technological processes and so on. is it true that student years are the most memorable?
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true, that’s why i recommend everyone to study full-time. and well, i’m very glad that i completed 5 years of full -time education, because in the process of studying at a university, you not only gain knowledge, but also form connections. and connections are not in the bad sense of the word. in a good way, yes, especially since we have such an industrial university, in fact, most of those who work in culture graduated from our university at some point in different years, and this is very important when, for example, the director knows the artist, the artist knows a choreographer, someone there, yes, these are not questions of personal relationships, these are questions of developing some kind of cooperative models that are then feasible in the production of a product, such a creative one. there are student teams that exist, our students too, they then remember how they went, for example, to the camp as counselors
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and what they did there, so i think that yes, firstly, you are young, you are healthy, you have everything ahead, you don’t have a burden of disappointments there, it seems that everything can be fixed, so it seems to me, yes, this is the most good time, please tell me one of the most unusual incidents from your student days, a funny incident, i’ll tell you, but i told you that my dad was a coach, and a ballet coach, well, i mean, choreographers are all obsessed with being thin, well, because boys need to lift girls up and so on, and i took it from my dad, then it was not possible to find all the equipment that could be some kind of padded trousers, so that means sweating and losing weight in general and everything else, then i brought it to someone else... then these bolognese pants, and my... student fits to me with absolutely serious knowledge, it’s very easy to deceive me, i’m very trusting, she comes up and says: natasha, i say that
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in such a tragic voice, they told everyone who studies in bologna... to go to the department, i’m terrified, well because for us, now our students go to the department, to the dean’s office, almost to the rector’s office, well, it’s like home, in our time it was, so you were called to the department, i say what happened, i think, that in general everything, now they will do something to us, and he was like, well, they told everyone who in bologna he is studying to come to the department, i say that he will, he says, well , they will give us skis, well, like this... it was funny to me then, so he split us, well, they didn’t give us skis and no one called us anywhere, so we lost weight and so. we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves
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today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but this time... it’s easy to get lost. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy. there should be a stalk, green, not shriveled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. i can't wait to start cooking. sounds absolutely amazing. let's figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. don’t forget about invigorating exercises, i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front back surface of the thigh, first we’ll stretch the front surface of the thigh, now it’s time to walk, run with a full charge strength to meet this day, watch
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the champion's breakfast project on the belarus 24 tv channel . the next question is from the purple sector to your left: do you think higher education is compulsory in the modern world? absolutely, but i am generally in favor of having a fairly high level of education, there is such a so -called human development index, and the more educated the environment, the more highly developed the state. there are products that can only be produced, in the broad sense of the word, by people with higher education, it organizes, well, the brain, so for some positions, well , not necessarily, you can earn money for others, if a person has a talent, well, i don’t know, for welding, relatively speaking, then maybe he doesn’t need a higher education, he’s happy with it , he brings value there and loves his job,
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so why should he get an additional one. well, if he doesn’t want to do it himself, yes, but if you interact there with people or create some kind of creative products, it’s a must in my opinion. do you think artificial intelligence could replace creativity in the future? profession? i really hope not, because all the same, artificial intelligence is based on some indicators, but for a person, well, for a person himself, it will still produce something that is not original.
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what works best in any case, what you like, because well, also the same old saying, find yourself a job that you love, you will never work a day, you will... well, enjoy what you do, maybe you should listen to your parents, but unfortunately, parents are not always right, because they are very often our parents already come and say, well, or they came, we don’t want, we want the child to go in, the child himself directly wants, so he wants to study there, for example , theater and there have been cases when the parents forbade, then the child came anyway, even after graduating from another higher education... having received a different education, he came and understood that it was his, because there is nothing more difficult than doing a job that you don’t like, you have to listen to what’s
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what do you have any inclinations and what would you do? wanted to study? unfortunately, you may end up with a not very successful teacher or somehow your relationship with classmates will not work out, and the person may leave, so... well, i see my task as being to keep the number of these cases as small as possible, but they will still inevitably be, unfortunately, someone is wrong, so think very carefully what you want, what you want to do, the next question, to your right, the black sector, in what is the most interesting place you have ever danced , and this is the most interesting place, but for me... when i was 15 years old, we went on tour - to vladivostok, and there was this aircraft-carrying cruiser minsk, then it was called, then, unfortunately, after the collapse of the soviet union it was sold in china
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as a park, this a huge ship on which there were planes with vertical take-off and so on and so forth, on the deck and on the lower and upper decks of this ship we had a concert, but this itself... an unusual place in the pacific ocean, well, next to the dock . when was the last time you danced? in preparation for the new year's republican ball, our university is involved, so i also help there as a choreographer, so at the end of december, let's dance, come on, it's great, but just all together, well, let's become. this is not dancing, these are exercises, and that only i dance, and this is called, that’s how i didn’t dance,
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of course, we would like to. even better than we can, but on the phone, have an attractive hand, in front of those, we hand over at our reflections, applause, how great it is, thank you, this signal...
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here is our promotional product, in case you want become our student, and you will already have our cup, our lightshot, and everything in general, come guys, thank you very much and don’t be afraid to be leaders, it’s not scary. natalya, and now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. and i actually have two of them. first question. would you like to be in this chair in a few years ? having found yourself in it, what question would you not like to hear addressed to you? of course i would like
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to be in this chair, because if you find yourself in this chair, of course it’s famous person, what is the most difficult question that you would not like to get, it is probably something from your personal life, or for example, the most... he looks at a person , compares how much he dresses, how much he costs, and i i think that salary is a question that is, well, undesirable, hello, yes, i would like to be in this chair someday, because it means that you have become some kind of successful person, and many are interested in just hearing the answers to all sorts of questions, and how you share experiences, well i probably wouldn’t name any awkward question that would be for me right now, thank you.
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raise your hands, there is one person, i believe that she understands that we are still children, and she decides to keep silent about some things, i will not give examples, honestly speaking, there is some truth in this, well, there is still some truth with you won’t discuss things with minor children and load them with information that an adult can understand.
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vladimirovna, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum it up the conversation that took place. and in art it is very important, this feeling of partnership, and i would like to wish all our children that they always understand that in the big sense of the word we are all a big, big team, even if we may not know each other, but someday we will know , we all have to do it together, well, the truth is that our life is better, the life of our country is better. rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts natalya korchevskaya is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. see you in a week. watch in the next issue.


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